The Right Stuff recently ran an article which discusses the USA as a White empire, mostly in the old sense of the word as an expansive government, and traces its decline all the way back to the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848. This starting point may surprise some, but the author argues:
A state can both increase and degenerate, which is the story of American history. While it may seem counterintuitive it has been transpiring for nearly two centuries. Our race has expanded greatly, but our ability to manage that expansion has atrophied and so we have had our destiny hijacked.
It goes on to assert that “The failure to completely annex a defeated country during a high tide of racial expansion and folkwandering marks our starting point.” It correctly blames Northern hostility towards the South and slavery for the lack of acquisition of much or all of Mexico. Though the expansionist Young America Movement arose in the 1840s, the high-point for American trans-regional concensus on southward expansion had by then already passed. As discussed in my book Our Southern Nation: Its Origin and Future there were several opportunities for US expansion into the tropics in the early to mid 1800s which were popular in the South and among Democratic voters of the North. They would have resulted in more Southern States and Dixie’s domination of the US Congress. Thus, opportunities to take the Yucatan Peninsula, Baja California, Nicaragua and Cuba were all rejected by Northerners opposed to Southern expansion. Even the acquisition of Texas was extremely unpopular in New England. Clearly, the multi-civilizational nature of the Union prevented it from acquiring nearby lands controlled by weak regimes and populated by less developed peoples. The article states:
… [T]he North did not want slavery to be expanded into Mexico as that would mean at least a dozen new slaveholder states and a permanent Southern orientation of the United States. The Golden Circle–the unification of the New World’s plantation societies under one banner–would have reduced New England and her Midwestern scions to a fiefdom. So the North prevailed against the expansion of White rule into Mexico because that would mean a government dominated by planters.
It concludes insightfully:
Today we live with the bitter, bitter irony that the United States is becoming a mostly black and brown country, but on New England’s terms of racial equality and miscegenation rather than the South’s, and with much less territory. Had the South prevailed and the United States became a significantly blacker and browner country, but on the terms of Aryan supremacy, we would live in a very different timeline indeed.
There was limited Southern opposition to the acquisition of Mexico and Central America on the grounds discussed in the article that it would make the USA more non-White and Catholic. However, most Southerners supported expansion for multiple reasons: it would have meant more political power for the South, more economic opportunies and a chance to spread civilization. The Democratic Party, behind which most of the South was united, favored expansion into the tropics.
This is a huge subject to tackle and one we have written about at length over the years. It is encouraging to see it discussed openly on a non-SN, pro-White website and in the contexts of race, sectional conflict and the plantation civilization.
“It correctly blames Northern hostility towards the South ”
This is about 99% of the reason why the U.S. ungovernable. There are actually four different countries in competition with one another.
The USA was a silly idea to start with. The EU is falling apart for the same reason. Putting all those different peoples under one government is silly.
It’s so obvious. What happened is that Yankees demanded that a certain something happen under their authority. The Mexican-American war was a lost victory.
Mike, are you sure you are not mistaking anti-Southern propaganda for political history?
The war with Mexico was started by Mexico, when they attacked US Troops along the Rio Grande, and other belligerent actions toward the US and their lost territory of Texas,
@Captain John Charity Spring MA
“What happened is that Yankees demanded that a certain something happen under their authority”
As an aside, they still do. All somethings that happen. Especially if it’s in Dixie.
As things turned out, Cuba was an immensely valuable strategic acquisition. Now the Chinese and North Koreans are trying to win friends and influence people there. It’s a dagger pointed at us, rather than a shield
“…it would make the USA more non-White and Catholic.” Taking that into consideration would conquering Mexico and /or Central America have been wise?
@ More of the Same
Acquiring Louisiana, Florida and Texas did the same thing. But our culture soon dominated those States. And all had White majorities eventually. When we Southerners briefly acquired Nicaragua that was mostly non-White. But we encouraged White immigration, worked with local White elites and did not extend the franchise to non-Whites. Nicaragua, even starting out mostly non-White, could have soon been another Florida or Louisiana.
I totally disagree with this. The Mexican-American War was a stunning triumph for America. The mestizo population north of the Rio Grande was thin and we easily swamped it demographically and imposed White Supremacy with relative ease. The real decline began with our involvement in WWI and the beginning of our commitment to “making the world safe for democracy” for the next hundred years…..and counting.
the mexican american war was not started by mexico.just like every war the u.s. has been in, they all have been started by the u. s. by provocation in order to invade and steal resources.and they are not above killing their own people and blaming it on the other country to gain support for genocide on innocent people in other countries. the u.s. stole land from mexico but lost the war of culture. that is why most southwestern states have spanish names and spanish is the most common language. spanish culture is stronger,
“Today we live with the bitter, bitter irony that the United States is becoming a mostly black and brown country, but on New England’s terms of racial equality and miscegenation rather than the South’s, and with much less territory. Had the South prevailed and the United States became a significantly blacker and browner country, but on the terms of Aryan supremacy, we would live in a very different timeline indeed.”
I generally agree with most alt-right takes about history, but this one is out there. Mexico is, always has been and always will be a shit hole with crap demographics. Our current demographic problems would be worse by several magnitudes.
“The EU is falling apart for the same reason. Putting all those different peoples under one government is silly.”
Don’t be so sure. Catherine Austin Fitts of The Solari Report (she does excellent work) said the EU rules that caused Brexit have been incorporated into UK law by Theresa May. What does that tell you? Theresa May is a globalist and was probably hand-picked by the bankers. Remember, she chosen.
She was chosen…
Yes, it’s difficult to see how incorporating Mexico would be anything except a disaster. The only way it would have worked would have been a truly colossal ethnic cleansing, which I doubt the South had enough Mongol blood to carry out, so to speak, particularly at that point in time.
Yes, well–the race-based slavery of the South was a big issue, politically and racially. Is that supposed to be news, Michael? Face it: You Teutons are fuck-ups. You always have been. You race precipitously into a situation, and your succeeding generations endure the disintegration of everything you’ve tried to build. Meanwhile, the far-seeing Jews turn even your counterattacks–most conspicuously, the so-called Holocaust–to their advantage. America was half-born of Europe’s shortsighted conversion of the Caribbean into an extension of sub-Saharan Africa; these political complications of the Mexican-American War were just one of many Aryan failures to solve the problems descendent from that.
PS I meant morally and racially.
Today we live with the bitter, bitter irony that the United States is becoming a mostly black and brown country, but on New England’s terms of racial equality and miscegenation rather than the South’s
The South would have been screwed in the long run, there is no way possible that it could have held onto all the land and also had Free Trade with the other nations of the earth indefinately UNLESS THE NAZI VISION WON THE WORLD WAR. Had the South been left to its own devices and States Rights had been preserved instead of a more Police State Locked Down system to police society adequetly, it would have likely ended up with a degenerate Aristocracy like England. The only way to keep control of a society is with a full autocracy.
The Jews have held sway over the USA since the 1830s or 1840’s of course they left a few Yankee blowhards out in front but remember this Judeo-Masonic nightmare was always the ones really in charge Remember who made that happen? Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson revoked our 1798 Immigration law and replaced it with a law in 1802 that yielded OPEN BORDERS and had NO DEPORTATION PROCEDURES. I don’t call it New England’s vision I call it Thomas Jefferson’s Jewish masonic nightmare. The fools in New England were willing dupes of the cabal. Sadly the cabal through the Freemasonic lodges had too much sway in the South as well. Freemasonry is White Genocide.
The whole idea of White hegemony is ludicrous provided that the laws were kept the same as they were under the Three Race Theory. Even in the Racial Code which the South copied from US Law, Jews were fully White, Arabs, Turks, Gypsies Hindus you name it were also White. As I have said before the only way a “GOLDEN CIRCLE” could have survived was if a few things happened. ONE. Racial Laws would have had to become much tighter. TWO. An Autocratic Police State would have had to be instituted and THREE A Nazi Victory in WWII. Had the South not shifted her laws away from States Rights it would have imploded
The South was an utter failure when it held control of the Presidency and Congress PRE 1860 that it didn’t enshrine Southern Values more fully into the US Constitution. For one thing, State Anti-Miscgenation Laws were utterly worthless, that should have been a FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT and it could have been at any time, but what happened? Before 1860, Marriage was something completely seen as a State-Local Issue and everyone merely trusted everyone else to do the right thing. Even the Southern States own laws were not in harmony on race, some states allowed Octoroons and Whites to marry, some didn’t allow any intermarriage whatsoever. Thus even in Southern anti-mixing laws there wasn’t one standard.
Following the War of Northern Aggression there were at least three major pushes to get a Federal ban on Interracial Marriage. However the Southern Democrats and the rest of the party never really gave it a push even though it likely would have passed. Had the states been serious about the matter, they could have called a Constitutional Convention and forced it into the Constitution. In all of the states that either didn’t have such laws, or which had repealed those laws, it is worth noting that nowhere was an Anti-Miscgenation statute ever put to a popular vote. Nowhere. Judging by the nationwide support the Klan had in the 1920’s a nationwide call for a convention for a Federal Marriage Act would have worked. Unfortunately no one ever got behind it.
In 1871, Representative Andrew King (Democrat of Missouri) was the first politician in Congress to propose a constitutional amendment to make interracial marriage illegal nationwide. King proposed this amendment because he predicted (correctly, as the case of Loving v. Virginia later demonstrated) that the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868 to give equal civil rights to the emancipated ex-slaves (the Freedmen) as part of the process of Reconstruction, would render laws against interracial marriage unconstitutional. In December 1912 and January 1913, Representative Seaborn Roddenbery (Democrat of Georgia) again introduced a proposal in the United States House of Representatives to insert a prohibition of miscegenation into the US Constitution and thus create a nationwide ban on interracial marriage. According to the wording of the proposed amendment, “Intermarriage between negros or persons of color and Caucasians… within the United States… is forever prohibited.” Roddenbery’s proposal was more severe because it defined the racial boundary between whites and “persons of color” by applying the one-drop rule. In his proposed amendment, anyone with “any trace of African or Negro blood” was banned from marrying a white spouse.In 1928, Senator Coleman Blease (Democrat of South Carolina) proposed an amendment that went beyond the previous ones, requiring that Congress set a punishment for interracial couples attempting to get married and for people officiating an interracial marriage. This amendment was also never enacted.
What was the reason that such an important thing like this never got done? IT WAS THE JEWS.
“In the North because there was at that time no substantial non-Aryan population, the increasingly popular conception of slavery was not one of managing an interracial society but of inflicting evil on blacks and Whites through what was seen as an immoral institution.”
Typical neo-Confederate mendacity. “Managing” an interracial society–as if that “interracial society” were some sort of natural phenomenon, not something whites had created.
Another thing to remember is this. Abolitionism did not equal Racial Equality, most of the average antislavery idiots were just naive so called Christians. The radicals always kept themselves well-hidden only exposing themselves at certain times. The rather rapid collapse of any effort toward the Negroes in the 1870’s is proof of this. once the war was over most Yankees were NIGGERED to death and pretty much wanted them to go away. The Pro-Social Equality leaders were largely voted out even in New England and basically ceased to exist. Support for full social equality was relatively unheard of until the 1940’s. What happened then? Sam Houston told us in 1860.
Sam Houston said in a speech in Texas in 1860 that the entire Abolition movement was a FOREIGN MOVEMENT sustained by FOREIGN MONEY, largely coming from England. Remember what had just happened in Europe between 1783 and 1860? The First French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars, and the Second French Revolution which spread all over Europe simultaneously in 1848. From the time the Jacobin’s collapsed in 1795 until 1820 thousands of French radicals fanned out throughout Europe and the United States, seeking refuge in major cities, teaching in colleges etc. The French Revolution bolstered Wilberforce’s largely Christian movement in England. The Revolution also caused thousands of Jews to hit the American shores starting in 1816, because the Jews had supported Napoleon Bonaparte. Thousands also migrated to Britain. In Germany, a young Jew named Karl Marx begins studying in depth Hegel and the French Revolution later he flees Germany for Paris where in 1844 he meets Fredrich Engels. Later the two go to England following the 1848 Revolutions. The 1848 Revolution brings a large surge of Jewish immigrants to the US.
From 1793 when Citizen Genet came to the US, through the 1840’s the influence of French Revolutionary thought took over our universities. This influence spread from the universities into the media schools churches etc, largely in Massachusetts, Now at this time the dominant Jews in the USA were in the South and the ones in the North were largely poor and illiterate in English. However the Jewish funding from England was well established. This was funneled through many people. Although in 1861 when the war broke out, seemingly it was the SOUTH fully in the sway of Jewry, the NORTH was in deeper but it was simply less obvious. The wealthy Rothschild Jews in England were operating behind Goy shills.
After 1876, once the German Jews had between 1-3 generations in the USA, they fully took over the major universities, the major media etc. Although they still used occasionally Yankee shills, the Yankee days of power or even any form of control were long over with. Since 1876 they have been window dressing at best.
The radical push toward social equality wasn’t started in New England in the 20th Century it was started by Communist Jews in Manhattan. Of course they rounded up a few wealthy Yankees, children of abolitionists to join with them, basically social outcasts BUT this was a Jewish operation, run via Jewish newspapers, via Jewish entertainment etc. THIS WOULDNT EXIST WITHOUT THE JEWS. Think about it even in the North without strict segregation or marriage laws, these problems were all but nonexistent until the 1970’s except around the most liberal areas like Berkeley or those places which were run by who?
((((WHO INDEED))))
“The rather rapid collapse of any effort toward the Negroes in the 1870’s is proof of this. once the war was over most Yankees were NIGGERED to death and pretty much wanted them to go away.”
The average Yankee had little experience with blacks because most lived in the South until great migrations of the 20th century. And then the average Yankee wanted little to do with them.
Why can we no longer reply to individual posters? The loss of this feature is a set back.
Thomas The average Yankee had little experience with blacks because most lived in the South until great migrations of the 20th century. And then the average Yankee wanted little to do with them.
@Thomas. One of the things that separated the North from the South was the micromanaged society that the North had. A complete synthesis of School Church and Home was the basis of Northern society. Southern society was much more chaotic, in part because it was rural but in another part because of a sizeable population of white trash, the children of the white convict slaves and political prisoners from colonial days. This population along with the Negro necessitated extremely hard measures to deal with. White trash didnt regard social custom or any laws.
Northern families and churches so micromanaged the white females in their families and communities, the very idea that there would ever be a problem was considered to them ludicrous. After all as in this period 1800-1920 that you had to have a father/guardian’s permission and introduction to speak to females and there were always big brothers/cousins lurking around to enforce this, it was relatively difficult for said female to get into too much trouble.
The automobile ages, coupled with prohibition and the 19th Amendment shattered this controlled society. Suddenly women became more rootless, mobile, living in cities, ideas that before 1920 were verboten. Families had less say on who their children became friends with. Still the worst problems didn’t really arise yet. That took another couple of generations for that. World War Two was according to books I have read a real turning point because for the first time, young White girls were left alone in large numbers to do whatever they wanted while their husbands/boyfriends/fathers/brothers/cousins were away at war. This caused a litany of problems.
The thing was the two systems side by side, the Southern system WAS SUPERIOR because it backed up Social Standards with LAW. The Northern system relied solely on social standards and coerced morality by the community. If the community becomes for whatever reason unable to coerce or weakens, then the system dies
The South gets flack from Northern WNs for using Negro labor. But we didn’t free the Negroes. We oppossed freeing them. We didn’t give them voting rights. We opposed that. We didn’t make interracial marriage or mixed schools and neighborhoods legal. We opposed that too. The Negro problem is not one that we made. It falls entirely upon the North – who also pushed in 1965 to bring in tens of millions more non-Whites. The Northern WN should be angry at his own awful government and the terrible decisions of his own people.
It wasn’t just the South that profited from that black labor, Michael–but it was the South that made getting rid of it impossible.
@Michael Cushman:
I respectfully disagree. The Negro Problem was created when you opted to use Negro Labor over the White peasant labor streaming in from Europe. Yes, you couldn’t buy people on the block, but I visited Boone Plantation in South Carolina, saw how much money you paid in property tax; ten dollars per slave per year, not to mention feeding, clothing and sheltering your slaves, being only allotted 3/5ths a vote per slave and always, always having to live with the possibility of a violent slave uprising.
Had you stuck with White indentured servants culled from all the peasants migrating to the USA from Europe and instituted sharecropping once they worked off their term of service, yes, many of them would have left, but most would be setting up trades and then building factories that would have rivaled the North. You would have had 5/5ths representation in Congress with many new Southerners conforming to the dominant Southern elite culture.
A South utilizing FREE WHITE LABOR would have dominated Washington. With a willing White workforce, there would be no need to pay patrols to retrieve your runaway workers and protect the neighborhoods from a violent slave uprising.
This country, both North AND South would be much better off right now if rich Whites stuck to Whites for menial and manual labor. It would have made for a stronger, more peaceful society today.
Michael Cushman
APRIL 30, 2017 AT 11:26 PM
The South gets flack from Northern WNs for using Negro labor. But we didn’t free the Negroes. We oppossed freeing them. We didn’t give them voting rights. We opposed that. We didn’t make interracial marriage or mixed schools and neighborhoods legal. We opposed that too. The Negro problem is not one that we made. It falls entirely upon the North – who also pushed in 1965 to bring in tens of millions more non-Whites. The Northern WN should be angry at his own awful government and the terrible decisions of his own people.
Mr Cushman Sir I agree but let’s be real it was the fault of THE JEWS. The Jews did all of those things the Yanks were just DUMB ENOUGH to be led around by them. The 1965 Immigration Act was also entirely funded and pushed by DER JUDE. The {Yankees} haven’t even controlled anything aside from maybe their local school boards since the 1870’s which is poetic justice BTW, but the Jews held all of the cities by the 1870’s and all of the media/colleges/etc by the 1890’s. Of course the Freemasons were the main reason the Jews got so powerful, as Freeasonry is the HIV to the Jew’s AIDS
The Confederacy would have ended up even more Jew-Raped hadn’t the CSA dropped the States Rights Anarcho Capitalism and set up an Autocratic Police State. Remember it was the Jews in the South who kept the CSA from being officially a Christian Nation and blocked any mention of Jesus Christ in the Constitution even though about 99% of the entire population of the CSA identified as Christian. The very fact that 1% could go against 99% of the people in 1861 no less was not a good sign.
As I outlined above tracing the history of the French Revolutionaries and Jewish Revolutionaries who came here because of Thomas Jefferson’s Open Borders in 1802, which was entirely supported by the South because as Jefferson’s people sold it, Immigrants=Democrats. The inept Southern leadership sold long term security for short term gain. When the Know-Nothing Party came about in the 1840’s no one in the Southern Aristocracy ever really took the Immigration issue seriously as the only state below the Mason Dixon whose entire culture was changed by it was Maryland, so much so Maryland was the only state the Know Nothings won in 1856.
Even after Redemption in 1877 Southern Democrats continued to support Open Borders, because according to the Northern Democrats, these new Democrats would support Hands off Dixie. When the Immigration Act of 1924 was being worked on, corrupt Southern Democrats in Texas and Florida worked out a waiver whereby the Western Hemisphere would be granted completely open immigration to the US. The Western Hemisphere was NEVER repeat NEVER covered under any Immigration Statute. We can thank a bunch of corrupt Texas vegetable farmers and corrupt Florida sugarcane growers for that. Illegal Mexican Immigration was Texas’s baby.
Of course what the Democrats in the South didn’t notice in 1850 or 1920 was that the Jews were the predominant immigrant political group rising up in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Newark, New York City, Chicago, Cleveland, etc. Even Leo Frank murdering Mary Phagan wasn’t enough to turn Dixie onto the real enemy, it did briefly but petered out. People would of course always point out, “Hey my Daddy knew Mr. Goldstein at the Dry Goods Store, he wasn’t no Abbie Hoffman, in fact he made Nigras come in via the back door. That makes him a good old boy.” The NAACP was holding conventions in the South very early on, and as it wasn’t true Southern Whites renting to them, who was it? (((WHO INDEED)))
“The thing was the two systems side by side, the Southern system WAS SUPERIOR because it backed up Social Standards with LAW. The Northern system relied solely on social standards and coerced morality by the community. If the community becomes for whatever reason unable to coerce or weakens, then the system dies.”
I’m a midwesterner and my ancestors fought for the north. However, I’m also a race realist and I’m either alt-right (as defined by Vox Day) or a fellow traveler. I have great respect for the traditional south. Our family has letters home saved from one of my ancestors, a farm boy from New Jersey who died at the battle of Spotsylvania courthouse. He was a prolific writer. He believed in his cause. The only mention of negroes was one letter when his company caught some black boys on the road and “gave them some trouble.” God only knows that that meant.
I love the south and southerners but your ancestors brought Africans to America and then ruined the northern cities with them.
@Thomas. The Jews brought the Negroes here for the British Empire. The South unfortunately because of its tropical weather had no other option but to use Negro labor at least in the early days. By the 1830’s or so there were a great deal of whites who had adapted to the Southern weather, but remember working in rice fields, cutting sugarcane, and other jobs were jobs no white man would do or that he wanted to do. Although in the years following the war, whites adapted quite well to picking cotton and harvesting tobacco, there were never enough whites to keep production at a high level.
At the end of the day, the War of Northern Aggression was forced upon us by the Jews so that they could make money. The Jews and the Freemasons had funded the Abolitionists and they also had a big involvement in the Southern Rights Clubs. Unfortunately a situation was created that was unavoidable. The South could either remain in the Union with a Northern government unwilling to protect them and the Morrill Tariff bleeding them dry, or they could attempt freedom. Attempting freedom was the only choice that could be made. Unfortunately the South was being stabbed in the back from enemies within and destroyed by enemies without. I personally believe the South should have been its own nation and still believe it today, but there were problems either way.
Blaming the South for Niggers is like blaming a child for their Daddy being a killer.
No it was lost when your blacks migrated. Watch this film, this is a confident group of Europeans fighting Asians, and winning. Total war.
The rot happened while they were winning the war, and of course, after. Africans should never have been introduced, that is the fundamental problem.
The real issue here is questioning how many of you are actually leftist shills posing as delusional Nazis.
Rebel Dog
MAY 1, 2017 AT 7:28 PM
The real issue here is questioning how many of you are actually leftist shills posing as delusional Nazis
Delusional Nazi? I am a National Socialist, that is my preferred political viewpoint although I am open to other ideologies that will free our people. I am a whatever works guy