In order to save our Confederate monuments, we have to arouse and activate the racial, cultural and ethnic identity of the Southern people. We have to be willing to assert our identity in public spaces. We have to stand up for ourselves and assert our interests with a clear conscience:
Confederate statue in St. Louis sprayed with graffiti — again
New Orleans, LA: Nose Liberated from Confederate Statue
St. Louis is Coon Town, any Rebel monuments located there need to be removed to a better, safer location.
“St. Louis is Coon Town, any Rebel monuments located there need to be removed to a better, safer location.”
No Spahn. It’s the coons that need to be removed. Then St. Louis will BE the better, safer location.
Good chance this was done by spoiled, rich White kids. BLM seems to have very few actual blacks in it.
St. Louis will be the future site of Hitler City, the new capital of the Aryan States of America.
You may own a debt of gratitude to the one person on the New Orleans City Council who voted against dismantling the monuments. She is a white female whose last name is Stacy Head and a former beauty queen. She took a courageous stance!
“St. Louis will be the future site of Hitler City, the new capital of the Aryan States of America.”
Hitlerburgh! In the Ubermenschen States of America! THAT way we don’t have to change the INITIALS!
There are plenty of us in North Carolina who would be more than willing to help ‘assert ourselves into publick spaces’, as we have frequently done that here, in Ole Dominion, and The Sandlapper State.
It’s just that these places in the far west of The Confederacy are just that – too dang far for the vast majority of us to attend.
I’m sorry for that.
We pray that our Western League and Klan friends, out yonder way, will make up for the slack.
We do our part here – both in pressuring and supporting our state legislators to protect our Southron culture, rallying to the flag, and in putting up money to raise flags in high profile places – to remind people that nothing has changed, and nothing will change, here in the oldest part of The Southland.
Adolfburg am Mississippi. Lulz.
Build a plastrcast of Wilson towering above a prone Brown and drop it off in Canfield.
We all should contact, email/phone/letter Stacy Head of the New Orleans City Council who voted against dismantling the monuments. She is a white female whose last name is Stacy Head and a former beauty queen. She took a courageous stance! She deserves our full support and thanks/gratitude. I am going to search for her on Bing right now. Just found her contact info: shead@nola.gov Phone: (504) 658-1060 and mail: City Hall, Room 2W40
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
If we REALLY CARE about our Southern Heritage we need to get off our asses and support people like Stacy Head and others like her who stand up to the leftists, antifa to protect our customs, culture and blessed society. Talk is cheap! Now let’s see some positive action now! I am emailing her right now and hope you all will step up to the plate too.
Well I believe in following through on what I say and hope most of you will follow my example. Her is the copy of my email to Stacy Head, NOLA city council.
shead@nola.gov Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 1:40 AM
Dear Miss Head, I am one of many that want to thank you for your brave action in voting against the monument removal. You are a patriot and a rare politician that stands for honesty against lies. Talk is cheap and we all need to support wonderful politicians like your self who are common sense moderates. Of course the crazy leftists want to label me a Nazi, White Supremacist, racist etc. Like so very many who celebrate their Southern Heritage, customs, culture and society, I am a father and grandfather who has never looked down on anyone because of their race, religion etc. I follow what MLK said, “I judge each individual on the content of their character” That to me is just common sense and an honest way to live your life.
What is most important to me is the truth. I get very angry when communist/anarchist/elitists try to rewrite history to suit their perverted views. I believe that the truth about history or anything else will come out in the long run. To me it is critical that our true history be told and taught in every school and in every community, warts and all because we should seek valid, proven facts in all we learn.
Again, thank you for your honest service and truly hope the good people will support and re-elect you. God bless you and God bless America.
Howard Alexander Stafford
Stafford Farms
Ocala, Florida 34482-6838
Now everybody tell me you can’t spend a couple of minutes to honor and support your history and heritage. Let’s see some positive action here, Thank you so much!
Put cameras in the nearby trees…
“Adolfburg am Mississippi. Lulz.”
“Of course the crazy leftists want to label me a Nazi, White Supremacist, racist etc.”
But, Howard, I AM a Nazi, White Supremacist, racist etc…. 😉
The problem with Confederate Monuments is this. EITHER THE CITIES COMMIT TO PROTECTING THEM, WE FIGURE OUT HOW TO PROTECT THEM, or we might as well tear them down, ALL OF THEM. What good are monuments if the city is unwilling to prosecute vandalism?
I personally do not want to see a single monument go down, but we have to be real. If they are to stay we have to make sure they ARE Protected.