About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Lindsey Graham Hasn’t Been This Excited In Years”

    He’s that excited every time McCain & Schumer enter him.

  2. I ll give a $500 donation to OD in the name if any South Carolina patriot who gets in the face – in person to Lindsey Graham and calls him a traitor di## sucking faggot!

    I can not die the life of me understand how the once proud Confederate state of South Carolina hasn t had a White Southerner heterosexual with a set of balls in the office of governor or YS Senate in what 20 years

  3. On this day 152 years ago exactly to the day of the month and day of the week and exactly on Palm Sunday that General R.E. Lee surrendered to Grant that this dog that goes by the name of Lindsey who watched on and said nothing when that Indian-American Haley ripped down the Confederate Flag in SC rejoices that the Jewish war hawk neocons are now back in control…this is a day of mourning for the South and this liberal warmongering pro-Jew neocon is kicking up his heels because he now gets the chance to play Yankee and go in and drive people from their homes farms and firesides in the name of Israel…Make America Great Again….that was a lie from the git go …Make Israel Great Again…

  4. Miss Lindsey’s jew masters must have all kinds of embarrassing shit on him. That would explain his doglike obedience to them.

  5. I hear Graham say during the campaign last year that the US must totally get behind Israel or god “would turn his back on us.” Nothing to do with Muh constitution or Muh conservative principles. Israel. That’s it.

  6. One of my posts miraculously disappeared. Here is a reconstruction.

    Slate magazine ran a story by Michelle Goldberg (yeah) entitled “The ‘Globalist Cucks’ Have Won: Jared Kushner Might Save Us After All.”

    President Kushner

  7. Senator Graham is a disgrace to the Southern White Race.

    The man probably ain’t even shot and skinned a squirrel, yet, he is prepared to order countless thousands to their deaths.

    And for what?

    Over a dang runway in Sandniggerville?

  8. No edit function but I prefer this to disqus, which I couldn’t use.

    It’s “are winning” rather than “have won.”

  9. I so much want to be in South Carolina and flirt with the as good as they get Southern women and….

    Insult all the SC men who basically did nothing and enabled thus flaming faggot Lindsey Graham and that dot head Indian Liberal globalist spokeswoman for Goldman Sachs

  10. Either Senator Graham is a nut or ’tis I. There cannot be any option in between, as, practically every time I hear the man, I feel the urge to retch.

  11. @Jack Ryan…

    ‘I can not die the life of me understand how the once proud Confederate state of South Carolina hasn t had a White Southerner heterosexual with a set of balls in the office of governor or YS Senate in what 20 years’

    We’re under occupation down here, Mr. Ryan. We fight it all the time, but, the amount of resources, disinformation, media-conditioning, threats, coercion, and bribery that comes in to perpetuate this tyranny is exhausting, and frequently overwhelming.

    It’s an around the clock war.

    That said, my state, North Carolina. has enjoyed a right good amount of success, fight this, in recent years.

    We pray our sister state will soon, too.

  12. Thanks winbornmill.

    It’s an occupation, yes. I see some of the occupation propaganda up here – things like the Golf channel doing propaganda about Condolisa Rice being the First Black African American Secretary of State and his she’s an ardent golfer like the best of South Carolina people.

  13. When you see a sissy like Lindsey Graham representing a Southern State, in fact the Birthplace of the Confederate Movement and home of John C Calhoun, the sickness that is felt is very deep indeed

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