The social media company Twitter, which has suspended accounts of numerous Right-wing users for their political views, is in the spotlight after its reaction to criticism from liberals for giving Alt-Right community organizer Jason Kessler a blue check mark used to verify one’s identity. Kessler is a Virginia blogger who has been harassed by the anti-White media and court system. He organized this summer’s large Charlottesville rally in defense of Confederate statues targeted by anti-White activists. NBC reports on Twitter’s reaction to the liberal melt-down over his blue check:
The popular social media platform announced Thursday that it would suspend verifying accounts after it received heavy criticism for providing Jason Kessler, an organizer of the far-right Unite the Right protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, with a verification badge on Wednesday.
“Verification was meant to authenticate identity & voice but it is interpreted as an endorsement or an indicator of importance,” Twitter support said. “We recognize that we have created this confusion and need to resolve it. We have paused all general verifications while we work and will report back soon.”
Twitter adds a blue check mark to accounts that it has verified are genuine.
After Kessler received the badge next to his name — and below an image of the Confederate flag on his account — the white nationalist celebrated the perceived endorsement.
“Looks like I FINALLY got verified by Twitter,” Kessler tweeted to his more than 13,000 followers. “I must be the only working class white advocate with that distinction.”
…Twitter removed his verification badge on Thursday.
…Twitter Chief Executive Jack Dorsey, who received the brunt of the criticism on Saturday, said a change was long necessary.
“Our agents have been following our verification policy correctly, but we realized some time ago the system is broken and needs to be reconsidered,” he tweeted, saying he should have addressed the issue sooner. “And we failed by not doing anything about it. Working now to fix faster.”
Kessler’s judgement is faulty, I would avoid the guy like a radioactive corpse.
I commend him for defending our monuments and interests… unlike 99.99% of our people.
He didn’t defend anything. (((Kessler))) is a Jewish name.
So is Rosenberg, but you’d be hard-pressed to call Alfred Rosenberg a kike.
Kessler, old Virginia family name in what’s now the eastern panhandle of WV, and the lower Shenandoah Valley.
IMHO Kessler did the best he could with what he had to work with.
Oh my golly gee …….you mean social mob-ia platforms are unstable????
Microphones, pitchforks & torches
What tyrants deserve… like Jack Dorsey:
“What say you of a tyrant, that public enemy, with whom all good men are perpetually at war; Have not all the individuals of the whole mass of mankind, indiscriminately, a right to exercise upon him all the severities of war?”
“Organized”. Who was the general who organized Dieppe or organized Galipoli.
First Lord of the Admiralty Churchill?
More proof that pro-Whites are routinely censored or banned. The gun advocates say 1A will go without 2A. How has this helped free speech for pro-Whites? I suspect most of the “gun nuts” are cucks or anti-Whites.