The Left-wing sports/news station ESPN appears to have jumped the shark and is the subject of widespread ridicule and mockery after taking an Asian broadcaster off of his assigned game at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The man’s name, Robert Lee, apparently sounds too Confederate for the overtly anti-White sports channel. The Chicago Tribune reports:
Trying to avoid one kind of social media backlash, ESPN has stumbled into another with Asian announcer Robert Lee no longer assigned to call the University of Virginia’s home football opener in Charlottesville.
Even the Leftists at the Tribune find this unbelievable.
“We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name,” ESPN said in a statement. “In that moment it felt right to all parties. It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play by play for a football game has become an issue.”
Of course, it only became an issue because of the Left’s emotional meltdown to an auto accident fatality at a pro-White event that they sought to violently shut down.
But if its intent was to quietly get on with its business by reassigning one of the thousands of people in the United States named Robert Lee — or some variation thereof — from the ACC Network Virginia-William & Mary telecast on Sept. 2 to Youngstown State at Pittsburgh, it was a failure of fantastic proportions.
Not even ESPN’s stalwart Bob Ley, the media giant’s longest-serving commentator having been hired as a “SportsCenter” anchor on its third day of operation in September 1979, could resist poking fun, comparing it to the work of satirists.
As news of the change in assignments for Robert Lee was broken by Clay Travis’ Outkick the Coverage blog, Ley tweeted Tuesday night: “Rather worried my employee ID/pass may not admit me in the AM. Life, as scripted by @OnionSports.”

They’re getting as nutty as Caligula allegedly having people executed for mentioning goats in his presence.
Caligula wasn’t insane. He was assassinated by Herod because he was going to place a statue of himself in the Jewish temple tabernacle. That’s why he gets bad press today.
I think he had syphilis, no?
Not surprising as ESPN is run by the kikes at Disney
ESPN = Electronic Semitic Propaganda Network.
Everyone, please, add the Jewish/Israeli papers to your daily Internet perusal. You’ll never laugh harder in your life. Perhaps we can have a daily contest to find the funniest headlines and stories – should the commenters here feel so inclined, that is.
Today’s winner of the ‘Sigmund Freud Award for Jewish Hysteria and Histrionics’:
cRapper defiantly stares at eclipse; goes blind:
Darwin Award of the day.
He has only himself to blame; there were numerous articles warning of the racist nature of the eclipse.
The Kikes are now overreaching. GOOD!
That chink’s name is pronounced Lobelt Ree. I think he is also Onceler’s “life partner”. They plan to adopt a few picaninnies.
Coon democracy