Tfw it is obvious to everyone that you don’t fit in around here:
“The scene in Auburn, AL when we showed up was one of the most bizarre we’ve ever seen in a political context. Neo-nazi spokesperson Richard Spencer had just been allowed to begin his speech in Foy Hall, after a local judge negated Auburn University’s decision to cancel his event. The live stream showed a packed audience, though some were opponents. Outside, there was a large crowd of students and onlookers. Standing in the crowd, looking to our left and right, it was often impossible to tell if our neighbors were spectators, trolls, anti-Spencer Auburn students, college republicans, or fascists.[2] We were able to identify some people in the crowd as fascists due to their MAGA hats or giant American flags, but they did a much better job of blending into the crowd than many of the anti-fascists did.[3] Many of the anti-fascists were dressed in black and were armed in helmets and other aspects of the “uniform” that made them stand out from anyone from Auburn.[4] The most visible fascists themselves were already in the auditorium, which meant that for the next several hours, the only visible “outsiders” for the crowd were the anti-fascists. For people in the crowd, anti-fascism looked like a specialized thing, while the fascists themselves were abstract and out-of-sight. …
This is important because it heavily influences how we approach a situation like this. For those of us who believe in a mass-based, working-class-oriented anti-fascism, it comes down to some central questions. Can we imagine a mass anti-fascist movement in Alabama? Can we actually imagine that large numbers of Alabamians would agree with our program and strategy for fighting fascism? Or do we basically think that mass anti-fascism might theoretically work elsewhere, but not in a place like Alabama? …
Possibly the most dangerous moment came when about twenty or so people in black were chanting together and were getting hemmed in by the larger crowd. Some of the crowd may have been spectating, some hostile – it’s hard to tell. The vibe was already tense when the group began chanting what sounded like “Atlanta, Atlanta, Antifascista”.[12] In response, someone in the crowd began an Auburn fight song that none of the out-of-towners knew. Everyone from Auburn immediately joined in, fists pumping, and those of us from out of town were conspicuously silent, confused, vastly outnumbered, pressed in, and scared. It felt like the situation was on the razor’s edge of a brawl, which would have have ended very, very badly for everyone wearing black.. By showing ourselves as outsiders, we handed the MAGA bro’s an opportunity to throw a punch and start a brawl, potentially with popular support. Luckily, they didn’t seize this opportunity. After Berkeley, that would have been an absolute disaster, and a demoralizing turn on the national level. …
The speaking events of Milo or Spencer are about recruiting and building a mass base for fascism. We think the most promising way to prevent the development of mass fascism is through mass anti-fascism. The worst thing we can do right now is to keep insisting on the black bloc as the default tactic. This is the path towards catastrophic failure. …
Many of the white men in the crowd were dressed like “Good ol’ boys”: Baseball caps, polo shirts, cargo shorts, and sandals. Most of the fascists were dressed the same. At the time we caught ourselves assuming that anyone dressed this way was conservative, but at several points they confronted the fascists most directly. (MAGA = Make America Great Again.)”
Apparently, the antifas in Auburn nearly averted disaster several times. There were a few moments when Bronyfa was being so annoying that they were nearly attacked by the crowd. The little drummer boy was a ripe target. That’s something to think about next time we do this.
In hindsight, the antifas are right about how this was a missed tactical opportunity for our side. We should have had more of our people outside, mingling and inciting the crowd against the antifas. We are from states like Alabama, Florida and Georgia. Many of us went to Auburn, UGA, FSU, etc. We understand the culture of the rural South in a way that these people never will.
The ANTIFA are lost outside the Urban Cesspools. Take them to a relatively small city in Alabama or anywhere else and they don’t know how to operate
The Antifa were tricked into wearing riot gear. Stupid fucking pricks. Time to knock em the duck out in NOLA.
This was delicious reading. LOL
I have an interesting theory about why small towns give the protection of the law to normal people (i.e. “fascists”) and don’t allow ANTIFA to burn the place down, among other things. Burning a block of Berkeley is no big deal because that’s a big city. Auburn AL and Pikeville KY are not big cities and burning down a block and smashing a bunch of stores represents a much bigger proportional loss to a small community than to a large urban city. Business owners have some pull in Auburn and Pikeville and don’t want their businesses destroyed. They may not like us much, but to defend their own property from mindless violence they are forced to extend the protection of the law to us.
Just a thought.
@Billy Ray…
‘The ANTIFA are lost outside the Urban Cesspools. Take them to a relatively small city in Alabama or anywhere else and they don’t know how to operate’
This is why, in the end, The jew England Government cannot win : 85% of this country AIN’T no ‘urban cesspool…
From the vantage point of the lower Midwest, I don’t know how many people in small towns agree with the alt right movement, there are some, but most of them seem to me to mainstream conservatives, the kind of people who have two American flags in the back yard in case you missed the six in the front yard. And a ‘We support the troops’ bumper sticker on the back of the SUV. They don’t even know what troops they’re talking about anymore, there’s been so many bombings and invasions, but they support them, nevertheless.
I don’t know if they’re alt right, but they wouldn’t like the kind of dumbasses that burned down U.C. Berkley either, if they came to town in their dumb fuck ninja outfits.
@Mr. Griffin…
‘In hindsight, the Antifas are right about how this was a missed tactical opportunity for our side.’
It goes far beyond that. We have missed so many opportunities to exploit them, it is not even funny.
It’s sad that all we can think of to do, when Antifa is going to show up somewhere, is go out and oppose them.
We need to prick their sensibilities and use that to choreograph the events to score big for our propaganda.
When will Southerners ever learn? : that we just can’t ‘oppose our enemies’ , but, we’ve got to use them to strangle themselves.
This is exactly why we keep losing – one misst opportunity after another.
Yeah Copperhead, I just ran into an ex-California version of conservative who still believes John McCain is a war hero. These types view the Alt-Right as militant.
“Can we imagine a mass anti-fascist movement in Alabama?”
No. But you can Imagine it in New York, or Minnesota, where it belongs.
Can we actually imagine that large numbers of Alabamians would agree with our program and strategy for fighting fascism?
No, but you can imagine that large numbers of New Yorkers would agree with your program for fighting Southerners and protecting their stranglehold on the Federal Government; So that they can keep enacting anti-White policies and feeling good about themselves for having “done something” for “social justice” and “Democracy®.”
When will the Antifa have the courage of its convictions and instead of identifying themselves by what they oppose (Fascists) maybe they can change their name to demonstrate what they actually support; the Maoist version of Communism. Undoubtedly they considers themselves “Progressives” but when you define your organization in terms of what you oppose you have become de facto reactionary!
They are not anti-fascists, these derelicts are pro-communists. Let’s rename them “ProComms” for a better understanding of what they really stand for. If they disbelieve they are ProCommunists, they are merely in denial.