“Operation Oink” Protests Memphis in May

Unfortunately, we were unaware of this stunt yesterday in Memphis:

“MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Amid the smoke and celebration at the Memphis in May World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest, Keedran Franklin says it`s a “pig deal” and enough is enough.

“The event is not really geared towards people of color, oppressed or poor people.”

“Memphis in May gets a lot poured into it. More than Africa in April. We are the majority to their minority.”

Memphis in May coordinators said that`s not the case at all. Each year cultures from around the world are celebrated. This year it’s Colombia. …”

This is the first time I have ever heard of BBQ being a social justice issue. If you live in the South, BBQ is about the last thing you would associate with racial conflict.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “This is the first time I have ever heard of BBQ being a social justice issue.”

    It’s just the YJCs using their coloured auxiliaries to attack Southern culture. Fried Chicken, lightning bugs and cane pole fishing are next.

  2. All those 12,000 untested rape kits?

    Once they are tested, you know who’s going to get made as rapists and sent to prison, don’t you?

    And we wouldn’t want that, because of overincarceration and the enforcement gap. And also, BLM.

  3. The negros and other minorities thrive on being seen as ‘ oppressed victims’. It gives them leverage to use it against us. All the while, they’re out there raping, murdering, rioting, drug dealing and lowering the quality of life of those around them. Truly a useless waste of space.
    In an average night on TV in Australia, there’s news on TV about negros in America or Europe who’ve committed some hideous crime…..then in the ad break footage of starving Africans (with flies crawling over their eyes) and pleas to the viewer to give generously. Give money and help to those that would rape or kill you if they lived in your street? No thanks.
    I used to be thankful that at least they weren’t in Australia. Thats now changing….

  4. I just know that one day blacks in Africa will have stable governments, well maintained infrastructure, productive farms, beautiful homes and buildings, factories building innovative products and that they’ll have a space program that will take them to the edges of the universe. How do I know this? Because I’ve been told that blacks are an equal race tthat can achieve whatever they want.
    They’re an equal race. Always remember that.

  5. Oh, yes, go after those rich white money hoarders. They’re our enemy too. We may just help y’all out with that project.

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