“Pepsi has apologized for a controversial advertisement that borrowed imagery from the Black Lives Matter movement, after a day of intense criticism from people who said it trivialized the widespread protests against the killings of black people by the police.
“Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding. Clearly, we missed the mark and apologize,” the company said in a statement on Wednesday. “We did not intend to make light of any serious issue. We are pulling the content and halting any further rollout.”
The ad, posted to YouTube on Tuesday, shows attractive young people holding milquetoast signs with nonspecific pleas like “Join the conversation.” The protesters are uniformly smiling, laughing, clapping, hugging and high-fiving. …”
They surrendered for offending Black Lives Matter.
Here you have a multinational corporation pandering to the Black Lives Matter movement. They want to be associated with the cause. They’re promoting this thing. And yet, that’s not politically correct!
Once again NYC mayor Bloomberg was right. We should ban thes soda pops from our schools and our society.
When I was in school the pop machine was strictly for BEFORE and AFTER SCHOOL during the day you could get fruit juice, milk etc. If you wanted Pop, you brung it from home. They turned that machine off at 8am and back on everyday at like 4pm
Our Coke machines were always on. We had a fountain in the cafeteria, too. We also had milkshakes and chocolate milk if we wanted it. This was in High Scrool, however.
Dr. Pepper’s like the National Drink of Texas, I remember when I was in Texas every exit on the Interstate had a Dr. Pepper sign and a Dairy Queen
Yep. Even though DQ is national, DQ has a Texas menu.
An the Best Dr Pepper is Dublin Dr Pepper. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b507c0364fdb5488d1a07a88a39ae1c0a03219a6632cdeab475a26a45c3d93e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5f644f55c6a86105a4a9d43910ae72877f1e0c69479d09cab75098317aa5d6.jpg
Almost all Soda Pops were invented in the South. The Po’Fok king of Soda Pop is Royal Crown aka RC.
I can remember when you could get RC on tap. I went into a bar a few years ago and was surprised that they had RC on tap thats been like 14 yrs ago.
My Dad’s brother would get a carton of 16oz returnable bottles RC stick them in the freezer till they got a bit of ice inside them and then drink them. That old RC in the glass was good. He always had his with a moon pie and a cigarette
Sugar Dr Pepper is the best no doubt about that.
We get Mexican Coke here, too. They use cane sugar and the original recipe from way back when.
Ya we have that at the stores too of course the Mexican bottles are different because Mexico is on the Metric system
Here’s an article on the Dublin Bottling Company, Billy Ray;
It was mighty delicious watching an SJW coverged corporation succumb to attacks by SJWs.
Stick em all on boats and sink the boat.
“Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding.”
No such thing.
No doubt competing with, “I’d like to buy the world a Coke ™.”
Sounds like commie propaganda to me.
This incident (like many others) ought to get conservatives thinking about their support for capitalism, at least in its corporate form. Corporate grants fund groups like La Raza and BLM; corporate media pushes the BLM narrative; and here we have a major corporation groveling before BLM.
This is the great big capitalism which “won” the Cold War and is bringing “freedom” to everyone.
Conservatives will go on promoting a system which is working for their destruction. Consider how globalization is gutting this and many other White countries. But no problem, right, since quarterly earnings are up and country club memberships are on the rise.
Soda = diabetes water.
Check your blog Denise
She has a blog?
Just a webpage.
Denise you see what I wrote?
Still won’t be drinking that crap again.
Pepsi, Kellogg’s, Subway, Target, Apple, Nabisco – the list of retailers and products I will avoid from now on keeps growing.
It’s OK to join liberals in their boycotts of these products. Lib NYC Mayor Bloomberg proposed a tax on soda pop, banning sugary soft drinks from NYC public schools.
We’re boycotting Pepsi because they promote race mixing, multi culturalism try to get in good with BlackLiesMatter.
Those soft drink companies may sing about love, peace and brotherhood but they control the supply of drinking water in impoverished third world countries using armed guards.
Hunter, unless you have any objections, I’m going to post the OD Classic Spanish History lesson on 15th century Spain. I updated in reference to the mass Muslim migration invasions of Europe, the West and the seemingly crazy reasons Lib Left Jewish Dems support the Muslim migration invasions of the West. I think this is one of the best Red Pill, Black Pill history lessons explaining the conflicts, strange alliances between Whites, Muslims and Jews.
Pepsi and Coke have been huge donors to Jessie Jackson for over a decade. I gave drinking their trash up in 2002
Sure its unhealthy, so is race mixing.
I wish they would keep running it, what a joke on the ” world peace ” level
Pepsi with the new Obama like logo!
Anything that makes a coalburner cry tears must be good.
Here’s to laughing at a disgusting child of a disgusting family.