UPDATE: You might be wondering how Antifa can possibly afford to engage in all of this violence. The answer is that PayPal is supporting their violent activities:
our comrades are going to need funds for their legal defense. at least six people were arrested tonight at a SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. please donate to @CvilleFund. https://t.co/97rpGLu2dD
— molly ? (@socialistdogmom) August 31, 2018
i’m still at the jail here in charlottesville after six people were arrested at an albemarle county school board meeting, but i’m trying to keep up to date on our comrades in chapel hill tonight. please donate to the durham solidarity center bond fund ?https://t.co/WUUVgjEV9p
— molly ? (@socialistdogmom) August 31, 2018
Antifa were even soliciting PayPal donations for their bond funds BEFORE 9 of them were arrested last night in Charlottesville and Chapel Hill:
This is a bad article & is a good example of how not to cover white supremacy https://t.co/lXZ3VkEfVv pic.twitter.com/kQ29c6kQ3R
— Christopher Mathias (@letsgomathias) August 13, 2018
Antifa are a mob of criminals who engage in violence and the destruction of property. “Journalists” are people who lie to the public about what is really going on.
How many Antifa were arrested during what was billed as #AllOutAugust? We have been watching the rising tide of leftwing violence from the West Coast to the East Coast. In the month of August, Antifa attacked a school board meeting in Albemarle County, VA, tore down a Confederate monument in Chapel Hill, NC, attacked police officers in Philadelphia, PA, a Marine Corps Recruiting Office in Berkeley, CA and The Free Press™ in Portland, OR, Charlottesville, VA and Washington, DC. The most memorable incident was when Antifa clubbed a Bernie Bro in Portland, OR to steal his American flag.
CNN pundits Chris Cuomo, Jeffrey Toobin and Don Lemon and other “journalists” who work for The Free Press™ have denied that this is happening. By our count though, at least 71 Antifa have been arrested for various crimes in the month of August. It is worth noting here that this doesn’t even include the worst acts of violence we saw this month like in Tucson where the perpetrators got away with it.
If 71 supporters of the Alt-Right or Donald Trump had been arrested at violent events in August, would that be “a story about race in America?” Just to ask the question is to answer it. Occidental Dissent has been tracking the violent Left and has compiled this list of names and charges:
8/4 – Portland, OR
4 Antifa were arrested for harassment, reckless endangerment, unlawful use of weapons, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and attempted assault of a public safety officer.
Source: Portland Police Arrest 4 At Downtown Protests, OPB
8/5 – Berkeley, CA
Maria Lewis, carrying a banned weapon and working with others to commit a crime.
Blake Griffith, vandalism.
Thomas Parker, working with others to commit a crime.
Sarena Lynette Perez, possession of a banned weapon.
David Siegfried Chou, possession of a banned weapon and working with others to commit a crime.
Freddy Martinez, battery.
Kate Brenner, possession of a banned weapon.
Jason Wallach, possession of a banned weapon.
Kristin Edith Koster, possession of a dangerous weapon.
Javier Cruz-O’Connell, possession of a banned weapon.
Jamie Louise Hill, possession of a banned weapon.
Ericka Sokolower-Shain, possession of a banned weapon.
Bella Podolsky, possession of a banned weapon.
Caitlin Boyle, working with others to commit a crime.
Andres Gonzalez, five counts of possession of a banned weapon.
Source: Berkeley police arrest 20, seize ‘dozens of weapons’ at opposing protests, FOX News
8/11 – Charlottesville, VA
Algenon Franklin Cain, trespassing.
John Peter Miska, possession of prohibited weapons.
Source: 3 men arrested in Charlottesville ahead of ‘Unite the Right’ rally anniversary, CBS6 WTVR
8/12 – Charlottesville, VA
Jesse T. Beard, obstruction of free passage.
Chloe J. Lubin, assault and battery, disorderly conduct, obstruction of justice and possession of a concealed weapon
Veronica H. Fitzhugh, disorderly conduct
Source: 4 people arrested in Charlottesville on Sunday, CBS6 WTVR
8/12 – Washington, DC
John Mulligan, assault
Source: 1 arrest made during ‘Unite the Right’ rally in D.C., ABC WJLA
8/18 – Seattle, WA
3 Antifa were arrested in Seattle at Joey Gibson’s Liberty or Death rally.
Source: 3 arrests at pro-gun rally in Seattle, Kiro7
8/20 – Chapel Hill, NC
Ian Broadhead, concealing identity and resisting arrest.
Margarita Sitterson, defacing a public monument.
Jonathan Fitzgerald Fuller, defacing a public monument.
Lauren Aucoin, defacing a public monument.
Raul Mauro Arce Jimenez, defacing a public monument.
Source: UNC Police Identify Addition Individuals Arrested Amid Ongoing Silent Sam Rallies, The Hill WCHL
8/25 – Chapel Hill, NC
Danielle Shochet, simple assault
John Kim Quick, assault
Kristin Emory, resisting arrest
Alexander Joustra, injury/damage to property
Lillian Laura Price, injury/damage to property
Thomas Bruefach, resisting arrest and causing a public disturbance.
Michael Mole, affray.
Timothy Osborne, affray.
Source: UNC Police Identify Addition Individuals Arrested Amid Ongoing Silent Sam Rallies, The Hill WCHL
Source: 11 suspects identified in arrests from UNC ‘Silent Sam’ toppling and protests, CBS17
8/25 – Philadelphia, PA
16 Antifa were arrested in Philadelphia at the Blue Lives Matter demonstration.
Source: Police: 16 Antifa Protesters Arrested After Clashing With Officers
8/30 – Chapel Hill, NC
Mary Frances Rosen, misdemeanor resisting a public officer.
Shannon Ashley MacLaughlin, misdemeanor resisting a public officer.
Cammy Lee Morgan, misdemeanor resisting a public officer.
Source: Police identify 3 people arrested during Silent Sam demonstration, ABC11
8/30 – Charlottesville, VA
Samantha Wren Cadwalder Peacoe, Charged with trespassing and obstruction of justice.
Andrea Lynn Massey, Charged with trespassing.
Sabr Lyon, Charged with trespassing
Francis Xavier Richards, Charged with trespassing and obstruction of justice.
Lara Lynn Harrison, Charged with trespassing.
Michael Reid, Charged with trespassing.
Souce: ACPD Releases Names of Those Arrested Outside School Board Meeting, NBC29
Will CNN and the Democratic Party disavow this orgy of Antifa violence?
Note: This list doesn’t include all of the Antifa arrested at the various Occupy ICE camps.
This is yet another evidence that, however much it is creaking, the castle door is being slowly shut on those who have usurpt much of this country, and who would usurpt it much further.
This is The Trump Era – a pivotal point in American History.
These criminals call themselves “freedom fighters.” Truly they fight freedom.
Yes, I’m sure they believe they are big heroes against “The Establishment” in their little minds. They are actually clueless tools.
They want freedom from freedom – pernamently…
“These criminals call themselves “freedom fighters.” Truly they fight freedom.”
Freedom for Niggers means permission to commit crimes.
Freedom for Mestizos means enjoying American political rights and economy, while enjoying exemptions from legal liability, responsibilities and duties to the American polity, and the benefits of Mexican citizenship, without its inherent disadvantages.
Freedom for Jews means squeezing the Goyem for all they can and then murdering the goose that lays the golden egg, without the negative consequences of lethal backlash and revenge from their victims.
Wops like Andrew and Chris Cuomo aren’t White.
you are conflating nationality (“Wops”) with race.
Italians are White. In fact, Italy is one of the few white nations that are currently standing up against open-borders Judeo-globalization.
the Cuomos are White…shabbatz goyim.
The majority of Italian Americans are Sicilian in origin. Check the DNA studies on them, a full 12% African and 15% Jewish obviously a large percentage middle eastern etc (30-50%). Yes Italy is slightly fighting back but that’s only because they have generic memory of fighting them for millennia.
Plenty of Arab and Asian countries also fight against the immigration from outside their country doesn’t make them white. But I respect that Italians want to keep Italy Italian. I don’t respect that they think they should also be allowed to immigrate to every country founded by white protestants.
Antifa = the lowest dumbest most easily brainwashed dupes in the human gene pool. HURRY UP MEGA QUAKES !!!
I’m amazed that this vermin is even being arrested. I thought that the only real crime in the JewSA is Being White.
There is no “American Flag”, just a government flag
Great job, Mr. Wallace. Listings like this give proof that these people are the violent ones. I loved the Memorial Wall at CoCC. It contained a quick visual summary of what the MSM was hiding from the public on black on white crime. I wish it had not stopped at 6/9/15 but had doubled down on showing how violent blacks really are. In fact when the story broke about Dylann Roof I thought that the MSM would be exposed for their skewed picture of black crime here in America by not showing just how many whites lose their lives to black on white crime, but the Jew media saw they were in trouble and directed everyone’s attention to the Confederate Flag which had nothing to do with Roof’s crime.
Keep posting the truth Mr. Wallace. List of names, photos, dates and crimes can’t be easily dismissed. Of course the media will just blame it on the Confederate Flag.
Memorial Wall 2015
Murder in 2015. We have asked the SPLC and the #BlackLivesMatter crowd to help us find white on black murders. You probably know about the white perp that killed nine black victims in a spree shooting. However, we can only find one other white on black murder occurring in 2015. For 2014, we have only been able to find four white on black murders for the entire year. The SPLC, which hypes white on black murder, did not report a single white on black murder for the entire year of 2014.
Tally: 144
Hold-Up/Thrill Killing/Hate Crime: 47
Thrill Kill/Hate Crime Group Attack: 4
Home Invasion: 30
Killed while driving delivery truck: 1
Killed while driving a taxi: 1
Killed while delivering pizza: 3
Killed after online ad: 3
Thrill Kill + Rape: 1
Femicide: 21
Femicide Related: 4
Killed by adopted son: 1
Killed by a friend: 8
Killed working as police: 2
Killed while working at a store: 1
Killed while providing charity: 3
Killed by a girlfriend: 1
Killed by a government caregiver: 1
Felony vehicular manslaughter: 10
6/9/15 – Thomas Childs, 63, was shot and killed by a black male while driving a delivery truck in Yeadon, PA.
6/9/15 – Cole Edward Harvey, 29, was stabbed to death by a black co-worker in Conway, AR.
6/8/15 – Donna Niblock, 63, was killed by a black male who causes a vehicle crash while fleeing from police in Indianapolis, IN. The perp also seriously injured Niblock’s daughter and 11 year old grandson.
6/4/15 – Bennie Wesley Sigmon, 48, was shot and killed by multiple black males in his driveway in Danville, VA.
5/27/15 – Emily Nash, 28, was shot to death by a black male in her Springdale, AR home. She may have been dating the suspect.
5/11/15 – Erick Carnegie, 25, was shot and killed by two black males who invaded his home in Gresham, OR.
5/11/15 – Jonathan Cyril Collins, 39, was shot and killed by a black male in Las Vegas, NV. The perp also tried to shoot his girlfriend.
5/10/15 – Sarah Ann Champion, 47, was stabbed by a black male while living in a group home in Fort Worth, TX. She was fataly injured and died of the wound about a month later.
5/10/15 – Luciano Mariano Andia, 72, was shot and killed by a black male in Cary, NC. He was killed in the parking lot of a store.
5/10/15 – Christine Santurri, 42, was stabbed to death by a black male in East Providence, RI. The suspect is her boyfriend.
5/9/15 – Benjamin Deen was shot and killed by three black males in Hattiesburg, MS. He was on duty as a police officer at the time. The suspect also shot and a killed a black male police officer.
5/9/15 – Marlene Murray, 64, was murdered by a black male in Atkinson County, GA. Police say the perp was a friend, who wanted to steal her medication. The perp was aided by his girlfriend, who is a white female.
5/7/15 – Shelly LaBine, 43, was stabbed to death by a black male in Green Cove Spring, FL. The suspect is her boyfriend.
5/5/15 – Pamela-Ann Knyazher, 19, was shot and killed by a black male outside a gas station in Richmond, VA.
5/5/15 – Taylor Clark, 19, was killed by a black male in St. Louis, MO. The victim was lured to his death over craigslist.
5/5/15 – Lacie LaRose, 19, was shot and killed by a black male in College Station, TX. It was a hate crime/thrill kill. Two other males were injured.
5/4/15 – Brian Moore, 25, was shot and killed by a black male in NYC. He was working as a police officer at the time.
5/3/15 – Nicholas Norris, 41, was riding his motorcycle in Indianapolis, IN when a black male shot him. It was a random hate crime/thrill killing.
5/2/15 – Scott Hunter was killed by a black male and Kuwaiti immigrant in Louisville, KY. He was a Canadian tourist in town for the Kentucky Derby.
5/1/15 – Brandon Morris, 19, was shot and killed by a black male in Tacoma, WA. It was a random hate crime/thrill killing.