Charlottesville: UVA Students Questions Police Response

We were just as surprised as the UVA students that the Charlottesville and UVA police didn’t keep the two sides separated at the August 11th torchlight march.

“It’s Going Down” had published an article about it that evening. I called Jason Kessler and told him about the article. I recommended either cancelling the torchlight march or moving it to Monticello or elsewhere in Charlottesville. He later got back to me that night and told me that the UVA and Charlottesville police knew about the torchlight parade and would keep both sides separated.

It was only after hearing that the police were going to keep us separated from the Antifa that we decided to go. There are too many scenarios that I can think of involving Antifa and what kind of weapons they could have used against a torchlight parade to have otherwise taken such a risk.

Note: BTW, this idea that they didn’t know we were coming to do the torchlight parade is laughable. We told them ourselves we were coming. It was all over the internet. These FOIA documents prove they knew about it. What’s more, the journalist in the video below wasn’t the only one who asked the police why they were standing around doing nothing.

NBC29 WVIR Charlottesville, VA News, Sports and Weather

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent

1 Comment

  1. So “Caroline” joins a group of leftist students and antifa types who actively sought confrontation with Unite the Right marchers at Jefferson’s statue. She got what she wanted. Now she’s whining about it all over the media. I went to the NBC29 WVIR website and posted in essence that she can’t her cake and eat it too…unless she likes it with pepper spray. Recommend you all go there as well and share your kind thoughts with “Caroline” and other concerned Charlottesville folks and delicate UVA students.

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