About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. RT is repotting on the suppressed documentary finally being released. Now it’s up to the ‘blankos’ to open their eyes and minds to who the (((puppet masters))) are that are pulling the strings of White/European disinfranchment in blood and treasure.

    • @Cap’n John (the Night Tripper): HW has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Fighting the jews, queers and coloreds all at once is no easy task.

      • The whole problem can be stated in a phrase: make it okay to discuss the JQ in respectable circles. We’ve had help from Israel and people like Mearsheimer and Chomsky. Anyone able to buy a clue?

  2. Imagine if America’s “free” press had the guts to investigate the power of the jew Zionist lobby. But that would be like asking the fags to investigate who controls the fashion industry.

    • What a bigoted stereotyped remark. Fags are no more prominent in the fashion industry than in the steel finishing industry, the construction industry, or the oil refining industry…. sweetie!

      • “You people just can’t stop yourselves from spreading White disunity.”

        1. (((Daily Stormer))) writes series of articles encouraing its readers to rape White women and break their bones.

        2.(((Daily Stormer))) calls White Nats “wiggernats” = White nigger nationalists.

        3. (((Daily Stormer))) accuses anyopne who points out facts, sowers of disunity.

        Days without ((Daily Stormer))) tricks: 0

        Follow the money.

  3. I just finished watching the second video, at the start of which details how Israel buys all of the congress critters. So 100 Jews put 100 credit cards in a bag and hand it to the congress critter. They say you can swipe each of these cards for $1000 each, if you support us on this one issue that we all care about.

    WN leaders: “Any day now the Republicans are going to realize they are the White man’s party.”


  4. I’ve watched the first two. they are long but very informative. Well worth the time. This is a case where history actually repeats itself unlike the idiotic analogies made today. The Jews and Muslims are doing the same thing that the British and the Germans did in America from around 1938-1941 prior to the US entering WW II where they had a cold war going on. This is the same situation we have today with Israel pushing for a war with Iran with the US doing the fighting.

    • Don’t forget war with Russia. As our ally Israel will of course contribute several crack divisions … Oh, wait — they aren’t our REAL ally.

  5. I’ve watched the first two. They are long but very informative and well worth the time. This is a case where history actually repeats itself unlike the idiotic analogies made today. The Jews and Muslims are doing the same thing that the British and the Germans did in America from around 1938-1941 prior to the US entering WW II where they had a cold war going on. This is the same situation we have today with Israel pushing for a war with Iran with the US doing the fighting.

  6. During the 1960s, Jewish power finally succeeded in pushing through a new immigration law designed to bring more non-Whites into the United States, the Jewish ADL crowed about its success.

    The November 1965 issue of the ADL Bulletin, the group’s internal publication, carried an article by the director of the ADL’s law department, Sol Rabkin, who was present at the signing of the new law by President Lyndon Johnson.(Also present at the signing was Benjamin R. Epstein, then the national director of the ADL.)

    Under the heading “The restrictive national origins quota system is finally abolished — after a forty year fight,” Rabkin boasted: “The Anti Defamation League is proud of the educational role it played in helping
    to bring this about.”

    The same issue of the ADL Bulletin had a notice of the appointment of
    the director of the ADL’s Washington office, Herman Edelsberg, to the
    government post of executive director of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, where he could work more effectively to force the racial mixing of employees in shops and offices all across America.

    In this regard it is interesting to note that the ADL actually has two “equal opportunity” programs. One — that headed by Mr. Edelsberg in 1965 and by others since then — is to give Blacks and other minorities precedence over Whites in hiring and promotion for blue-collar and clerical employment.

    By the mid-1970s ADL of B’nai B’rith had had very substantial success
    in virtually every phase of its campaign to undermine White society in America.

    It still was moving aggressively on a dozen fronts: introducing resolutions to require “Holocaust” indoctrination for Caucasian children in the public schools; demanding the rewriting of school textbooks and the reworking of school curricula to make them appropriately “multi-racial”

    and eliminate what the ADL complained was the “principally White, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon view of America” presented by older texts and curricula; pushing Christian churches, both Protestant and Catholic, to make even further changes in their doctrines, so that their teachings about Jews would consist of nothing but the most fulsome praise; lobbying the government to punish American companies refusing to trade with the Israeli State; asking for more restrictive anti-gun laws; etc.

  7. Too bad America doesn’t have a free press to expose the machinations of the Zionist lobby. It’s disgraceful that we have to get our news and information from foreign sources.

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