Brad Parscale: Big Tech Is Becoming Big Brother

The Trump campaign is aware that Internet Freedom has swiftly become the single most important issue to the Populist Right – far more important than immigration – and that the midterm elections and our support for President Trump’s 2020 campaign hinges on this issue:

“Big Tech has a big bias problem.

Social media platforms that once facilitated the free exchange of ideas and information are now actively seeking to silence and censor conservative opinions.

This new Orwellian impulse that is taking over Big Tech is particularly problematic because social media websites, which are supposed to be safe spaces for all free speech, get special legal perks.

Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, websites such as Facebook and Twitter are not treated as publishers of “information provided by another” — which would subject them to libel laws and other headaches publishers have to deal with — because they “offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse.”

This means social media platforms are not merely private companies who can censor whomever they wish — They are considered, by law, to be public forums that allow free and open debate. …”

Tax cuts for Silicon Valley isn’t a message which is resonating right now. Why is Big Tech being rewarded for engaging in mass censorship of Trump supporters?

Media Matters has a new article out justifying Antifa violence against police officers:

“Last weekend marked the sequel to 2017’s violent right-wing rally in Charlottesville, VA, that left one counterprotester dead and many injured. Unite the Right 2, as the anniversary event was dubbed, was poorly attended by a small coterie of white supremacists. The media focused a significant amount of their coverage of the event on a sensationalized version of the threat posed by the loose, decentralized group of anti-fascist activists collectively known as “antifa.”

“Antifa clashes with police and journalists in Charlottesville and DC,” Vox declared. The Washington Post told its readers that “antifa protesters” had “harassed the press.” The headline of a piece in that paper’s opinion section asserted that “black-clad antifa again [gave] peaceful protesters a bad name.” …”

We agree there is no moral equivalence between the Alt-Right and ANTIFA. The former goes to federal court to hold legally permitted free speech events and cooperates with law enforcement. The latter engages in violence against police officers virtually every single time they show up at events. The former are law abiding citizens exercising their constitutional rights whereas the latter is nothing but a mob of violent criminals who are depicted as heroes by “the free press.”

Think Progress has another article demanding even more Big Tech censorship:

“A year ago, Americans watched on in horror as the extremism and hate of the so-called “alt-right”, which had long been festering online, materialized in a very real and terrifying form on the streets of Charlottesville.

In response to the violence, which left counter-demonstrator Heather Heyer dead and dozens of others injured, tech companies belatedly woke up to the fact that they were effectively providing safe spaces for far-right hate. These companies made promises to the public that they would take action, and soon cracked down on some of the far-right’s most prominent figures and organizations. …”

Needless to say, if the Republican Congress and the FCC allows this state of affairs to continue in which one side of the political spectrum is being censored and gagged and the other side is free to organize, celebrate and justify violence on social media platforms, there isn’t going to be any online enthusiasm for the Trump reelection campaign because all of his supporters will be silenced.

Is this not the ultimate example of a rigged system? President Trump and GOP better do something this fast or else there will be serious consequences in the midterm elections.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘Big Tech’ is the enforcement arm of The New England Yankee United States’ Government – run by their Red Sea Pedestrian mistresses.

    Those two are inseparable pair, and have long been that way.

    • A Confederate States of America, if not two or three of such, can be the only acceptable longterm answer, Gray Ghost – no matter what your specifick idea of that is.

      There can be economick business with the Judeo-Bolshevist-Northeast, and, tourism, as well, but, we must be absolutely separated politically, militarily, and legally.

  2. I think Gab is being subjected to yet another DDOS attack. Oy vey, the goyim know. Shut it down, Shmuli!

    • VK is backt up by Czar Vlad, Dear Spahn, and, as such, I have enjoyed several years in a row there of unfettered pro-Southern expression.

      That is why, when I was banned from Facebook, I not only did not make up a new fake Facebook account, I did not invest myself into Gab or MeWe, because I did not trust it.

      Danged ironick that a Cold-War soldier, who has a lifelong dread of Judeo-Bolshevism, would have to find, and could only find, freedom of expression in Russian social media, later in life…

  3. The First Amendment prohibits Government from censoring political and other opinions.

    However, it arguably doesn’t apply to NGOs and private entities. Which is why the Left are using such organisations and entities to shut down free expression. It’s also what they’ll argue if, and when, they’re challenged in court over this.

    It’s could be argued, on our part, that permits for protests are unconstitutional on the grounds that government can’t regulate or prohibit the right of the people to peaceably assemble.

    Although the real reason for permits is to allow the location in question to make accommodations for the proceedings, and most events are generally not denied.

  4. Virtual separation en route to physical separation.

    Leverage this as the nucleus of the new state.

    • That is what I have been thinking, as well, Afterthought – that there will be no grand dramatick war over secession, but that, when it happens, it will be only a bureaucratick peep about what had long evolved, on every level of the present ‘Union’.

  5. The Confederate States has a provision in its constitution enshrining free trade which would have forever kept it from being industrialized had it won its independence.States rights proved stranger that Southern or confederate nationalism which also proved fatal. Some states after the war were discovered chock full of weapons and uniforms which the governor only wanted them to be used to equip his own state.

    On the other hand its president has line item veto and one single expanded term and provisions in its constitution subjected federal judges to dismal by stare authorities.

    • Yes, Ethno-statist, North Carolina had many supplies at the end of the war.

      That said, it fell to North Carolina to keep The Army of Northern Virginia supplied, for the last 18 months of the war, because other states were not providing much more than soldiers for the army.

      Moreover, North Carolina had to protect herself, without a lot of help from anyone else.

      Our Governor, The Honourable Zebulon Vance, is a great unheralded hero of the Confederacy, he having contributed much to the war effort, and his achievements in the logistical field were great, indeed.

  6. It is the media lord jews , who want to shut down – “ all unwashed detestable people “ .

    JESUS CHRIST “ is not “ a jew , and He “ does not “ approve , of the so called judeo – christian zionists . JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE HEBREW ISRAELITE . ( HE IS OUR GOD AND NEAR KINSMAN . All Real And True Hebrews – are White-Men . However , “ not “ all white appearing men , are real & true Hebrews . ) JESUS is a direct descendant , from The Patriarch Judah ( The Son of Jacob , The Son of Isaac , The Son of Abraham ) , by His pure blood mother Mary ; JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE JUDAHITE . On the other hand , a jew is a mix blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . )

    JESUS CHRIST was born by a virgin , in Bethlehem . His conception was a miracle – by THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST . He is THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF THE FATHER , singularly born , by and in , such a manner . He grew up , in the village of Nazareth , in the region of Galilee . Thus , His recognized identity , was and is , THE NAZARENE MAN FROM GALILEE – THE GALILEAN . ( On the other hand , the jew is named after , and for , and comes from – Jerusalem / Judea )

    The religion that JESUS CHRIST adhered to , was The Mosaic Law of Moses , as found today , in The Old Testament of THE HOLY BIBLE . He was and is , THE ONLY ONE , that could and did and does , keep The Law perfectly – with purity . After He died for us , and then resurrected , JESUS instituted THE NEW TESTAMENT GOSPEL : He offered Conditional Reconciliation ( if an individual will choose it ) , for All Mankind , to find GOD – so receiving Mercy and Future Glory , by Faith in JESUS and Repentance and Reformation .

    On the other hand , the jews were His arch enemies – all throughout His ministry . The pharisees corrupted The Mosaic Law , and made it into “ judaism “ – with their mysticism & magic & traditions of men . JESUS confronted the money changers – trading & selling at their tables , in front of and within , HIS – GOD’S HOUSE AND HOLY TEMPLE . He overthrew and ruined , their evil business . In revenge , they conspired and accomplished , the crucifixion of THE SON OF GOD . The jews used the Romans , as their agents and instruments , for their murder of THE MESSIAH . The jews gladly claimed , their own responsibility – for the bloody killing . ( Matthew 27 : 24 – 25 , THE HOLY BIBLE , kjv . ) The jews ( as a group ) , were then and are today , GOD’S most implacable , hate filled enemies – and JESUS hates them back . GOD Himself say’s : “ Jacob have I loved “ , and then He say’s , “ esau “ ( another name for the jew ) “ have I hated “ . ( Romans 9 : 13 , THB , kjv . )

    THE “ I AM “ – JEHOVAH OF THE OLD TESTAMENT , IS THE GOD/MAN – JESUS CHRIST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT . GOD’S TRUTHS ARE HOLY RIDDLES – that need to be searched out – and found – to be appreciated and cherished and judiciously shared .

    There is much more to tell , on this subject , and the more the telling – the more compelling , the case for the truth , and a corresponding growing gratefulness , by wonderful understanding .

    JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His lineage . JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His childhood residence , nor by the primary locality – of His mission activity . JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His religion .

    The jew is a mixed blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . ) The jews took over the office’s of : ( The King & The Temple High Priest & The Sanhedrin ) , by spiritual philosophy , and actual infiltration ; in the cosmopolitain – Jerusalem of Judea . Their impure bloodlines , of direct descent , come from “ the serpent seed men “ – that wicked brood of vipers & traitors : cain – ham – canaan – ishmael – esau – and many others . For that “ kosher mafia “ , Salvation is still just possible ( withal not likely ) , for separating individuals , who surrender to , and who live by faith upon , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST . Nevertheless , judaism is the world’s , leading “ secret combination “ – against THE TRUE GOD . It is already cursed , to a black doom , and destined for , an ultimate oblivion , and will be finally given over , to the fires of hell .

    JESUS CHRIST “ is absolutely not “ a jew , and He will ultimately fully reject , all judeo – christian zionists , whom persist , in their shameful & guilty – delusions & sins . Their souls are being stolen , by connivance and by deception and by sophistry . They have the blood iniquity , of shared responsibility , for supporting all the violence and injustice , that the jews perpetrate . Turn away from , “ The False Prosperity Gospels “ – who’s promise is , a fool’s reward . Rather yet – stand on , GOD’S right side , to solely seek , purity and perfection – through only , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST – by His merits alone . Pray to GOD to obtain – THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST .

  7. It is the media lords of the “ unspeakable “ , who want to shut down – ” all unwashed detestable people ” .

    JESUS CHRIST “ is not “ a jew , and He “ does not “ approve , of the so called judeo – christian zionists . JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE HEBREW ISRAELITE . ( HE IS OUR GOD AND NEAR KINSMAN . All Real And True Hebrews – are White-Men . However , “ not “ all white appearing men , are real & true Hebrews . ) JESUS is a direct descendant , from The Patriarch Judah ( The Son of Jacob , The Son of Isaac , The Son of Abraham ) , by His pure blood mother Mary ; JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE JUDAHITE . On the other hand , a jew is a mix blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . )

    JESUS CHRIST was born by a virgin , in Bethlehem . His conception was a miracle – by THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST . He is THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF THE FATHER , singularly born , by and in , such a manner . He grew up , in the village of Nazareth , in the region of Galilee . Thus , His recognized identity , was and is , THE NAZARENE MAN FROM GALILEE – THE GALILEAN . ( On the other hand , the jew is named after , and for , and comes from – Jerusalem / Judea )

    The religion that JESUS CHRIST adhered to , was The Mosaic Law of Moses , as found today , in The Old Testament of THE HOLY BIBLE . He was and is , THE ONLY ONE , that could and did and does , keep The Law perfectly – with purity . After He died for us , and then resurrected , JESUS instituted THE NEW TESTAMENT GOSPEL : He offered Conditional Reconciliation ( if an individual will choose it ) , for All Mankind , to find GOD – so receiving Mercy and Future Glory , by Faith in JESUS and Repentance and Reformation .

    On the other hand , the jews were His arch enemies – all throughout His ministry . The pharisees corrupted The Mosaic Law , and made it into “ judaism “ – with their mysticism & magic & traditions of men . JESUS confronted the money changers – trading & selling at their tables , in front of and within , HIS – GOD’S HOUSE AND HOLY TEMPLE . He overthrew and ruined , their evil business . In revenge , they conspired and accomplished , the crucifixion of THE SON OF GOD . The jews used the Romans , as their agents and instruments , for their murder of THE MESSIAH . The jews gladly claimed , their own responsibility – for the bloody killing . ( Matthew 27 : 24 – 25 , THE HOLY BIBLE , kjv . ) The jews ( as a group ) , were then and are today , GOD’S most implacable , hate filled enemies – and JESUS hates them back . GOD Himself say’s : “ Jacob have I loved “ , and then He say’s , “ esau “ ( another name for the jew ) “ have I hated “ . ( Romans 9 : 13 , THB , kjv . )

    THE “ I AM “ – JEHOVAH OF THE OLD TESTAMENT , IS THE GOD/MAN – JESUS CHRIST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT . GOD’S TRUTHS ARE HOLY RIDDLES – that need to be searched out – and found – to be appreciated and cherished and judiciously shared .

    There is much more to tell , on this subject , and the more the telling – the more compelling , the case for the truth , and a corresponding growing gratefulness , by wonderful understanding .

    JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His lineage . JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His childhood residence , nor by the primary locality – of His mission activity . JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His religion .

    The jew is a mixed blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . ) The jews took over the office’s of : ( The King & The Temple High Priest & The Sanhedrin ) , by spiritual philosophy , and actual infiltration ; in the cosmopolitain – Jerusalem of Judea . Their impure bloodlines , of direct descent , come from “ the serpent seed men “ – that wicked brood of vipers & traitors : cain – ham – canaan – ishmael – esau – and many others . For that “ kosher mafia “ , Salvation is still just possible ( withal not likely ) , for separating individuals , who surrender to , and who live by faith upon , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST . Nevertheless , judaism is the world’s , leading “ secret combination “ – against THE TRUE GOD . It is already cursed , to a black doom , and destined for , an ultimate oblivion , and will be finally given over , to the fires of hell .

    JESUS CHRIST “ is absolutely not “ a jew , and He will ultimately fully reject , all judeo – christian zionists , whom persist , in their shameful & guilty – delusions & sins . Their souls are being stolen , by connivance and by deception and by sophistry . They have the blood iniquity , of shared responsibility , for supporting all the violence and injustice , that the jews perpetrate . Turn away from , “ The False Prosperity Gospels “ – who’s promise is , a fool’s reward . Rather yet – stand on , GOD’S right side , to solely seek , purity and perfection – through only , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST – by His merits alone . Pray to GOD to obtain – THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST .

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