Arab terrorist (7 year old with a rock) attacks Israeli Jews (IDF troops in the tank)
6 Million Jews feared dead!
(The following is intended for the educational, non commercial use of American readers and is protected by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guaranteeing free speech. Anyone posting, publishing this essay in other countries that do not have 1st Amendment rights of free speech does so without the consent of this writer or the editors of Occidental Dissent – please obey the laws)
Our country (USA) is being bombarded this week with Jewish Holocaust remembrance events. It’s like the Jewish Holocaust in Central and Eastern Europe is now some type of official state religion here in the USA. This is because…
It is an official, fundamentalist State religious myth in the USA, in the West
The Holocaust myth functions in the exact same way as other ethno central Jewish religious myths in the Old Testament Jewish Bible. Take the story of the Parting of the Red Sea in Exodus – and watch the Cecil B DeMille presentation of this myth:
Parting of the Red Sea – how come the Jews didn’t have any problem with mud?
I’m sure that this Old Testament Jewish/Judeo Christian myth is based on real historic events – that the Jews were once in bondage to Egypt. But, did the Jewish tribal God Jehovah really part the Red Sea so that the Jews (God’s Chosen People) escaped the Evil Egyptians (definitely not God’s Chosen People) by fleeing across the bottom of the Red Sea? Hey, it’s the Bible – Biblical truth. Anybody that questions the Parting of the Red Sea myth is a religious heretic, same as anyone who questions any small part of the official 6 Million Jewish Holocaust myth is also a religious heretic – he’s….
An unbeliever
A Holocaust denier
A religious heretic that must be driven from respectable society.
The powers that be used to burn religious heretics at the stake in the Middle Ages for arguing that the earth revolved around the sun, well – try pointing to Revisionist facts that there were no written orders to do mass homicidal gassing of Jews and the supposed gas chambers in CC in Germany were built by the American military after the war ended. Or just point to census data that shows the European Jewish population remained about the same before and after World War II so the 6 million figure is impossible. The results will be the same:
An unbeliever
A Holocaust denier
A religious heretic
(Also a hater, racist, NAZI etc).
NS Kindred’s Jost Turner expands on this idea of the Jewish Holocaust as an anti White, Anti European Jewish ethno centric religious myth. We need our own religious myths.
By Jost Turner
There is a long-standing accusation that Germans and all European people are guilty of systematically exterminated an incredible six million Jews by gassing, burning, shooting, injecting, or just plain starving them to death. It is further averred that this incredible number of dead bodies was cremated in record time, miraculously leaving very little ash as evidence! This, of course, is what is known as “The Holocaust”. When I was a child in school, in the 1950’s, The Holocaust was little known, and cared about even less. We children loved to play “army” with toy guns and military surplus clothing and equipment. We would alternate being American soldiers or German soldiers, with little preference, although no one would ever consent to be a “Jap”. The school walls were continually adorned with Swastikas, as were our notebooks and desktops, and nobody ever made any fuss about it. It is interesting to note that so soon after the war, and the Nuernberg “revelations”, no one cared about Swastikas, Nazis, or The Holocaust. In those days things were pretty much as one would expect them to be after a war: people forgetting the recent carnage, and getting on with the business of living. One would think that people would be curious as to why there is so much hysteria about The Holocaust today, so many years later. Few seem aware of how and why this escalation has occurred, but even more important, few care enough to even question it. It is the reason for this lack of concern that it is important to our people, and which we need to investigate further. There has been a great deal of unpublicized investigation into the Jewish claims of mass extermination. The Canadian trial of Ernst Zuendel has brought to light a wealth of information on the subject, as well as revealing just how spurious the extermination claims are. The Leuchter Report has pretty much discredited the possibility of homicidal gas chambers, and now David Irving, the respected and highly acclaimed World War Two historian, has stepped forward to denounce The Holocaust as a complete fraud. But for our Folk, the truth or falsehood of the Holocaust is not of great importance. Whether or not it happened, or even whether or not people believe it, is not what is most important.
What is most important is whether or not our people of the White Western people *want* to believe it!
I have discussed the facts of The Holocaust with a number of people, and the reactions I received were astounding! More often than not, rather than having my discussion greeted with thoughtful questions and reasonable interest, it was greeted with pointless hostility. The more I investigated, the more I came to realize that:
a great number of our people – *want* to believe it.
Indeed, it is clear that it is important to them that it did happen! This is the reason why it has been so easy for the Jews who dominate our media to turn this simple-minded fairy tale into a religious dogma.*Many Western European American people want to believe in The Holocaust because they want to feel guilty.* To understand this, we need only look back to the time shortly after the forced Judeo Christianization of the White Race. When the bulk of the race was safely “converted” to this alien creed, the church fathers began an educational program to sensitize (or brain wash) their converts into submission to mid- eastern style self-abasement and superstition. For a thousand years, men, women, and children of the White Race have been forced to endure this Judeo christian “guilt therapy”. This “guilt therapy” starts with the ludicrous doctrine of original sin: we are born sinners, evil, corrupt, and there is nothing that we can do about it except to bow down and beg forgiveness to a good (but persecuted and martyred) Jewish god. The flesh is evil! Hate the flesh! Hate yourself! You’re guilty, confess and be saved! In the early days of christianization the hysterical application of this guilt therapy took an awesome toll. Young girls despised their bodies, terrified that normal sex relations were evil, and would condemn them to eternal torment. Men castrated themselves to atone for their “sins”. Men and women wandered across Europe torturing themselves, beating themselves with whips, hating life, and begging for death. It was disgusting and unnatural, but it is a fact that we need to know, because it greatly affects our race today. Here we need to realize one important thing about christianity. The very word Judeo-christian says it all. The origins of christianity are, of course, Jewish. Of quite similar method, and just as Jewish, are communist brainwashing, ADL sensitivity training, and The Holocaust.
The White Race is exceptionally conditioned for Jewish control. It is this guilt-conditioning which has made it so easy to manipulate our race into allowing Jewish domination of our media, professions, government, and courts. It has made it easy for them to manipulate our race into suicidal racial integration, and allowing massive non-white immigration. It has made it easy for them to manipulate our race into accepting, without question, The Holocaust Hoax. The Holocaust is just another symptom of the deadly alien spiritual disease of our race. One does not have to be a professed christian to suffer from the disease. Those who profess secular humanism (which is really only Judeo christianity without the superstitions) are just as infected, often more so. The origins are all the same – Jewish. Here we might note that there are christians who profess a love of race, understand the Jewish problem, and deny the veracity of The Holocaust. But in giving final authority to the christian bible, a highly interpretable book of questionable (and Jewish) origin, they are courting disaster. These racially aware christians have based their philosophy of life, and their future, on a foundation of sand. History clearly shows that in the long term, christians, no matter how racially conscious, have never succeeded in keeping the influence of the Jews out of their society. We don’t need any empirical data to realize that The Holocaust scam would not have worked on Negroes, Arabs, Asians, so-called Latinos, or even the Jews themselves. Jews might be able to get people of these races to believe it, but they would never be able to get them to care – nor feel guilty about it! In fact, the reactions of people of these races would most likely be to give the Jews a real holocaust in short order! Although some of these races may be christianized, they have only been subject to it for a couple of hundred years, and they certainly didn’t get in on the real hey-day of guilt therapy.
Our Folk must understand that our race’s indulgence in selfishness and materialism stems largely from the loss of their natural, tribal values of love and idealism. It is a reaction to an alien, self-abasing philosophy of guilt and fear. While their desire for guilt and punishment is a conditioned reaction, it might also be some sort of subconscious atonement for our race’s unnatural attachment to materialism and self-indulgence. As the bulk of the White Race tail-spins into racial oblivion, it is up to us to prepare future generations of our Folk for survival, strength, and spiritual ennoblement. We must purge from ourselves all that is alien and anti-Folk. Our philosophy of life must be Folk, and we must judge the utility of everything by the answer to one question: is it good for the Folk?
Today our priority is to build a new Folk of idealisits. There is no reason to undermine our efforts in this difficult task by dealing with anything as Jewish and destructive as Judeo Christianity. Alien Judeo christianity has proven itself only too well. It is destructive to the Folk. The unbelievable success of the holocaust hoax is just a glaring symptom of this deadly spiritual disease.-
Hunter Wallace has very sensible policies of avoiding contentious religious disputes – especially White Christian denominations fighting with each other over theology.
It’s a good policy.
Holocaust revisionism is certainly contentious, it’s also illegal in most countries that don’t have our 1st Amendment which we’re in danger of losing.
Still, this week we’re getting bombarded with Holocaust propaganda with the usual suspects using it as a club to call for more Neo Conservative wars against secular Arabs in Syria who supposed using chemical weapons to gas little children the same as Hitler and the Nazis did to the choose.
Plus the Zionists, marxists or just Antifa Leftists are using the Holocaust as a huge propaganda weapon to trying to stop the construction of our border wall.
Jost’s arguments are of course very controversial as he’s arguing that much/most of Judeo Christianity is anti White, Jewish supremacist.
My view is slightly different. I’m find with positive Christianity and I am a Christian myself. I just understand that any religious denomination, anything that basically works for us, can be subverted, go multi cultural and then anti us.
Look what happened to National Review when we let in some Jewish Neo Conservatives who had supposedly “seen the light” and come over to our side. I’m saying it was the same when the Jewish Pharisee Saul of Tarsus supposedly saw the light and converted to Judeo Christianity and worked to convert Jews and Classical Greek Hellens in Syria.
How are the classical Greek Hellens doing in Palmira Syria these days, or “on the road to Damascus Syria”.
Not great.
Neither are we.
We need our own pro White European, White Southern religious myths and the 6 Million gassed Jews Holocaust myth doesn’t work for us.
Mr. Ryan – your anti-Christian stances will play well with Yankee White Nationalists, but, not so very well with the vast majority of The Southern White Race.
But, yes – ‘all civilizations have their foundation myths’.
Be with the one to which you belong, and believe.
The Pope’s happy too Ryan. He’s been crowing about the “Holocaust” louder and longer than Trump. Would you like to see some press releases and clipping from Mister Infallible?
The Holocaust, real or fake, is used to justify White Genocide.
juniusdaniel1828 – I agree.
That’s why we need more pro White European versions of Christianity that doesn’t stress how we are hopeless sinners and God is a tribal Jewish God that brings plagues on Egyptians and plagues on us.
Also, this “rapture” nonsense is very defeatist – like all the good Christians are going to get raptured out of this sinful world and there is nothing that can really be done about Muslim terrorists or BlackLiesMatter or Goldman Sachs etc.
The best archaeological and historical evidence points to the fact that a random of assortment of runaway slaves from Egypt that had ancestral heritage in southern Canaanite areas, because that’s where the Egyptian military kidnapped and enslaved their ancestors, returned to their ancestral home and hooked up with rebellious home folk and started what we now historically think of as the Kingdom of Israel. The slaves themselves who escaped weren’t that tight in the ethnic or religious sense as the Exodus narrative suggests, nor did they have what was by then an already centuries-old identity as Hebrews.
All roads lead to the Protestant revolution. The judaizing among Protestants can be traced back to the reformation. When protestants decided that they didn’t need to obey the Church, that also meant not obeying the Popes who segregated the Jews from gentiles for their good and ours. It also meant that they didn’t listen to the condemnation of judaizing by both the Popes and other prelates. Luther and the other fanatics ripped Christendom apart. Instead of repentance and return to the Church, your answer now, I suppose, is Odin and Thor? It is to laugh. Give me a break.
Sursum corda writes:
“All roads lead to the Protestant revolution. The judaizing among Protestants can be traced back to the reformation.’
I respond:
The Alfred Rosenberg position of “positive Christianity” a more Nordic Christianity was that Martin Luther got things wrong and made his reformation against real and exaggerated corruptions in the Catholic Christian Church as a reason to take everyone back to a fundamentalist adherence to the Old and New Testament Jewish Bible.
Positive Christianity would mean chucking most of the Jehovah Jewish tribal God stuff in the Old Testament and also tossing the intrigues of St. Paul the former Jewish Pharisee Saul of Tarsus. The NT Book of John was very good.
People can and do split hairs about this theology stuff, my point is rather basic:
We can not support religious myths that make our people out to be worthless, hopeless sinners or just cattle that deserved to be abused, enslaved or just replaced.
Our people and our great culture – we ain’t cattle.
And really these lies about 6 million gassed Jews or now the Russians and Syrian President Assad and his beautiful, modern British wife doing deliberate chemical gassing of little children, trying to be like Hitler… NO – that ain’t us.
Any “Christian” (in name only) priest or pastor pushing this #&$*@, they’re not our religious leaders, they have taken the 30 pieces of silver.
Let’s try this one for size, given that “there’s always something lost in translation'”:
1. Biblical mistranslation #1 – Referring to the “Tribe of Judah” and “House of Judah” as “Jews.” This was and is incorrect. They should have been referred to as “Judahites”, not “Jews”, and both were and remained “Israelites.” (Note – Not “Israelis” either.)
2. Biblical mistranslation/misinterpretation #2 – Let’s say you are a Texan of old American stock and some clown from Jersey moved down there to work for Goldman-Sach’s in Houston. After a few months and the required hoop-jumping, he’s a legal resident of Texas. The old-stock Texican doesn’t like that much but the former Joisyite is now a Texican, like it or not.
Now, the fact of the matter is that in the New Testamanent section of the Bible it didn’t matter if you were Greek, Babylonian, Persian, Roman, Egyptian, Kenite, Edomite, Caananite or an Israelite, if you lived in Judea you were referred to as a “Jew.” See the Texas example above. Judea wasn’t full of “Jews”, it was full of, and more properly put, “Judeans.”
3. Then there’s these other critters liiving there who even once said to Jesus, “We are of Abraham’s seed but not of the slavery.” Jesus hated those bastards but did not disagree with them on that point one damn bit. Why? “Herod, an Edomite…”. Go ahead and Google up the phrase. Look up that Esau fellow in the Old Testament and both he and all his descendants were “damned forever” and would be a thorn in the side of Israel forever as well. Same deal with the Caananites and the Kenites – damned by God forever.
Remember those Pharisees by any chance? Jesus flat-out hated those guys, Try on John 8:44 for size. And the follow to that would be this little quote from “America’s Rabbi” (from 1920-1949) Steven Wise, “Phariseeism became Medieval Rabbinism which became Modern Judaism.” Ergo, adherents to Phariseeism were the so-called “Jews” of the time and sould have been properly referred to as “Judaists” rather than simply “Jews”, just as with the other errors illustrated above.
So, was, as is popularized today, “Jesus a Jew?” Sure, just like that guy who moved to Texas from New Jersey six months ago, though actually a Judean. Christ was an Essene, as was his cousin John the Baptist. And those folks were “Israelites”, not Phariasitical Judaists of Edomite, Caanantire and Kenite stock.
And what did Jesus say that we never hear from the pulpit? “I came only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.” Where did the Apostles go after being instructed to “Feed my sheep?” The Acts of the Apostles makes that clear – Europe. To us. Not the Judaists and only the Judeans in Judea who were Israelites. And since right there in the 1905 Encyclopedia Judaica a modern “Pharisee” wrote, “It would be a mistake to assume that our roots are of the Israelites of the Old Testament, but, rather, our roots are in Phariseeism.”
Now, Google up the word “Khazar” and see where that rabbit hole reads.
There is no such “thing” as a Judeo-Christian heritiage. There are Israelites and there are Judaists and they are mutually exclusive. White Folks are the Israelites of the Bible and the “Jews” are as described above. Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Scandanavian and Kindred Peoples. That’s it. Jesus admonished the Pharisees for their “oral traditions” which became codified and known as The Talmud. Google this: “The Socino Edition of the Babylonian Talmud” and read away. I’ve read every word in that multi-volume set of horrors and the filth that it is is butressed by the “mysticism” of the Kabballah. Those are the basis for “Judaism” as we know it, not the Bible, not what they call “The Torah”; that being The Pentatuch – the first five books of the Bible.
The “Holyhoax?” Usurious monies? We are slaves to our lenders and “All wars are bankers wars” – period.
John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Those are the Judaists and they have been leading us around by nose-rings for centuries.
Hosea 4:6 – My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Wake the hell up, my brothers!. ,
Ok “John”
But how do sane, Christian Texans feel about Lutheran Immigrant aid societies in Minnesota flooding Minnesota and then on to Tennessee and Texas with tens of thousands of diseased Bantu Somalian Islamists?
OK that seems like an easy choice for me.
For others splitting hairs about the Bible…
Correction – I should have written above that [The Israelites are the ] Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Scandanavian and Kindred Peoples.”
The God of the Bible is “Our” God – period. Not the God of the “Jews” or the Buddhists or anyone else. The book say’s He gave other gods to other peoples. There is never a reference to “false gods”, just for His people to worship (and fear) no other God but Him. Read Deuteronomy 28-32 and ye shall see why we are in this mess. He makes us a deal-deal: obey the law and you shall receive blessings and if you don’t you shall receive curses. Read it, especially the curses, and then tell me that we aren’t on the receiving end of what we deserve for disobedience. We can go with “Ryan the Mythbuster” or the telling evidence right there for all to see.
I worship and fear “The Mean Jesus” who whips moneychangers and no other.
John writes:
“I worship and fear “The Mean Jesus” who whips moneychangers and no other.”
I respond:
OK, but please understand George Soros, Goldman Sachs and other serious “money changers” are in high power now this year 2017.
What are ya gonna do about them?
The most Cursory reading of the Gospels reveals a very anti-Semitic foundation for Christianity. The Jews are contextually correct in fearing the story.
Well, “Jack” (If that’s your real name…”)
About the same as a sensible fellow in Idaho thinks about that Texican Pastor John Hagee and his fellow antiChrist “Christians United For Israel” worshippers handing sheckels hand over fist to our antiChrist oppressors and those “Good Old Southern Baptists” and their “We Stand For Israel” banners in every little church from the Carolina’s to Florida and all the way west to where the desert starts.
And while you are at it, “Jack”, why don’t you take a gander at exactly how deep those Southern Baptists are at taking filthy lucre from the gubbermint for refugee resettlements. “Spread the Love”, man.
And “Jack”, there isn’t any “splitting hairs” about the bible if people would get away from the Judaized “preacher man.” You get a concordance and break down the book word by word, in both the Hebrew and the Greek. The “Day Six” man is “Ish man” (non-Adamic) and the “Day Eight” guy is ‘he who blushes, of ruddy complexion” – “Adamic Man”, “Jack.” Completely different critters of different creations. As further evidence, did not Cain say to God, “But the others will kill me.” Got that, “Jack?” “Others?” And God told Cain that He would put a “mark” on him so the “others” would not kill him and that Cain would take his wife from them as well. And that was when only Adam and Eve and Cain were left from that Day Eight creation, so there were in fact “others.”
You don’t even know who the players on the stage are and you’re trying to bust a presumed myth yet concurrently don’t even understand a damn thing about the (His)story you castigate.
Aside from the errors in translation I pointed out in a previous post, the right and proper complaint would be this: there should never have been a separation between the so-called “testaments.” The separation is artificial. If anything, the section referred to as “New” perhaps should have been referred to as “Addendum A”, for that is what it was. God “divorced” the ten northern tribes for (their) “her harlotry”. The went into Assyrian captivity for 70 years and crossed the Caucus Mountains over Darius Pass, took a left turn and went to Europe. There is a catalogued archaological trail they left in their wake. Duh. Proof. The two southern tribes, Judah and Benjamin were not divorced by did pay for their sins two hundred year later in the Babylonian Captivity.
Jeremiah 31:31-33 foretells what was to come: 31 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. 33 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
“Covenant.” Here’s a few synonyms – contract, agreement, undertaking, commitment, guarantee, warrant, pledge, promise, bond, indenture.
Then we have this: St, Paul ( Roman/Benjamite/Israelite) in Hebrews 9:15 – “For this reason He (Jesus) is the mediator of a new covenant, so that, since a death has taken place for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.”
A new contract or if you will, an addendum to the original because it’s with the same folks, and not “Rabinnical Jews” either.
And by the way (and likely a surprise to everyone including “Jack”) here’s the definition of the word “Gentile” (Strongs Greek, 1484) – “a race, people, nation; the nations, heathen world” Now look at a biblical map of the times then contemporary and see where the “world” is. It’s not very big: Europe, most of the Middle East and northern Africa (full of red-haired, blue-eyed Berbers) and that’s it. That’s where the apostles were told to go to “feed My sheep” by Christ. (“I came only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel”, the darn racist!))
Since those ten northern tribes had been working their way across that one-same “world” for 700 years since the Assyrian cpativity and doing a pretty fair job of becoming barbarians (that appellation given to the Germanic tribes by the Romans due to speech patterns) the apostles were to go among the “nations, heathen world” to bring the Israelites back into the fold via the Gospels. Hell, look how bad we’ve screwed up Christianity in just the last 50-100, and that’s with the written word and research material at hand and at a whim. We’ve turned an ass-kicking Jesus into some sort of Haight-Ashbury, dope smoking, “free love” pushing freak. Imagine what 700 years of boar-hunting with nothing but spears will do?
Yeah, Jack. Go fight without a god and see how well you fare. The longer we have strayed from our God the more powerful our enemies and their “god” has become. “The Doctine of Baalam.” It’s right there.
You heard it here first: I predict the Jews will bribe the Roman Catholics once again to ban the publication of the New Testament into the common languages of Europe. The New Testament as hate speech.
I find it telling that our supposed ‘kosher Papist,’ S. Dalton, is letting Ryan’s selective anti-Christian rhetoric, stand…. almost as if he prefers this crap to the more reasoned responses to Ryan’s rhetoric- almost as if he can’t just leave them alone on their own merits, but must refute everyone at any cost, simply to keep his narrative ‘kosher.’
The Holohoax is the foundational myth of the post WW II world order. That world order is collapsing now and people are naturally questioning it’s rationalization. The elites have no choice but to crack down on dissent in order to hang onto their power, but the very act of doing so will only destroy whatever legitimacy they still retain. How all this plays out still remains to be seen but we can be sure it will get worse for us in the near future. Be prepared for persecution. It makes no difference if you’re pagan or Christian, if you’re White you will be targeted.
Paul I do understand that the usual religious discussion gets nasty and not very helpful.
That said I think most of us can say, without fear of contradiction, that today’s Christian denominations are QUITE different from the older variety. And not for the good.
For example the Roman Catholic Church, which used to be very healthy, has gone downhill in a hurry, and was it something natural? No it was not:
Look Magazine, January 25, 1966, Volume 30, No. 2
How The Jews Changed Catholic Thinking By Joseph Roddy, Look Senior Editor
Professor Arthur Butz of Northwestern University’s book woke me up on the topic of the Holocaust:
This German fellow wrote about his examination of Auschqwitz gas chambers, for the results he was stripped of his PhD by the Max Planck Institute.
Amazon has BANNED these books for being for sale.
“Now I read that a German court has fined David Irving, the eccentric British historian, the sum of £3400 for querying this established fact. Similar laws against querying it exist in France and Austria.
Obviously, it does not influence the truth or falsehood of the original proposition by one jot that various governments are prepared to impose criminal sanctions against anyone who questions or denies it. But I cannot help asking myself what sort of truth it is that requires these sanctions.”
London, May 9, 1992 UK
Just try to find more pro European, pro Southern forms of Christianity.
Don’t tolerate religion pushing race mixing, pushing the hatred of Whites, or pushing the holohoax or pushing endless Neo Conservative lying wars against the Russians, Serbs
That shouldn’t be controversial to anyone in the Alt Right, Alt Lite, Southern nationalism.
How about we stop arguing about theology and tar and feather Russell Moore of the Southern Baptists?
Dutchman writes:
” Be prepared for persecution. It makes no difference if you’re pagan or Christian, if you’re White you will be targeted.”
I respond:
Golly Jack,
Maybe I should ask your high, mighty and erudite ass what to do about them? Henry Ford identified these people in his book “The International Jew” in 1921 and they just slowly destroyed him. They took down Lindberg.
Gosh, Jack! Maybe you are onto something! Obviously we should write endless blog posts. Maybe send them personal letters asking them to cease with their practice of Usury? You’re obviously a real bold fellow given you’ve just touched the Third Rail of Third Rails by rightly accusing them of lying about the Holyhoax, but hell, I did you one better!
I called them liars and murderers from the beginning, just like that Jesus guy did. I wrote that they weren’t the “Chosen People” at all, but instead that others are. All you did was say the whole tale of the Holyhoax is a massive conflation and then kinda mumbled and stumbled around about the “myth thing.”
Hell Jackie Boy, you want to do the myth thing with them then get serious about it. Quit screwing around and toss in some citations from Dr, Shlomo Sands book, “How the Jewish People Were Invented.” He used to teach at Tel Aviv U. and they parted in ways unfriendly, so he’s a good source. While you are at it quote liberally from the book “The Thirteenth Tribe” by Judaist historian Arthur Koestler (deceased) where Koestler chronicled the fact that the vast majority of modern day “Judaism” is comprised of Khazarian converts that the Finnish Rus tribe ran out of the Russian steppes and into Eastern Europe around 850-900 A.D. (or for you, since you’re so special, C.E.) to plague us into the present day.
Well, they ran out most of them. The Judaist’s they didn’t run out murdered somewhere between 30 and 60 million Orthodox Christian Russians, Jack. And those folks were financed by American Judaists, Jack. Did you know that?
That part isn’t a myth even if you want it to be. The Khazarian tale is cited in multiple European histories and well as Arabic. I’ve read them, Jack. And probably back when you were in about fifth grade, Jack. And did you know that 95% of the so-called “Jews” in “Israel” are “Askenazi Jews”, the descendants of those Khazarian converts and therefore have no biblical background whatsoever? Even the “myth” kind? The remaining 5% in so-called “Israel” are Sephardic and thus descended from the Pharisees? Were you aware of that too, Jack?
Pray tell, Jack. What should we do?
After seeing how readily they pushed the lie about Assad gassing his own people, I see the Holocaust in a whole new light.
Sursum corda
April 25, 2017 at 8:21 pm
“All roads lead to the Protestant revolution. The judaizing among Protestants can be traced back to the reformation. When protestants decided that they didn’t need to obey the Church, that also meant not obeying the Popes who segregated the Jews from gentiles for their good and ours. It also meant that they didn’t listen to the condemnation of judaizing by both the Popes and other prelates. Luther and the other fanatics ripped Christendom apart. Instead of repentance and return to the Church, .”
The Catholic Church is anti-White to the bone. No Catholic country ever founded a White country. Look to South America for prime examples of what they create – freaky mix blended brown countries. Protestants on the other handm created White countries in USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia. The results are in.
“your answer now, I suppose, is Odin and Thor? It is to laugh. Give me a break”
Whites are in such a poor state, that their OWN religions, the ones they created IN Europe, they call a joke. While following one created by non-white semetic peoples in a desert land far from them is the One True Way!
White self hatred is SICK!
Anglicanism was until recently the religious foundation of White World over the seas away from Europe.
God is not good (and worth preserving in the West) because He created white people.
White people are good (and worth preserving in the West) because God created them.
I highly recommend anyone go through these threads and read the posts of “Been-There”.
He proves everything he argues. Pay particular attention at the paid for disinformation operatives he goes up against. (((They))) use every dishonest obfuscation tactic imaginable. Watch them concede a point and claim they were not just denying it with the same tactic the post before.
He proves that there are only one group of Holocaust Deniers. The ones that deny the truth about it not really happening. It’s worth your time. It shows you the correct way to argue.
samuel Untermeyer – origins of a myth, call for a war!
International Jewry? What was that prior to and after 1939?
Media NEVER lets us forget it – Holocaust in the ‘news'(?)
@ countenance
What ‘best archaeological evidence’ do you have that suggests some of the jews were slaves?
The best I’ve seen suggests just the opposite. They were part of the ruling class in Egypt, had a falling out, and then Exodus.
This would explain why the jews feel they’re being ‘oppressed’ or ‘wronged’ when they’re treated like average people (a trait very common amongst them). Their sense of entitlement literally founded them.
The question I always ask myself is how could God let that happen to his most favorite chosen people?? To teach them a lesson?? To warn them of the consequences of defying Gods laws?? Why must we feel for Jew suffering when God almighty turned his back on his very own chosen people??
The purpose of the Holohoax myth was to 1. justify the displacement, dispossession and even genocide of the Palestinians. The Allies wanted a base in the Middle East. 2. to conflate separation and removal of the jews from the europeans with mass-murdering them, so that no aryan ever tried it again.
Hey John…..
Jesus wants you to lighten up a bit.
Have some fun out there.
lot’s of good things happening in the world.
Russia isn’t back solidly the pro White European Christian camp.
Google want happened to Pussy Riot.
Jesus wants you to lighten up.
Jack Ryan. Obviously, you are no christian. You deny the parts of the bible you do not like. Ignoring the fact that Christians believe that the bible is the word of God. You can’t pick and choose your Christianity. You either follow the bible or you don’t. It’s not a Buffet where you can pick want you like and ignore the rest. If the bible says it, then it happened. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
All of you American Christians on this site worship (((The AntiChrist))), and you deserve what is going to happen to you because of the sins of your fathers in destroying the righteous in Germany in WW2. You are going to have the seven bowls of God’s wrath poured out upon you, and your great city Babylon (NYC) is going to be destroyed according to God’s holy word. PS, the Number of the Beast, the Number Holy of Your God, is 6E6.
It is a perversion of Christianity which enables our enemies. I would go into detail but I trust the readers here to research for themselves. Just to help, however, I suggest that those who wish to divert from the good news of everlasting life read the entire Gospel of John. Jesus is no Cuck, trust me. Please see or read the “infiltration of the Catholic Church and Vatican II”. Please look up the hostile witness testimony against Christ in the Talmud.
Our Constitution has been similarly twisted, and blaming it for our Republic’s ills is wrong in the sense that a more arduous application of its very principles would have protected our folk from most of the 19th and 20th century folly.
Be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves…
Its a shame this article had to be marred by sectarianism and lies. People who call “Christianity” [sic] Jewish are ignorant or dishonest. There’s no third option.
The mass extermination of Jews happened. The real hoax is the fable that it was a unique event. The history of the 20th Century shows there were several genocidial mass exterminations. The Armenian genocide and the Ukrainian Holomordor were two of the other genocides that darkened the face of the 20th Century. But strangely enough, neither of these mass murders get the publicity the Jewish genocide does. Why? One reason is that Jewish interests control a lot of the world’s media. So, that event gets the lion’s share of attention. The second reason is that there was a great number of Jews involved in the Armenian genocide and the Holomordor. The Young Turks and the CUP which controlled the Ottoman Empire from about 1908 to 1918, was basically a Jewish, Masonic operation. Do a web search on the YT, the CUP, and Donmeh Jews to get the the whole story. shoebat.com has some information on the Armenian tragedy, so you might want to start there.
The Holomordor also had a high number of Jewish active in it too. I believe Kaganovich was the biggest name involved in that mass murder.
What is interesting about the Armenian genocide is that the governments of Israel and Turkey both don’t want to acknowledge it. The reason why is simple. For years, the Turkish government was controlled by Donmeh Crypto-Jews. Many of those Domneh went to Palastine after WWI and became a part of the Zionist power structure that was developing there. After WWII, the Holocaust narrative became central to the history of that war. The other genocides had to be ignored or repressed. The truth behind the movers of those mass murders would ruin the Jews as victims narrative that is central to the accepted genocide story.
The Jew Dalton is still perpetuating the LIE that billions of demonic genetic kikes were exterminated. Well a Jew is always gonna Jew, right?
This is a rough subject but we live and now die in extremely rough times.
Whatever your religious heritage, affiliation – you can make things work with just some basic no compromise positions.
1) Never tolerate slanders and lies against our White Southern people or related White European oriented people, never tolerate slanders and lies designed to start strife, war, hatred against other White European oriented people – now the slander and war mongering lies are mostly aimed at the Russians and the very high caste, White leadership of Syria.
2) Never tolerate religious organizations or just religious ceremony that promote weakness where grown White Southern men are encouraged to
Confess for alleged sins of our ancestors
That whole college football stadium thing of the “Promise Keepers” comes to mind – it sucks.
3) You can make almost all forms of Christianity work – it was never a problem for our best soldiers in the Civil War or just regular Christian Southerners up until 1965. But it is now.
4) If you can’t make many/any forms of Christianity work where you live and work – do like Ted Turner did, walk away, pursue different paths but don’t waste a lot/any time bashing Christians, or Christianity. Yeah, the latest Catholic (In Name Only) Pope Frances is a worst ever traitor – Russell Moore of the Southern Baptists gets published in the Jew York Times pushing Black Liberation Theology. They are traitors. But, if you do leave Christianity, don’t take a moral holiday or hang out with those who do.
5) Be aware of the Jewish Question, but not obsessed with the JQ. Don’t try to make friends with ugly, Pakistani and Algerian migrant males and try to bond with them by saying you’re against the Zionists. The Reality is the Zionists/Israel are strongly aliened now with Saudi Arabian Sunni Islamists and even ISIS – both are working to wipe out White Western civilization in Western Europe, Scandinavia.
Have some fun out there – start a book and movie club – rent Netflix classic movies from the 30s, 40s and 50s.
And I can not stress this enough.
Learn a White form of partner dancing. Asking a pretty woman to dance – I bet she will say “yes”.
White ladies – how about saying “Yes” more often. Maybe some marriage proposals – say “yes”.
Fr? John, I have commented. Nothing I will say will please you, but I don’t care.
Denise, nobody has disproven the mass murder of Jews in the WWII. I don’t have to like an ethnic or religious group to believe a genocide occurred. And I have stated that the Jewish Genocide was just one of the genocides that disgraced the 20th Century, and that two of them were done with Jewish leadership. So, I’m not standing up for the Jews, but I am standing up for historical truth and accuracy, not blind prejudice, bias, and hatred.
@RB, on the spot. The RCC is a Trojan horse in the country where I was born and bred, Poland. The (((Catholics))) are in alliance with useful idiots of Polish stock that were fooled into the delusion that the essence of Polish patriotism lies in the hatred for all Russian and sucking upto the omnipotent (((overseas))) masters.
@ Jack –
I agree with your last post entirely, so I’m lightened up. Remember this Southern gentlemen, “Brass Rail Churches.” Our great-grandaddy’s knew what the hell the covenant was about and that’s why the Brass Rails were erected.
@ Stephen Dalton – The “Holyhoax” has been flat-out disproven. Period. Etch this in your head – Truth doesn’t need to hide behind laws that disallow its examination. Do some research. Read the International Red Cross records from the German prison camps. Then read this, and these numbers came from Judaic sources. After digesting them, ask yourself how if this so-called genocide occured when their population numbers, calculated by (((them)) don’t show any sort of significant loss from 1933-1948 when every other group took huge hits: http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=85432
Yeah, this is a bit of a head-scratcher, isn’t it?
The problem is no one likes to admit they fell for a lie and even when faced with clear, unambigous evidence that prove what they have been told is a lie, they will still hit the default setting and go right back to the lie. This lie has been worth trillions of dollars to them, literally trillions.
“Society need consoling lies.” – The Russo-Judaist immigrant and “father of the neocons”, Leo Strauss
I hope you are consoled.
(And while you are at it, pull up the entire set of paragraphs out of Mein Kamph where Hitler described how the Judaists created the technique of the “Big Lie.” Das Juden grabs one sentence out of that essay and blames Hitler for the concept when the fact is the essay indicts them. Well-meaning folks like you believe the John 8:44 people instead of the truth. You’ve been programmed, man.)
And Jack, I am not “Fr, John.”
His knowledge of thing biblical makes me look like a rank amateur. We are close to the same age though I hit the “understanding” of what’s going down sometime before he did. I went gun first while he went bible. I broadened my perspective and therefore understanding as the years went on.
As the rallying cry was heralded by the gun-toting, hard-core preachers during the War For Independence, “No King But Jesus.”,
@ WP –
Not all of us, sir. Many of us are fully aware of the “Sins of our fathers” in relationship to National Socialist Germany (among so many others) and that there will indeed be a price paid and done so in full.
We’re paying part of that bill right now as foretold in Deuteronomy, for “the alien among you will rise above you and he will be the head and you will be the tail.” The Parentheses People own and control us, have destroyed our lands, enslaved our women and turned them against us as well as using our sons to fight their wars.
“Hell is coming.”
John, the Jewish Genocide happened. We can argue about the number of Jews that were killed in the genocide, but it happened. Like I’ve already said, the 20th Century was a century of genocides, and genocide deniers are on all sides. The Israelis and the Turks deny the Armenian Genocide, the Russian government denies the Holomordor, and people like you deny the Jewish one. And as for me being influenced by the John 8:44 people, poppycock! I have no use for any form of Judaism or Judaizing. I’m a Catholic who believes in the traditional teachings about the Jews. Also, when I was in my twenties, I spent several years in a Judaizing sect called the Worldwide Church Of God. My bad experiences in that group left me with a distaste for anything Jewish. And discovering what the actual Jewish religion was all about turned me against it completely. The only influences on me are actual history and traditional Christianity, as taught by traditional Catholicism.
And here’s another line to take:
The United States fought on the Allied side in World War II, not on the Axis side. So any atrocities, war crimes committed by the Axis side, whether they were real, exaggerated or complete lies must not be used to insult, demean Southern Americans, White European Americans in the hear and now year 2017. Regular White folks in Iowa don’t not share any guilt in the supposed Holocaust, neither must this Holocaust subject be used to smear and demean Confederate history, Confederate monuments etc.
Anybody trying to push these guilt trips on our people, tell them to piss off.
@ Steve
No, it did not.
If it did then their own records would not show that they were the only group in Europe that increased in numbers from 1933-1948, but by your reckoning and by their lies the number in 1948 should be down by the magic number of “Six Million.” Given that the numerical evidence clearly shows that did not happen, then the story is clearly a lie. Again, pay attention to the International Red Cross numbers and note when the increase in the die-off happened in the camps and the listed causes; Typhus and Cholera aggravated by starvation. When you are losing a war on two fronts and can barely feed your own population and your armed forces, guess who suffers the worst? The prison population.
Look up the history of that “Six Million” number and how long they’ve been whipping that thing out. Since the 1880’s, then again in 1906 and big-time during WWI. Look it up. And for your own sake, You Tube up David Cole’s (he’s Jewish, so it’s okay) video he did on Aushwitz in 1992. Given his religio-ethnicity, “They” allowed him into the inner sanctum, seeing the blueprints and the records and everything – the whole works. The “work camp” had a hospital for the inmates, a theater, an orchestra, a swimming pool, soccer fields and all sorts of stuff. Did you know that thousands of babies were born there too and neither them of their mommies were executed? And guess what else was missing? Gas chambers and massive crematoriums.
Then there is this little problem. Note that the plaque at Auschwitz was changed in 1989, lowering the alleged number of deaths there from 4 million to 1.5 million. Can you engage in subtraction? As good as they are at slapping the entire planet with interest rates, they apparently can’t subract either. Read this: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v21/v21n3p24_weber.html
Frankly, you don’t know a damn thing of any value about what went on in Germany before the war, during the war or after the war. Among many diverse subjects, I’ve been studying this subject for thirty years and you can call me “Professor”, not, “Father.” Maybe this will help (for starters) to begin clarification. Go to the library and find the book, “Shindlers List.” (Hint – It’s in the “Fiction” section.)
That is exactly the right place to start – in the “Fiction” section. Got it? The Holocaust is “Fiction.”
I believe Hal Lindsey once claimed we would all be Raptured by 1988 and here is is 2017. John Hagee claims that Jews by virtue of their DNA can get to Heaven, that God has worked out a special deal for them- its called Dual Covenant theology-whereas Christians can only get into Heaven by the blood of Christ. I wonder if Hagee knows how heretical this doctrine sounds? As for me I am not CI but neither and I Judeo-Christian. I believe the Mystery Babylon referred to in Revelations as the end time power who would bring the Anti-Christ to power is Organized Jewry. Voice of the beast-radio and print media, Image of the beast TV and movies- the deadly head wound that healed-the jewish experience during WWII. As you can see mainstream protestant Christianity in the South and elsewhere is already worshipping the beast as foretold. It all fits.
PS:The City on Seven Hills in end time theology is not Rome as Protestants believe but Jerusalem which also sits on seven hells and when the Bible refers to the Great City in the end times it always means Jerusalem not Rome.
What a crock of shit. Your simplistic and naive understanding of the history of our people and our Faith is almost too much to comprehend. If you are Southern, which I tend to doubt, your Grandfather would slap some sense into you if they were alive today. Robert E. Lee was a devout Christian man, and Stonewall Jackson viewed the war through a framework of religious struggle. Instead of tolerating Christianity as an acceptable accessory to your racial views (as long as it is eviscerated of most of its substance of course), the proper course of action is to repent and believe the God of our fathers.
The god of your forefathers is a fuckin jew….. enjoy.
Stephen Dalton
‘Denise, nobody has disproven the mass murder of Jews in the WWII.’
Complete nonsense.
The internet is filled with works by authors and researchers who have totally obliterated the Hoax of the 20th century.