In my years associated with the Alt-Right, I have always maintained a stance against what is deemed the “urbanite.” Cries of “Crush the Urbanite!” have been heard in the deepest corners of our movement for years now. But what is an urbanite? Why is the urbanite a problem?
It is human nature to conglomerate together in some number, trade and industry is made easier by the centralization of towns and smaller cities. The Metropoli we know today took that basic good, and became cancerous with it. Starting in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the Industrial Revolution allowed for massive production of various items. This mass production required mass population to man the factories. Economic pressures and competition from the cheaply produced massed goods began to force people to leave their smaller villages. The works of the artisan became devalued and debased, while advances in agricultural technology began to limit the amount of farm workers needed to support the nation.
The new urban industrial workers suffered extremely long days in the factories, and in appalling conditions. The devaluation of the rural,small town, as well as, artisan labor had another effect, the devaluation of human life itself. It did not matter your health or well being, all that mattered was if you could man your station and be a productive member of the industrial machine.
Even though immigration was often unwelcome in America (see Naturalization Act of 1790), it was still a major economic boon. Those in power did not care about demographic changes or even cared about the conflicts that came from the masses of European immigrants in the cities, as long as they built their wealth and power.
The cities embraced the uncontrolled growth in the name of greed. All the while technology advanced beyond needing the flesh cogs of the poor working class. They became bloated, innumerable, unsustainable in their home regions. These metropoli, what I deem the Urbanite, would not truly be part of their nation, but a separate and overly powerful blight.
The centralization of this wealth and power ensured social suzerainty over the rural populations, denied the same privileges and luxuries as the Urbanite.
Today, the Urbanite, the rootless cosmopolitan, maintains this power, while sneering at the rural population. The Urbanite prides themselves on diversity and openness. However, it is all merely a cover for their greed, comfort and power. This mass city-dwelling population causes a massive shift in regional politics, leading to these larger population areas, who share the same concern, to utterly dominate their home states and even the nation itself!
To the Urbanite, race does not matter. Not in any sense of tabula rasa, but in that they gain more wealth and political clout. Throughout the decades, multiple immigration patterns prove this. As long as the upper-classes can self-segregate from their imported pets, they are happy, even while Rome burns around them. Sexual degeneracy has no bearing on the Urbanite, since all that matters is flesh pressed into service. Culture and Tradition have no bearing either, as any idea of a non-Bugman identity may lead to conflict on the beige blob. To the Urbanite, culture is glorifying disease, attempting to feel fulfilled as they indulge in their own decadence, and drawing more and more immigrants.
The immigrants today are not for working the factory, but for the service industry, and to act as a moral veil for further social control. Demographics do not matter as long as the ones who control the city stand atop their ivory towers and continue to manipulate their brown hordes to act in their economic and political benefit.
The Urbanite acts as a political biblical plague that spreads by the day. When their liberal policies and importation of culturally and racially incompatible immigrants inevitably fail, they will begin to migrate to smaller and less wealthy places, to begin the cycle a new. Massive population increases have led to the extreme straining of infrastructure, and begins to siphon off funds from rural areas and smaller cities, leading to our own loss at the hands of a new quasi-colonial power.
This is especially pronounced in Dixie, where the massive amounts of migration threaten to forever change the demographics of states like North Carolina, and to politically change them to act in the service of the Progressive State. However, Dixie is our best hope of resistance against the Urbanite. The South has always been majority agrarian realm. The great cities of the Antebellum South were closer to the historical and truthful purpose of cities, trade and smaller industries. Southern Nationalism is the vanguard against the rootless cosmopolitan. We must embrace our culture, our history, in defense against the deracinated, decultured, and nontraditional Urbanite.
It is my belief, without question, that if you value Southern Nationalism, if you value Ethno-Nationalism, if you value tradition, if you value anything of our blood and soil, we must Crush the Urbanite!
-By Dr. Kriegzahn and originally published on Identity Dixie.
Yes, the spoliation of the the countryside, the ruin of the small farmer, the shuttering of main street, the flight to the cities. All of these things are planned and orchestrated by the bankers are have been important factors in making our current nightmare scenario possible.
“The Wildlands Project” has long supported the emptying of the countryside and forcing people to mega-cities. They’ve been working on this for over 30 years.
Look them up.
Possibly Dave Foreman is an ally of ours…Michael Soule…founder of the field of Conservation Biology…not our ally…..
Michael Soule is our mortal enemy…as are the filthy kikes Paul Ehrlich..Anne Ehrlich…and Gretchen Daily….
When the SHTF, the urbanites will self-implode. Every catastrophe has a silver lining, even the devil’s disciples’ engineered plans.
The federal reserve played a huge part of 1929 stock market crash of overnight withdraw circulation than gradual.Lots of investors jumped the building and there was unemployement mainly in big city factories.The rurals was relatively effected most families had farms.1933 FDR got the U.S factories re-open and retool of making armaments for lend lease to uncle Joe and Churchill.War raged in Europe Nazi were fighting a two fronts ground war from 1939-43.U.S. enter the theater that prolonged the war from 1943 11 million troops streaming in Normandy.Nazi and Red army exhausted,the manufacture at a tipping point.
There was no Isolationism at any time between western countries. Germany had 10 years of economic prosperity from Weimar crash. FDR arsenal of democracy Imperialism.
There’s always been a certain amount of animosity between city slickers and country bumpkins, but now we have the Eternal Parasite and his army of colored subhumanoids to consider. Best course of action would be to block all truck and rail traffic into the cities for a week or two. The nogs will start rioting, then they will start devouring the jews, queers and yuppies before turning on each other. Yes, it is that simple.
After that comes the (my favorite) part where the “nogs” roll into the countryside and eat you alive….
Only in your primitive spic imagination, Jose.
I think Jose is actually Hymie.
(((El Crapo))) is just trying to get a rise out of you. Obviously, he has never attended a gun show out in the sticks. The nogs will devour the spics and the kikes long before the crackers have to put holes in their foreheads.
If nogs could shoot for shit. Or maybe if they could get the gubment financed public transportation to take them there. Maybe….. I doubt they’re walking anywhere. Remember food desserts? Can’t even walk 6 blocks to the store with out it being whitey’s fault.
Cut off electrical power and water and in a week large numbers of them would be dead or dying.
The powers that be have been talking about a regionalism type tax structure were surronding arean non-urban send their taxes to the nearest mega city. The urbanites are already becoming a net-loss to the globalists.
Yeah! You can only tax people to their grave, and that slush fund is quickly not sustainable.
Taxation without representation along with oppression by parasite Kikes, that’s what they planned for us.
Wow, you all are smoking some serious shit to believe this nonsense.
It bad enough that my small tax levy goes to pay for the repair and upkeep of urbanite parasites.