Gab Threatened With Censorship … Again

It is something new every day.

We have Antifa engaging in horrific acts of violence and destruction of public property. We have The Free Press (™) campaigning to have rightwing sites censored on the internet:

Meanwhile, look into the eyes of this howling mob which is “against hate”:

Look at them hurt people on their own side for no other reason than carrying the American flag:

Look at them nearly kill someone in a bar over his political views:

Look at them draw blood in the streets at rallies against political violence:

Can you believe the gall of these people … to say that WE are hateful, that WE are immoral, that WE are the intolerant ones when they are engaging in mob violence?

Note: This is only what these people have done in the last week.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Yes yes … and they’ll KEEP doing it for another 100 years. So … WHAT THE F ARE WE “DOING” ABOUT IT ? Blogging ? “Narrating?” And I’m just as guilty : “Commenting?” What changes can we expect over the next 5 years if this is ALL we do ? Zero. It’s all or nothing folks. Either we KEEP “narrating” like retards, or we at least TRY, to get an idea going. A movement. A nation of our own.



  1. Can you believe the gall of these people … to say that WE are hateful, that WE are immoral, that WE are the intolerant ones when they are engaging in mob violence?

    They’re Jews and the Jewdazed stooges of Jews.

  2. Can you believe the gall of these people … to say that WE are hateful, that WE are immoral, that WE are the intolerant ones when they are engaging in mob violence?

    Judeo-Communists are hypocritical liars that apply double standards to everything and everybody.

  3. We live in a JEW-DAY-Oooo Christian News world. The News Jews portray all the Neo-Commies as heroes no matter how disgusting and violent the thugs are. Just like the lead up to WW2. While dressing and acting like fake Christians on TV to confuse the Goyim.

  4. I’m ready to fly to San Fagsicko, Austin or wherever I need to go in order to confront the bug-men who are threatening to censor free speech on the internet. This is intolerable.

    • I think you’ll find that VK will ban you if you’re “too racist”. That’s the problem with relying on Russian sites – they follow Russian law, generally, and Russia really doesn’t like ebil natzees.

      • No, FNP – I’ve been there for 3 years, day in and day out, and they let me go on all I want. Hell, our Klansmen friends go on like 1947 there, and no one says diddly squat.

  5. It is the media lord jews , of the “ unspeakable “ ring of fire , who want to shut down – ” all unwashed detestable people ” – ( Honest – Independent – Investigative Journalists ) .

    JESUS CHRIST “ is not “ a jew , and He “ does not “ approve , of the so called judeo – christian zionists . JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE HEBREW ISRAELITE . ( HE IS OUR GOD AND NEAR KINSMAN . All Real And True Hebrews – are White-Men . However , “ not “ all white appearing men , are real & true Hebrews . ) JESUS is a direct descendant , from The Patriarch Judah ( The Son of Jacob , The Son of Isaac , The Son of Abraham ) , by His pure blood mother Mary ; JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE JUDAHITE . On the other hand , a jew is a mix blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . )

    JESUS CHRIST was born by a virgin , in Bethlehem . His conception was a miracle – by THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST . He is THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF THE FATHER , singularly born , by and in , such a manner . He grew up , in the village of Nazareth , in the region of Galilee . Thus , His recognized identity , was and is , THE NAZARENE MAN FROM GALILEE – THE GALILEAN . ( On the other hand , the jew is named after , and for , and comes from – Jerusalem / Judea )

    The religion that JESUS CHRIST adhered to , was The Mosaic Law of Moses , as found today , in The Old Testament of THE HOLY BIBLE . He was and is , THE ONLY ONE , that could and did and does , keep The Law perfectly – with purity . After He died for us , and then resurrected , JESUS instituted THE NEW TESTAMENT GOSPEL : He offered Conditional Reconciliation ( if an individual will choose it ) , for All Mankind , to find GOD – so receiving Mercy and Future Glory , by Faith in JESUS and Repentance and Reformation .

    On the other hand , the jews were His arch enemies – all throughout His ministry . The pharisees corrupted The Mosaic Law , and made it into “ judaism “ – with their mysticism & magic & traditions of men . JESUS confronted the money changers – trading & selling at their tables , in front of and within , HIS – GOD’S HOUSE AND HOLY TEMPLE . He overthrew and ruined , their evil business . In revenge , they conspired and accomplished , the crucifixion of THE SON OF GOD . The jews used the Romans , as their agents and instruments , for their murder of THE MESSIAH . The jews gladly claimed , their own responsibility – for the bloody killing . ( Matthew 27 : 24 – 25 , THE HOLY BIBLE , kjv . ) The jews ( as a group ) , were then and are today , GOD’S most implacable , hate filled enemies – and JESUS hates them back . GOD Himself say’s : “ Jacob have I loved “ , and then He say’s , “ esau “ ( another name for the jew ) “ have I hated “ . ( Romans 9 : 13 , THB , kjv . )

    THE “ I AM “ – JEHOVAH OF THE OLD TESTAMENT , IS THE GOD/MAN – JESUS CHRIST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT . GOD’S TRUTHS ARE HOLY RIDDLES – that need to be searched out – and found – to be appreciated and cherished and judiciously shared .

    There is much more to tell , on this subject , and the more the telling – the more compelling , the case for the truth , and a corresponding growing gratefulness , by wonderful understanding .

    JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His lineage . JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His childhood residence , nor by the primary locality – of His mission activity . JESUS “ is absolutely not “ , a jew by His religion .

    The jew is a mixed blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . ) The jews took over the office’s of : ( The King & The Temple High Priest & The Sanhedrin ) , by spiritual philosophy , and actual infiltration ; in the cosmopolitain – Jerusalem of Judea . Their impure bloodlines , of direct descent , come from “ the serpent seed men “ – that wicked brood of vipers & traitors : cain – ham – canaan – ishmael – esau – and many others . For that “ kosher mafia “ , Salvation is still just possible ( withal not likely ) , for separating individuals , who surrender to , and who live by faith upon , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST . Nevertheless , judaism is the world’s , leading “ secret combination “ – against THE TRUE GOD . It is already cursed , to a black doom , and destined for , an ultimate oblivion , and will be finally given over , to the fires of hell .

    JESUS CHRIST “ is absolutely not “ a jew , and He will ultimately fully reject , all judeo – christian zionists , whom persist , in their shameful & guilty – delusions & sins . Their souls are being stolen , by connivance and by deception and by sophistry . They have the blood iniquity , of shared responsibility , for supporting all the violence and injustice , that the jews perpetrate . Turn away from , “ The False Prosperity Gospels “ – who’s promise is , a fool’s reward . Rather yet – stand on , GOD’S right side , to solely seek , purity and perfection – through only , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST – by His merits alone . Pray to GOD to obtain – THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST .

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