Editor’s Note: Antifa have been known to smash windows and destroy private property. They might try to take advantage of Hurricane Florence to engage in looting.
“Defend UNC” has spent the last few days whining about police brutality.
You would think that these criminals would be taking the weekend off with a major hurricane approaching North Carolina. Instead, they have announced their intention to prey on the people of rural eastern North Carolina during Hurricane Florence. They are plotting to invade their communities, not to help out with hurricane relief, but to destroy their Confederate monuments.
I had trouble believing this was real (using Facebook to organize a criminal conspiracy), but this is a legit event posted to the “Defend UNC” Facebook page. Talk about bad optics:
70% of the people of North Carolina oppose the violent Antifa who toppled the Silent Sam monument. This includes a huge percentage of the people who support removing the movements. It seems like these people want to become even more hated than they are now.
I’m not too worried about this. I will just say the native Tarheels that I have met from eastern North Carolina aren’t likely to tolerate a bunch of violent, spoiled anarchist brats from Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh and Asheville coming into their communities to commit violent crimes.
How I wish that a certain relative of mine was still alive. She would take a large, stinky, filthy sock and stuff it down the throat of that apparition in the photo above, the freak with the red scarf screaming at the cop. And then whip her so bad she would hope for death.
she’s a brainwashed idiot, also with a bad attitude. But in the end, a victim of cradle to grave indoctrination. I’m not sure beating sense into this waif would work. In the end, simpletons like this pawns in the game.
Buncombe. These locals will defend themselves.
Excellent opportunity for sniper training….
Or a practice target for martial arts.
There is a place in Hell for these sons of bitches.
Attention Humans! If there is mass outages, and mayhem, and the commie beasts show up – take advantage of the situation. You know what to do!
No doubt these detestable nogs, libtards and anarchists who are affected by the hurricane will be relying on strong, intelligent white men to get them out of the shit, you know, the same white men they despise and want extinct.
They’ll also be rubbing their hands together wondering what they can loot……and then whinge that the rescue effort let them down….
” I will just say the native Tarheels that I have met from eastern North Carolina aren’t likely to tolerate a bunch of violent, spoiled anarchist brats from Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh and Asheville coming into their communities to commit violent crimes”
When something happens, horrified Judeo-Yankees and Jewish pundits will be on CNN wringing their hands, while grieving parents in Michigan, Ohio and New York demand that “their government do something” about those pesky, Southern colonial subjects daring to defend themselves and their property.
Why, it’s unAmerican©®, unpatriotic©® and Treason©® for North Carolinians to think that they have the same rights as people in New Jersey or Minnesota and Iowa.
Now hurry up and enlist, North Carolinians, so that fine American©® boys from Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Wisconsin don’t have to serve and risk their lives for USZOG.
Antifa, BLM and all the other freaks are a distraction. Stop Invasion~Immigration or we are finished. Period.
USA must prevent immigration of non-documented interlopers. No illegals, no refugees, NOBODY ENTERS. No more sanctuary cities, counties, states or churches. REMOVE all undocumented aliens from the USA–no excuses. Fine corporations 250K on each count and jail officers for five (5) years who employ undocumented workers. No excuses. Empty congress of all politicians breaking their oath and catering to aliens.
I wish them luck. Dusk to dawn curfew everywhere. Kept seeing blue lights on the prowl, yessir! BTW-A few prayers for our NC folk, they’re getting slammed.