White Northerners Are Adopting The Confederate Battle Flag

This doesn’t surprise me.

I’ve seen the Confederate Battle Flag used everywhere from Ireland to Ukraine. Actually, I see more people flying Confederate flags in the border states than I do around here:

“A short walk from where President-elect Abraham Lincoln made the last train stop in his home state before leaving for Washington on the verge of the Civil War, a Confederate battle flag flies from a home garage.

The property belongs to former Mayor Greg Cler, who runs a car repair shop in this central Illinois village of 3,500 people. Cler isn’t from the South. He grew up about five miles away, in Pesotum, where his father, like most others in the region, farmed corn and soy. But Cler has long felt an attachment to the flag.

“Part of it is an act of rebellion,” he said.

The other part is tied to the national turmoil surrounding race and identity. Cler sees the flag as a fitting symbol of white people’s shared grievances, which, he says, have new resonance today.

“I proudly fly it like I do the American flag,” he said, nodding to the two red, white and blue banners – representing opposing sides of the country’s bloodiest conflict – waving in synchrony above his head.

Perhaps the most contentious of American emblems, the Confederate flag is grounded in a history of slavery and segregation in the South. But despite recent moves to eradicate it from statehouses, vehicle license plates and store shelves, the banner has been embraced far from its founding region, still flying from spacious Victorian houses in New Jersey, above barns in Ohio and over music festivals in Oregon. …”

We have plenty of supporters in the North and West. The majority of people who read this website don’t even live in the South. Disaffected White People live all over the country now and embrace the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbol of resistance to the federal government. As bad as it was back then, it is even worse now and opposition to Washington is no longer regional.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • “Whites in every state are embracing the original freedoms of our founding!”

      That may be, but as long as it is tied to the Deistic ‘all hominids are equal’ BS, we merely delay the inevitable. ORION. Our TRIBE is White Europe, our nation is merely an oddity derived from White European Christendom. All other kinds are sham. And the ‘Thirteenth Tribe’ is, and always has been, complete imposters.

      On a different note, here is an article that might spark some real discussion. I’ve not read it all the way through, but it looked promising.


    • The utter failure of the Trump Presidency is showing the people that voting politics is utterly useless. And so we see the Confederate flag being waved as a sign of rebellion against the (((establishment))).

      With the migrant invasion I feel the USA is moving towards chaos and civil war. It just seems unavoidable when law and order is breaking down. Does anyone else think that way?

  1. The degenerate fags, dykes, and trannies have their ‘fruit ‘ flag. Why in God’s name can’t White people have a flag that represents them?

    The Stars and Bars will do just fine.

  2. Our grievances are a world-wide thing, not confined to one area in one country. From Italy to Australia, from Canada to Texas, we can see a
    gradual Kallergi plan in every white homeland. Every nation going through this just happens to be a white one.
    Of course we’re bloody angry-we’re being purposely replaced-by people who’ve contributed very little to world advancement over the centuries, and will destroy what we hold dear.

    • White Genocide is a CRIME! Every time you use the word, “replacement,” you are saying NOT GUILTY!#WhiteGenocide

  3. I tried repeatedly to get the S.C.V. to start a Copperhead faction for the Northerners who wished to assist us. They have the friends of the S.C.V., but that sounds like just an auxiliary instead of an independent organization, which I believe would have greater appeal. Helping Southern sympathizing, Yankees with information about the real Copperhead movement and genuine Northern attitudes regarding slavery and Negroes would aid them in defending their position when they are questioned or denounced. Every time there is a controversy in a school or a town an opportunity is presented to disseminate information in a rare moment when there is a receptive environment; striking while the iron is hot, so to speak. Usually, unless there is something to generate interest, most people either don’t care or are ambivalent. We should be taking advantage of these situations and using them for our benefit. If I had the where-with-all, I would take it upon myself to get useful facts to “those people.” But, I’m limited to mainly operating in the region surrounding my home, where I do my best to work with what little I have.

    About a decade ago, I was interviewed by the local news while being escorted by the Police from a Tea Party event for carrying a Confederate Battle Flag. When I was denied entry, I told one of the event organizers that the Flag that I was carrying was a far better example of resistance to Federal Tyranny than the Gadsden Flag; that our problems were with Washington D.C. and that we hadn’t had any trouble with King George in a long time. When he remained adamant about preventing me from carrying the Battle Flag, I told him that the color Yellow suited him well (he was wearing a Yellow Gadsden T-Shirt). On the way out, as I was flanked by Police officers, I told people who were entering the event that the Tea Party organizers were in favor of censorship and were denying me my first amendment rights. Some jeered me, but others expressed their solidarity with me. One of the Tea Party directors told me that I was right but it was the wrong place and the wrong time. I asked him, “where is the right place? when is the right time?” When he didn’t answer, I continued, “see, that’s the problem with guys like you, there never is a right place or a right time, so I have to make those decisions for myself.”

      • @Spahnranch,

        I have a newspaper article about a town in New York State that seceded from the Union in 1860 and didn’t officially return to the U. S. until after the end of WWII. Before that, a Confederate Flag flew over the town.

        The Mayor of New York City, Fernando Wood, also initially threatened to secede.

        And, of course, the best known of the series of “Draft Riots” occurred in New York.

        • Both Union and Bergen County in NJ officially sided with the Confederacy. Bergen is directly across from the Bronx and Union’s seat is Elizabeth, directly south of Newark and across from lower Manhattan and Staten Island.

          Union County had no slaves at the time, interestingly.

          • Genie,

            See! I knew I liked you! I didn’t know about those Confederate allies in New Jersey, although there were a handful of Slaves in that State until passage of the XIII amendment. Rhode Island, Maryland, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Missouri, West Virginia, eastern Tennessee and eastern Louisiana were also exempted from the Emancipation Proclamation.

            Many parts of the Confederacy were free from the institution of Slavery, and as is often noted, only a small percentage of Southerners owned them. Those that did, typically owned five or fewer, with the vast majority possessing a single servant.

            Even more remarkable is that a few of the largest plantations with many slaves, particularly in South Carolina and Louisiana, were owned by Negroes.
            The 20,000 Cherokee Indians in the Territories (Oklahoma) had 2,500 slaves. The other civilized tribes, excepting the Seminole, also had Negro slaves.

            I have read where some Union officers took home “contraband” to work in their fields and in their homes. They certainly put them to work cooking, cleaning, shining, polishing, and digging during the war. They also frequently took some far less noble liberties with them as well. That line in “Gods and Generals” where the House Negress assures her fleeing Mistress that “them Yankees won’t be bothering us Colored folks” is damnably misleading. They would not have only ransacked that home with as much or more relish than the others, they likely would have debauched her. It was very common and is often noted in personal correspondence and in the official records.

          • Have any of you heard of the Devils Punchbowl in Natchez, Ms. When the slaves were free, Natchez went from 10K people to over 110K overnight. The Union soldiers did not know what to do with them. So, they put the woman and children in this “Punchbowl” along the Mississippi River with walls. The did not give them food or water and threw them shovels to bury each other. They used the men for hard labor. Look it up, its. a part of hidden. history. I saw the punchbowls on my trip to Vicksburg. This is wha the U.S. Army did to the freed slaves. They were begging to go back to the plantations they would not let them. Now you know the rest of the story

    • @Cowtown Rebel

      “Slavery” was just a codeword for Southerners moving into the Transmississipi and founding states that would vote against the interests of Massachusetts.

      For a long while, the Yankees were concerned people in Michigan, New York, or Illinois would vote against them, too.

      That’s what it boiled down to. A fight over electoral votes and whether America would be governed by Americans, or by New Englanders.

        • @Denise

          “James that was then. This is now. Do try to move up a century and a half. Thanks.”

          Yes, Ms Denise, I’m aware of that. However I’m making an historical point with Cowtown Rebel.

          Nonetheless, the fight over electoral votes goes on. The Judeo-Communist movement to abolish the Electoral College is part of it.

          • @James,

            Yes, I agree with you that those New Englanders are, by and large, a peculiar lot. One of my favorite things to point out is that Ethan Allen’s Green Mountain Boys in Vermont were not only preparing to repel the British, but were also getting ready to fend off the New York Colonial Militia, having separated themselves and formed a new colony. Two of the other colonies, Rhode Island and New Hampshire were founded by religious exiles from Massachusetts.

            I believe, at the time of the war, the main abolitionist instigators were centered in Boston and parts of Connecticut, and maybe Philadelphia. But, it appears that the nearly all of the modern denizens of the whole of New England have developed a particularly obnoxious air of self righteousness that makes them excruciatingly unbearable, especially if you know anything about their true behaviors and sentiments, and their decidedly protective, demographic compositions.

            I have accumulated a great deal of information that reveals the extent of their gross hypocrisy both in the past and during the present. The sheer magnitude of their audacity is staggering. They sanctify themselves, conveniently ignoring or absolving their own transgressions as they perceive them, all while making warped and distorted, inflammatory accusations against, and unleashing the most vitriolic condemnations upon, the people of the South.

  4. Correction: I meant to say, “a far better SYMBOL of resistance to Federal tyranny.”

    Also, at the time, I thought about a starting a Southern Tea Party utilizing the Culpeper Minutemen Flag. It is very similar to the Gadsden Flag, but it is a White Banner and it reads “Liberty or Death” in addition to “Don’t Tread On Me.” Although, it is also a Revolutionary War era flag, it was resurrected during The War to Prevent Southern Independence when the unit was reactivated.

  5. I have a 4 x 6 battle flag on a pole in my front yard, and two, 4 x 6 battle flags flying on my garage.

    • This reminds me, James, of an exchange you and I had some time ago, when I remarked on the Confederate flags that I would sometimes see in my childhood. They would be on sale at carnivals.

      Probably, as I realize now, the carnivals were traveling affairs with Southern connections and personnel; but the flag, as I told you, had for me simply an outlaw appeal, like the pirate flags that the carnivals also sold. You remarked that the marijuana-leaf symbols that were favored by some of your peers were the outlaw signifier in your own childhood.

      • @John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia

        “You remarked that the marijuana-leaf symbols that were favored by some of your peers were the outlaw signifier in your own childhood.”

        Yessir, I did. In fact, the revised code of conduct in middle and high school specifically banned “paraphernalia, signs symbols, insignias, advertising, for illicit substances and alcoholic beverages.”

        I couldn’t wear a shirt with an armadillo drinking beer on it, but I could have any Confederate/Texan symbol I wanted.

        We had two gangs in the Sherman/Denison area called “The Freaks” and “The Cotton Mill Gang,” that had marijuana leaf patches on their jackets and marijuana leaf bandanas and flags, etc.

        Needless to say, when they even bothered to show up for school, they were in trouble from the time they set foot in the building.

        As an side, about a week ago, I made a trip down to Commerce, Tx. At the Texas A&M Campus, Commerce, I saw a few Confederate ANV flags. I’ve even seen a few First Nationals here and there. Nobody seems to mind. Biggest thing going on was the Cotton festival.

        • Very clear, James–informative.

          Not being a beer aficionado, I had to Google to understand your armadillo reference. I was led to “The Beer That Made Armadillos Famous,” a 1982 article in a magazine called Texas Monthly. Especially since it’s rather long, you might not be inclined to read it, but it details the marketing of Lone Star Beer to young Texans in the 1970s. These were counterculture-influenced youngsters who, maybe, became the “Dazed and Confused” characters you recognized.

          Here’s the link:


          PS I’ll guess, by the way, that you preserved your copy of that code of conduct, which you were able to quote.

          • @John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia

            Thanks Mr B. I read the article. I read Texas Monthly on occasion. It’s a good magazine.

            The code of conduct concerning drugs and alcohol wasn’t hard to forget, The Freaks and The Cotton Mill Gang, and the troubles they caused in school in both Sherman and Denison, made it unforgettable.

            For a while, there was hardly a week when the police weren’t at school. They’d bring in drug dogs once a month, too.

            If you can get RFD TV, or on YouTube, watch Texas Country Reporter with Bob Phillips. It’s like Texas Monthly in some ways.

          • I wonder what became of those gang members.

            Thanks for the alert re Texas Country Reporter. As I was scrolling through that ’82 issue of Texas Monthly, I encountered an article about the Hughes drill bit. Although I’d half-known that the father of Howard Hughes had made his fortune with a drill bit, I hadn’t been aware that the bit had made the Texas oil boom.

  6. I feel strongly that symbols like the flag are very important. But, I also feel powerful ones should be wielded powerfully, not in reaction but in pro-action.

    Concretely, I think we should design a neo-confederate type flag that symbolizes both old and new. It might have a mini-section or reinterpretation of the Confederate Flag but it should be different and forward-looking and signaling.

    As deeply angry as I am and as powerfully evocative and validating as the Confederate Flag feels to see and wave, I simply don’t think it helps our cause, ultimately. I think this might be true for Southerners as well as Northerners, although since I am still in the North now and will never be a true old Southerner I can’t really lecture Southerners on their symbols.

    Slavery existed and we don’t honor the truth of our history to either pretend it was all some unique and unconscionable sin, or to pretend that no aspects of it were far less than fair and ideal, or even fully humane.

    The Confederate flag has been co-opted and appropriated anyway, by whites’ enemies, to such an extent that it cannot be wholly reclaimed. I personally am not sure that it should be anyway, even if it stood for *some* of the noblest ideals. Why should whites shoulder the burden of slavery’s problematic legacy when most didn’t either own any or benefit from the institution?

    At one point in our history we were a determinedly forward-thinking and enterprising people, industrious and ferociously independent.

    We cannot wallow or rely on the past to save us. Our survival requires that we mine our past judiciously to once again imagine a future for our people.

    Because a culture that only looks backward doesn’t have one.

    • Genie – when you allow The Other, who HATES you, to control your own symbols and language – that’s when you have no culture at all. If people are flying the Stars ad Bars on their own – then that is culture and defiance. FYI – WHITES are slaves, so the Confederate Battle Flag is not irrelevant at all I’m all for the Black Flag, though.

    • Genie just does not get it. You are right, you are not a true Southerner, the flag to me represents my heritage , my ancestors, not slavery, you just do not understand and never will.

      • Part of what you and Denise are not getting, is that the South’s history wasn’t so united, as it were. It’s not just what *some* anti-whites think that’s troublesome about the flag, it’s that *some* Southerners, a small minority, did see it as a defense of slavery.

        Some pact was made between the scots-irish and the anglicans/jews. The former got to worship their god in freedom and exchange for defending against the Indians and living off of unprofitable land.

        Why wave a flag for the aristocracy, even if they weren’t all evil to either whites or blacks? The flag still symbolizes their power in part in reality, not just in the eyes of anti-whites. Much of that power derived from slavery and WE CANNOT WIN EVEN OUR OWN PEOPLE’S HEARTS BY CHAMPIONING IT.

        I just don’t see how using it furthers anything. Denise might get some of this but she seems to ignore that if there is even some small truth in a symbol’s stigma we’re better off without it. I’m not caving in a conflict with a lie. I’m moving forward with the truth.

        • Genie, the Stars and Stripes flew over American Negro Slavery much longer than the Stars and Bars. It is rank hypocrisy on the part of us Northerners to bitch about slavery when only the slaves of the South were emancipated by Lincoln.

          A lot of the founding fathers of the United States were slave owners from all over the country. The tearing down of symbols of slavery and “oppression” is not going to end with the South. Nope, it’s only the beginning, just like school desegregation started in the South and continued as far north as Boston, Mass.

          I don’t like the Black Bars on the White background that the League of the South has adopted. I think they should just go back to the Stars and Bars, because it never was about Negro slavery; the Southern plantation owners would have been happy to sell the North any slaves it wanted to buy in order to emancipate them. It was always about Southern autonomy and the North couldn’t allow that.

    • But there were a lot of black, mestizo and injun veterans of the Southern War for Independence, too.

  7. I have seen the Confederate flag when the Berlin wall came tumbling down and also in the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union.

  8. The Stars & Bars is every real American’s flag and it should provoke tears when seen. Tears for the country we should have inherited instead of this filthy and decayed prison system.

  9. it’s the opposite. that flag used to be more common in the north. you would see it occasionally here and there just driving around. this was during the ‘real america’ period when the country was united. today, it is completely gone, and you’ll never, ever see it.

    in pennsylvania i would see the flag a few times a year. there was even somebody who had a mock up version of the general lee, who drove it around during the warm months. people gave it the thumbs up when he honked the horn.

    in the north i would see the flag from the 70s up to the early 90s, then it was gone, and i never saw it in the north again. i’m sure older northerns can vouch for it’s presence long before that. back then, it was in it’s correct historical context, and i never met a single person who hated it.

    i hate what the leftists are doing to the US. but there are 100 times as many people flying the gadsen flag as there are flying the stars and bars in the north. the best way to get vandalized, other than a trump sign in your yard or trump sticker on your car, is to fly that flag. james hetfield flies the gadsden flag and even wrote a song about it. actually, that makes me wonder when the leftists will start the campaign to declare ‘don’t tread on me’ to be a racist, hate slogan and the gadsden flag to be a hate symbol. not long i reckon.

    the actual latest trend is to fly the stars and stripes upside down. a universal symbol of distress. guys started doing this during the second term of obama.

  10. this makes me wonder when dimebag stopped using the stars and bars guitar, if ever. i don’t think he did. i seem to remember him still using it in 2000. he definitely used it on the ozzfest tour that year. but i don’t know if he used it again on the final pantera tour.

    when pantera played shows all around the country in the 90s, not one single person complained about it. i saw pantera 10 times in the north. not a single comment.

    yet now, i see phil anselmo and rex brown saying that they regret it. i hate that. please don’t do that guys, especially for some ‘journalist’ who hates the south and doesn’t care about you or what you think in the first place. just say yeah, we did, and we don’t regret it. how hard is that?

    in a way maybe it’s a good thing that dime was killed, because if he was still alive, he’d be enduring some ridiculous 2 minute hate right now about how he had a confederate flag guitar, and he’d never be able to get out of that.

  11. The Stars and Bars is still seen in rural north-central Ohio, but not frequently, and often with the Stars and Stripes next to it. I would not display it in urban Ohio or on any college campus, for fear of violence.

  12. The Confederate Battle Flag will work just fine the way it is as a powerful symbol of resistance to the degradation of Christian society by hebe communists, and all the things they have caused, mass immigration of third world low lifes, abortion on demand, ‘civil rights’, homosexual ‘rights’, mass imprisonment, endless mid eastern wars, debt, cheap money. militant feminism, the glorification of unproductive rich parasites, etc.

  13. Growing up in southwest Pennsylvania in the 70s, I saw the Stars and Bars license plates on many a car or pick up truck, and occasionally flying from someone’s house or other building. Depending on who owned it, it could mean different things, but most people took it to mean resistance to federally mandated Black Power. It really ticked off liberals back then, too.

  14. @Glarg Blarg,

    Pantera was the house band at a club that I used to frequent. I was always waiting for other bands to come through. Their live performance was much better than any of their recordings. I remembered them from the time I was in middle school and you could buy their early albums, “I Am The Night” and “Metal Magic” in the bargain bin at Sound Warehouse. I recently saw these records priced at over $100. I wish I had bought all they had in stock back in the early 80’s. It would have added up to a nice chunk of change. Who Knew?

    I don’t really recall seeing them waving Confederate Battle Flags around, and I never saw Darrell play the Confederate Flag guitar. I know that the flag was featured on some of their later albums and that Darrell was supposedly a Civil War buff. His grave was desecrated by someone who condemned the band’s use of the flag.

    Lynyrd Scalawag stopped using the flag after the Dylan Roof controversy. Petty Tom “Backed Down” and apologized for his own use of the flag during the “Southern Accents” tour, even going so far as to ridicule others that continued to use it. I have a Motor Head T-Shirt that I got when they opened for Slayer in 1988. I only wear it on special occasions, but it has their Skull-thing logo with the U. S. and Confederate Flags crossed behind it.

    Kudos to Hank Williams Jr. for selling Confederate Battle Flags at his concert in Syracuse New York immediately following the Roof affair. When informed that he couldn’t sell them, he told the stadium personnel that he had a contract and would continue to offer them for sale. The stadium was filled with people waving the flag.

    • @Cowtown Rebel

      “Pantera was the house band at a club that I used to frequent. ”

      A friend of mine had his bachelor party at that club.

      • @James Owen,

        Small World. Although, I didn’t know it at the time, the owner of the club was a middle easterner who hated the music. He was murdered in his home a few years ago.

        When I was in middle school, the club Pantera played at was on what is now skid row and home to the Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries and Catholic Charities. By the time that I got around to seeing them in the late 80’s and early 90’s, they had moved their home base to the club on the west side.

        There used to be an underground venue on the Southeast side, near where I grew up, but it was always getting shut down by the police. I saw Rigor Mortis and a few other bands there in the mid 80’s, but I wasn’t really into that scene yet.

  15. Hey guys, the flag most are speaking of is not the “Stars and Bars” it is the “Battle Flag”. CBF that most see is a naval flag, I think. Anyway, Stars and Bars is the 1st National Flag, Stainless Banner is the 2nd National Flag and the Blood Stained Banner is the 3rd National Flag.

    Most people wouldn’t know the Stars and Bars if they saw it.

  16. @Mark Saint,

    A lot of confusion exists regarding the rectangular Cross of St. Andrews, Battle Flag design. It is, indeed a naval ensign, however it is also officially the Army of Tennessee Battle Flag as of 1864, per General Joe Johnson. Only General Cleburne’s Division was permitted to continue to carry their unique Hardee pattern Battle Flag in the A. O. T. after that .

    To further add to the misconceptions, this design was found throughout individual units in virtually every corner of the Confederacy from the beginning of the war. And the number of stars, width of cross, borders, etc… all varied as well.

    My Great, Great Grandfather served in the 6th Texas Cavalry under future Governor, Lawrence Sullivan Ross. The first flag the unit carried was made by Texas ladies, but it was burned up in a hotel fire in Richmond, Ky. following the battle of Perryville. A gracious Kentucky lady donated a sky blue, silk dress and the local women fashioned a new flag consisting of one large gold star surrounded by ten smaller stars. By the time this unit reached Atlanta, the flag was badly faded. A Soldier in a Tennessee unit mockingly called out, “That’s a mighty pale flag you boys carry!” A dismounted Cavalryman in the 6th Texas, in a voice from the grave, replied, “Yes, but, like the pale horse of the apocalypse, Death follows after it.”

    A fantastic book for quick reference is Echoes of Glory: Arms and Equipment of the Confederacy from Time Life Books. It was widely produced and shouldn’t be difficult to locate. It is literally jam packed with images of rifles, pistols, uniforms, flags, musical instruments and numerous other accouterments that were carried by Southern Soldiers. The dazzling array of Battle Flags is truly revealing. Many variations of Trans-Mississippi, Polk, Van Dorn, First, Second and Third National, Hardee and State Battle Flags are depicted. Also some very unusual patterns with significance that may have been lost over time.

  17. Y’all can extrapolate and interpret the Confederate flag all y’all want, but, in the end, it remains the tribal symbol of the Southern White race, and is recognized the world ’round, as such.

    That said, it most certainly carries with it an FU to The New England Yankee Federal Government, and if you fly it for that reason, then more power to you…

  18. In rural Maine seeing a battle flag, while not common, certainly happens on a regular basis.

    Maine though is pretty much a southern state located in the north. It was originally settled primarily by Ulster-Scots and people directly from Scotland. Massachusetts played the role of the “North”. Looking at people from MA as “Mass-holes” is a 300 year old tradition in Maine.

    Sadly, this is being lost within the more urbanized southern part of the State. Mainly from “people from away” moving here and the ever geowing “refugee” population.

  19. I see them fairly often in the Midwest here, though north of the Mason-Dixon line by a considerable distance.

    Even saw one guy with half of his truck painted with the Battle Flag, and the other half with the US flag. Not sure what was going on there.

    • What is ‘going on there’, Ironsides, is the same thing that is going on when you see the two opposing flags flown on the same property.

      It means someone is in favour of the union, but, prefers the original states’ rights’, states as sovereign idea of it, as expresst by the 10th amendment.

      In rarer cases, it means that someone is in favour of the union, but, is in favour of White Nationalist-White Majority concept of it.

  20. @John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia

    I wonder what became of those gang members.

    Most of them ended up in Huntsville, on drug charges, or armed robbery, and attempted murder.

    Hughes Tool Company is still in business, it’s Baker Hughes now. Hughes invented the roller cone rotary bit, back when they were still using cable tool bits on YoYo rigs.

    Driving on the highway and back roads through Grayson county at night, you can usually see half a dozen rigs, all lit up, working within a mile radius.

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