As more information becomes available, I will update this post:
“The attacker, who was believed to have been armed with a knife, was shot and injured by police in a brief standoff after fleeing the scene on foot.
His motives are unclear, but terrorism is not suspected and he is thought to have acted alone, police say. …
In Heidelberg the attacker drove what is thought to be a rental car that he probably rented from this link, into pedestrians in one of the city’s central squares, injuring three people, one of whom is said to be in a serious condition.
He then left the car but was tracked down and shot by police near an old swimming pool. …”
It is hard to imagine this being anything other than an Islamic terrorist attack, but we shall see. We have been surprised a few times in the past.
The German cops are practiced liars at this point.
Thanks Angela….another attack on innocent white people caused by your negligence.
Every time a muzzie strike all you see paramilitary standing around at the bloody scene.
Good job if you can get it.
What do you mean..
Being a cop.
Yes, standing around and doing NOTHING.
Attack of Heidelberg vedio >>>>>
Let me guess, the driver was named Mohammed and he was a victim of Self Radicalization Syndrome, which was caused by the German public failing to make him feel welcome. See how it’s always Whitey’s fault, goyim?
He couldn’t get any blondies to fuck him. So he killed everyone.
Ha-Ha-Ha, enjoy your “new normal”, goyim!
hahaha TGN strikes again
stop combine weed + alcohol + internet dude
Dude don’t call i,greenie, Dude.
M out cya OD
What happend at SG?
Good question. Looks to me like an inside job?
All of us Disqus moderators ( as opposed to channel moderators ) are insiders .
We are back in control i removed the ban on the handles and took “Morgoth” AKA Daisy off the mod.
– Our future depends on it!
That’s what I thought, I left that mess for you, I wanted to delete it all.
Kinda stupid, it should of attacked prime time.
See ya at SG.
your channel closes soon, this was just a foretaste
Nice post.
Its like a broken record, motive unclear but terrorism quickly ruled out. He’s mentally disturbed no doubt.
Jews make the mess everyplace with their hate of the white race.
Glad to see people finally waking up to these jews.
Muslims attack civilians bystandards but never corrupt politicians sponsors and fund war in the middle east.
Who needs firearms when you can use motor vehicles?
Highway to hell corrupt politicians are putting society through.Expand the war in the middle east and Africa,think of millions and millions of muslims communities in westerners and their relatives and town been carpet bombs.Retaliation would by ten fold.poison city water,etc.
The media says the suspect is a German national but they still haven’t released his name.
Here is his picture and the nonsense media
Bullshit https://www.thelocal.de/20170227/police-earn-praise-for-taking-on-trolls-after-heidelberg-car-attack?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
And police reaction (read last paragraph at least).
least read the last paragraph . For the police department in
Mannheim, it was not only a large-scale operation in Heidelberg, but
also online in the social media on Saturday. Directly after the press
office had shared first information on the amok
trip on “Facebook” and “Twitter” at 6:18 pm, it was overwhelmed with
inquiries from home and abroad. While many users thanked the police for
the good work, other rumors were rumored or insulted the police. So
until late in the night the accusation was loud, the police suppressed
information on the origin of the amok driver – or even spread
deliberately false alarms.
But the press team of the
police did not simply repudiate the allegations, but responded to many
users directly – in some cases with drastic words – via the short
message service “Twitter”. So a “Twitterer”, who in a confused message
with many expressive expressions – still in English – claimed to know
that the driver was a Muslim got this answer: “WTF are you talking
about?”. In English: “What the hell are you talking about?”
person insulted the police directly: “What is the culprit of the
offender, what is the origin of the offender, tell the whole truth or
keep your mouth.” The police remained cool and said, “Have forgotten or
never enjoyed a good nursery school, all at the time, when the
investigations are so far.”
Even after the police
had informed at 21.25 hours that the amok driver was a 35-year-old
German, the speculation about the origin of the perpetrator went on. And
so the press team postponed a very unequivocal posting three-and-a-half
hours later: “And now again for all: suspect: German WITHOUT migration
How much the confidence of some people
in public authorities like the police was destroyed, showed itself in
the course of the evening impressively. A “Twitterer” who had written
“he knew from friends with the police” that the offender was a refugee,
the police replied: “No, he is not.” But that did not stop the user, he
wrote: “Trust my sources more. As a normal citizen in Germany is
officially only in any case only ripped.”
Mannheim police are now investigating whether they can go against some
of the offensive or harsh contributions to “Twitter”. “We will look at
individual reports and evaluate them according to their criminal
content,” said police officer Norbert Schätzle on Sunday.
And Frau Merkel wants even more. Germany needs to go the Spanish route: civil war followed by a military junta that rules for a few decades followed by a restored Hohenzollern Emperor who then returns the country to representative government.