Many years ago, I thought it was strange when I was first exposed to the idea that Jews were having a massive distorting impact on our culture and politics:
“While supporters of Donald Trump sport red baseball hats with the promise to “Make America Great Again,” Trump’s opponents have their own signature piece of headwear: the pink pussyhat. The hand-knit hat with cat ears designed by Jayna Zweiman, 38, and her friend Krista Suh has become a recognized symbol of dissent. It is also, according to Zweiman, her personal act of tikkun olam.
All four of Zweiman’s grandparents emigrated from Eastern Europe and while they made every attempt to assimilate, they told their granddaughter about what they endured. Zweiman’s grandfather had to wait eight years for a visa. Her grandmother, a refugee after World War I, subsisted for several months on potatoes.
“I know so many families have these same stories,” Zweiman told me. “It’s just proof that people deserve dignity, respect and safety. That’s the American dream and it has always been a big part of my life.” …”
I don’t think that way anymore.
Of course the Pussyhat is Jewish. It would actually be more surprising if it wasn’t Jewish. Jewish women have always been the vanguard of the feminist movement.
Note: They boast about the Jewish role in feminism on their own websites.
For these people, America® begins with Ellis Island, in the late Nineteenth Century.
“Her grandmother, a refugee after World War I, subsisted for several months on potatoes.”
Taters and beans are what most folks got by on for years, not months. And it was good fortune to have some cornbread and a little fatback to go with it.
Sounds like what most Rebel soldiers lived on during the War Between the States.
They got by on “Cush.”
Here’s the recipe:
Confederate Cush: FRESH
Salt pork
Salt pork grease
Cut up salt pork into small chunks and fry it in a canteen half, frypan or tin-can.
Remove any excess grease.
Keep enough pork grease in the pan to fry the cornbread batter to be placed on top. Cornbread batter-
Mix up cornbread batter and place it over the cooked salt pork in the pan.
Continue to cook until the cornbread is cooked. (Stirring occasionally to keep from burning on the bottom.)
End result – depending on desired consistency – should resemble hash or soup.
If you have plenty of milk to go with, potatoes are virtually all you need
You can easily live on potatoes and be healthy. Spudfit, a guy on YouTube, just did a year eating nothing but and his health improved dramatically.
At least MAGA hat is practical and looks conventional , it is essentially just a baseball hat, but this pink crap…who is going to wear it every day…
Crazy old Yankee ladies and their Jewish coffee klatsch friends.
Excuse me. Idiotic females allover are doing this.
I said Yankee ladies. I didn’t say Northern ladies. Hillary Clinton is a museum specimen. As professor Wilson, said.
Alright then….
Funny thing, feminists are anything but feminine. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e3d7e48eb1a0ee9c85cc15b301a6966c15e9f9c5d90fa2b1f9f2aa53635b08b5.jpg
Limbaugh said that back in the early Nineties.
That’s because Jews invert and destroy everything that is healthy, normal and sane. They are LITERAL demons.
Umm….thanks for that one……you’ve put me off my lunch!
Free abortion? As if anyone would want to get that pregnant…
The Jews are always trying to claim everything as their own
Except Communism
Its funny I forgot that one. Your right!
The One Drop Rule of History:
If a single Jew had anything to do with (positive event X) then Jews must receive full credit for X. They participated in it, yay!
If a single Black had anything to do with (positive event X) then Blacks must receive full credit for X. They participated in it, yay!
If a single White had anything to do with (negative event Y) then Whites must shoulder eternal blame for Y. Oh those wicked Whites!
They are losing control fast.
Well said. The Yewish police were questioning Bibi and our President interrupted the interrogation with a phone call. Netanyahu’s corruption investigation questioning was immediately stopped so he could talked to the American President. Hatred of our southern heritage is growing and my country’s love of O’Israel is growing stronger and stronger. Israel just banned the boycotters and its the new moral shalom loving high ground.
It has peaked, it all goes down here for them, the neo con/cucks are aging out and more and more can see what Buncancan tried to warn us about.
More so, the right is free of the Israeli cucks, more and more are asking, why are they so involved in our the GOP, our election, our foreign policy.
They can only operated under total ignorance of/from the population/party mid groups, when they are exposed they lie, deny, attack which only exposes themselves as the traitors they are (think what Kristol has been doing/saying) to more and more people.
Its a ratchet effect and it is only getting to get worse for them. They can not justify their stances to the GOP base that has failed them at every tern (pointless wars, mass immigration/open borders, “free trade”, cucking and compromise with the left). They are a group who`s time is long ended, about to the coming eternal night, they have earned this.
The only reason the left was able to score as much damage as they have is only because they have had a right that was controlled opposition , take that away and they will not be able to compete, take away the media, they are blind, take away mass immigration (legal or other wise) and open borders? They are done importing useful idiots, take away education and they can not poison the minds of the youth.
Trump? He is only the beginning, future leaders at taking note, and seeing his game plan clearly works, and they too want victory and will use his tactics, now we just have to hold him to the flame to ensure he follows us, not the other way around.
After him, maybe Eric or Jr, after that? I can only hope real Alt Rights take office…
If we act now, and act boldy the future will belong to us.
Why do people ask me “why” I loathe Hebes, and say I’m too hard-core, and “it’s not all of them”?
It’s all of them. NOTHING I’ve ever, EVER said is worse than the truth about JEWS/
I cosign this.
They are going for Chinese now, which means they are likely set to abandon the West eventually.
My uncle is a grocer in Taiwan, and he said recently that every other day one of them is in his store. I thought maybe it was because he couldn’t tell whites apart and just called whites Jewish but nope, he described (((their))) look down to a T.
If they think they will ever be accepted in Asia, they are mistaken. The Chinese are well-aware of who destroyed American culture.
Also they have a very distinct smell from whites for those living in East Asia.
Everyday a new proof comes to light that proves my first assertion about the (((controllers))) right all along
It’s a testament to the stupidity and naïveté of the American people that there’s no anti-semitism in this country.
You do NOT know what you are talking about..Have you ever even BEEN to the States?
I was born in America and lived here my whole life. The only anti-semitism here is online and that doesn’t count.
Feminism is Jewish, The Daily Stormer, May 24, 2015.
Feminism is an entirely Jewish invention. Or rather, it was the Jews who took already out of control women and pressed them into destroying civilization completely.
Wikipedia offers us this list of Jewish feminists.
Bella Abzug
Kathy Acker
Rachel Adler
Larisa Alexandrovna
Gloria Allred
Shulamit Aloni
Rebecca Alpert
Pauline Bebe
Mayim Bialik
Malke Bina
Hanne Blank
Lisa Bloom
Judy Blume
Daniel Boyarin
Susan Brownmiller
Judith Butler
Aviva Cantor
Naomi Chazan
Judy Chicago
Ruth Dreifuss
Hedwig Dohm
Andrea Dworkin
Eve Ensler
Amy Eilberg
Jane Evans
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Susan Estrich
Susan Faludi
Merle Feld
Shulamith Firestone
Betty Friedan
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ilana Gliechbloom
Emma Goldman
Elyse Goldstein
Lynn Gottlieb
Blu Greenberg
Tina Grimberg
Charlotte Haldane
Nina Hartley
Tova Hartman
Judith Hauptman
Dorothy Ray Healey
Susannah Heschel
Anat Hoffman
Brenda Howard
Sara Hurwitz
Paula Hyman
Elfriede Jelinek
Erica Jong
Elana Kagan
Roberta Kalechofsky
Michael Kimmel
Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner
Naomi Klein
Gilah Kletenik
Edith Konecky
Barbara Kruger
Anna Kuliscioff
Michele Landsberg
Paulina Lebl-Albala
Lori Hope Lefkovitz
Gerda Lerner
Amy-Jill Levine
Ariel Levy
Fanny Lewald
Rosa Luxemburg
Frederica Sagor Maas
Shelby McCabe
Hana Meisel
Annie Nathan Meyer
Haviva Ner-David
Martha Nussbaum
Margit Oelsner-Baumatz
Tillie Olsen
Judith Plaskow
Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Rachel Pollack
Katha Pollitt
Virginia Postrel
Sally Priesand
Trude Weiss-Rosmarin
Tamar Ross
Muriel Rukeyser
Danya Ruttenberg
Sheryl Sandberg
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
Rosika Schwimmer
Drorah Setel
Alice Shalvi
Mendel Shapiro
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Susan Sontag
Daniel Sperber
Annie Sprinkle
Gertrude Stein
Gloria Steinem
Sandra Steingraber
Elana Maryles Sztokman
Yona Wallach
Wendy Wasserstein
Trude Weiss-Rosmarin
Naomi Weisstein
Ruth Westheimer
Naomi Wolf
Elizabeth Wurtzel
Diana Yoel
Lauren Shay Kaufmann
Pussy Hats Galore: A Dispatch from the Women’s March on Washington
The legacy of great Jewish women persists.
By Nat Bernstein / January 31, 2017
The LEGACY of great Jewish women persists the by-line boasts.
Thanks a million (or how many aborted MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF WHITE BABIES IS THAT?) you anti-White/European Jewish culture-wrecking and goy-brainwashing creeps. THAT is your sick LEGACY. And it continues…
A Jewess named Shelby McCabe? Goodness me. And I’ve met a negro named Hamish McGregor! They’ve certainly immersed themselves into our territory in every way.
Shelby is not a good first name for a goyische lady.
“It’s just proof that people deserve dignity, respect and safety.”
…Unless they are White, Straight, Men.
It’s the old liberty cap, subversive agents wore it when they overthrew Louis XVI who was allowing Christians into his court which was otherwise rife with heresy as well as profligate.
Phrygian Cap.
A testament to the Jewish feminist subversion of the USA :
Betty Friedan: How Jewish Dysfunction Became Universal
Posted on March 20, 2015
Jewish feminism is the most destructive social force ever unleashed upon Western society, along with the equally Jewish bullsh*t idea of multiculturalism and open borders for white countries. With feminism, the family is destroyed. With open borders, the race is destroyed.
There is a Satanic conspiracy to exterminate the white race via destroying the family and the purity of Euro man’s DNA. That Satanic conspiracy was created by Jews and their non-Jewish lackeys.
This excerpt covers a brief bit of truth about the dysfunctional, downright evil Jewish women, Betty Friedan, who pushed feminist ideas to the forefront with her book The Feminine Mystique.
Source/ courtesy of: https://saboteur365.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/betty-friedan-stamp.jpg
I support open borders….for Israel.
Judaism is a cucked feminist religion/race by nature..the only one i know of that has matrilineal based heritage standards
Troublemakers the world over…easy to see why they were booted from so many countries throughout history.
Feminism is all about emasculating White males, a White Genocide tactic. Tikkun olam = anti-White.
I had suspected it might be so, and now I can’t help but laugh seeing it confirmed. Good lord, there’s item number 25698 on the long list of jewish interferences in American culture.
Took a while for me to swallow that pill too, but having done so, I can’t believe I didn’t catch on earlier. They literally hide in plain sight.
Judaism by nature is a femish religion so its not surprising Jews are behid feminism.
Even jew men are for feminism and appear feminin for the most part. Ever heard of Jewish warlord or warrior? Hell no. Heard that squealing & howling of feminine? That’s straight up feminine.
She has to go.. add her name to the list of ‘enemies’ we can now get from the CIA….
The only way out is through the Jew.
The Freemasonic Lodges were the vector through which this poison flowed. I always found it amazing that the Doctrine of Freemasonry is the Equality of Religions and viewpoints ie all are one inside the Lodge. Adam Weishaupt said in 1776 that Freemasonry would deliver the world to the Illuminati that safely inside Masonic lodges they would cultivate their power. George Washington, himself a Freemason believed they were already in the US in 1798 but defended his fellow Masons, methinks George didn’t really look close enough.
George Washington sent an address to the Torou Synagogue in Newport RI in 1790 where he said that to be an American all one had to do was be a good citizen, that Christian did not equal American. He also said that the sons of Abraham would always be free here. This is another thing you must understand when Jews want power, the first thing they do is join the Masonic Lodge. Theodore Herzl the father of Zionism once said the Masonic Lodges would guarantee that the Jewish State would be given to them.
An odd note. Most Southern Statesmen were members of this (((controlled))) equality cult called Freemasonry as were most Confederates. They never seemed to get it that they were members of an equality cult hell bent on eliminating Christianity from the earth on behalf of the (((controllers))). The odd part is the Yankee Abolitionists tended to be Anti-Masons. However the Abolitionists were under the financial control of European Freemasonry, because thats where they got their gold.