Southern Baptist Convention Condemns The Alt-Right

I’m not a Southern Baptist.

I’ve never been a Southern Baptist either. I was raised as a Methodist, but as I got older and started to think more about religion I discovered that the Methodist Church supported abortion. They’re also opposed to “racism.” It was resolutions like that passed by church bodies which alienated me from Christianity for many years. The faith as I was exposed to it had no appeal to me.

It took years for me to realize that American Christianity was simply going with the flow. Every other “mainstream” institution in our society has been compromised by entryists. The same is true of the church. It is also true of the media, the universities, the military, etc. They’re all on the same page and promote the same values and narrative. In particular, the Southern Baptists are notable for not being at the forefront of social change whether it was over slavery or segregation.

The Southern Baptist Convention officially denounced the Alt-Right this afternoon:

“Phoenix, Arizona (CNN)The Southern Baptist Convention moved to denounce the “alt-right” white nationalist movement Wednesday, a collective decision that occurred only after pastors pushed back against denominational leaders who initially chose not to address the issue.

At their annual meeting, Southern Baptists agreed to a statement decrying “every form of racism, including alt-right white supremacy, as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” …”

This is the handiwork of entryists like Russell Moore combined with the cowardly desire of conservative Christians to appease the media and cling to “respectability.”

None of this really flows from church doctrine. The very things being denounced by the Southern Baptist Convention – racism, slavery and white supremacy – are what it stood for throughout the vast majority of its own existence. The Southern Baptist Convention itself was called into existence over the refusal of abolitionists to enter into communion with slaveowners.

This is hardly the first retarded thing to come out of the Southern Baptist Convention in recent years. There was the lobbying on behalf of amnesty for illegal aliens. There was virtue signaling by electing its first black president. There was the debate over dropping “Southern” from Southern Baptist. There was pretty much everything Russell Moore has ever said and done in their name. The United Methodist Church recently said hold my beer and ordained a transsexual deacon.

The only thing this cucking by the Southern Baptist Convention will accomplish will be to win a few media plaudits and alienate some of its own members. As the Southern Baptist Convention becomes more identified with Russell Moore, its members who already dislike Moore, social justice crusades and who are sympathetic to the Alt-Right for that reason will leave the denomination. The overall effect will be to strengthen the Alt-Right by reducing the appeal of another cucked version of “mainstream” Christianity. The Alt-Right will thrive in a more secular America and among the disaffected.

The only loser in this will be Christianity. Russell Moore’s mawkish, milquetoast version of Christianity wasn’t the faith of our ancestors and has little appeal to men. As long as it carries that banner, the religious institutions built by our fathers will continue to crumble.

About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Visit any church these days and your bombarded not with bible teachings or lessons on morality, but lectures on giving to the ‘oppressed’ in Africa or tolerance of other races. You’ll be asked to donate to some useless cause in Yemen or South Sudan. They can stick it up their bum.
    If you want to be a Christian and help your people or community, don’t bother with most ‘churches’ around these days. Cuck city central they are.

  2. “None of this really flows from church doctrine.”

    I think all the sjw nonsense is the inevitable outgrowth of the slave morality at the heart of Christianity. I don’t think it was just some accident of history that it was pagans who killed Joshua bar Joseph. I’m going back to the White Gods. HAIL ODIN!

  3. Eastern Orthodox Xianity isn’t too bad but overall the Christ cult was never compatible with Western thought, it had to be forced on us by power-mad popes and kings.

  4. Churches and Universities take tax deductible donations, and use them for blatantly political purposes. If this money wasn’t going to these anti-White Commies, it would be used on more important things, like decaying infrastructure.

    What they are doing is called tax fraud. It is stealing.

    This result is inevitable when Conservatives say nothing and do nothing, while these people commit tax fraud and brag about it in public for decades.

  5. Whether liberal media, government or in this case the church, I always notice the double standards and hypocrisy that comes along with this sort of institutionalized measure- they always condemn so called WHITE racism but ignore or perhaps even support the racism and supremacy of all other peoples, ie NAACP for the ADVANCEMENT of blacks, the Race or La Raza for latinos and of course Israel, as a JEWISH state. They claim to be anti-racist but what they are in practice is simply anti-white. After all, it is us alone who are being singled out for no representation by virtually all institutions in the USA, Europe and the west.

  6. Hunter, you wouldn’t like me much then. I support abortion……for Jews, Blacks, Muslims and Asians.
    I’m also opposed to racism……most of which is directed at Whites these days.

  7. Sad, very sad! They have lost their way as so many churches have. They have forgotten that Jesus not only preached compassion, love and kindness to your neighbors but also self respect and every ones right to reasonable self defense. Religion is like history, it is written and mandated by who is in charge but always with time the truth rises to the surface. God bless America and God bless our European heritage!

  8. I am also absolutely in favor of abortion. There are roughly 1800 black fetuses removed from the United States on a daily basis. Had those unwanted children were given the chance to mature, we’d have a massive sustained crime wave on our hands, not to mention the even worse financial strain our nation would be under.

  9. The last time I went to a church service was nearly ten years ago. It was in south central Kentucky. It had been a good ten years since I had been to a service on that occasion. I only went then because of a woman I was interested in at the time asked me if I wanted to come one Sunday with her.

    The sermon that Sunday was a strong suggestion to the single men to take up with women who were pregnant by another man. Yeah, you read right. I sat there in the pew shaking my head in wonder at what I was hearing.

    Even when they are not preaching the gospel of race mixing and tolerance, the teachings of the modern church are just plain stupid. It is like whites have become a race of simpletons and hayseeds.

  10. I’m a Reformed Christian, and I when I say that I’m a Reformed Christian, I mean that I believe that Reformed Christianity (TULIP, Covenant theology, etc.) is TRUE and that other denominations and religions are objectively WRONG. Tolerance once meant that you accept that other people have other truths; today it means that you have to give up the concept of truth at all. This is one the reasons why Christians changing denominations not because they care about theological truth but because think that other denominations are more in line with their stance on immigration etc. are not the cure but part of the disease; they are just the other side of the same modernist coin.

    That being said: EVERY religion, every denomination and atheism is in the process of being subverted, feminised and made to promote “unity” etc. Every religious point of view including that of no religion is under attack from feminism and in various stages of being feminized, subverted, pushed to give up the idea of objective truth, pushed to promote immigration and a post-nation world. The only exceptions might be obscure religions and sects of larger religions simply because they aren’t on the radar screen yet. They aren’t immune, but not worth the effort for feminism to invade YET.

    Only the problems with the alt-right is that they believe that this only happened to Christianity; but it also happens to atheism AND it happens to Judaism and Islam. Judaism and Islam are not immune to that. Alt-right Christians sometimes make Muslims sound like total badasses who are completely immune to all of that and who will never surrender to the demands of feminists and sodomites and Jewry. As long as the alt-right believes that the goal is to specifically destroy Christianity and/or white people, they will not be able to form a proper opposition, but will just end up switching religions or denominations. They’ll become Pagans although Paganism is also feminised.

  11. “It took years for me to realize that American Christianity was simply going with the flow.”

    So much for it saving America, like the shills are pushing all the time on 8Chan!

  12. Most Christians aren’t white. Excepting some tiny tiny sects, Christian churches abhor racism. On the flip side, many whites who are pro white are christian, and it many parts of the bible, god demands nations (but not all,there is contradiction).

    Bottom line? We need to leverage what we have and fight on the spiritual plane to win (Alt God). We do need a new religion, but that isn’t going to happen over night.

  13. I have always said it is a waste of time being anti-Christian if you are a white identitarian of some sort, you simply cannot do a better job of hating Christ then the duo of the Left and the Cucks.

  14. I still do lots of things with Latter Day Saints – Mormons. Even in a hyper Liberal Left university community with large all Black neighborhoods very near bye there is little or no bad anti White Leftist politics in Church. Lots of boring speakers, yeah – and lots of good looking White families.

    LDS has some sensible policies – church leaders are determined by the local congregation so there isn’t the problem of seminaries becoming anti White Leftist Liberation Theology and then the national church sends bad priests, bad church leaders down on a White congregation.

    LDS Mormon church are prevented from making church endorsements in church and just open talk about politics is strongly discouraged.

    LDS Mormons give women lots of things to do, so there is much, any feminist *#&$#@ to try to take over the priesthood, attack the patriarchy etc.

    But, in politics, especially immigration politics LDS Mormons suck – as bad as anyone except the Jews.

  15. EVERYONE: Drop whatever you’re doing today and spend a few hours researching and laughing hysterically at the CUCKED-INTO-OUTER-SPACE, weak, faggoty, low-T, soy-drenched, interracial adoption-fetishist manlets permeating the SBC ‘divinity’ school ranks. They’re still passive aggressive enough, though, to produce propaganda such as this…

    and this:

    Note the BOLSHEVIK-TIER graphic art – a lone white figure atop the all-black American nation, fracturing it by its mere EVIL WHITE PRESENCE — and a big black ‘hammer of justice’ menacingly comes down upon the white figure. The SBC so obviously wishes for an explicit Haiti-style white genocide and is feeling more and more comfortable with explicitly anti-white symbolism, despite being so comfortably cucked, brainwashed and utterly masochistic.

    We must troll the HELL out of these people….FOREVER.


    “A Christian who worships Christ in spirit and truth will not worship democracy. And the democratic heresy is the first obstacle that must be overcome before white self-defense can begin. A white Christian will not refuse to fight, in the fullest sense of the word, when such fighting takes him outside the parameters of democracy.”

  17. “I am also absolutely in favor of abortion. There are roughly 1800 black fetuses removed from the United States on a daily basis. Had those unwanted children were given the chance to mature, we’d have a massive sustained crime wave on our hands, not to mention the even worse financial strain our nation would be under.” – Ronnie

    I would say, in response, that abortion- even of a non-white fetus, is still murder of a hominid.
    Eugenics (forced sterilization of adults) is a far more humane method of birth control.

  18. I’m with Old Hickory. We need OUR White Gods. Non-White literally cannot be with us.

    August 1 is coming,, The Festival of Lughnasadh approacheth. We’ve failed because we’ve have forgotten our Own Gods. We must join with Our Own, once more. We must awaken Our Gods.

  19. It’s no different in the Catholic Church or virtually any other Christian institution. The Long March through the institutions didn’t exclude Christianity.

  20. I no longer attend church, listen to anything our repulsive elites ever say or watch ‘mainstream’ news on TV. Just go to sites like this to get an idea of what people really say or are thinking. I get so tired of being told how dreadful my race is.
    I can’t recall the last time I bought a jewspaper or watched the news- why would you bother, other than to monitor whats being said about you?
    Leftards are never born- they’re the product of schooling, media, churches, uni’s and and a pop culture that feeds on White ‘guilt’ and ‘privilege’ every single day.
    Until our nation’s embark on deCuckification programs in the aforementioned institutions, we will never feel good about ourselves again, our be capable of making political gains that help OUR people.

  21. Oh my God… (((THEY))) NEVER REST… look what international Jewry, Holocaust Industry and int’l migrant trafficking networks are now digitally pushing on the naive, brainwashed Christcucks:

    “#WeRemember the victims of Naziism turned away at the doorstep of America in 1939. #RefugeesWelcome. via @russelneiss & @chschwartz”

  22. The Southern Babelists, particularly the leadership, seem to have a profound sense of social inferiority toward their Yankee liberal betters–which explains their endless cucking and groveling. Russell Moore is an updated version of Judas, who receives his thirty pieces of establishment benediction. Jesus Christ, in contrast, fearlessly opposed the corrupt establishment of his day.

    The task before us is to create our own Christian denomination, which will uphold our traditional Southern understanding of the faith,

  23. Disestablishing Anglicanism and religious tests didn’t work out too well for the state that also enfranchised Jews.

  24. All Christian denominations are doomed and taken over by the (((Tribe))). It’s that simple. All except the EASTERN ORTHODOX, which is of course the ORIGINAL Christian church, founded where Jesus lived and died. It is called Orthodox for a reason, and that is that it doesn’t change. There never has been any Jew component or “Judeo-Christian” connection or muck, in my lifetime experience. All other Christian units are adulterated. EO is straight whiskey, no water or ice cubes. If you can’t handle that, drink some sugar water Western alternative.

    For myself, I have found what eluded me in the religions of the East, i.e., Buddhism, Confucianism, et al.
    This, of course, alters nothing in my firm belief in a Homeland dominated by Caucasians. The definition of “White”, by my lights, differs from some of the other commenters.

  25. I have become acquainted with some talented, like minded people who can do a through Doxing service for the worst traitors like this anti Southern Black Liberation Theology traitor SBC Russell Moore. The service costs $300. The intelligence information will include things like where the traitor works, lives, hangs out, what expensive private school he sends his children to (these types never go with lower level integrated public schools), what private clubs (plays golf), who are his friends, financial supporters etc.

    The service would be provided with very strict instructions warning against illegal or immortal use of the information, but with factual statements that’s perfectly legal and moral to let others know what a terrible, vicious anti Southern traitor such individual is.

    The purpose of “doxing” is to make real enemies pay a person price for their actions. It’s not about guns, violence, anger or hate – it’s just identifying bad people. and letting others know these bad people shouldn’t be playing golf at expensive private golf clubs. We can get private club membership committee names that sort of thing.

    Again, the Anti White Lib Leftists do this all the time, dox their opponents (us) work to get us fired, marginalized. We must get better at doxing. PM me if you are interested.

    The service costs $300

  26. “This 136-year-old Jewish agency for refugees has a new mission in the Trump era: Fighting back”

    “HIAS is championing an issue of particular consensus in the usually fractious American Jewish community. The Jewish organizational world, opposed the refugee ban nearly unanimously”

    …”reminding people that throughout history, Americans have been fearful of refugees, and reminding folks that people didn’t want to welcome Jews”…

    “The group’s public profile is a shift from its strategy during previous refugee crises, said American Jewish historian Hasia Diner. As Jews in the 1930s faced rising anti-Semitic persecution in Europe and restrictive immigration laws in the United States, HIAS lobbied federal and local governments and published pro-refugee pieces in the media. The efforts secured some refugees a place in the country, but were of little avail to many others who could not get visas from an unsympathetic government.

    Back then, said Diner, the Jewish community was largely made up of working-class immigrants. And decades before the civil rights movement, public protest was not in vogue. Now, she said, following the massive Women’s March in January and a range of other public actions, HIAS would be remiss not to take to the streets.

    “It’s a different America we’re talking about,” said Diner, a professor at New York University. “I’d be shocked if they weren’t engaging in that kind of protest because that’s become a civic norm.”

  27. Two things for us to consider:

    1). There are now 2 sects of Christianity. Judeo-Christianity and Christianity.

    2). Identifying who is Christian.

    #1 is obvious and #2 will be either difficult to find or create.

    We, as a movement, are small, and yes, in order for a movement to grow it needs a theological
    base. As of now the “Gods of our fathers” groups are firmly entrenched in the overall movement. I get it, and now with such moves by the last hold out, the SBC, turning over, we have no options left.

    The easiest route theologically speaking, would be the exodus to the Orthodox Church. No, the Orthodox Church is not he saviour of our movement, but it deserves our attention for it’s recent efforts for protecting the faith.

    Another route to consider would be Christian Identity. Christian Identity, while truly Christian, may off difficulties with doctrine. Anyway, my point is, all great political movements have a religious underpin.

    I for one, wish Russia would see the chance and make a move to offer disgruntled Southerners an option for a true Christian Church. The cost would be minimal and in the long-term would serve us both.

  28. @Mark Saint…

    Brilliant comment – not just for it’s being well-informed, but, for it’s being constructive.

    I don’t think that the Orthodox has quite realized the opportunities here, but, that said, I am aware they are trying.

    Please bear in mind that there are now 10 Orthodox churches in North Carolina and 7 in our sister state.

    All the best!


    Then, put a ‘C’ there, instead, which would make it a CBC…

    ‘Cuckt Baptist Church’

  30. No, Dear Countenance – it was ‘official’, already several years back, when SBC head, Russell Moore, denouncet our Confederate flag!

  31. @Mr. Griffin…

    ‘As the Southern Baptist Convention becomes more identified with Russell Moore…’


    That’s unclear it’s going to happen.


    Because he has stepped on a growing number of toes, and those toes are growing restless.

    Not my opinion, but, the denomination’s scuttlebutt.

  32. I am a traditional Christian and I regard most of Protestant Christianity as a heresy. The Scofeild heresy as I call it. I constantly see churches-every one of them Baptist- flying the israeli flag! Many relatives are Baptist but I am not, nor will I ever be, part of that denomination.

  33. Orthodox clarification on “The Chosen People”

    “The term “people of God” in the Orthodox Church is understood as the members of the body of Christ (the Church), the “Israel of God,” the “saints,” the “elect,” the “chosen race,” and the “royal priesthood”. In the New Testament, as understood by Orthodox Christians, the “people of God” is the Church as the body of Christ. In the First Epistle (Letter) of Saint Peter it is clearly stated that: “At one time you were not God’s people, but now you are His people.” The Church is “God’s holy people,” the baptized participating in God’s realm, as manifested in the divine Eucharistic Liturgy.”

    This states that there is no such thing as the Jews being The Chosen. Christians are The Chosen, those that love Christ. Jews are irrelevant to this dictum and Truth, as supported by scripture.

    Understand clearly what is going on here: The Eastern Orthodox Church never did and never will change because of current trends, fashions, and pressures. It is directly, purely conceived from the time of Christ. It’s historians, saints, clerics, etc, laid it all out, clearly. In Orthodoxy, you are experiencing what Christianity IS, defined as it existed, without pollution and amendment by fag, corrupt, psychopathic, Jewish Popes-or any other post-Christ individual telling you what is what. There are no novel interpretations.

    Europe is finished. Accept that. We Caucasians and Christians are fated to be bonded and close to Russian, which shares our Western values more than any other country-including Canada. I, for one, want the USSA to form increasingly close bonds of every sort with Russia and unite against the Negro hordes, the Aboriginals (including Amerindian), the Jews, and Mudslums.

    A Southern Nation would receive instant verification and acceptance by Russia (and even China, if it is played correctly). With that, the tattered remains of the Blacks and Browns would be greatly reduced and their actions against them blunted.

  34. “Disestablishing Anglicanism and religious tests didn’t work out too well for the state that also enfranchised Jews.” -Capt. John

    Well said!

    And to all those who keep on referencing Orthodoxy-I wonder if you realize how utterly similar any form of Byzantine orthodoxy is ,to the false protestant confessions, when applied to an Anglo-Saxon white America!?

    A foreign ritual coupled to a foreign theology that despises all things western European, superimposed by a conquering race- (whether Greek or Russian) has never been and will never be, what True Orthodoxy is about!

    There already exist any number of “western-rite” Orthodox churches and bishops in the United States and Canada, that use our own litter Jeckel forms, and the complete King James Bible with the apocrypha as it was translated by our ancestors.. It is to them we should be looking, and not to the Phanar, or Moscow!

  35. Link for more information:

    In this explanation, you find that the Church contains all that is necessary within itself, as it has always been. There is no need for any change, as THIS Church was founded by Christ. All the others are derivations or “knock-offs”.

    Note well the pronouncements and proclamations. Compare that with your dithering, limited, confused, groping present “Christian” denomination.

  36. ” The Eastern Orthodox Church never did and never will change because of current trends, fashions, and pressures.” – Mustard man

    You are a convert, aren’t you?

    Because if you weren’t a convert, you would at least have some knowledge of the ‘Novus Ordo’ status of most of the “orthodox” jurisdictions in the United States-and the very same innovations that they are doing, that Rome has already done, sometimes hundreds of years ago. But they are still changing!

    Examples of Orthodoxy’s capitulation to the world abound-such as adopting the Gregorian calendar; changing the date of Pascha, holding ecumenical meetings, and ‘joint prayer services,’ altar girls, countenancing abortion, allowing homosexuals in the congregations, Orthodox bishops marching with adulterating liars like Martin Luther King, etc., etc., etc.

    Not all that pretends to be Orthodox in the west, is. And you need to know the difference, before you start making comments such as you have made.

  37. “Fr.” John: I wonder if you realize how fractured, incomplete, and hazy your statements are? What do you base your premise that Orthodoxy is “foreign” to any that seek out Truth and universality of Christ?

    Who are, really? Certainly no churchman, of any learning or temperament. Maybe you are not a Friar, but a Frier, who flips burgers and Freedom Fries at a local Fast Food Joint.

  38. When I was 9 years old, Baptist Sunday School teachers told me the Jews were God’s chosen people and I read the story about the Jewish prophet (profit?) who was ordered by God to kill his own child. Sounded pretty horrible to me. I identified with the child. In any case, God said, “April Fool. I was only joking. “Testing” you.”

    I have not had much use for Christianity since then. None of it made any sense to me at all and it makes less sense now that they’re openly working for WHITE extermination.

  39. No Frier John, I am not a convert, but my entire ancestry from Eastern Europe and the Middle East have been Orthodox since the Church began. As to your flatulent comment on waywardness of what you call Orthodox, they are not of the Spirit and Teachings of the Church. Every group of any size will have deranged and mentally ill members, as mental illness constitutes a constant percentage of the population.

    I see you as a troll, possible Jewish, who enters to confuse and scramble clarity and purpose. We are on a serious thread here. You should grab a bag of popcorn and be an observer, as of late you have not contributed to understanding or exposition.

  40. I was baptized Roman Catholic but am non-practicing. I believe the basics of Christianity are intended to keep its adherents good and decent people. But all religions are population control mechanisms and that is more apparent today than ever. I don’t need a middleman interfering with my personal relationship with my creator. All the religions now kneel toward globalism and while the rank & file Muslims still kneel toward Mecca, even their leadership kneels toward Brussels.

  41. @juniusdaniel Thanks for the kind words sir.

    To the rest, in this discussion, facts are facts and all (?) mainline protestants are apostate now if the SBC goes through with its plans. From what I can discern, only the Orthodox Church is non apologetic in its stance on Christ. For all intensive purposes, most, if not all, of the Protestant churches are just land and race worshippers…mission accomplished. That is one of the reasons I have reservations about Christian Identity, it’s doctrine just replaces the modern jew with white anglo-celtic tribes.

    Anyway, as a rountable discussion, we in the LOS, need someone of the likes of Brad Griffin, but with religious authority, to take the helm of open dialogue amongst the members. Question is who will that be?

    We in the LOS need religious zealotry tied to our struggle. There needs to be a romanticized Christianity incorporated into every action we make. It is now an opportunity of a lifetime, God has handed us an apostate church, maybe He is asking us to rise to the challenge.

  42. @ Denise

    You are so right. It is the (((Mormon))) religion. Their houses of worship are also temples. They worship the same deity as the Jews. Just take a look at the symbolism on the great Mormon Temple in Temple Square, SLC. I was always led to believe that an upside down cross was a symbol of the devil. Why does this temple have them? Your eyes don’t lie. It’s only what’s behind them that does.

    PS: And like the (((other temples))) you cannot access Mormon houses of worship freely like you can Christian churches. Why’s that?

  43. Markl Saint: No, no. We don’t need or want romanticized Christianity or any religion or worship. That relies on marketing, symbolism, propaganda, and worldly manipulation.

    What people need is exactly in the link on what Orthodoxy is, above. I remain an Orthodox, but also follow Buddhism and other Eastern religions. Religion is not to be contaminated with earthly problems and act like a crutch to buttress weakness of will and intellect.

    The message Whites need is already enveloped and packaged in Orthodoxy. If your head, persona, and spirit are aligned correctly with the Heavens, exigent tasks can be carried and followed through with the assurance of correctness and morality.

    What were you thinking, anyway? If your religious conceptions are that the sacred and divine need to be warped to motive people, you are a lower person than I care to sail with. I would not associate with such weak and feckless people as the kind needed to affect change and Homeland status. Stop peddling weakness and profanity.

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