Ok, so the title is poking fun at click-bait sites. Good clean fun. But, as far as the question it raises, what can you do? Here are some ideas for a free Southern ethno-state or Free Dixie to get the conversation rolling. I have generally tried to avoid LARPing too hard here and instead focused on what could actually be done by normal people. As true Southerners let our agency shine bright!
- The creation of micro Dixie ethno-city-states in small towns throughout the Black Belt and other de-populated areas which have lots of real estate up for sale at low prices. A couple families or a few individuals could easily start such a project, buying a few cheap buildings in the middle of a small Southern town and then publicizing their effort to bring in other Southern Nationalists. It wouldn’t take millions to get this project off the ground. Eventually we want an Orania of our own. In fact, we want several of them, but that will take a while. With a Southern Orania you would get to live your Dixie ethno-state dreams now while building for the future and inspiring our folk.
- Erect small monuments to Southern Nationalist heroes like Rhett, Fitzhugh, Hampton, Miles, etc. on private property in Southern areas. If they are on private property we won’t have to battle the Left in a few years as they pressure truecons to take them down. They could become focal points for SN tourism. And they could red-pill locals with real Southern Nationalism. All it would take would be to buy a small plot of land along a road somewhere, raise a little money to build the monument and then publicize it. Specifically, I would focus on the Fire-Eaters and Redeemers to get the most red-pill bang for the buck. This will make the point tat Southern heritage and identity is about more than a 4 year war which we lost.
- Set up an app for cell phones which direct people to Southern Nationalist sites of interest, such as the Secession Oak or the Maxy-Rhett House. It would be nice perhaps if this worked with/like popular map apps.
- Create a “Confederate Street” Youtube account where you make short videos of all the Confederate or Southern themed streets across Dixie. This would only cost you a little time and gas sheckles.
- Start a militant SN band that incorporates native Southern music and SN politics. Our podcasts constantly need new music (look at Cybernazi) and this project could potentially start a SN music underground – which we need.
- Create a pro-Dixie PAC that would donate sheckles to candidates who support our heritage and identity and are good on immigeation. This would be a big project but could start very small. Fundraising is easier than ever these days. Who knows – the PAC might eventually evolve into an SN party.
- Start an SN podcast focused on your region, city or state. Identity Dixie is a platform for hosting such SN podcasts.
- Set up a Church of Dixie which would be modeled on the old Anglican church which was the established religion in each of the original Southern colonies but in none of the non-Southern colonies. This would be a huge project but could start small. There are lots of pro-Dixie Christian leaders in the South and we need a religious home now that our main denominations have cucked so hard. This would need to be a very broad church with plenty of room for both high and low church services. UPDATE: Since it was brought up in the comments I am not suggesting we form an eatablished church right now – which would be impossible.
- This will seem obvious but it is the most important thing you can do: start a family with a Southern woman (assuming you are a man) and have as many children as you can support and raise well. Marry young rather than wasting your 20s on foolish nonsense like I did. Give your children good Anglo-Celtic names and raise them in our tradition with pride in their identity. Ultimately, if we survive as a distinct people in our own land we win.
- Start a small business with a Southern theme. We need to be more economically independent anyhow and ultimately able to support large families and able to employ fellow Southerners. A couple of decades ago I saw a report which studied the number of “Dixie” as opposed to “American” business names in the South. We were killing the competition then. One thing we definitely need are places where Southerners can socially gather in friendly environments: pubs, clubs, restaraunts and the like are needed. I would love to have a Dixie Pub nearby with a Confederate flag inside, Southern-themed art on the walls and a noticable lack of vibrant music.
Number 8 is a non-starter unless it’s an Orthodox Church. There’s absolutely no reason to have an official ‘Protestant’ church, what would it be protesting?
A rebirth of the original Orthodox Catholic Church is the best move, otherwise you have the thousands of amateur street preachers setting up their own view of the Bible, which is mostly wrong.
@Pat Hines
How many Southerners are Orthodox? Fifteen? It is foreign to us. We aren’t Slavs. I am not trying to start a debate on religion but I think we should look to our traditions and history rather than foreign peoples.
I agree with you about the street preacher mentality. I wish we could get rid of that. Having an established church would help, I think. But that is a very long term goal.we needn’t wait for the Dixie ethno-state to have a Church of Dixie.
If I was building a fantasy state, I would bring back the European gods. Let our young men study at the Temple of Ares, before they go out to crush the anti-White Anti-Fa. Ares was the god of the physical aspects of war. Let our officers study at the Temple of Athena, god of intelligence, military strategy and generalship. For whatever you wanted to excel in, we had a god for it. Lets see our enemies deal with a people as laser focused as that.
“ARES was the Olympian god of war, battlelust, courage and civil order.”
Our people will need all of the above in the coming years.
There are 20 Orthodox Churches in South Carolina, over 100 Latin Catholic Churches. Removing all of the cucked ‘proddy” churches from the count, there may be 1,000 of them. Most of the Orthodox churches in the south are Greek, a European people.
All of England was Orthodox prior to the invasion of Duke William in 1066. Orthodoxy may be dominated by Russians (not slavs) today, but it was once solidly European at its core.
Do you want a photographic tour of the Orthodox Cathedral in Edinburgh?
As far as Anglicanism, it is cursed by the fact it was begun in order to authorize a philandering king having more than one wife, not much of a moral underpinning in my estimation.
For hundreds of years, the Archbishop of Canterbury functioned essentially like the orthodox English patriarch. High church Anglicanism is functionally the English branch of the orthodox church. Of course Henry was a scoundrel, but God drew strait with that crooked line, to invoke a tired metaphor. Orthodox polity is what works for people who are allowed to associate freely, and Anglican polity is orthodox polity.
Time will see the progressive rot die off, in the church, as in everything (see #9).
The ballast of the ancient undivided Church is the foundation of the Anglo West, the Bcp is the walls, and the Textus Receptus is the stones. Pagan gods and puritan Street preachers don’t figure into it much in the great scheme of things, I think.
LOL. #8 Me, I want the old Methodist Protestant Church in charge. Founded in North Carolina in the 1820’s. No Bishops. Clergy have the same weight in any church decision making as the layman. I will settle for the old Methodist Episcopal Church South founded in the late 1830’s. Bishops for decorative purposes only. No high church i.e. Roman Catholic like liturgy. Runner Up: the old Presbyterian Church as practiced in the Shenandoah Valley and western Virginia.
“Pagan gods and puritan Street preachers don’t figure into it much in the great scheme of things, I think.”
Pagan/Infidel is just something sand people called those, who won’t give up their own culture and worship their jealous god. Exactly like lefties calling us racists.
Before Christianity, Europeans had their own gods right up until a Roman Emperor cucked, not liking his own culture enough and imposed a foreign culture top down on his Empire. If it wasn’t for that Emperor, Christianity would never have been more than a cult in Europe and it would have been extinguished by Islam in the Middle East long ago.
Something that is telling about Christianity, is one of the main people responsible for keeping Islam out of Europe was excommunicated for it. That is a religion that is its own worst enemy. I am surprised it has survived so long and I don’t give it much longer in Europe, given how its Pope and followers behave – regarding immigration.
Now this top down conversion is occurring in the West again. The elites don’t like White people nor Christians, so they are imposing non-White immigration and Islam on the West, just like the Emperor did long ago with Christianity.
Unfortunately European gods aren’t a match for Dixie culture, but I think they’d be a perfect fit for a brand new national socialist state. One that has its eye on the future – interplanetary space travel for one.
Let me describe my recent experiences with Southern Nationalism. I am all for it. I want to help where I can.
I tried to join NC league of the south but there website is broken and I cannot even pay dues through paypal. I have emailed them twice about this issue and they do not even reply.
I tried to register for the forums here and there confirmation email does not show up. So I cannot post here. I’d like to do some networking but at this point I just have no confidence in anyone involved.
@Michael Cushman…
#1. I’ve thought about it many times. ‘Tis a good idea.
#2. Dangerous – because, if we start just putting up these kinds of things on private property, how long will it be before they, too, under some new sensitivity measure, are attackt? No, I think we bes’ keep battling in the publick zones.
No retreat – we must be on the offence, and be very offensive.
As to supporting candidates – a Negro friend of mine just told me a man by the name of Cory Stewart, launcht his run for Governor of Virginia in Confederate uniform.
As to Southern Nationalist businesses, I am writing my 5th novel, and it is a comedy-mystery-drama, which is fully entertaining and amusing on the superficial levels, for regular uninitiated readers, though, below, it is very Southern Nationalist.
As to a militant band : do you like Raleigh’s ‘Rebel Son’? See below.
Thank you for your ideas…
I take a great deal of flack for my Southern monuments and my Rebel Flags in my community. My current plan of action is to erect a 199 ft flag pole on my property that borders the University of the South. I have two large rebel flags one is 20 x 30 and the other is 30 x 40. This project is already started. There will be liberal/progressive heads exploding all over the University. I can’t wait.
(The reason the pole is 199ft is… Lawfully it can’t be over 200. The only reason I can get away with this height is it’s not in any city limits).
Michael – to be blunt – the Russian Orthodox Church is NOT cucked. They are RACIALIST. The Hebes are trying to break in, but the Russian Orthodox Court has been tested by Hellfire. Tempered steel.
Learn from them. They do NOT accept Kikery. They DON’T.
Ya’ll still don’t think the problem is The Jew. You will LOSE. Jews can NOT convert. They are biological, bipedal flesh eating bacteria. You must REFUSE them. They cannot JOIN. The must be PURGED
By the way – they’re coming. Wait til Dixie is swamped with Jew York City Hebes. The resident Jew infiltrator will still be blaming “Yankees”.
Also consider film clubs – use the DVD rental and bought DVDs, the live stream services just feature new releases which will be 99% anti Southern, anti White, anti traditional sexual roles.
I’ve beat this dead horse before. I guess I’ll never really give it up. I’d say that the Kennedy Brothers have done great work with their books.
But what they’ve said through their books, can’t be stressed enough.
Well, last night, I ran across an article about the 28th Virginia Infantry’s standard being kept in the Minnesota Museum of History, or some such. It was on an online Minnesota monthly magazine, kinda like their version of Texas Highways or Texas Monthly, or Southern Living.
However, what was of interest were the comments. One individual wondered if Minnesota men would still be able to enlist and wage war against the South, not in 1861, in the present.
Another individual had connections to Texas. He complained that Texans flew the Texas flag in preference to the the U.S. flag. He also complained that every time there was another controversy over the ANV flag, Texans put up even more ANV flags. I see this evey day. Others expressed concern and confusion that Texans weren’t Minnesotans, and didn’t hold their values, or beliefs, or practice their culture, nor show any signs of wanting to, which are, after all, “American®.” Still others claimed that flying the Texas flag was a crime, and that Texans should be made to fly the Union rag, exclusively.
Several discussed ways to get Southerners to think, feel, believe and act in certain ways that would please Minnesotans or Northerners in general. A few expressed their desire to exterminate the Southern people. Overall, they expressed the notion that Southerners, and by extension, other non Northerners, were persona non grata. For many, the war never ended. For us Southern Nationalists however, this is a broken record, we’ve heard it all before. It’s so common as to establish that this is the majority sentiment among those people. Even to the point of being subconsciously present in a good many of them.
Now, what are the salient points?
1. They believe that their region is America©.
2. Their culture, values, beliefs and practices
are American®, to the exclusion of all else.
3. They have supra rights and authority.
4. The South and flyover country don’t exist,
except when they’re a threat, a nuisance, or
need to be made to think, feel, believe, or do
certain things.
5. They are the Federal Government.
6. Their interests are America’s interests.
Period. If you don’t think so, you’re a traitor®,
a seditionist®, or being unpatriotic®.
7. Southerners and others are not Human
beings with actual feelings, needs, wants
desires or a culture. They’re abstract objects
to be manipulated, or shaped into a pleasing
8. Southern, Western and foreign states have no
legitimate existence or governments, or
cultures.They’e projects to be fixed, worked
on, or annihilated.
9. The Constitution and law are valuable
political tools. When they’re not, they’re paper
to wipe their asses on, a Southern plot, or
Kansans being nasty, cruel and oppressive
by suggesting that they might have the
same rights as Minnesota or San Francisco.
10. There’s one set of laws and rules for them,
said to be American®, and another set for
for everyone else.
11. They’re citizens, everyone else is a subject,
or little better than an animal.
12. All their babble about Freedom®,
Equality©, and Rights© are cynical
lies an a buncha horseshit.
13. Patriotism® means obeying them. Them
getting their way, or surrendering to
their demands. Period.
Read enough blog comments, and you’ll see these principles at work; When the topic is the South, West or Red States.
@Michael Cushman @Pat Hines
#8 is a daunting task. As for an indigenous Southern Christian sect, we actually have one. The Israel first, land and race worshiping evangelical Church of God.
Yes the Orthodox Church is the only Church I see which fits the ideological slant we and our
brothers have. The modern Christian Church in the South has been and is currently being destroyed from within. Judaizers have weakened it to where I would describe it as a small “c” Christian Church.
Ask these “c” Christians was American culture better before you recognized Israel or after? They immediately go into double minded logic lock.
A new Southern Christian Church must meld three avenues. The Tradition of Orthodox worship, the free will of protestant thought and inclusion of heros, ancient(European) and modern (Southern). A tall order for a region that starts a new church every time there is a disagreement.
I am surprised the Russians have not noticed this potential, while small, window of opportunity. Our region, the South, being mistreated by the North, and the youth being tired of “c” churches might flock to traditional church whose priest are married.
Anyway, very good article Mr. Cushman.
@James Longstreet The website for the NCLS is working. It’s at http://www.northcarolinaleagueofthesouth.com. But all membership whether new or renewals are handled through the national organization. That website is also up. Unfortunately Dr. Hill announced a couple of days ago that PayPal for the League was shoah’d. We all knew it would happen eventually. Right now any payments have to be sent by mail.
If you’ve sent me a FaceBook friend request or have requested to join the NCLS I usually turn those down if it is obviously a sock account. This is particularly the case when there are few mutuals or other connections. The exception is if I already know or am familiar with the person. Having a sock for security is great but it comes at a cost.
Sounds good to me.
@Michael Cushman…
‘Most of our behaviors are rooted in genetics, I believe. ‘
If you, Mr. Cushman, had lost your present parents in your second day of life, and had been adopted by the parents of Jon Ossoff, today you would be Mikhail Cushoff and sitting in an SPLC cubicle, yawning from boredom as you carefully all the anti-semites at Occidental Dissent.
That is how important environment is in the translation of genetick traits.
That said, because of your blood, you might be the only Cushoff/Ossoff who liket Confederate flags:::))))
‘By the way – they’re coming. Wait til Dixie is swamped with Jew York City Hebes. The resident Jew infiltrator will still be blaming “Yankees”.’
It already happened, My Dear. That is why I left Raleigh when my daddy died, a few decades back. I did not want to be around it.
Now, I’m off to have a Bacon, Lettuce, and Infiltrator sandwich!
Be well!
‘Michael – to be blunt – the Russian Orthodox Church is NOT cucked. They are RACIALIST. ‘
You are right that they are not cuckt, but, they are not racialist. They have missions to Africa, and they happily accept any Negro who wishes to come to their church.
That said, their is no Negro outreach program, nor any acceptance of the Yid agenda – such as obsessions for Israel, gay-marriage, support for abortion and Planned Parenthood, or female priests.
The Orthodox Church is disconnected from modernity, though, they are given intense pressure from numerous corners, such as the LGBT lobby.
@Pat Hines…
‘As far as Anglicanism, it is cursed by the fact it was begun in order to authorize a philandering king having more than one wife, not much of a moral underpinning in my estimation.’
Yes, I agree, though, unfortunately, heresy is part of the fabrick of our culture.
Your fellow Orthoxerer, Ivan.
@James Longstreet…
‘I tried to join NC league of the south but there website is broken and I cannot even pay dues through paypal. I have emailed them twice about this issue and they do not even reply. I tried to register for the forums here and there confirmation email does not show up. So I cannot post here. I’d like to do some networking but at this point I just have no confidence in anyone involved.’
I’m sorry you’ve had trouble, General.
Don’t give up. You are surrounded by us, here.
I am in the Northeastern part of The Tarheel State in the Northampton/Hertford County area.
Are you anywhere nearby?
‘I take a great deal of flack for my Southern monuments and my Rebel Flags in my community. My current plan of action is to erect a 199 ft flag pole on my property that borders the University of the South. I have two large rebel flags one is 20 x 30 and the other is 30 x 40. This project is already started. There will be liberal/progressive heads exploding all over the University. I can’t wait.’
Thank you for all you do, Reckonings!
Are you a Tarheel?
@Mark Saint…
‘#8 is a daunting task. As for an indigenous Southern Christian sect, we actually have one. The Israel first, land and race worshiping evangelical Church of God.’
‘Yes, the Orthodox Church is the only Church I see which fits the ideological slant we and our brothers have. The modern Christian Church in the South has ,and is currently being, destroyed from within. Judaizers have weakened it to where I would describe it as a small “c” Christian Church.’
Yes, Mr. Saint, I travel around to local Baptist churches in our area, and they are all terrible Yankee-Doodle-Dandified.
Some members aren’t, but, they are an exception.
The Christian Church in America has become a willing agent for Zionists, and the development is not recent.
@James Owen…
Quite a remarkable and detailed comment you give above. I’ve saved it for study and use.
My reply?
You might just be a Yankee if…
A. Every problem you see can be resolved by more regulations & government.
B. America would be just fine if it weren’t for them criminal niggers, crooked Jews, and Southerners too stupid to understand what America is all about, and why it is superior to every other nation in history; all of which is why The United States Government is completely justified in overturning one sovereign government after another, and bombing those who resist – without a declaration of war.
If the South is ever to have peace then this condemnation of slavery by the North needs to be dealt with. Here is an exchange I had last night on a forum:
Yankee: (to another poster) One other thing.The South began a war and revolution in order to keep and expand slavery. There’s a problem that won’t go away.
Me: Union, you are arguing from your populist religion — abolition. History is on the side of slavery. When great men of old stand before Christ, the fact that they owned, bought, sold, inherited slaves will not be brought up against them. Your false doctrine will be exposed and the truth that the North was the guilty one harassing the South over a historically acceptable practice. Slavery didn’t cause anything but it was the self-righteous North harassing the South with anti-slavery legislation that was the cause of sectional conflict in this context.
Yankee: Well, you may have a point. The 3/5ths clause, the Missouri Compromise, the Wilmont Priviso, the gag order on Congress on discussing or debating slavery, the Fugitive Slave Acts, the Negro seaman’s act, the push for a federal slave code, and then all those speeches and declarations and articles that stated the South was leaving the Union, after a free and fair election, for fear that slavery would not be secure in the Union. After reflection, no, you don’t have a point.
Me: No, I have more than just a point. I just blew your populist religion of abolition out of the water….The North was the guilty party of anti-slavery action and sectional division from the start.
Can’t let them beat us to death with this slavery club…we can fight them back…
Turn Hearts,
Tell the idiot you fought with that JEWs ran the slave trade, out of Rhode Island. Ask them why African Negroes, in African countries, have never ever ever founded an Abolition Movement. Remind any idiot you encounter that slavery is expanding and thriving with the advance of Islam, all over the world.
Inform the clueless of any stripe that the Civil War was fought over cotton production. The Southern cotton production was cutting into the Rothschild Egyptian cotton profits. It’s the JEW, yet again.
Mr Saint,
The Russian Orthodox are doing their thing, Send the kiddies there-in.
Thanks for the suggestions Denise. However, believe it or not I have been thrown off 2 WBTS forums already for just saying basically what I posted above. I could see if I was posting to some other forum, but a WBTS forum, give me a break, free speech is precious…
Turn Hearts
“the South is ever to have peace then this condemnation of slavery by the North needs to be dealt with.”
Try this one:
Bob Whitaker? @BobWhitaker2020 Apr 4
There is no record of a white man enslaving a black man. They bought blacks who had already been enslaved by other blacks.
@Turn Hearts…
I deal with this slavery issue all the time – when I am talking with my fellow Yankee-ified Southerners, who just cannot understand why I am not ashamed to be a Confederate. This, below, is a typical sequence…
I am a Tarheel Confedeate.
You do realize that ‘Confederate’ is not a complimentary term?
Why not?’
Because they fought to defend slavery.
No, they didn’t. Slavery was just a part of why we fought.
You do believe that slavery is wrong, don’t you?
‘If you don’t allow me to unpack that statement, then yes.’
‘What do you mean by ‘unpack’?
Go a little further into it. May I?’
Slavery is not necessarily evil. It depends on the slave and the slavemaster.
You mean, you would not mind being a slave?
No, I am one of those unfit to slavery. But, most people are interested in comfort and security, not freedom.’
Have you ever read the accounts of slavery?
Yes, many – from the 1930s, a book that was financet by the WPA – and they went around talking to old Carolina Negroes about their life, and how they compared life as a slave to life free. They divides up into three categories – those who loved Lincoln and hated their old master; those who said life ‘free’ was not all that much different from life as a ‘slave’, and the third class of negroes who said they misst their lives as slaves and their old massa.
Yeah, so?
Well, the point is that slavery was not a horror for many, and, speaking of Southern Slavery, why do you think that Yankee Slavery was so much better?
The North got rid of slavery.
No, they didn’t. Rich Yankees just paid subhuman wages to huge numbers of Whites and felt smugly right about it, because it was ‘legal’. Our Negroes at least had free medical care, ample food, shelter, workt in godly fields – as opposed to horrible window-less shoppes stinking from buckets of excrement.
I still say slavery is wrong.
Then you must hate America, because we still have slavery – it’s just the Yankee slavery – the hypocrisy of subcontracting out to 3rd world sweatshoppes, all the while calling it ‘legitimate’. We still have slavery – it’s just The Yankee government brand.
At this point, Turn Hearts, they are vulnerable to Southern Nationalist arguments. If I’ve seen it once, I’ve seen it a thousand times, because I do it all the time.
When you get to this point in the conversation, though they may not admit it to you, their eyes tell you that, long after you are in front of them no more, they will be reflecting on what you told them.
And that is, one Southern at a time, how we will undo The Yankee Empire’s hold over The South.
#8 Set up an official pro Dixie Christian denomination Church.
I would say “no” on that. Just finesse existing church denominations, go local, oppose clear corruptions at the top like Southern Baptist Russell Moore or the Muslim boot licking Liberation Theology Catholic Pope.
What happens if you try to make and official Christian church, everyone else with long, long family loyalties to various denominations goes nuts, they just can’t accept that their Church denomination has all gone traitor, or else they just ignore immigration, racial issues and say their church is good for a pro life stance etc.
Look at how AH handled this topic in Germany – AH and the NS never tried to make an official Nationalist German Christian church though the official A Rosenberg recommendation was to bring forth a Nordic, Positive Christianity that rejected most of the Old Testament – Jehovah Jewish tribal God and also reject the intrigues of St. Paul the former Jewish Pharisee Saul of Tarsus.
I thought I was doing great in my pro Southern, Immigration restrictionist, America first foreign policy, anti War activism in Nashville TN ~ 1991, until I got on the wrong side of the Judeo Christians – these types just love, love, love Patriotard wars for Israel. It’s supposedly;
All in their Bible.
If you honestly read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation you can come to no other conclusion but that the South — Confederacy — was right…I will stand on the South’s side of the conflict forever based on what I have learned from the Bible and the prophesies in the future where it shows that when Christ returns He will allow regathered Israel to take and possess servants and handmaids once again…can’t wait to see the sick look on all these abolitionists’ faces when that day comes….THE SOUTH WAS RIGHT!!! DON’T EVER DOUBT THAT!!!
No. I’m not a tarheel. I live in Franklin county, TN. The University of the South is a liberal arts college in a town called Sewanee (in many years past it was a prestigious southern institution). Now it’s fully of liberal Yankees and a lot of homosexuals. It makes me angry. They are constantly trying to tell us how to live our lives and how to run our schools. My family originally came to this area in 1817. I believe we have some distant relatives that are tarheels. Most of the pioneers of the family came from Virginia.
Interesting recording there, from Rebel Son. Additional stirring selections are at the following …
I ‘d like to add a few more ideas for a free Dixie:
Media – news, movies, music, TV – must be locally produced by certified Southern (or vented European, Walt Disney type Midwesterners) men and women. The last Southerner to own any serious TV media company in the South was Ted Turner (no he wasn’t a Christian but he was a Southerner, he didn’t hate the South). CNN under Ted Turner was produced in the South and was very, very different from the #*$&#@* CNN run by the likes of Jeff Zucker and Wolf Blitzer etc.
Many or even most regular Southern folks in the South will not be able to handle the JQ in open discussion of the controlled MSM, the fake news. So you will have to finesse this with dismissing the national media as something like the NY/Hollywood Liberal/Left media and in warnings about fake conservative, Neo Conservatives.
How about this for an idea: Southern rating groups for content containing violence, sexual degeneracy AND for fake news attacking the Southern People.
“Warning; the Southern women’s advisory commission (or else Governor’s office) has determined that the following news program contains false, biased, dishonest and strongly anti Southern content. Please be advised”.
The popularity of Donald Trump in the South was amazing. I note the former tough guy NY mayor Rudy Guliani did not have much, any support in the South when Guliani ran for president and the smears that Guliani was a New York Liberal worked. The same smears against Donald Trump by the Ted Cruz camp didn’t work.
Turn Hearts writes:
“If you honestly read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation you can come to no other conclusion but that the South — Confederacy — was right…
I respond:
Oh, yeah – how about the fundamentalist religious myth in Exodus where the Jewish tribal God Jehovah parts the Red Sea so that the Jews – God’s Chosen People escape the evil Egyptians, who were, like us – definitely not God’s Chosen People. Or how about the part before that which describes “Passover” where some sign was put on the Jews homes so that this same Jewish Tribal God Jehovah spares the Jewish homes from the terrible plague Jehovah is bring down on all the Egyptian people?
How does that work for decent Southern White people in the Southern Confederacy?
Should’t we have God/Gods that don’t hate us, that don’t bring down plagues on our people to favor the Jews, such as the Jews running Hollywood and the porn industry?
And really, just from a neutral perspective – how was that Religious Tail in the Old Testament regarding the parting of the Red Sea, how was that possible for anyone? Wouldn’t the fleeing Jews have some problems with mud at the bottom of the Red Sea? This tale is about as scientifically possible as the 6 Million Gassed Jews Holocaust.
“Ask them why African Negroes, in African countries, have never ever ever founded an Abolition Movement. Remind any idiot you encounter that slavery is expanding and thriving with the advance of Islam, all over the world.”
They couldn’t care one wit about it Ms. Denise. If they can’t beat White people over the head with it, it don’t matter.
Ever notice that these SJWs, who are always shouting about “racism”, never really claim to actually care about the welfare and wellbeing of Blacks? None of them do volunteer community service in black neighbourhoods. None of them actually do anything for Blacks. It’s always about pushing their political agenda and stroking their egos.
@Jack Ryan
“Oh, yeah – how about the fundamentalist religious myth in Exodus where the Jewish tribal God Jehovah parts the Red Sea so that the Jews – God’s Chosen People escape the evil Egyptians, who were, like us – definitely not God’s Chosen People. Or how about the part before that which describes “Passover” where some sign was put on the Jews homes so that this same Jewish Tribal God Jehovah spares the Jewish homes from the terrible plague Jehovah is bring down on all the Egyptian people?…”
You asked questions that obviously require a lot of explanation so I will have to give it to you piecemeal since time/space does not allow me to do it in one post. Will be responding later…
@John Bonaccorsi…
Hey, John – I like that link, just as I like Rebel Son’s Unreconstructed Red-Neck-a-Billy musick!
Thank you!
@Jack Ryan…
‘Look at how AH handled this topic in Germany – AH and the NS never tried to make an official Nationalist German Christian church though the official A Rosenberg recommendation was to bring forth a Nordic, Positive Christianity that rejected most of the Old Testament – Jehovah Jewish tribal God and also reject the intrigues of St. Paul the former Jewish Pharisee Saul of Tarsus.’
According to Goebbel’s diary, Jack, the intent of the party was ‘to supplant outmoded deist philosophies with those honouring the state’, i.e. supplant the old with something even older, still,
Apparently it did not quite meet with The Lord’s approval, although many of Goebbels’s idea were genius prescient, and presaged most of the political media today – both on TV and online.
By the way – did you listen to Kenneth Branaugh’s narration of Goebbels’s life story, as told through his diary entries?
Although it was meant as highly sophisticated anti-Nazi propaganda, and to bash Goebbels, it fails in that regard, and shows him and his thinking to be, as a whole, thought provoking, at the least.
Good nighttime viewing – nothing for a quick glance…
@Jack Ryan…
‘I thought I was doing great in my pro Southern, Immigration restrictionist, America first foreign policy, anti War activism in Nashville TN ~ 1991, until I got on the wrong side of the Judeo Christians – these types just love, love, love Patriotard wars for Israel. It’s supposedly : All in their Bible.’
Jack, my Southern Brethren are shot up and toxick on Jew England Empire disinformation. It’s a terrible thing to behold. I wrestle with this all the time, as I talk to them on these subjects, and I see their difficulties.
They think if it is on Fox it is right. I tell them all the time – ‘Fox, unlike the other stations, has decent domestick coverage, but, the station is owned, just like the rest, by a Zionist Jew, and, apparently, he has never seen application for Yankee Empire he wanted to turn down.
Sadly, Southerners, as a whole, are ill-adapted to understand this era, and how wars of conquest are conducted in this era.
They’re too honest to fathom the subterfuge of our enemies, and their have gotten twisted their own innate, yet now taboo, Southern White Supremacist instincts for the more acceptable Yankee Empire Master Propositional Nation.
It’s very dark, this in spite of some light that has shown through, over the horizon, in recent years.
@John Bonaccorsi…
John, I’m glad you liket the song. Had you heard, ‘Bury Me on Southern Ground’, ere?
No, Junius, I hadn’t heard of the group at all. When I’d listened to the song you linked, I decided to Google them.
Michael, you’ve caught a lot of flak for #8 but I think it is a solid idea, though most of the South is Baptist today, so it may be better to pattern after Baptist. Maybe a Baptist Church of Dixie. It’s an ambitious goal for sure and it may be easier to infiltrate and split than to build from ground up.
Another thought is that a nationalist church could start church schools which would meet a huge need for ppl trying to escape the brown tide and the poz.
@Michael Cushman…
I think, in theory, #8 is a good idea, but, to do so, you would have to find the clergy, and not only would that be hard, it might be impossible, this because most Protestant clergy are high as a kite on Yankee Empire Nationalism, multiculturalism, (integration and open borders)) and Zionism.
For this to work, it would have to be timed at a major schism in, oh, let’s say : The Southern Baptist movement, of which there are signs of an impending one.
Over 100 churches in The SBC are refusing to send their dues up top, because Dr. Russell Moore, head of SBC Ethicks, is promoting all three of these things, #2 of which is irking the hell out of some rural churches.
If you are serious about that, you could make inquiries to these disaffected churches, though, as busy as you are, where would you find the time?
@John Bonaccorsi…
Okay then. Well, in that case, I’m glad I was able to turn you on to something novel and good.
I’m very very proud that this band comes out of Raleigh – in spite of all efforts to ensure that such a thing could never be.
Three cheers for urban Rednecks!!!
‘Another thought is that a nationalist church could start church schools which would meet a huge need for ppl trying to escape the brown tide and the poz.’
In Northeastern North Carolina we already have our private school system – founded in the mid-1960s to do exactly that.
PS @windbornmill
Of their songs or pieces thereof that I’ve heard, the following is my favorite (but I’m a sentimental type, as you know) …