Chief Justice John Roberts Rebukes President Trump For Calling Out Obama Judge

I warned you.

I warned you before the election that giving President Trump credit for nominating the Heritage Foundation’s wish list of “conservative judges” could backfire:

Here we are:

It is only a matter of time before John Roberts, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh invoke their abstract “True Conservative” ideological bullshit to justify some awful ruling on immigration. Meanwhile, you can expect them to be rock solid on “pro-business” rulings like Anthony Kennedy.

Conservative judges are just as bad as conservative legislators. It is the same bait and switch too of voting for “conservative judges” to get, say, a ban on gay marriage or an end to affirmative action and you end up getting a bunch of rulings that only benefit wealthy donors.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “In those days there was no KING in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” – Jud. 17:6 from the (apropos) Book of JUDGES.

    We need to restore the Monarchy, restore the Patriarchy, restore the Aristos, and (by any means necessary) rid ourselves of these traitorous SCUM.

    • Father John+ I agree, this republic and democracy stuff is nothing but a recipe for societal disaster. Believe it or not, a libertarian wrote an article on Amren that a monarchy is exactly what is needed. Monarchs are eager to preserve the state to pass it on to their heirs, while politicians are simply looking for more votes.

    • Friar John: Have I not been arguing for a restoration of the Bourbons, Habsburgs, Romanovs and Hohenzollerns ? Is it not so that Heaven is a monarchy and Hell a democracy? Is God not himself a monarchist?

  2. Roberts is a Roman Catholic. The invaders are Roman Catholics. It isn’t rocket science to figure out what’s going on.

    • Krafty- Modern Catholi-schism (even as it is theologically aberrant) is NOT the Roman Catholicism of the prior eras. If you doubt that, read Ann Barnhardt’s columns for about a month, and she’ll make you a believer in Bergoglio as anti-pope. (And, no I am not a Roman priest)

  3. The problem isn’t Roberts or Trump or any of that; the problem is America itself.

    The answer to that problem is a new nation carved from the wreckage of the old.

    I’ll say again, even the best case scenario of Ethnarch and Co only has us deadlocked with the Enemy into the far distant future. In that scenario, there can be no ambition, no active creation of the world we want for our children.

    The “slow cleanse” of Johnson and Enoch isn’t happening. It is time to move towards a formal separation: it is time for Partition.

    • Well, the USA has proven that equalist democracy or a republic is a suicide pact and an abomination. It’s going into the darkness because it deserves to go into the darkness. One just hopes that the damage it inflicted on the rest of the White world prior to its demise isn’t fatal.

  4. Gorsuch already has invoked abstract ideological TrueCon bullshit in a ruling on immigration/deportation of a pos felon alien facing deportation, in Sessions v Dimaya.

    Muh letter of the law, you know .

  5. Roberts is the guy who rewrote Obamacare from the bench. Republicans appointed Souter, Kennedy, Stevens, and O’ Connor. Keep voting Republican for those judges though. To hell with your judges. All a judge is is a lawyer in a black robe. All trained in the same sewers of Marxism by the same Jew professors.

    Kritocracy then Chaos:

  6. Too many White folks who have made it, live in a bubble and crave the chance the virtue signal. It is quite disheartening.

  7. Not a single Protestant on the court. Why aren’t we hearing for more diversity on the court to accurately represent America?

  8. some of the judges are never trumpers, just like some of the republican politicians. so yeah, that’s an issue too. this is mostly a non-issue at this juncture, since if trump doesn’t change course in less than a year, it’s a moot point.

    roberts has been occasionally shaky since day 1, so we’re not learning anything new here. the important thing is that he almost always rules the correct way. that’s about as good as you’re going to get. for republicans, you’re almost never going to get robot judges the way leftists do.

  9. Roberts is full of shit with his “extraordinary group of dedicated judges.” If that’s what they are– and not tyrannical super-politicians in black robes– then no one would pay much attention to SC nominations and confirmations. Instead we have near-riots, hysteria, character assassination and political circuses.

  10. Since May 2014, four of the five judges appointed by Chief Justice Roberts to the FISA Court were appointed to their prior federal court positions by Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

  11. When Roberts upheld Obamacare TWICE, he sold his corrupt roman Catholic soul. It is alleged that Roberts is a queer and was blackmailed in those votes.Anyone who has been to Federal Court knows that the entire thing is corrupt. you have no rights. Always the corporations, governments and big law firms who represent the insurance companies, WIN. Ask the 2.5 million who are in jail right now about the court system.

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