Trump’s Full Remarks at DC Holocaust Museum

We voted for “Make America Great Again.” We wanted an independent country. Instead, we got Jarvanka, Gary Cohn and a bunch of globalist neocons foaming at the mouth to start new wars:

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jews control the financial structures of the West and nearly all poiticians and institutions serve at their behest.

    Movements and leaders do arise from time to time causing modicums of change but Hymie always manages to circumvent desired outcomes and reassert dominance.

  2. ‘I want my children to grow up in a world where people are tolerant, inclusive, and loving toward one another’.

    Well, Miss Ivanka – does that include Palestinian Arab children or, closer to home, White Southern Children?

    And, is there anything you won’t commit upon other cultures to force them to accept your view of how the world ought be.

    Are you ‘tolerant’, ‘inclusive’, and ‘loving’ towards those who do not share your views?

  3. Well her children are Jewish more or less so she has an existential imperative to wish it were so.

  4. At this point, I can only shake my head over people who claim that all is well and he’s just maneuvering.

    IF, and only, IF, he actually takes concrete action to improve our demographic situation — the Wall, mass deportations, etc. — will I give him the benefit of the doubt. If he builds the Wall, I’ll probably vote for his second term, otherwise abstaining. But I won’t trust him.

    Otherwise, these true Trump believing people precisely resemble the leftists making excuses for their pet googles: “He’s a good boy, he dindu nuffin except what he was forced to do by systemic racism, blah blah blah.” If his warmongering and Israel-groveling prove to be a masterful maneuver, I will salute and applaud when he has actually PROVEN his good intentions towards Heritage America, and admit that I was fooled.

    But until that day arrives, those who continue to say “no matter what it looks like, it’s just a brilliant plan on his part!” are reality-denying wishful thinkers. I’ll place more reliance on my lying eyes than in the princes of this world, though.

    In the meantime, if it walks like a neocon, kisses up to Israel like a neocon, blows stuff up in remote countries where we have no business being like a neocon, and quacks like a neocon … it is a neocon.

  5. @Ironsides…

    ‘At this point, I can only shake my head over people who claim that all is well and he’s just maneuvering. ‘

    President Trump is doing well, Ironsides, but, in some respects he is not.

    One thing is for sure – he is not, nor ever will be, a White Nationalist, nor will he ever be any sort of an ethno-nationalist.

    He’s a Yankee who believes in The Propositional Doodle-Dandy, and, as such, you cannot grade him on that kind of score.

  6. What about White Genocide deniers? Trump has so much concern over other races, Jews in particular, and seemingly doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to his own.

    BTW, how did less than 3% of the population acquire so much clout? Oops, I forgot it is anti-Semitic of me to ask such a question.

  7. I’m only surprised the Jews didn’t demand both his daughters. As for the Jews’ clout, it comes via the (((Central Bank))). Which debt-bombs and money-manufactures the entire political class into submission.

  8. more of the same
    April 25, 2017 at 7:19 pm

    “What about White Genocide deniers? Trump has so much concern over other races, Jews in particular, and seemingly doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to his own.”

    Trump has a callous disregard for whites. Remember when that white kid was tortured by blacks on Facebook? Trump said nothing that day, but that he was looking forward to an enjoyable weekend. Yet we all know how he squeals at the slightest provocation when a certain special group is offended.

    On that day I knew he was bad news. Any white who follows him deserves what they get.

  9. Haxo Angmark
    April 25, 2017 at 10:14 pm

    “I’m only surprised the Jews didn’t demand both his daughters. ”

    His youngest daughter is with one as well.

  10. Trump has never once stopped to thank or even mention the white people who put him in office. He’s taken the time to thank blacks and hispanics, and is now slobbering all over jews, but won’t dare mention the people who actually elected him. What a bitter disappointment he has been so far.

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