It became clear a long time ago that CNN is nothing but fake news.
“(CNN)I snapped to attention the first time I heard the term “service sex.” …
It’s time for a revolution. At the polls, and in the bedroom. And in our understanding of who women are, sexually and otherwise. Given the tight interweaving of economic and political power with sexual entitlement, female sexual autonomy has never been more urgent, and women’s sexual pleasure has never been more political. Let’s consider what it might mean to go on a sex strike of sorts — to get what we want, rather than give what we think we owe others.
…A women’s sex strike against service sex, a refusal to do it out of a sense of obligation, would force us to confront these basic inequalities. Our current administration has amped up the notion that women are mere extensions of male will and pleasure, there to serve at every turn. What is the rollback of reproductive rights but an assertion that not only female reproduction but female sexuality itself belong to what science writer Natalie Angier calls the “Greater Male Coalition”? …”
This is supposedly a “mainstream” news network.
According to the “mainstream,” which pushes transgenderism on children, I am the extremist. You’re the extremist for reading this website and laughing at these people!
Note: Makes you wonder why the Tallahassee shooter snapped and offed himself. We live in a country where perverts are the elite and have created this upside down world.
Ever heard of MGTOW?
“Ancapistan for your dick.”
Ever heard of marital rape?
The six year old kindergartner in “Kindergarten Cop” is a white supremacist patriarchal extremist radical. Proof:
As is Arnold Schwarzenegger for accepting it as truth.
“I passed by churches filled up with perverts
Immodest females who preach and subvert
I saw your idols, you love to worship
Your filthy ways deserve hell
This land is fag land
A raging mad land
From California to the New York wastelands
From the blood red forests to the gulf stream waters
This land is headed straight to hell”
Westboro understood…
Yes bizarre
The jew media is losing their minds over the success of MAGA.
I wrote this back on July 10, when I was in the city that hosts the German Supreme Court (Karlsruhe) on the day I found out Trump chose the Hunter Wallace look-alike to go on the American Supreme Court:
Nobody but the 8% of the population who are SJWs, believes CNN anyway