WND: The Left’s Relentless Campaign To Shut Up Its Opponents

This is another good article.

I didn’t know this about the Sutherland Springs church shooter:

“We all remember the liberal meltdown that began the day after the 2016 presidential election and the coordinated efforts of major media, the Democratic Party and social media giants to shut down conservative voices under the guise of combating “fake news,” Russian meddling and hate speech.

The pretense of the all-out assault on free speech was that President Trump only won the election because the American people had been tricked by Russians, duped by fake news about the universally popular Hillary Clinton and either intimidated or led astray by hate groups that did not like Hillary because, well, because they are hateful haters who do not deserve free speech. …

Since President Trump’s inauguration last year, the left has gone on a feeding frenzy denying access to the modern public square to anyone perceived as opposing Democrats. Speakers on campus have been attacked and harassed, attendees beaten and intimidated, and public and private property has been destroyed by liberal mobs. Several speaking engagements have had to be canceled because of rioting and attacks by leftists. Many conservatives have been banned from social media platforms; some have even had their personal family pages suspended, as well. Leftists have harassed payment processing companies to cancel service to conservatives, and hosting companies have been bullied into purging conservative websites from their hosting service. …

This in response to the synagogue shooting and the fact the gunman had a Gab account. Never mind the fact the gunman who killed 26 Christians at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, just a few months before had a Facebook account, harassed Christians using that account and actually posted a picture of the gun he used to commit his mass shooting on his Facebook account along with a profane caption. Facebook never faced demands to be shut down or was held responsible for the shooter’s actions, even though his rampage was far deadlier and his conduct on Facebook’s platform far worse than anything the synagogue shooter did on Gab. …”

Everyone sees what is going on here.

When I protested the Burnette Chapel Church of Christ mass shooting in Antioch, TN last October, the same smug blue checkmarks on Twitter spent all day making fun of the idea that the lives of White Christians have any value at all. It was just an occasion to share snarky jokes with their woke friends. None of these people cared about Antioch or Sutherland Springs.

“Friends said on Facebook that in recent years, Mr. Kelley had become vocally anti-Christian, to the point where many stopped communicating with him. His Facebook page, which has been deleted, listed that he liked a number of atheist groups.

“He was always talking about how people who believe in God were stupid and trying to preach his atheism,” one of his Facebook friends, Nina Rosa Nava, posted on the site, saying she unfriended him because of it. …”

Does anyone remember a fake news media frenzy to deplatform Facebook and blame all atheists over Devin Patrick Kelley’s mass shooting of White Christians in Sutherland Springs? How about YouTube over the Elliot Rodger’s Day of Retribution?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The pretense of the all-out assault on free speech was that President Trump only won the election because the American people had been tricked by Russians, duped by fake news about the universally popular Hillary Clinton and either intimidated or led astray by hate groups that did not like Hillary because, well, because they are hateful haters who do not deserve free speech. …

    Has given way to outright admitting that they’re protecting the Jews and Jewish interests from the vengeance of the Goyem. Or at least against the Goyem’s half hearted and half assed attempts to advance their own Goy interests.

  2. Hunter, Matt Heimbach, and ever other AltRighter,
    I know some of you are pissed enough at the GOP and Trump, that you may have decided to either sit this one out, or vote Dem, because that’ll show them Republicans, that’ll teach them Republicans a lesson, we’ll let them Republicans know how pissed we are that they haven’t given us everything we wanted when we switched parties to vote for God Emperor Trump, or perhaps in an effort towards acceleration, let’s vote with the opposition to “wake up whitey”. And I’d probably normally agree! However, I’m still going to try to help turn the light back on, inside your heads.
    Hopefully, you’ve seen my comments on the matter, and how I’ve argued against voting with the communists, the Democrat party. I certainly agree things have gotten worse, there’s no question. But i argue things would’ve gone worse under commie control. I suspect the suffering we’ve endured were planned attacks regardless. I’d also argue that we’ve put up our own defensive to combat them, and quite effectively. If you’re wondering how, I’d argue that we are pushing the right-wing to the hard-right. And I’d argue it’s been effective nonetheless. I believe we must all keep in consideration that we are not only fighting comnies, but neocons as well. I know you know that. But in terms of voting for power, i believe we must not give up any ground to the left, in hopes we’ll recruit more whites. We are recruiting!
    We now have Congressman and Senators, openly agreeing with us, retweeting Lana Loktef, Mike Enoch, Tucker, Ann Coulter, et al. Now they are also under attack. It’s the neocons, pulling the GOP away from American whites. But rather than giving up, or trying to show them how mad we are by countering them, let’s show them full support. We’ve got nothing to lose. Even David Duke and James Mason agree, the Republican party is ours for the taking, and it’ll inevitably be the White Nationalist party. Giving up now is exactly what the neocons & globalists want.
    Please consider doing an article on Rep. Steve King

  3. I think Brian Kemp is on the verge of losing to anti White Stacey Abrams. Why in the world has he not appealed more to rural Georgians? Why isn’t he championing something that could revitalize the rural South; industrial hemp? The GOP Is stuck on stupid.

    • They want to be the party out of power. That way they don’t have to take responsibility for all their lies, broken promises and double-crosses.

    • The Race that Dare Not Speak It’s Name is “White”. I called one of my local Reps, and REAMED OUT (to the person on the phone) about his relentless fellating of the jew. I asked him “What are you doing for White People?”. I’m not voting for him.

      • Denise, we all know you have a special way with words when it comes to the Juden. Boy oh boy would I have just loved, loved, LOVED to have been eavesdropping on that conversation. I bet it was very direct and hillarious!

      • Unfortunately, the Whites who COULD make a difference, don’t, because they are ashamed of lower class Whites. It is quite disgusting. They actually think looking down on the lessers of their own race is virtue signalling.

  4. I think Trump is getting poor advice. The one yuuuge mistake I think he makes is prattling about many jobs he has secured for women, gays, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians while pointedly refraining from saying what he has done for White men!

    If I were advising him, I’d have him say, Americans across the board, both genders, both sexual preference, young and old, all races, are getting better paying jobs thanks to his administration. If he can’t acknowledge his base, then he shouldn’t pointedly ignore them, either.

    Be inclusive, even if you have to be vague about it.

  5. “It’s the neocons, pulling the GOP away from American whites. But rather than giving up, or trying to show them how mad we are by countering them, let’s show them full support”.

    Absolutely not. If your vote is unconditional then candidates will not act on your behalf. Have you considered that you are not very intelligent? I don’t mean to demean you but what you are saying is unacceptable.

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