I’m not going to dox his real name.
The only thing Jack Murphy is known for is repeatedly threatening to fight Richard Spencer as Cernovich’s champion. Now, we he is groveling before Antifa that he is a SJW too.
A gay, a jew, a puerto rican, an immigrant and a transsexual walk into a bar…
Oh wait, that's just a picture of me with my friends.
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
The media is picking up on this story. Things are blowing up. If people think I'm going away quietly, they have another thing coming.
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
A chapter in my upcoming book is called, "What is white, anyway?" where I suggest there is no real unified idea of what white is…and somehow that makes me a white supremacist?
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
People are combing through everything I've ever written.
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
The irony here is the left is eating one of their own. I'm a social justice advocate. I've worked for years to improve the lives of African American kids in DC. I've done more concrete work than any of these social justice warriors libeling me. They talk shit but have done 0.
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
The left is trying to ruin a Trump supporters life… and a fellow leftists life… for the crime of playing a game together.
This is how stupid & tribal twitter has made politics. Do liberals actually not have any right wing relatives or coworkers? How do you people function?
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) January 23, 2018
I will not quit. I will not give up. I will not relent.
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
In my own way, I am a moderating influence on the more extreme elements of the right. I've tried to discredit them and offer other conservative thinkers an empathetic place to land once the left disavows them. Democrats would be wise to support someone like me. But today, WAR.
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
There is literally nothing you can do to be 'enough of an ally.'
I fought ten years for poor black kids in DC, and yet today I'm a pariah? Just because I _might_ disagree with you on policy?
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
This is a pretty good policy idea of mine you quote. I pray for assimilation and integration so we can all move forward together. https://t.co/qWPQwNGGJb
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 24, 2018
Jack Murphy: Victim of Libel and a Dishonest Public Shaminghttps://t.co/ND7WHOyWzn
— Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) January 23, 2018
This Murphy clown is certifiably insane. He’s constantly claiming he was going to beat up Richard Spencer at the The Inauguration before Spencer intervened. Murphy also was a liberal until very recently, and is a huckster like the rest of the Alt Lite.
“Before Cernovich intervened”
Food stamps aren’t so bad. Just stick to the basics, looks for sale items and you will be okay. I will give you a little money savings secret, there really isn’t anything wrong with dented cans.
The clown banned me from his site for my food stamp comment. I was just trying to help.
@Robert – he’s a little bitch.
“I’ve worked for years to improve the lives of African American kids ”
You can work for a hundred years. They’ll still be niggers and still be beyond help.
The more those alt-lite fags insist they love the spics and niggers the more hated they are by the commies. That always makes me laff six million times.
Is Jerk Murphy a homo? He looks like he has the AIDS.
Looks like a homeless weirdo.
“A gay, a jew, a puerto rican, an immigrant and a transsexual walk into a bar…
Oh wait, that’s just a picture of me with my friends.”
So which one of them stabbed you in the back, Jack?
The alt-lite is just a group of faggots who don’t like islam because they are mean to gays. They are standard leftists without the muslim fetish.
Is there anyone on the alt-lite who isn’t some type of homosexual or non-binary or whatever kind of sickening freak?