About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The way that jews insert themselves into the highest levels of power and influence, often by marrying into a prominent gentile family, is infuriating. Those creatures have more in common with ticks and tapeworms than they do with humans.

  2. As a Russian I’m stunned by the degree of control Jews have over the US. This makes me wonder what is it about American system that makes it so susceptible to Jewish influence? What a bizarre country! Truly exceptional.

  3. Well, here’s the way I seeing things playing out now. It is going to be the Iraq Debacle all over again. Is this going to be a two-front war with Iran as well? Two years from now, after we are totally sunk in this Syrian quagmire, “evidence” is going to emerge that this was the false flag we now it to be and it will be traced back to the White House as Trump’s ass cover for colluding with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton. The Democrats will then retake Washington as the Antiwar Party.

    President Kuchner has given the Democrats a gift that will keep giving. I think Americans are going to be so infuriated with the Republicans that this is going to kill them as a party. I don’t see any American with common sense much less any self-respect voting for any Republican ever again.

    Personally, I don’t see the demise of the “Party of LIncoln” as a great tragedy. I only see them as the OTHER Anti-White Party. They have probably been worse for the Whites even with the Democrats under the Obama Administration. All they do is betray the Whites who vote for them and this Syrian Debacle is only the most recent example.

    I wonder what inducement was offered to Trump to do something this stupid? I figure some pretty big sticks were utilized. The threat of impeachment. Endless Russia investigations that tie up the Congress too much to do anything to advance his social agenda, assuming he still has one.

    What did Trump have to gain by playing chicken with the Russians and bringing us to the brink of WWIII? One hundred years to the day of the anniversary of World War I. If it doesn’t end up being a pile of smoking rubble from Russian Nuclear Warheads, how are we going to rebuild our infrastructure (much less build that wall) if we are blowing trilliions to destroy Syria’s?

  4. The battle between Kushner and Bannon is so out in the open theres been a chyron about it running on the TV. Thats probably a good thing. Kushner is a sneaky type. I have yet to hear him speak, have no idea what his voice sounds like. Trump is going to have a problem siding with Kushner out in the open.

  5. If it was a tit for tat for confirming Gorsuch, does that indicate how this presidency is going to work? 1 cooperation = 1 neocon wish granted.

  6. @Ironsides…

    ‘If it was a tit for tat for confirming Gorsuch, does that indicate how this presidency is going to work? 1 cooperation = 1 neocon wish granted.’

    If that is the equation, it’s sure a hell of a lot better than what we have received for a very long time, or would have received under Miss Hillary.

    I mean, what were the other options, here : Rubio? Bush? Clinton? Sanders?

    Well, I liked Cruz, initially, but folks here said he was a neo-con, and, thus, would have us in a war with Russia.

    I switched to Trump, after he defeated Cruz.


    Because he was a hell of a lot better than Miss Hillary.

  7. IIia Prahov

    As a Russian I’m stunned by the degree of control Jews have over the US. This makes me wonder what is it about American system that makes it so susceptible to Jewish influence?

    It’s because it’s ruled by the principles of the New England Puritans. They behaved very much like Jews. In fact, Jews settled in the Northeast because they found a ready made, turn key system that they could take over without much effort.

  8. @Clytemnestra…

    ‘Well, here’s the way I seeing things playing out now. It is going to be the Iraq Debacle all over again. Is this going to be a two-front war with Iran as well? Two years from now, after we are totally sunk in this Syrian quagmire,’

    I don’t think so, Clytemnestra.


    That goes against Trump’s personality.

    He is impatient and cannot stand quagmires; thus, it stands to reason that he would be very wary of getting into a situation where one were possible.

    That said, if it turns out that he has turned into George W. Bush, that would be oh, so, sad, indeed.

  9. @Ilia…

    ‘As a Russian I’m stunned by the degree of control Jews have over the US. This makes me wonder what is it about American system that makes it so susceptible to Jewish influence? What a bizarre country! Truly exceptional.’

    Dear Ilia, as my long time Russian friends are always talking about how the Jews control Russian cities, in in the Ukraine, as well, I’m stunned that you are stunned.

  10. Bannon is clearly a strategist and The Jew/Cuck alliance will kill the Trump Presidency. Trump you need to remove Kushner. He needs distance from you. He is a sneaky rat leveraging his family ties. No proof for Syria to still have any gas, even though Obama failed to execute re red line. Turkey or Saudi Arabia (McCain pushing hard for this attach) either could have the sarin, but it’s my understanding Assaad does not. US just got played again into supporting ISIS/rebels….

  11. There’s something that a lot of folks just don’t seem to get.

    What is it?

    That The New England Yankee Government does not think of Israel as a country separate from it.

    It’s ‘America’ over in the Middle East’, more or less is how they seem to see it.

  12. This, everyone, is what you get when you let a Court Jew into your inner circle.

    The Jew is a parasite that destroys from within.

  13. @Marcus…

    Kushner has not been ‘allowed’ into Trump’s circle. He is how Trump thinks, which is why he got in.

    You keep thinking Trump thinks like you, and is being dupet by bad associations.

    It’s not the case. He is not like you, and he is not being dupet.

    Nobody dupes Donald Trump, or, if they do, it ain’t for long.

  14. @StephenDalton…

    ‘Well, let’s hope the Jews get too pushy, piss off the Goys in the Trump administration, and end up on the outside looking in.’

    It could be, Mr. Dalton. One thing is for sure – place-settings change around Trump semi-constantly.

  15. Ilia Prahov – Your almost Russian (Georgian Slavic) leader Stalin once said that if he controlled Hollywood, he would control the world.

    The Jews control Hollywood and really almost all of the “American” MSM – mainstream media from Liberal Left to Neo Conservative Right.

    We are supposedly presented with all the (not extremist or hateful) points of view – but they are always the anti White, pro Jew view.

    The Jes are only 2% or less of the US Population, but those Whites who knowingly or unknowingly go along for the rid with the Jewish program can to prosper or at least get to survive, keep their jobs. Those who get on the wrong side of the Jews are marginalized and destroyed. The public is herd like and goes along with bulling and demeaning and destroying those whom the jews media are smearing.

  16. @Ilia Prahov:

    Ilia, I just blew the last of my New Year’s Resolutions and went off my diet. I want you to know that I’m blaming you Russians (not my incurable sweet tooth and lack of self control). You dastardly Russians are to blame for me gaining five pounds. So there! Hey, it worked as an all-purpose “get out of jail free” card for Hillary didn’t it? Bless your hearts. You’re the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks.

  17. I’ve been listening to Michael Savage on-line. He’s Jewish and was a big Trump supporter. Going hard at Trump now for betraying peace. Kushner is “Knish-ner,” and a “snake.” Also says gas prices will go up as a result of this. Big Oil is in charge and Trump is a figurehead. “Who in the Knish faction bet on this strike and made a fortune last night?”

    From yesterday to today the Jared-Ivanka “issue” blew out into the open. Its like there was a lid on it before now. Liberals attacked Ivanka and Trump voters weren’t really crazy about her and didn’t trust her and her husband being in the WH but kept quiet because Trump was under siege all the time. From here on, either Ivanka and Jared win or they have to be gone from the WH. Trump knows if he chooses Door No. 1 he loses a chunk of his supporters.

  18. Trump has ordered the Pentagon to investigate Russia’s connection to the gas attack. There isn’t one, but it fits Trumps petty attitude of blaming the victim for his own idiocy.

  19. What I’m wanting to know right now is exactly where Eric and Don, Jr. stand. It is their name and their children’s, after all, that will forever bear the stain of whatever happens over the next four years.

    The american people saw Trump as somewhere between a marketer and entertainer. We knew he was being purposely provocative and unwittingly obstreperous at the same time, and we didn’t really care. Because he wasn’t President.

    How long will it take for ‘the boys’ to figure out their brand and legacy will be forever tarnished by this infiltrator? To what extent do they have any distance from jewish globalism/’democracy’ in favor of european demesne?

    Eric, you quoted me on CNN at a low point in your father’s campaign (Pussygate), right from this blog.

    If you still read here or care how the world will see your family, don’t let some jewish interloper throw it all away.

    We won’t forget.

  20. “I have yet to hear him speak, have no idea what his voice sounds like.”

    I haven’t either but we know how (((they))) all sound…. whiney, nasally, & arrogant. I can guarantee you it will not be a manly voice.

  21. @HRPRR

    Bannon is clearly a strategist and The Jew/Cuck alliance will kill the Trump Presidency.

    Agree with this and the rest of your comment too.

    The charitable interpretation is that Trump found himself outpowered/outmaneuvered by foreign policy establishment stalwarts.

    The less charitable interpretation is that Trump’s just a dimwit whose impressive electioneering was simply based on the quite obvious move (when you think about it) of not being a PC-fied cuck.

    Although it’s hard not to feel disappointed on either count, I’m not ready to give on Trump just yet. Let’s just hope that either (a) he’s thinking 10 steps ahead or, failing that, (b) he learns something from this episode.

  22. I’m so disgusted that Trump has been lead around by his pecker for the Joos. Between Gary ((Cohn))))
    Munchkin and Kushy, the Cuck and his ozzing daughter, Ivanka make me sick. I didn’t vote for this shit.

  23. Be careful what you say. The Deep State may knock him off and blame some Alt Right or nationalist “zealot” who was angry at the air strikes.

  24. This is going to be a nightmare. I will make it easier to Name the Demon Jew, though. Kushy is total TRASH. It’s won’t take long for even the dimmest to SEE.

  25. IIia Prahov:

    “As a Russian I’m stunned by the degree of control Jews have over the US. This makes me wonder what is it about American system that makes it so susceptible to Jewish influence?”

    Think Russia 1918 and stop superiority signaling.

  26. I am also of the thought that Trump is using the Syria bombing as a means to an end, though what I can only guess at. More favorable press? More cooperation from the establishment? An end to the Russia rumors? A way to show people that he can back up his threats? A quid-pro-quo to get his next health care bill through? Or maybe something as simple as (((someone))) threatening him with “If you don’t do this, we’ll impeach you…or worse.”

    The last one I could understand, though not approve of obviously, as it establishes him as a weakling offering himself up as a slave for cruel masters. All of the others are a fool’s errand; whatever cooperation he gets will be short lived, if it materializes at all, and even if he gets that short gain, he will have lost his loyal base. People are flaking from him now in a way that people never flaked from Obama when Barry broke his promises.

    As angry as I am (and I am very angry), it’s not too late for him to redeem himself. It will be a very difficult path, though, like spouses reconciling after infidelity. I hope this is just a small bump in the path and nothing more.

  27. 2025:- President Kushner has ordered controlled strikes on Iran as its suspected they plan on targeting Israel with stockpiles of chemical weapons and WMD’S. America stands with Israel – our friend and ally – during these troubling times. Yes there will be a cost financially and in American lives, but for the greater good, its important to help, and stand by Israel….

  28. Denise
    APRIL 7, 2017 AT 8:06 PM
    Ilia – we don’t live America anymore. We are slaves on the Jewish Plantation.

    You said it Denise. BTW check what i wrote

  29. Ilia Prahov
    APRIL 7, 2017 AT 7:42 PM
    As a Russian I’m stunned by the degree of control Jews have over the US. This makes me wonder what is it about American system that makes it so susceptible to Jewish influence? What a bizarre country! Truly exceptional.

    FREEMASONRY is the answer my Russian friend. The United States was founded by members of the Freemasonic Order, which is connected to the Kabbalah, a mystical set within Judaism. In fact if you look up DC Street Sorcery you can see that Washington DC was laid out in patterns that show the Kabbalistic Tree of life, Pentagrams and the like. The American People the local good white folks were Christians but our leaders were barely worthy of the title. Unlike the Romanovs (God Rest their Souls) who did espouse good Christian beliefs for the most part. God knows I wish they were here.

  30. The honeymoon is officially over for most patriots.

    Did you see that photo of the “war room” where Kushner is giving the evil eye to Bannon? Oh, the bigger war is definitely between them. Looks like Tillerson’s gaze was focused on Kushner.

    It’s like a Hollywood rerun and true to Tinsel Town, the movies they’re releasing these days are merely old scenes with new actors. I am so disgusted with Trump. Obviously Ivanka puts Israel before the United States now that she’s been thoroughly judicized. Remember, white women are the first to sell out their own when spawning other species’ offspring. I hope all those idiots that bought her Chinese crap return it.

    This is our country. Our homeland. The nation our ancestors fought and died for. And, this casino swindler is using it to increase his global connections and his wealth. Also, all the military traitors and corporate executives are equally guilty. They’ve all been unmasked. What con artists. I guess Trump will now be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.


  31. The ONE good thing is that Jewish malevolence and sneering at their slaves – us- will be so egregious that the dimmest Goy will not be able to avoid “seeing”.

    How this plays out I don’t know. America will split into stupid factional warfare, and dissolve in chaos. WE will not destroy ZOG. They will destroy what’s left. Because it’s their nature.

    They will go when we go – even if they think they will rule forever.

    This attack is a calling card. They are threatening EVERY-ONE. Every Government in the world.

    They will threaten to attack EVERY-ONE.

    Miss Lindsay Graham is now on the Tucker Carlson show (Tucker will be very toned down – but he’s still Tucker!) talking about all the new wars that will happen! Cuz Miss Lindsay wants to destroy the Caliphate, honey!

    Miss Lindsay is proud of Trump!

    The Hebes are gonna fuck up everything beyond imagination.

    The “smart, hard-working, and a little bit of genetics” kike will destroy themselves

    We may not live to see it – but it’s going to happen. .

  32. Now that Trump has shown his eagerness to obey his jew masters will they continue to describe him as Literally Another Hitler?

  33. Bashar al-Assad hates Israel and Israel hates Assad. This is really all you need to know to understand US policy re: Syria. Regardless of who sits in the Oval Office.

  34. I have never really liked Trump a lot. He is a buffoon. I voted for him because he was saying things that no public official had been willing to say in my lifetime and because he was not Hillary.

    I was hoping that maybe he would turn out to be better than I thought. I hoped a little bit. Early on he did some things that seemed promising.

    But no.

    He has been maneuvered by a 36 year old New York Jew boy.


  35. Yehudah Finkelstein
    April 8, 2017 at 1:02 am

    “FIreKushner is the number one trend in the USA right now, lets keep it up…”

    Referring to him as President Kushner would troll Trump.

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