In 2016, Ann Coulter described Trump the candidate as “the only one who will save the last Christian country on earth.” Her description of the US was right, but that’s not the whole story.
If you are reading this site, I don’t have to tell you that the South, though not politically independent, is a nation in the sense of being a distinct people – a nation within a nation, with many characteristics that differentiate us from the rest of the country. One of those characteristics is our tenacious hold on the Christian faith. God’s people exist all over the world, but the Southern Nation is the largest Western entity for whom strong Christian faith is still a defining characteristic.
I make no claim to be a prophet, but I have long believed that God preserved the Southern Nation for a purpose. Unlike the rest of America, we have suffered the trials of defeat, occupation and rule by a hostile government, and generations of severe poverty. From this, I believed, we have developed a deep appreciation for the importance of having riches stored in heaven, rather than earth. We know from the Bible, and probably from personal experience, that God sometimes gives individuals and peoples trials to prepare them for a greater purpose.
I’m not the first to point out that the question “Is the Pope Catholic?” is no longer rhetorical, and this site has addressed whether the leader of the Southern Baptist Convention represents actual Southern Baptists. Our religious institutions continue to shed members, despite attempts to adapt to the changing culture. A lapsed Catholic friend remarked to me recently, “If they aren’t going to stand by the Word, what’s the point?” Indeed. Myself a Protestant, I have changed denominations several times in recent years, disappointed each time another institution has chosen social acceptability over faithfulness to God’s word.
The Southern Baptist Church, one of the last holdouts to “progress,” has in recent years been going this same direction. We must disavow the modern, bureaucracy-controlled, money-driven church. It is time for a revival of authentic, bold, truthful and masculine Christianity.
Southern Christian men must stand up for that which they know to be true and right. It is no exaggeration to say that the future of the West depends on it.
I agree 100% with all the main points here, and as a Northerner greatly admire the Southern people for holding on to their Christian heritage. Hopefully the Southern de facto nation can become a real Nation someday, and when and if, the deep Christian faith will give you a good chance to succeed as opposed to other regions like Jew England which has basically gone full Sodom and Gomorrah.
Jeff, you obviously didn’t see that video clip on Twitter featuring a huge “Girls Gone Wild” type college party in North Carolina last weekend, where attractive young White co-eds danced practically naked onstage to thumping jungle “music” provided by Negro DJs. Many of the girls simulated oral sex and twerked with the Negroes onstage. Again, that event took place in the Tarheel State, Jeff, not in the Empire State, the Bay State or the Constitution State. So clean up your own house first before you put down other houses for being dirty, you SIMPLETON.
I agree with this article that God has preserved the Southern people as a people. A return to their traditional faith would be a step in the right direction. I spent much of my teens and adult life in Baptist churches, albeit Independent ones. The last one I was in was slowly becoming “vibrant”, and the (supposedly) anti-miscegenation preacher was changing with the demographics of his congregation/ (aka tithing pool).
Dear Miss Emily – 100+ churches of the SBC already in revolt to this ‘direction’, and refusing to send money to the SBC – or, more specifically, to Dr. Russell Moore, he in charge of ‘ethicks’…
@Miss Emily…
‘Indeed. Myself a Protestant, I have changed denominations several times in recent years, disappointed each time another institution has chosen social acceptability over faithfulness to God’s word.’
Only the Eastern Orthodox Church is holding completely true. Protestants are unable to withstand ‘change’ because they baset themselves on it.
The Orthodox church, however, is holding true to it’s mantra of being the eternal unchanging church.
For this reason, we now have ten in North Carolina, and nearly twice that number in our sister state, to the south of us.
The only two institutions, of The West, that still have my trust are The Eastern Orthodox Church and The League of The South.
All the rest must by view with a jaundicet eye, the degree of which is dictated by the degree to which the organization has ‘cuckt’.
Dixie has her own problems and decay, BUT she has a better chance of righting the wrongs than anyone else. That is IF the intrusive pesky government would get out of the way. Still 150 years of slow domestication via public education has rotted and atrophied alot of the Southern will to fight, but it can be rediscovered. DEPENDS ON HOW BAD YOU WANT IT
“Dixie has her own problems and decay, BUT she has a better chance of righting the wrongs than anyone else. ”
This. And I say that as someone looking in from the outside of Greater Appalachia.
WHEN this all goes up in flames, you all in the South are in a better position to get it squared-away.
Protestantism is about change. Not happy with the way things are going you leave, and/or form a new church. That’s American history.
The key to Christianity & Protestantism is faith in Jesus Christ. Not the Pope. Not the Priest.
A quote from Billy Ray…
‘Dixie has her own problems and decay, BUT she has a better chance of righting the wrongs than anyone else. ”
Then, you said…
This. And I say that as someone looking in from the outside of Greater Appalachia.
WHEN this all goes up in flames, you all in the South are in a better position to get it squared-away.
My reply to you?
God and guns.
We got plenty o’ those; and, when all is said and done, those will get us through.
Describing this sodomite empire of the US (depending on your view either waging wars and wreaking havoc to spread women’s and gay rights, or just using women’s and gay rights to “pink wash” all these war crimes for money and oil, committed by a mercenary force full of genderqueer mulattos) as a Christian country (if such a thing even exists) is pretty rich!
As for “that Old-Time Religion”: the problem is that many people who claim to be opposed to modernism, actually just want to use Christianity for other political purposes. But this is the actual disease, the actual root of the problem. Many people have replaced faith in God with faith in religion, they can’t just agree on what they want religion to do: increase the birth rate of the white race? Or make different races come together and mix? These seeming opposites are just two sides of the same anti-Christian coin.
The simple truth is that you have to do a lot of mental gymnastics in order to make Christianity compatible with your anti-“miscegenation” message. From that perspective, modern churches haven’t even changed that much: they STILL whore themselves out to the powers that be; it just so happens that this powers don’t want nationalism any longer to defeat other nations. The nations have all been defeated and the only ruling class left are a bunch of American billionaires who now want open borders and free trade to get cheap labor.
“God and Guns” I concur.
They are both necessary and sufficient.
June 10, 2017 at 1:43 pm
“Dear Miss Emily – 100+ churches of the SBC already in revolt to this ‘direction’, and refusing to send money to the SBC – or, more specifically, to Dr. Russell Moore, he in charge of ‘ethicks’…”
That is how you deal with these people. You defund them.
Defund anti-white leftist churches and defund anti-white leftist controlled universities. And if they are practicing politics using tax deductible donations, which they all are, the moral duty is to prosecute them for tax fraud.
Until this is done, they will keep growing and nationalists will keep losing.
Smultronstallet, good point!
I don’t see it. The South is just as cucked as any other White nation. Whatever they gain from being slightly more racially aware, they lose by being fanatical Christian Zionists. I find it ironic that the White Left is the only group that wants to butt heads with Israel. The deep-blue Northern states would actually have major boycotts against Israel, but the South won’t let them. It’s also interesting that the alt-right mainly recruits from disaffected liberals and libertarians. The classic, Republican Conservatives have been the most resistant to the message of the alt-right.
It reminds me of the attitude the Confederacy had going into the Civil War. They felt God was on their side and their passion and ferocity would win the day. Turns out cold, calculating logistics beats passion.
I apologize if Southrons find this insulting, as I really do have great respect for Dixie.
I agree with Mr. Frosty. Virtually all of the Southern State governments and judicial systems are firmly anti White. Harsh sentences are meted out to White’s for what would have never even been considered criminal 50 years ago. Think the 17 year sentences for the couple in Georgia – they said “niggers”. A police officer in Georgia is fired for flying a Confederate flag on her own property – several years back a young White man was banned from an entire county in Georgia over a self defense issue with some Negros, etc. Southern States are governed by East Indians, Negro senators, homosexual senators, cucked governors and sell out legislators. Even their heritage organizations have turned “purple” (or would yellow be more accurate ?)Alabama and Georgia are described as “Purple” states.The rest really aren’t much better.
As far as the SBC – it’s just being “Methodized” to be PC and become implicitly anti White. It is interesting though that a couple of large Methodist Churches in Mississippi recently withdrew from the UMC..
@ juniusdaniel1828
“God and guns. We got plenty o’ those; and, when all is said and done, those will get us through.”
If the feds, in whatever form they take (perhaps black ops), are still importing radical jihadis and only God knows what else, don’t you think those billions of bullets they bought several years back are possibly going to them….. for us? Our enemies have weapons that would boggle the mind. Perhaps that is why the Deagel website has the population of the US being just 54,000,000 by 2025. Or, will it be a plague?
When all hell breaks loose hunker down. Let the animals kill off each other. Don’t waste your bullets. Let the smoke clear. The next conflict will be absent of civility and decency and honor and empathy and worse, a uniform to identify the enemy.
Christianity is dying in West. Christianity is now a religion of the Global South, it’s why Catholic and Protestant leaders have abandoned whites to focus on the third world.
When You refuse recognize the enemy within, then white liberals will infiltrate and take over the the old time religion like they did with new time religion, education, goverment and society in general. Or whatever you like or want. For secession fans, i proudly present lady Reality Winner. She will be first person to apply seceded white homeland cityzenship because she is Pretty, White And Cute
No Juri, these jokers not only refuse to punish treason, they are happy to fund their Cultural Marxist politics aimed at their kids, using Public Money, while they are rendered unemployable by these same people.
Yes, absolutely – in today’s terms, defunding someone is the 18th century equivalent of hanging them…
“God and Guns” I concur.
They are both necessary and sufficient.
Thank you for the concurrance, Lockout!
‘@ juniusdaniel1828
“God and guns. We got plenty o’ those; and, when all is said and done, those will get us through.”
If the feds, in whatever form they take (perhaps black ops), are still importing radical jihadis and only God knows what else, don’t you think those billions of bullets they bought several years back are possibly going to them….. for us? Our enemies have weapons that would boggle the mind. Perhaps that is why the Deagel website has the population of the US being just 54,000,000 by 2025. Or, will it be a plague?
I agree, Snow – it’s a very serious matter. Certainly I do not wish to be cavalier. Such a thing would be difficult, though, in the end, those billions of bullets and attack drones would fail to achieve their ends?
Because, in such a situation, their will not long be many loyal to their side, nor willing to pay the ultimate price, for what? : to keep a bunch of ignorant hateful racist and supersticious Southerons in a ‘union’. This battle will be settle by those who are prepared to up the ante all the way. Thus, in my view, many of those bullets, purchaset, would remain undischarged.
As to Jihadis : one must respect their courage, but, they are not often good soldiers. it takes years of childhood hunting to make a fine marksman – not 10 trips out to the range over 2 years.
Shooting helpless victims is one thing – attempting to shoot armed Southerners, many many who, lifelong, hunt and who are veterans, would be quite another.
It would be a very unfair fight, the long and the short of which the Jihadis would either surrender or wind up hanging like darkie rapists from trees – nests for mama Southern flies/…
@Mr. Frosty…
‘It reminds me of the attitude the Confederacy had going into the Civil War. They felt God was on their side and their passion and ferocity would win the day. Turns out cold, calculating logistics beats passion. ‘
No offence taken, Mr. Frosty, but, I don’t like your analysis.
Because those country boys in The North, who once fought against us, would either be reluctant to do so, this time, or just plain on our side.
Furthmore – any prognosis baset on a 19th century war holds no water these days.
Because this war would be mostly 4th generation.
Moreover, we have more industry now, and an equivalent population, two areas where we were in dreadful inferiority.
I also remind you that Dixie fields a disproportionate number of veterans compared to any other region.
As to passion – The North was very passionate in that war – passionate to teach us a lesson, which, all in all, did not work out that way.
Still, the Northern fighting man deserves every respect, during those days – because anyone who is willing to march out into a field of flying lead deserves it!
Juri – that NSA Nigger lover cannot enter a White Homeland. It’s a mudsharking Jew
The South is rotten with Jew worshipping Ziotards. Your doom is sealed, if you don’t purge that madness.
Having just celebrated Trinity Sunday in Liturgy, I can attest to a number of the statements made here, and take umbrage with certain others.
The Author of this post is correct- only as we return to a virile, stand up to Heresy Christianity, will this nation survive. That much has been clear since at least the 1950’s, if we read any of the older ‘what is going on with the Church’ tomes that used to be written, soon after WWII.
Other posters have told half-truths (which means, that the other half, are lies- whether of their own making or merely what they have received- I’m willing to give some on this forum the benefit of the doubt…)
For example:
“The key to Christianity & Protestantism is faith in Jesus Christ. Not the Pope. Not the Priest.”
Sorry. BS Protestan-schism false Trinitarian, ‘Jebuz, the Bible, and Me’ heresy.
How can i say that? Because the very Bible they claim to follow, talks about priesthood, and an ALTAR that the Jews and other heretics, don’t possess! [Heb. 13:10] And don’t spiritualize that away, because the OT Altar gave FOOD to incarnate human beings, just as the Altar today gives the ‘Food of Immortality.’
Secondly, you deny divine Tradition, and then invent your own [ II Thess. 2:15- both verbal and written!]
“Defund anti-white leftist churches and defund anti-white leftist controlled universities. And if they are practicing politics using tax deductible donations, which they all are, the moral duty is to prosecute them for tax fraud.”
How about a gunshot to the head? In olden days, the Knights and Armies went to WAR with the Infidel, and never once talked about ‘defunding the Saracen’. The Second Amendment was given to us, to keep the liars and schemers from EVER achieving a hegemony. Well, in case you haven’t realized it, they already do! As Solzhenitsyn noted of the last Jewish Hegemonic Empire:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
….Which makes the following statement, utterly useless- “Yes, absolutely – in today’s terms, defunding someone is the 18th century equivalent of hanging them…” I’d prefer the hanging, tbh. At least then you have a deterrent to those who come after. A VALID ONE. A MANLY ONE. A CHRISTIAN ONE.
“The South is just as cucked as any other White nation. Whatever they gain from being slightly more racially aware, they lose by being fanatical Christian Zionists.”
Heresy trials are not ancillary to open warfare on the civil scene, they are the other side of the coin!
If Calvin could burn Servetus at the stake, NO MATTER WHAT GODLESS BASTARDS HAVE SAID SINCE, we could, can, and should do it again! Moore should be both fired, AND defrocked, and then tarred and feathered, at the VERY LEAST for what he has done to the SBC. Katherine Jefferts-Schori is a whore and a slut, and has caused more damage to the TEC than any of the great heretics of the past- and THEY were not allowed to live. One could easily apply Ex. 22;18 in certain circumstances in the present day, and be justified for it. Christian Zionism, is THE Antichrist HERESY of all time. Denounce it, de-legitimize it, and hold book burning of Scofield Reference, Ryrie Study, and DTS seminary books throughout the land. Make the book burning of the Nazis look like Child’s Play, in comparison.
“God and guns. We got plenty o’ those; and, when all is said and done, those will get us through.”
OK, I get that point. But what’s next??? Where is the Rubicon? If the FEDGOV is immoral and illegal, then “if not NOW, when? If not you, whom?”
“Christianity is dying in West. Christianity is now a religion of the Global South, it’s why Catholic and Protestant leaders have abandoned whites to focus on the third world.” – Your screen name could draw forth some of the most choice epithets against the false race of the talmudic, but I doubt you are that….
But your comment displays a complete IGNORANCE of the reality of Christendom. Christianity is not dying- as a great writer once said, ‘It has never been tried!’ ONLY EUROPE is Christendom. ONLY the WHITE RACE is God’s ADAM. ONLY Adam’s seed is the ‘his people’ of Matthew 1:21. All pseudo-faiths that pretend to either be, or speak for YHWH God and his Son, Jesus Christ, who are not White, European, and of that Faith, are IMPOSTERS.
“When You refuse recognize the enemy within, then white liberals will infiltrate and take over the the old time religion like they did with new time religion, education, goverment and society in general”
Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Next Question….. Now what?
“I bind unto myself today, the strong name of the Trinity;
by invocation of the same, the three in One, and One in Three.”
@Father John…
‘“God and guns. We got plenty o’ those; and, when all is said and done, those will get us through.”
OK, I get that point. But what’s next??? Where is the Rubicon? If the FEDGOV is immoral and illegal, then…’
Father, nobody exactly knows what is ‘next’. Yet, many of us, in whose midst you find yourself, work daily to prepare the soil for what, ultimately, must be.
“…If not NOW, when? If not you, whom?”
Witting or not, this is an extract from the most famous Rabbi in history – Rabbi Hillel, of the 3rd century B.C.
His comment?
‘Each day, you must ask yourself three questions : ‘If I don’t stand for myself, who will? If I only stand for myself, what sort of man am I? If not now, when?
And you’re right – Christianity is not dying – not in Dixie, anyway.
With God and guns on our side, one way or the other, we’ll see this thing through!
God bless!
Fr. John
The Calvinists did more to destroy Christianity in Europe by changing the notion that Baptism was necessary for salvation and replacing it with this gobbolty-gook of An Outward Sign of Inward Grace. Calvin’s extreme doctrine of Double Predestination, which was what the original people who settled Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay believed in, metatcized into an idea of building Heaven upon the earth. This was Universalism and Unitarianism. The British Government in 1775 blamed the Calvinists for the American Revolution, stating that the doctrines of Calvin, which started all the major religious wars in Europe, the English Civil War, etc caused the American Revolution.
Of course this was what the Jews intended the entire time. The Jews had largely destroyed the power of Orthodox Christianity in Europe with their Turkish Moslem hordes, and Calvinsim had weakened the Western Catholic Church to such a point, the Revolution and all the Ism’s that came with it came with the ease of a wave washing away a sandcastle. In 1936 according to a man who attended the Bnai Brith Conference in Paris, a Rabbi said the following.
“We are the Fathers of all Revolutions – even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation. Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success…
“Thanks to our propaganda, to our theories of Liberalism and to our misrepresentations of Freedom, the minds of many among the Gentiles were ready to welcome the Reformation. They separated from the Church to fall into our snare. And thus the Catholic Church has been very sensibly weakened, and her authority over the Kings of the Gentiles has been reduced almost to naught. We are grateful to Protestants for their loyalty to our wishes – although most of them are, in the sincerity of their faith, unaware of their loyalty to us.
The Rabbi also said the following.
We have induced some of our children to join the Catholic body, with the explicit intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the Catholic Church, by creating scandals within her. We have thus followed the advice of our Prince of the Jews, who so wisely said: ‘Let some of your children become canons, so that they may destroy the Church’. Unfortunately, not all among the ‘convert’ Jews have proved faithful to their mission. Many of them have even betrayed us! But, on the other hand, others have kept their promise and honored their word. Thus the counsel of our Elders has proved successful..”
@Billy Ray…
Interesting comments, as per usual!