Occidental Dissent/I J. Ryan was featured last night 9-22-18 on James Edwards’ The Political Cesspool
I was on for the last 30 minutes and ask James if the smears against him/us of “extremism” are true:
Q: Did he or I ever drive a woman off a bridge, leave her to drown then deny he was ever there? That’s extremely bad but for Ted Kennedy it was just a bad day and he spent a night in jail and when on to a long, long career as a US Senator.
Q: Did he or I ever drug and anally rape a 13 year old girl – extremely bad thing to do? No, that was Hollywood Jewish director Roman Polanski – again, just a bad day, Polanski never spend a day in jail and it didn’t hurt his film directing career.
Q: Did he or I ever encourage Islamic extremists terrorists in AL Qaeda to come in to the USA and attend flight school in Florida then mass murder 3,000 Americans. Nope that was George W Bush and his Jewish Neo Conservative advisers.
Q: Did he or I ever…..
Attend a dinner party or cocktail party with former Forbes and National Review editor Peter Brimelow and his charming wife and daughters? Ahhhhhh yeah….
That’s the world we live in. Never apologize for just being a healthy, sane, intelligent, principled White European American male or the great gals that love us, give birth to our beautiful children.
I stumbled across this fascinating story about a gun maker called Sam Galton, he was a Quaker.
If you had a gun between 1700-1800 there’s a good chance it was made by Quaker pacifists in Birmingham, England.
James Edwards, Eddie “the bombardier” Miller, and Keith Alexander are worth their wight in gold. The America version of Red Ice Radio! The holy trinity of radio of and the voice of the white racialist movement in America.
Jack, you misspelled your name in your byline.
Ethno Statist – I agree that James Edwards, Eddie TB Miller, Keith Alexander are great. And now I and Hunter Wallace are part of the TPC team. What did you think of my performance (Last 30 minutes of last week’s show – go to the http://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org and go to the bottom of the page to click on the audio)
“Let the bodies hit the floor” I’m using the alternative name “Jaye Ryan” because I just noticed that there is some god awful patriotard Tom Clancy TV drama where the patriotard hero is named “jack Ryan” and he’s off fighting Arabs and Russians or something Rambo like. Dumb arse Amuricuns tend to really go for this ##*$&# so I’m trying to distance myself a bit.
Ignore the neoliberal dicksucking and the Ryaniverse books aren’t *that* bad. Clancy even predicted that even a sincerely populistic president in the form of Jack Ryan, even with the backing of likeminded congressmen, would find it very difficult to “drain the swamp” in the face of the lobbyists, permanent civil service, and other Deep State apparatchiks.
Never had and probably never will see any of the post-Harrison Ford the movies.