About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jeb is globalism and globalism is the Bush family.

    Trump has been sidelined. He doesn’t have the gumption to fight the establishment.

  2. Time to stop talking.

    I folks stopped talking and used their fists at U Cal Berkley

    It’s way, way long since past time to use our fists on the Bush family and the the Kennedy family.

    Also a good boot to their arses would be nice.

    Let’s stop talk, talk, talking…

  3. “Since Jeb! lost the election but his policies and personnel triumphed anyway ….”

    In dismissing almost entirely the concerns about Trump’s outrageous behavior during the campaign, you demonstrated, Mr. Wallace, a belief that that behavior indicated nothing about his potential as a political leader. You seem to have been mistaken.

  4. @Jack

    “Time to stop talking.

    I folks stopped talking and used their fists at U Cal Berkley.”

    Jack, it will always be time for getting out our narrative and convincing more peoplebto join us, even as we are also doing other things. The concept of “propagande par le fait” and more ordinary propaganda is useful. We can and should do IRL events and occupy space which challenges our enemies WHILE we are also getting out our narrative conventionally.

  5. @Michael Cushman

    “Jack, it will always be time for getting out our narrative and convincing more peopleb to join us,’

    Places like Aiken, SC, or Powderly,Tx, are perfect. Almost no transplants, no SJWs. Untapped Southern Nationalism lies dormant in these places, ready to be stirred up.

  6. Invade the world, invite the world; USA, the shining city on the hill; American exceptionalism, blah, blah, blah. This is NOT what we voted for Mr. Trump.

    And, unless I’ve missed something, ISIS has never attacked Israel and Israel has never attacked ISIS. Only a coincidence no doubt.

  7. @RONNIE
    Jeb is globalism and globalism is the Bush family.Trump has been sidelined. He doesn’t have the gumption to fight the establishment.

    What bothers me is that we will never know what happened to Donald Trump. During the campaign he largely waged a losing campaign by focusing on racial issues but thanks to Wikileaks he won. Now we move onto President Trump. I cannot believe that Trump lied about EVERYTHING, some things yes but I don’t know if anyone’s a good enough liar to put his family through threats on their lives and protests at their buildings and properties. The thing was had Trump Lost, the Trump family wouldn’t have financially recovered from the hits that Hillary and the IRS had plans for them for at least a few years.

    I am of the FIRM BELIEF that the Deep State has literally held a gun to Trump’s head, showed him the heart attack ray gun and other exotic stuff to make him play nice. DR FRED BELL who appeared on Jesse Ventura’s show and Art Bell said they had this stuff 30 years ago and he died of guess what a heart attack.

  8. Billie Jenkins.

    Read Robert Coover’s “Public Burning”.

    Uncle Sam rapes all new Presidents????????

  9. A feature in many newspapers across the nation featured Lawrence Rosenthal who is head of Right Wing Studies at UC Berkeley. Not surprisingly it is white nationalists that have cause all the violence in Berkeley according to the mainstream media

  10. (((Lawrence Rosenthal)) is head of Right Wing Studies at UC Bekeley Another Kike getting paid to spread hatred of the goyim

  11. You can change that just as soon as you can become head of a department somewhere. This simple observation seems to elude almost all pro whites. Or rather that you must be QUALIFIED to even be in the running to be head of a department. THAT really seems to elude everyone.

  12. @James Owen
    You stirred my interest with the mention of Powderly, TX. My wife and I drove through Lamar County a couple years back.

    My wife has roots in Arkansas and we are southern sympathizers stuck in California but looking to move south. I’ll be looking at Powderly. Thank you sir.

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