Occidental Dissent has been in the crosshairs of the Far Left’s ongoing internet censorship campaign for over a year now.
It started last March when we were censored by Disqus. We were suspended by PayPal in April and by Donately in June. The creeping censorship had been going on for months before Charlottesville. We were deplatformed by Donorbox in the aftermath of Unite The Right. The campaign against us culminated when Twitter changed their rules in December so they could specifically ban accounts like Occidental Dissent. We were one of the first to go in the Twitter purge.
Even before Unite The Right, the Alt-Right was scrambling to create alternatives to payment processors to fight demonetization. I know this because I raised money through a new service called RootBocks to go to Charlottesville. Every single one of those fundraising platforms was demonetized and destroyed by PayPal and Stripe. The second wave of fundraising platforms which included MakerSupport and FreeStartr have been similarly crushed by leftwing political censorship:
“Two alternative crowdfunding sites and one YouTube alternative start-up were effectively shuttered over the weekend by Stripe, a payment processing company. Freestartr, a free speech answer to Patreon, where conservatives like Laura Southern have been discriminated against; Bitchute, a YouTube alternative that grew to popularity after YouTube deleted or demonetized conservative channels; and MakerSupport, a fundraising platform also in competition with Patreon, were all affected. All of these platforms are very clear about staying neutral and allowing all speech on their platforms regardless of politics. The MakerSupport website reads, “MakerSupport is a platform for creators, by creators. Finally, crowdfunding is simple! We believe that creators of all stripes should be able to earn a living doing what they love.” Each alternative site is dedicated to providing space for anyone.
“This canceling of our business was done for political reasons by Edwin Wee, a Democratic political operative turned Stripe employee, and it exposes the libertarian lie that one can simply just go and create a competitor if one dislikes Silicon Valley ventures,” said Charles C. Johnson, CEO of Freestartr. “You can’t. We need to get over that canard.” …”
Suddenly, the issue has gained major political traction since the coordinated purge of Alex Jones was so blatant that President Trump himself was forced to intervene:
How can it be denied that this is going on?
The Huffington Post is lobbying for more political censorship:
“Payment processors including PayPal and Stripe have repeatedly promised to stop helping white nationalists and other racist groups raise money online. But a year after the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a bevy of openly racist individuals and groups still use mainstream payment providers to process credit card payments and crowdfund their efforts, HuffPost has found.
Over the past several months, Charlottesville headliners, such as Richard Spencer, Chris Cantwell and Jason Kessler, have lost access to several mainstream financial platforms. But white nationalist websites that publish Spencer’s racist rants, including VDARE and American Renaissance, still use Stripe to process credit card payments, according to the source code on their payment pages. …”
Think Progress is lobbying for more political censorship:
“A year ago, Americans watched on in horror as the extremism and hate of the so-called “alt-right”, which had long been festering online, materialized in a very real and terrifying form on the streets of Charlottesville.
In response to the violence, which left counter-demonstrator Heather Heyer dead and dozens of others injured, tech companies belatedly woke up to the fact that they were effectively providing safe spaces for far-right hate. These companies made promises to the public that they would take action, and soon cracked down on some of the far-right’s most prominent figures and organizations. …”
Right Wing Watch is lobbying for more political censorship:
“A year ago, Americans watched on in horror as the extremism and hate of the so-called “alt-right”, which had long been festering online, materialized in a very real and terrifying form on the streets of Charlottesville.
In response to the violence, which left counter-demonstrator Heather Heyer dead and dozens of others injured, tech companies belatedly woke up to the fact that they were effectively providing safe spaces for far-right hate. These companies made promises to the public that they would take action, and soon cracked down on some of the far-right’s most prominent figures and organizations. …”
This is all being done out in the open.
I will say it again: everyone needs to stop what they are doing, singlemindedly focus on this issue and use their platform to amplify awareness of social media censorship. Share your own experiences and what the ADL and Silicon Valley have been getting away with doing to others.
Note: Occidental Dissent hasn’t been banned by Stripe. We will let you know if that changes.
The current worldview they’ve developed is dying,A Ponzi scheme has a lifespan that can only be maintained for so long and they know it,After 65+ years of Wiemar with all the drugs and cultural warfare and breaking different tribes down to the lowest common denominator, They don’t have anything else left other than too try and manage the dumpster fire they have created.
“Occidental Dissent hasn’t been banned by Stripe.”
Give it a few hours.
Not if it is owned by Czar Vlad’s Empire…
Niggermania has managed to survive online since 2003, and in spite of repeated attempts to have it taken down, blocked or censored.
Maybe we ought to ask Tom Shelley how he has managed to do it.
In any case, what we need is a group of multimillionaire businessmen who hold our beliefs and will build a true alternate network.
Unfortunately, this is never going to happen.
It could happen if we show them a good business opportunity, like a tax exemption in the new State of Dixie. Still not the best idea bc we don’t want to be dependent on a source that could be cut off someday.
@Tom Jones
“It could happen if we show them a good business opportunity, like a tax exemption in the new State of Dixie. Still not the best idea bc we don’t want to be dependent on a source that could be cut off someday.”
Unfortunately, Capitalists have no inherent sense of loyalty to anything but their class, their money, and the power that both afford.
If they did have such a sense, they’d be poor, or petit bourgeois. But in any case, not in a position to do anything substantive.
J. Owen: Didn’t Commander Rockwell make the same complaint about the lack of support from wealthy right-wing businessmen more than 50 years ago?
Yessir, he did. He was right, too. The enemy controls the system. We haf to create our own. But that takes corporate level funding and lawyers.
Any independent T.V., radio, newspapers, publishers, websites, etc will come under attack by the Jews, who’ll use every business, legal, and not so legal trick they can to either wrest control of them, or destroy them.
It is the media lord jews , who want to shut down – “ all unwashed detestable people “ .
JESUS CHRIST “ is not “ a jew , and He “ does not “ approve , of the so called judeo – christian zionists . JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE HEBREW ISRAELITE . ( HE IS OUR GOD AND NEAR KINSMAN . All Real And True Hebrews – are White-Men . However , “ not “ all white appearing men , are real & true Hebrews . ) JESUS is a direct descendant , from The Patriarch Judah ( The Son of Jacob , The Son of Isaac , The Son of Abraham ) , by His pure blood mother Mary ; JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE JUDAHITE . On the other hand , a jew is a mix blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . )
JESUS CHRIST was born by a virgin , in Bethlehem . His conception was a miracle – by THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST . He is THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF THE FATHER , singularly born , by and in , such a manner . He grew up , in the village of Nazareth , in the region of Galilee . Thus , His recognized identity , was and is , THE NAZARENE MAN FROM GALILEE – THE GALILEAN . ( On the other hand , the jew is named after , and for , and comes from – Jerusalem / Judea )
The religion that JESUS CHRIST adhered to , was The Mosaic Law of Moses , as found today , in The Old Testament of THE HOLY BIBLE . He was and is , THE ONLY ONE , that could and did and does , keep The Law perfectly – with purity . After He died for us , and then resurrected , JESUS instituted THE NEW TESTAMENT GOSPEL : He offered Conditional Reconciliation ( if an individual will choose it ) , for All Mankind , to find GOD – so receiving Mercy and Future Glory , by Faith in JESUS and Repentance and Reformation .
On the other hand , the jews were His arch enemies – all throughout His ministry . The pharisees corrupted The Mosaic Law , and made it into “ judaism “ – with their mysticism & magic & traditions of men . JESUS confronted the money changers – trading & selling at their tables , in front of and within , HIS – GOD’S HOUSE AND HOLY TEMPLE . He overthrew and ruined , their evil business . In revenge , they conspired and accomplished , the crucifixion of THE SON OF GOD . The jews used the Romans , as their agents and instruments , for their murder of THE MESSIAH . The jews gladly claimed , their own responsibility – for the bloody killing . ( Matthew 27 : 24 – 25 , THE HOLY BIBLE , kjv . ) The jews ( as a group ) , were then and are today , GOD’S most implacable , hate filled enemies – and JESUS hates them back . GOD Himself say’s : “ Jacob have I loved “ , and then He say’s , “ esau “ ( another name for the jew ) “ have I hated “ . ( Romans 9 : 13 , THB , kjv . )
THE “ I AM “ – JEHOVAH OF THE OLD TESTAMENT , IS THE GOD/MAN – JESUS CHRIST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT . GOD’S TRUTHS ARE HOLY RIDDLES – that need to be searched out – and found – to be appreciated and cherished and judiciously shared .
There is much more to tell , on this subject , and the more the telling – the more compelling , the case for the truth , and a corresponding growing gratefulness , by wonderful understanding .
JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His lineage . JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His childhood residence , nor by the primary locality – of His mission activity . JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His religion .
The jew is a mixed blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . ) The jews took over the office’s of : ( The King & The Temple High Priest & The Sanhedrin ) , by spiritual philosophy , and actual infiltration ; in the cosmopolitain – Jerusalem of Judea . Their impure bloodlines , of direct descent , come from “ the serpent seed men “ – that wicked brood of vipers & traitors : cain – ham – canaan – ishmael – esau – and many others . For that “ kosher mafia “ , Salvation is still just possible ( withal not likely ) , for separating individuals , who surrender to , and who live by faith upon , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST . Nevertheless , judaism is the world’s , leading “ secret combination “ – against THE TRUE GOD . It is already cursed , to a black doom , and destined for , an ultimate oblivion , and will be finally given over , to the fires of hell .
JESUS CHRIST “ is absolutely not “ a jew , and He will ultimately fully reject , all judeo – christian zionists , whom persist , in their shameful & guilty – delusions & sins . Their souls are being stolen , by connivance and by deception and by sophistry . They have the blood iniquity , of shared responsibility , for supporting all the violence and injustice , that the jews perpetrate . Turn away from , “ The False Prosperity Gospels “ – who’s promise is , a fool’s reward . Rather yet – stand on , GOD’S right side , to solely seek , purity and perfection – through only , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST – by His merits alone . Pray to GOD to obtain – THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST .
MIKE ROSS: You are obviously no scholar of jewish history or the Hebrew language, despite your pretensions to the contrary. Jesus was a (mythical?) jewish messiah who was rejected by most of his own people, so early jewish Christians worked on converting the gentiles instead.
Also, there is not a shred of real proof that Jesus ever existed.
Soon it’ll be impossible for dissidents to raise money on the Internet. Or in meat-space. We’re going to get to the point where our only means of funding our movements (or even putting food on our tables) is by ransoming the children of rich Jewish families.
Soon it’ll be impossible for dissidents to have opinions on the Internet. Or in meat-space. We’re going to get to the point where our only means of letting people know what we think (or even that we still exist) is by writing manifestos that we’ll force the papers to publish in exchange for not torching them.
Sure seems to me that the Left/the Deep State/ZOG/Corpgov/whatever is TRYING to drive us to those eventualities. Take an already-angry-and-alienated demographic, mock them, assault them, ostracize them, disemploy them, censor them, put more than a few of them in jail, give them no hope whatsoever of a happy or fulfilling existence in the society you’ve created, and… what do you expect will happen? Who benefits from turning a pretty substantial chunk of Americans into the kind of people who were historically prime recruitment material for the Provos?
At the same time, they’re whipping their own base into a such a frenzy that there’s no possible way one of ’em won’t eventually pull another James Hodgkinson or Micah Xavier Johnson, especially if the Blue Wave they’ve been promised doesn’t materialize. How does that benefit the ruling class? Is there any excuse for this much RAGE against a dotard ex-reality-TV star who thinks he runs the country and who would be a mere footnote in American history if his opponents would just SHUT THEIR MOUTHS and ignore him until they’re an unassailable demographic majority?
Seems to me that both sides are being deliberately set up for a slaughter, and it’s going to be so apocalyptic that I don’t even think the Jews stand to benefit from it.
Thankfully the Hard Right are still free to use GAB and WordPress. For now. In addition to the recent “Kenyans on GAB”, I have seen a bunch of Judeophilia on GAB lately, which does not bode well for us on the right.
On a side note, Mike Ross did not comment, he posted an article in the comments section. I sometimes lengthily comment, but my goodness!