If you wondered what happened to John Bolton, the neocon throwback who advocated the disastrous Iraq War, he is back to educate normies on how tell deal with Iran.
Follow the money to President Donald Trump:
“Indeed, the influence of these key donors—Sheldon Adelson, Bernard Marcus, and Paul Singer—over U.S. foreign policy, particularly with regards to Iran, doesn’t stop at the White House, where combined they contributed over $40 million to various pro-Trump political groups and causes.
Those three donors also contributed $65 million at the congressional level. That represents nearly half of the individual contributions made to the Senate Leadership Fund (CLF) and Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), Super PACs dedicated to maintaining Republican majorities in the House and Senate. Those contributions provide a considerable incentive for Hill Republicans to stake out a hawkish position on the JCPOA. …”
The GOP has a lot of shekels riding on this!
As long as @RealDonaldTrump is POTUS and I am VP, the United States of America will not repeat the shameful mistake of our past when others stood by and ignored the heroic resistance of the Iranian people as they fought against their brutal regime… (1/2)
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) January 1, 2018
(2/2)…The bold and growing resistance of the Iranian people today gives hope and faith to all who struggle for freedom and against tyranny. We must not and we will not let them down. #IranProtests
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) January 1, 2018
Bibi Netanyahu wants you to know it has nothing to do with Israel even though it came the day after the announcement of the Trump administration and Israel’s joint plan to counter Iran.
The Iranian regime tries desperately to sow hate between Iranians and Israelis. They won't succeed. When this regime finally falls – and one day it will – Iranians and Israelis will be great friends once again. I wish the Iranian people success in their noble quest for freedom. pic.twitter.com/kk8wTYmhnz
— Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) January 1, 2018
It is all just one big (((coincidence))).
Because it worked so well for them in Iraq and Libya!
Problem is reality does not accord to what ought to be right, but to what entity has power. Iran, Islam, all the powers aligned against Zion – you’ve had your chance. It seems like Israel rules the region. Sorry but that is reality.
They just lost in Syria. Prepare to keep losing.
Marcus Licinius Crassus tried to conquer Persia.
Jude Not Scotch Irish – go swill a nice gallon of Zyklon B.
That’s a big thing here in Texas. It’s even honoured on the Culture days at the State Fair of Texas, and at folk festivals all around the state.
All of my life, it was always Scotts-Irish. My Sophomore year English teacher always talked about her Scotts-Irish ancestry.
I think you’ve had a bit too much Scotch or Irish or both …. hic.
This whole thing is surreal.
The Movement is off to a great start in 2018. 1 of 1 days passed building positive momentum! Just keep stringing them together!
As awful as Bathhouse Barry and Crooked Cunt are I don’t think they would ever have given the Zionist war-mongers this much of a free hand in dictating US middle eastern policy.
Back door Barry was opposed to being Israel’s bitch. Trump relishes in the opportunity.
Obama always tended to see Israelis as whites attacking brown Arabs. Which did constrain US aggression against Palestinians proper.
Trump is trying to overcome widespread Jewish hatred of him. Obama had a little more freedom because he was a Dem and a black guy. Trump talks like he’s ready to get on the neocon bandwagon but his actual behavior is a mixed bag. If Jeb Bush were president we would be in 3 more wars by now.
Do you think Normies see the coordination, or not?
Every-one I speak to is a “NAZI”. You know – pro-White. I’ve been so busy, for months, in 3D world, that I haven’t had a real chance to talk with Normies. I must make a point to gauge the Normie POV. Get my finger back on their pulse.
Do zombies HAVE a pulse? I wonder…
From what I’m seeing on Twitter the normies are pretty much behind this, even some seemingly pro-Whites as well. Just throw “freedom and democracy” shit at the crowd and they’ll forget how little of either they have here. Start waving the Murrican flag and the normies will follow our traitors anywhere. Patriotism, the last refuge of a scoundrel.
I HATE Bolton. A certain (((faction))) of White Nationalism – the one that drools and blathers over “White Sharia” blames women for everything bad that’s ever happened. But Bolton is actually White – and he acts against EVERY second of his vile existence. He is in the Top Ten of my Oven List.
He has a Jewish ancestor.
I don’t blame women as a group for anything but the feminist and gay SJWs have been so aggressive and destructive that there needs to be brutal trolling as pushback, Calling for “white sharia” is a way of doing that. Don’t take it personally.
I have watched that creep Bolton for years now and have never understood what drives him. He isn’t Jewish, but he advocates for the disgusting neocon agenda with such ferociousness that it boggles the mind.
Despite having been wrong on so many things, he is a very frequent commentator on Fox. No telling how many people admire him. Really depressing.
He has a paternal Jewish ancestor.
These vulchars in the white house are just itching to pounce aren’t they? What else can we say?
You didn’t vote for this, and your taxes are paying for it. What do Americans get out of these ‘regime changes’? Dead soldiers, refugees, more diversity, rapes and welfare payments.
Its time for the military to head straight to DC to
effect regime change there.
don’t fall for it goys, (((white sharia)))) my arse
Another term for it, is Theonomy. It is unavoidable. All you whiners hate AA, but at least he corroborates his views. AND, has a highly viewed website… we’re any of YOU on the cover of the Atlantic? Just sayin’…
John Bolton doesn’t look Jewish and his name doesn’t sound Jewish but sure enough he is descended from a Jewish immigrant named Borodin. It never fails. At bottom these guys are using the US Army and the US taxpayer to punish Israel’s enemies, and you will never see any of them in uniform fighting for us. During the Vietnam War most of these “hawks” were waving peace signs and praising the Communists.
Paternal Great-Grandfather was a Russian-Jew. Yup.
Every time.
The seed of Cain/Esau/Edom/Satan.
Then it is Jude. One allele is all it takes.
Bolton needs to buy himself a copy of Larry Brom’s The Sword and The Flame Colonial Wargames Rules, the supplements: “The Sun Never Sets” and “Boilers and Breechloaders;” paint himself up a batch of 28mm figures, and get on down to the local wargames club.
Table top wargaming is a good hobby for a retired Cold Warrior.
There’s a good one about 1930s Britain.
A very British Civil War…BUF have a faction.
@Captain John Charity Spring MA
I’ve seen it and the figures for it. Looks interesting.
“Our Goal Should Be Regime Change In Iran”
Our goal is Southern independence.
“republican jewish coalition,
spells: ‘let’s you and him fight’.
Bolton-Borodin is your most frightening swamp creature. At least in the media frame. A crypto-jew behind an 19thC mustache, or a semitic rat behind Europid spectacles? One naturally feels a jolt of dismay when he intrudes into the world. Does he wear both suspenders and a belt? He has the air of an extreme hoarder.
Similar terror tier: Micha Chertoff, although his terror presence is from opacity and absence.