Most of our OD readers liked my blog on English soccer supporters chanting insults at ISIS after the latest Islamic slaughter in Manchester England.Group chanting is one area where we Americans, Southern nationalists are basically starting from scratch. It’s not something we’ve ever done. But it is something we could do, it’s effective and a lot of fun. At these defend Confederate Monument rallies – there’s not that much to do besides glaring at the Antifa and then getting in to fights. Just think how great it would be if we could insult and humiliate these Antifa scum in ways like these English soccer supporters insult and humiliate their soccer rivals/enemies.
Here’s a very pretty English lass presenting some of the better chants, which are often a bit bawdy. I love her Brit accent as my daughter once had the same one, but she’s lost most of it after 15 years living in Southern California:
Link – Best English Soccer Chants
There are so many great chants in this link.
Check out the chant at ~ 3:30 where the supporters abuse the entire Manchester City football/soccer club.
“We only hate Mancs
We only hate Mancs
We’re not Racist, we’re not racist
We only hate Mancs”
Or how about this chant abusing a rival player from Argentina named Di Maria:
“Who’s that twat from Argentina?
Who’s that money grubbing whore?
Di Maria is his name
And he has no f******** brain
And he wont be winning trophies anymore”
But back to Soccer supporters doing chants insulting Islamic terrorists, Islamic sadists. Not to be outdone by their cross city rivals Manchester United – Manchester City supporters here do a best ever chant celebrating the demise of a local “English” (yeah right” lad who went off to Iraq/Syria to behead Western hostages. His name was “Jihad Johnny” before a large bomb was dropped on his head:
“Jihad John he’s f******** dead, he had a bomb dropped on his head”
So let’s have some fun out there – let’s get in to some pubs, have some pints and practice our insulting chants – soon Antifa and patriotard pussies will be getting insulted and abused as we will be having a jolly good old time.
Stupid. What good do chants do when the niggers, orcs, and kikes are free roam loose? Has one chant ever removed one shitskin?
Lighten up Denise. He’s a great historical event where White British people doing group chants inspire the Brits not to get slaughtered by large groups of Zulu warriors who were doing their own group chants looking to scare the White Brits to give up.
And folks – healthy, proud, alive White Western people have always song and yes danced.
If you are in some group of Whites who either don’t allow or can’t sing or dance….
Get out.
“i would only believe in a God that danced”
German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche
Umm… I’m gonna have to take Denise’s side here. And we don’t need our folks to lighten up, we need them raging and doing battle against the explicit genocide that is on the move. Chants are fine for a stupid sports-ball game, but are weaker than water when applied against antifa, blm and the other anti-White aggressors here and abroad.
(((Dance, goyim, and chant! That’ll show em! They hate music! And the rhymes will humiliate them so bad that they’ll stop what they are doing and deport themselves!)))
Hey JimB….
How ya doing with the lasses?
Check out the very fine, charming lass in this Link. She’s not interesting in hanging out with bitter loners, losers that can’t dance, can’t sing, can’t tell a joke or can’t laugh at a joke.
If you learn to dance, learn to sing, learn to enjoy life – women will want to be with you.
If you don’t…..
(I think the Brit football supporters have a term for this type:
Madam is correct (as usual), this is no time for silly-ass soccer chants. WE NEED TO ARM, TRAIN AND PREPARE FOR HELTER-SKELTER / RAHOWA.
I like to note the different, highly amusing British terms for things that are frankly much better than our American English terms.
What Brit term is for those boys and men who don’t have much/any success with girls/women. Their lack of success leads them to do, well….
The term is (drum roll)
Here’s the wanker song:
“My mother said,
That I never should,
Play with the naughty rude girls in the wood.
Their giggling talk,
I could never understand,
And that’s why I fell in love with my right hand.
And that’s why,
I’m a wanker,
I’m a wanker,
And it does me good like it bloody well should
I’m a wanker,
I’m a wanker,
And I’m always pulling my pud.
I was twenty five years old before I was kissed,
And then I found that I preferred a swift one off the wrist.
It’s cheap and convenient,
You can’t catch VD,
It’s available at any time,
And it’s absolutely free.
And that’s why,
Oh Mrs. Palm and your five lovely daughters,
Thank you for having me and being oh so kind,
I’ve got pains in my arms,
And my dong is growing shorter,
My knees have turned to water,
And I think I’m going blind.
I’ve wanked over Italy,
I’ve wanked over Spain,
I’ve wanked in an omnibus,
I’ve even had a wank in a train.
I’ve used a badger and a melon and a cat,
An inflatable Linda Lovelace and a Davy Crocket hat,
And that’s why,
‘Ere listen!
Oh Mrs Palm and your five lovely daughters,
Thank you for having me and being oh so kind,
I’ve got pains in my arms,
And my dong is getting shorter,
My knees have turned to water,
And I think I’m going blind.
[Chorus 6x]
I’m a wanker!
I’m a wanker!
It does me good!
I’m a wanker!
I’m always pulling me pud!
I’m a wanker!
I’m a wanker!
You’re funny jack but you Southrons are backward morons mate. Jigaboos are a right match for you. Live and deal with it. serves right for you, pussy ass faggot jack ryan.
Umm….Jack….we can still have fum, amongst ourselves – but my question has not been answered at all, and frankly – you sound like a JEW, trying to deflect attention. Have ANY of those STUPID chants done ANYTHING about the dispossession, displacement, and genocide of Whites? The JEW-K, in many ways, is MUCH worse off than the JEWSA. You can THROWN IN JAIL for calling a Commie Jew a “Commie Jew” online. I am presently corresponding with a young man who has been jailed for over 2 years, for publicly protesting the Islamic invasion. Have ANY of the Rotherham Whites received ANY just, compensation, or even a word of support from the Talmudic Tyrants currently exterminating them? The girls and their families have been persecuted for complaining about that rapes, beatings, sexual abuse,,,etc…..have the football chants done a thing for them?
What is wrong with you? You sound like a JEW.
MikeNJ – Jack lived in Chicongo. He has loads of Jew friends.
Here’s a Chant:
“Gas the Kikes! race War NOW!
Gas the Kikes! race War NOW!
Gas the Kikes! race War NOW!
Light ’em up light ’em up
Race War NOW
Light ’em up light ’em up
Race War NOW
See ’em See ’em burn
Race War NOW!
Light Unto the World
You’ve been CHOSEN, KikE
Gas the KIKES!
Race War NOW”
How’s that for a chant?
So do you jerk off thinking about Jews Denise. Stop eating black or Mohammedan dicks,it’s doing things to ur brain. Clean up and be a good woman. Don’t behave like a tranny!
What these fans are doing is wasting their testosterone and money. This aggression needs to be focused on blacks n Browns.
Although the best chant is the “hhhiiiiiissss”
When English teams play Tottenham (the yids) opponents make the sound of gas…
You’d be a West Ham fan Denise…
My HerrenVolk!
Oh look! The fegela rabbi it back! (or it is a Jack Sock?). Kikenvermin can’t stop from blaming other for their own crimes. They hebes must report to the OVEN.
The English need to make the gas real………….
This blog is not about gassing Jews
And the 6 Million gassed Jews story is vicious Anti White lying propaganda
How about not spreading anti White propaganda ?
It’s definitely a theme of any match played against Tottenham Hotspur.
Up the Hammers!
wow. Poor Jack. He really got strafed. Posters must ask themselves “what will Denise think of this?” BEFORE putting up such inanities.
but here’s a good chant, Japs stoking themselves before some fun ‘n games at Nanking:
Awesome Japanese war movie – what is the name of this movie?
I think every-one should ask themselves, “What would Denise Think?” about everything! It would bea perfect world!
Your Japanese Army victory march video is hypnotic. I kinda like this one, too. It’s real:
But we Alabaster Goyim are supposed to just chant stupid meaningless foul nonsense at niggerball games, right?
What’s wrong with chants about gassing hebes? I think it’s a GREAT idea! Up the Hammers!
The only benefit I see to chants is… It may push their buttons enough to get them to attack. Which allows us to legally retaliate.
Hammers With Us. ?
Well, this seems to have been a productive use of valuable time and energy.
This one is quite good. Young white guys forming a mob.
Studying the crowd dynamic does help.
Those are for your fifth husband Denise. Why so angry? No customers today?
Chants are great, shows solidarity and a good way to bond. Bonding leads to organizing.
Jack, hate to break it to you but “Mancs” is NOT “a rival Black player”.
“Mancs” is short for “Mancunians”, i.e. residents of Manchester = Manchester United or City supporters.
Like “Scousers” for Liverpudlians, “Cockneys” for Londoners, “Geordies” for Newcastle folk.
Jack, you asked how I’m doing with the lasses? Hmm. I’m married, dude. And over the course of my 50 years on this planet, pre-marriage, I actually did great with the ladies.
It’s not about being bitter… being a loner… or any of that mess. Sounds like you’re trying to scare people away from being serious minded about White genocide with that tactic, suggesting that they’re bitter people who will wind up lonely? smdh. Great tactic. Subtle, aren’t you?
Point blank: Your article is baloney, mate. Chants in the face of actual anti-White violence is baloney. You come off as one of those (((Canadians))) with this crap, guy.
Oh, and Shitler666: Go chew another little jew boy’s bloody foreskin, you rat-faced douche bag. Denise is 5 times the “man” that you can never be. Meaning that she’s a serious-minded Aryan woman. Your stupid name-calling (not to mention your stupid username) exposes you, kike.
Denise must be a hideous whore and you seem like her pimp, jimb. Listening to all you limp dicked faggot bastards whine and bitch is simply outstanding. There is no white genocide. It’s your feigned imagination to establish white supremacy which will never come to fruition. You spineless faggots are trying hard to institutionalise racism and xenophobia and will fail. You’ve abused and ruled over other races for centuries it’s not even 50 yrs since u lost the absolute control so it’s understandable you’ve become like frustratedfaggot shit. But if you want dominance again wait for atleast 3 centuries bastards till then it’s equality for all. Now get back to.pimping you ugly hideous faggot.
Also dummkopfs I find it amusing why you dickwads compare your so called shit right to campaigns in eastern Europe nations like Serbia, Russia when you have nothing in common with them.
They have a reason to fight invaders. They will not trust you scumfaggots except some YouTube faggots among them posting videos for attention whoring . White is not monolithic. Butyou American white supremacy spouting miscegnated scumbags have nothing to defend and preserve. face the fact cocksucker, all your so called history is nothing. A American white has nothing in common with a Russian white rather you have more in common with south America. In fact this countrys foundation has Jewish roots unlike eastern Europe. Get over it butthead jimb and other white supremacist gay swines. Chants are not going to help you douchebag jack Ryan.
Ranjit – I stand corrected. It’s still a great group chant.
Cap’n John – re: the “investigation” about Anti Kike-ism – which is a natural reaction to kike maggots – it only points out that it’s the JudenTeufel! I can’t wait til EVERY hebe is expelled from Earth!
Reckonings – excellent point!
Thank you, Sir! We seem to have triggered the semitic maggots! Tra la la!
I apologize to JimB.
I have many points here. One is that any successful mass political/cultural nationalist movement needs
Group participation
It can’t be just some old guy talking, trying to spread “the TRUTH” through calm, quiet talk. That doesn’t work. AH and the National Socialists were very successful with exciting and motivating huge numbers of Germans because they put on spectacular demonstrations that included music and mass marching.
President Trump was elected President of the United States in large part because he could back football stadiums, play popular music like “the Back Street Boys” and get the crowd to do audience participation:
“Build the Wall”.
It was reality for a few decades that the most effective nationalists in Great Britain and Continental Europe were football/soccer fans. They did group participation like group chants.
We can learn from them and do similar things at Confederate statue defense events. What’s the alternative – standing around not saying anything and then getting in minor pushing fights. We need to learn to do group chants.
Also, music and humor are powerful weapons. Our enemies know this and always try to get all the most popular musicians and artists to be on their team – from Bruce the Boss Springsteen, to all the Hollywood Academy Award winners.
Hey-hey, ho-ho, the kikes and coons have got to go!
@ Jack Ryan
“Hey JimB….
How ya doing with the lasses?
Check out the very fine, charming lass in this Link. She’s not interesting in hanging out with bitter loners, losers that can’t dance, can’t sing, can’t tell a joke or can’t laugh at a joke.
If you learn to dance, learn to sing, learn to enjoy life – women will want to be with you.
If you don’t…..
(I think the Brit football supporters have a term for this type:
Disgusting, Jack. Who the hell do you think you are? I remember you attacking all of us conspiracy believers not too long ago with childish mockery. Your attempts to humiliate us failed! I will never forget it and remind you often. Turns out we were right but you still avoid that “taboo” subject because you always play it safe.
Do you know what you need? A black eye. That would stop your immaturity cold.
OD comment guidelines strictly prohibit conspiracy theory comments
There have only been about 50 Islamist mass slaughters of White Europeans White Americans since 9-11-01
Donald Trump was elected President in large part by stating that he would keep out all Islamic terrorists
All sane White Americans want to keep out Islamic terrorists
Only crazy loons can t see this
Brit here.
Lots of good chants still do the rounds.
‘I’d rather be a paki than a turk’ – after many skirmishes with Turkish teams
One with a good amount of Anglo-Saxon:
‘My old man said be a Chelsea fan, I said fuck off, bollocks your a cunt. We took the shed with the Chelsea in it, we took the shed within half a minute.’ Sung to the tune of My old man said follow the van.
England fans always like to chants the theme to Dambusters on the continent.
I’m sure there will be resource online that lists them, but they probably sanitise and take out the so-called racist, threatening ones. Some of those are the best ones! 😉
Thanks Raymond
Be proud your a Brit
“OD comment guidelines strictly prohibit conspiracy theory comments”
Again? And, again and again and again….. You’re a broken record. An old Jewish vaudeville act with no new material.
The freaking Muslims are intentionally brought in. It is not happenstance. So are the Africans! And, their diseases. How about pointing out the culprits?
Muslims are the easy out.
@Jack: I can’t decide if this actually is Nanking ’37….or a movie set. If a movie. the Japs didn’t make it: Nanking 1937 is not a popular subject in Nippon. And it’s too arch-realistic to have been made by the Chicoms. Which leaves…
Haxo Angmask
It has to be a movie with actors
The close up facial scenes are too perfect to have been done with anything except a tripod film camera.
OD is Alt Right, Southern nationalist , not Alt Lite. We/I do discuss real Jewish problems, Jewish enemies. And I/we do discuss real White Gentile enemies /traitors like the worst ever Catholic in name only Pope Francis or Ron and Rand Paul on their worst immigration appease the Islamists days.
The Muslim enemies and Jewish enemies are different. Jewish enemies do not do suicide mass murder bombings in Manchester England – Islamists do that . Jewish enemies do other, different bad things like promote wars and hatred between White nations, push the worst porn and race mixing on our children, push anti White guilt trips re the 6 million hoax.
Read our/my OD articles about Ammerican Jews and immigration. Jews suck on immigration. Even supposedly conservative GOP Jews like House Majority leader Eric Cantor get F immigration grades from NumbersUSA. That s why we took Eric Cantor down.
But and this is a huge but…
Never make excuses or deny the worst Muslims are raping English girls slaughtering our people at music concerts in Paris France or that Saudi Islamist did 9-11-01. The worst anti White Jews overwhelming support mass Muslim migration invasion to White countries.
The Jewish enemy is much harder to see and harder to fight.
The Islamist enemy is easy to see and fight.
These Manchester City soccer fans chanting insults to ISIS – they are sensible doing good work. Just support them . Try to educate them about the Jewish enemy if you think you can , but don’t deny the White working class their right to tell the Islamists to shove it up their arse.