About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I would say about 80% of the American public can’t think straight, in other words they say and believe things that don’t make any sense. The liberals think everybody in the world should be allowed to squat here, even though the U.s. has 2 to 3 million people in prison, 95 million out of the work force, millions of drug addicts, in other words we can’t take care of the people who are here already, It doesn’t get any dumber to think everybody should come here. People aren’t being taught to think, but are being filled with enormous self esteem

    The left isn’t ‘tolerant’ at all, they live in the own world of craziness and stupidity.

  2. It already has 3k likes as opposed to almost 17k dislikes. Be sure to go to YouTube and downvote. Some hilarious comments over there! At first the general backlash was so great the video was actually taken down! Haha. Top Kek, lads!

  3. @Hunter…
    Yes, these ice addicts aren’t much to look at ha? Even worse to listen to. Can’t believe I sat through the whole ‘song’. Getting a headache.
    This video is worth about ten of ours as it shows these depraved hypocrites in their true light. Instead of facts, figures and rational argument like we display, for them its bash, kill and shut us up. Displays of progress and tolerance laid out for everyone to see there.

  4. That music is terrible! What happened to real metal like Dio, Black Sabbath, and Iron Maiden?

  5. I’ll bet there are some people posting here who look just like that fruit with the bleached hair in the top photo. Right, Onceler/Celestial Time/Bongiovani?

    • I’ll admit to dyeing my hair when you admit to being part italian/mediterranean.

      Only one of us will be lying.

  6. For the record I am not Celestial Times nor any other alias on here.

    spahnranch1969 refuses to tell everyone who he is…

    Seriously, spahnranch, when do you pony up? I’m not the one hiding something.

  7. I got about 4 words in and hit the stop button. That was awful. It’s not even close to being a candidate for guilty pleasures music.

  8. I think these guys are actually from the Alt- Right. There’s enough recruiting material there to draw in millions to the movement.
    Thanks guys- you are funny….and very helpful. We can’t thank you enough.

  9. Autistic Screeching Against The Machine

    these fellas sure are upset, if only they could use their words

  10. Has any of you triggered pussies forget “shock value” is. You are calling others pussies while behind a screen. These guys have the balls to prove you cowards who the real pussies are, the ones that wont actually do anything. Just remember the confederates and nazis are the ones who lost the war. You guys get hit and cry like a bunch of hick pussies. Got a issue, come to one of their shows and we will prove my point. All you got is calling people cucks, the same old sound of a herd of sheep. I hope you fags hang yourselves with your red laces.

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