Editor’s Note: In light of the upcoming anniversary of Unite the Right, I am pinning my accounts of that event at the top of this blog.
Tim Heaphy’s independent review of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville has vindicated our account of August 11th and August 12th in every respect:
– The Charlottesville Police, Virginia State Police and University of Virginia Police were fully aware of the August 11th torchlight march to the Jefferson monument. They failed to keep Antifa separated from the Alt-Right and only intervened after counterprotesters had initiated a scuffle.
Christopher Cantwell has been in jail for months because Charlottesville failed to do its job at the torchlight rally: pic.twitter.com/1WYRZ1z581
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 1, 2017
So, this is how the torchlight march in Cville was disrupted: pic.twitter.com/fLkXZeUHax
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 1, 2017
– The Charlottesville Police and Virginia State Police allowed Antifa and the so-called clergy to obstruct the entrances to Lee Park. They knew violence would be the result.
New details on how the so-called clergy planned to incite violence at UTR and how police officers stood idly by and watched: pic.twitter.com/5cRJFT8mfJ
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 1, 2017
– The Charlottesville Police and Virginia State Police deliberately stood down on August 12th and allowed the violence to escalate out of control. They allowed Antifa to incite violence for this could be used as an excuse to declare Unite the Right an “unlawful assembly.”
The plan all along in Charlottesville was to allow Antifa to incite violence and use that as an excuse to declare an "unlawful assembly" pic.twitter.com/MoccI9k5Er
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 1, 2017
Heaphy says sources said police chief told commanders to permit the fighting on Aug 12 so they could later declare unlawful assembly. He says he doesn’t think that’s ‘misconduct’
— Chris Suarez (@Suarez_CM) December 1, 2017
Heaphy: Stand-down order not a term law enforcement uses, but CVille PD were told to intervene in serious violence, but nothing short of that. VSP was told to protect the park, they were not going to go beyond the park.
— Aaron Richardson (@DailyProg_Aaron) December 1, 2017
– The accounts from all sides of police standing idly by as spectators at Unite the Right were true. The police were under orders not to intervene unless absolutely necessary.
This paragraph from Charlottesville's report on Aug. 12 rally is totally at odds with officials' repeated claims that police weren't told to stand down pic.twitter.com/Hpr0C7m7HR
— Graham Moomaw (@gmoomaw) December 1, 2017
Whether there was an explicit stand down order or not, Heaphy says, police "elevated officer safety over public safety" pic.twitter.com/CmbIPHls6G
— Graham Moomaw (@gmoomaw) December 1, 2017
– The Charlottesville Police ignored the advice of other cities including Portland, OR and Pikeville, KY that it was essential to keep both sides separated.
Portland, too, advised Charlottesville of the importance of keeping the two sides separated on August 12th. This was also ignored pic.twitter.com/CnwODcLXEO
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 1, 2017
Pikeville told Charlottesville how to hold a peaceful demonstration. The People's Republic of Charlottesville, however, ignored it pic.twitter.com/CSTG5XmEZ8
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 1, 2017
– The Charlottesville Police failed to block the intersection at Fourth and Market Streets. The school resource officer who was assigned there got scared and was allowed to leave her post.
#CharlottesvilleReview: This paragraph describes how the 4th Street Downtown Mall crossing became accessible for a car to drive across the Mall & plow into a crowd of protesters, killing #HeatherHeyer. pic.twitter.com/nm9G4alUZq
— Matt Talhelm (@MattTalhelm) December 1, 2017
– The Charlottesville Police were inadequately trained, ignored DHS warnings and were afraid of both the protesters and counter-protesters. The Virginia State Police and Charlottesville Police failed to coordinate their response to the Unite the Right rally. In fact, the Charlottesville Police retreated from Lee Park at the peak of the violence in order to go put on their riot gear.
Seriously, this is how the Charlottesville Police Department prepared for Unite the Right. Can you believe the negligence here? pic.twitter.com/tIqQ3K3Aj8
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 1, 2017
– The Charlottesville Police and Virginia State Police deliberately pushed the Alt-Right into the crowd of Antifa protesters on Market Street.
VSP and Charlottesville Police deliberately pushed the Alt-Right into the crowd of Antifa on Market Street: pic.twitter.com/ZAmQrawsx0
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 1, 2017
– DeAndre Harris and his friends pursued League of the South members returned to their vehicles in the Market Street Parking Garage. Harris initiated the brawl by attacking Harold Crews with his maglite. He was celebrated in the media as the innocent victim of white supremacists.
DeAndre "Dindu Nuffin" Harris pic.twitter.com/iQzphgRZ03
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 1, 2017
Heaphy’s overall conclusion is that Charlottesville failed to protect both public safety and freedom of expression. Police Chief Al Thomas even destroyed evidence to cover his tracks. Simply put, Charlottesville was a set up and went down that way to evade a federal court order.
Update: Did Charlottesville consult with the Cuckex Police?
Did Charlottesville Police consult with Cuckex Police? pic.twitter.com/uDU7eYMzgE
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) December 2, 2017
Note: Compare Heaphy’s review to my first and second account, Marcus Cicero’s account and Matt Parrott’s account.
“Once such group was the conglomeration of The League of the South and Traditionalist Workers Party members that had been in the MASSIVE COLUMN whose entrance sparked the fighting.”
Nothing but respect to you. I still stop to look at this picture whenever I see it.
Greatest day of my life since I commanded a Marine infantry company in the 1st Gulf War.
Go to VDare.com and read Sam Dickson’s statement on the events in Charlottesville.
The alt-right needs to reply in kind. If they mask up, we mask up. They bring weapons, so do we. Police want to all of a sudden do their job, they are easily overwhelmed (females and blacks). Right Wing Death Squads need to be a reality. antifa can’t hide who they are. Anyone can be touched including race hustlers like (((tim stupid))). Wise my ass.
Is Cantwell and others still political prisoners?
This will help with James Fields’ acquittal.
Charlottesville Cops Pulled Squad Car From Intersection Used By James Fields After Officer Said She Felt ‘Unsafe’
Will this help with the lawsuits?
excellent news & reporting!
the media is complicit too, b/c after the July 8th KKK rally there, the media purposefully never disambiguated the KKK from the alt right (+ the media incorrectly reports alt right as nazi white supremacists). the media encouraged the people’s republic of charlottesville to see us all as dangerous nazi racists, instead of promoting an understanding of the alt right as simply white people speaking up for their right to exist. blood on charlottesville’s hands, blood on the media’s hands.