I know it is easy to get black-pilled.
If you think the infighting in our circles is bad though, you ought to check out what is going on between Great Lakes Antifa and Nashville ARA where it actually came to blows in Michigan. In Pikeville, Charlottesville and East Lansing, our side never fought each other
I’ve spent the evening reading and tweeting through this clusterfuck:
Y'all check out this beef between the Great Lakes Antifa and Nashville ARA. It's a lot more interesting than our buddy the irony dwarf ???https://t.co/bXhw143WGC
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 10, 2018
This part too is also very interesting. I made sure to save ithttps://t.co/xjwFYQ32jX
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 10, 2018
LMFAO … all this bellyaching about TWP at Michigan State. Antifa got 13 felonies. Lacy Mac was arrested. It was so bad they even turned on each other and beat each other up in Michigan!https://t.co/bXhw143WGC
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 10, 2018
Apparently, Nashville ARA jumped and beat up this IWW member in Pikeville for being one of our secret spies. SPOILER: The optics suggests he was a member of Identity Evropa ?? pic.twitter.com/ccYwBLAZeV
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 10, 2018
This is the before and after pic of "T" who is a Chattanooga IWW member that Nashville ARA beat up in Pikeville for being a secret fash pic.twitter.com/nw7Wu0x9vn
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 10, 2018
Even though "T" was a deep cover operative of Identity Evropa, I would have taken him to the hospital in Pikeville. Just kidding … seriously though, I would have given him a ride to the hospital. After all, he is just some poor guy looking for a group to belong to pic.twitter.com/OVS1coPg6E
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 10, 2018
Wow. Even though "T" was beaten up by Nashville ARA in Pikeville, he was stupid enough to come to Charlottesville and oppose us where he got himself arrested. Sorry, I have lost all sympathy for "T" now https://t.co/OvShOXoZmX
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 10, 2018
Interesting. Still reading through this and the allegation is made that "T" is a meth addict. I grant this could very well be the case https://t.co/8uwnGPcFUe
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 10, 2018
FWIW, we agree that Corey Lemley is an unstable loser who ought to be avoided by any sane person. I can't think of anyone I know who is a felon who has pulled out a gun and waved it around and threatened to kill someone on the local news ? pic.twitter.com/bKMD5oFZma
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
This Antifa who was in Shelbyville and Murfreesboro was recently charged with rape –>
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
H/T Great Lakes Antifa
This guy who came out to pester us in Shelbyville is a straight up rapist pic.twitter.com/HzAtGBxrkS
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
Tfw you show up to oppose @RichardBSpencer and Heimy and @Real_Greg_Conte and @tyr_1_six and your own side beats up Jewish and African-American comrades while yelling racial slurs!!@TheLibertyLamp @don_chump @DLamontJenkins @lacymacauley pic.twitter.com/nnAZK15WOA
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
African-Americans are in more danger from their fellow antifas than they are from the supposed neo-nazis. Sad! https://t.co/QEj7e5133I
— S-200 Mosquito Zapper (@Eric_StrikerDS) March 11, 2018
Why are Antifa assaulting other Antifa while hurling racial slurs at them? @TheLibertyLamp @don_chump @DLamontJenkins @lacymacauley pic.twitter.com/l8a8UwJR3a
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
I really do deserve a better class of adversary, or just give me a battle field where I wont go to jail for winning decisively. https://t.co/QZRzVD3nyH
— Brian from OP Homeland (@tyr_1_six) March 11, 2018
SHEEEIT … why you trying to keep a brotha down who is just tryin' to bash the fash? Ain't you supposed ta be the Anti-Racist Action? https://t.co/bObqjx8wI3
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I haven't even gotten to Nashville ARA's response either. I suggest TWP mediate between the two groups as a neutral party equally hated by both sides ??https://t.co/aEgnlOWoB7
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
We're breaking our silence. A long, but very important message from Great Lakes Antifa https://t.co/BbW15smXja
— Great Lakes AntiFa (@GreatLakesAFA) March 10, 2018
Granted, I'm sure it was aggravating for Richard to have to once again deal with such violent, dysfunctional people, but after reading your tour de force of DLJ's bonehead followers it sure appears they are the ones who have caused you more grief over the past year https://t.co/k9kAnLA5YF
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
One of three arrested during Charlottesville rally is from Chattanooga https://t.co/svUttxsUCN via @timesfreepress
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
Tfw when your Antifa comrades beat you up in Pikeville, you get arrested for fighting the fash in Cville and then they turn on you and dox your identity and criminal record so the fash can all laugh at you on Twitter pic.twitter.com/Eb8bLpZ30a
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
Deep cover plant from Identity Evropa ? https://t.co/2oOsVFrkNz
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
I didn't know until tonight that there was an internal debate going on within Nashville Antifa about wiping out the Jews
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
LEAKS: Nashville ARA and Nashville Antifa (yes, this is somewhat confusing) are divided over addressing the JQ ?? pic.twitter.com/EkaG32CAnT
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
H/T Nashville ARA
This is Eva Watler of Nashville Antifa who overheard the conversation about wiping Jews off the planet ? https://t.co/rYn8w82U3p
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
Ok, this is pretty convincing evidence that Troy who was beat up in Pikeville by Antifa is a meth addict. He even admits it in these Signal chats pic.twitter.com/HvOK1tRl3X
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
LOL direct quote from my wife: "Brad you're too kindhearted for your own good." Didn't know this guy was planning a massacre https://t.co/VJCL3EF1u4
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
Why did meth addict Troy get his ass kicked by other Antifa members? Allegedly, it is because he bought SKS rifles which he planned to use to cause a "bloodbath" in Pikeville. Nashville ARA admits he was planning a mass shooting pic.twitter.com/Jdxfzc8YzN
— Brad Griffin (@notbradgriffin) March 11, 2018
We’ve been aware of these internal divisions for months now.
I won’t give too much away. I will just say that there really is a rat in one of these camps who has fed us reliable intel on Antifa on occasion. I’m happy to keep them guessing though.
And why is this news worthy? Who cares what these Starbucks Baristas do to each other.
It isn’t newsworthy Ragnar. Joe Normie would not give you a cold pizza for either the Alt Right or the Antifa and does not distinguish between them.
But Antifa fallout is a gift to the Alt Right and those who have their shit together will be promoting the disunity in the Antifa ranks and helping them with it.
You’re absolutely correct, Lynda. In fact, normie Conservatives I speak to have never even heard of Antifa. What they THINK they know is that a bunch of “neo-Nazi KKK” people rioted in Charlottesville and “ran over some woman ” who was there to protest racism. Period.
It is pathetic how obdurate and unaware the normies are. They believe in muh holohoax as if it were as real as gravity, and yet they do not even know what the holohoaxers base their claims on. Maybe if they are spending less time on Niggerball they will read.
Like all of our enemies, I hope they destroy each other before they ever lay a hand on any one of us again.
A pity we can’t speed that along, the Left is but a house of cards, at least the part that’s not Jewish.
Kind of like Sauron in Lord of The Rings. Pure evil but only able to engage in the physical world through mercenaries.
Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings references are generally frowned upon. May I suggest Dostoyevsky instead?
Putting one of the great and noble works of English literature, the Lord of the Rings, on the same level as Harry Potter? I take exception to that, sir.
The left belong in the sewer. Its where they should always be. Lets show the world that we’re better than that.
In Kansas City this last week the communists declared war on the anarchists !
Got any links to that?
This is pure theatre. The ‘anarchists’ have always been a tool of the Communism. The Globalist / Communist agenda stated in the motto of the 33rd Degree is always ‘ordo ab chao’. The Globalist/Communist world state of the Judaic Supremacy will come through chaos and the fomenting of anarchy as a general social condition.
loll, they are truly the dredges of society.
They are disposable useful idiots whose deaths at either our hands or the Jews’ will neither be mourned nor noticed. The moment they become a liability to the Jews will be the day they’ll all be executed if their intended victims don’t kill them first.
thanks for the news > off campus drive >
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Look at them. They are not “The Future”. They are Dead Tards Walking, and Mewling, and Puking.
Not. Enough. Popcorn. In. The. World.
I feel rather insulted to have adversaries of such poor quality.
Some people were told before that Antifa and other Leftist twats will have a hard time establishing a foothold in TN. The idea is not to keep them isolated and unable to organize, but to draw them in and keep them off balance. It’s all under control. Do you want their names? They use hysteria, lies and threats to attack innocent people with “doxxing” and even physical assaults when they believe they can get away with it, so I see no reason to not make sure they get tangled up in their own web.
The left punching left? That’s a new one but I like it. Hopefully it will cause the same trouble for them that the right punching right causes for pro-Whites.
The revolution always devours it’s children!