A year ago, I pointed out that the exciting “nationalist populist” outsider candidate Donald Trump of the campaign had disappeared and had been replaced by President Trump who only seems to advance unpopular mainstream conservative policies.
What has changed over the last year? President Trump spent his political capital on the corporate tax cut. He signed two bloated military budgets which spent roughly $1.5 trillion dollars on a military which can’t be used to secure our own border. He signed the budget busting Omnibus bill which forbids him from building his wall using his own prototypes. He signed a bill to deregulate banks and weaken Dodd-Frank. He also attacked Syria again because Assad had “gassed his own people.”
Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. The FCC ended Net Neutrality for the cable companies while doing nothing about social media censorship. The United States withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal. The US embassy in Israel was moved to Jerusalem. Illegal immigration has soared to its highest level in a decade. The Trump administration has allowed the states to require work requirements for Medicaid. We have imposed more sanctions on Russia, Iran and Venezuela.
In the White House, we have seen Rex Tillerson, Gary Cohn and H.R. McMaster go, and have watched them be replaced by Mike Pompeo, Larry Kudlow and John Bolton. We’ve seen the demise of Steve Bannon who was perceived as the architect of the “nationalist populist” revolution in 2016 and 2017, but who is now seen as nothing more than a pawn of Jewish billionaires trying to subvert nationalist movements. Sholom Rubashkin, Scooter Libby and Jack Johnson were pardoned.
In spite of a trade war with China, the trade deficit with China is at an all time high. Suicides and deaths from the opioid crisis are at an all time high. The border wall was quietly downgraded to extending the existing George W. Bush era fence. Israel is doing good. We’ve increased foreign aid to Israel and looked the other way while it has bombed Gaza and attacked Syria dozens of times. Israel has been given a free hand to do whatever it wants now and recently declared itself a Jewish ethnostate.
The latest thing is NAFTA 2.0 which is little more than an updated and rebranded TPP with some minor tweaks. We heard a lot about doing welfare and entitlement reform from Congress, but that went nowhere because the GOP went out of its way to lose a Senate seat in Alabama. The Republican Congress has worked on prison reform, but hasn’t had the time to push it across the finish line yet.
In January, the Heritage Foundation boasted that Trump had embraced 2/3rds of its agenda. This was shortly after polls began to show that President Trump was no longer perceived as a populist, but as the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan. In the 2018 midterm elections, voters judged the policies that President Trump and the Republican Congress had delivered over the past two years and handed the House of Representatives back to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
In 2017, there was a “pro-Trump” street activist movement, but the Justice Department’s prosecution of the Rise Above Movement and similar charges against the Proud Boys in New York City have smothered it. In contrast, Antifa have been emboldened to the point where they are now attacking the Marines and tearing down the Silent Sam monument on the UNC campus. Many of President Trump’s biggest supporters like Alex Jones and Infowars have been crushed by the acceleration of social media censorship. Gab is on life support now trying to survive through its P.O. Box.
A year ago, few people wanted to hear what was really going on. Now, more people than ever are finally seeing through the mirage of 4D Chess podcasts and silly God Emperor memes. The truth is that President Trump tweets and nothing happens like we saw with South Africa. Perhaps the only bright spot in this dismal picture is that the caravans are stalled in the mud at the border for now.
Will this trend continue in 2019? I can’t imagine it will without a revolt. By all accounts, the do nothing Congress is likely headed for a year of gridlock before the 2020 election cycle begins. Something is going to have to change and soon or the president will continue to bleed his populist supporters.
Note: I will just say that ordering gun owners to destroy or surrender their bump stocks to the federal government seems like a bad way to start Year Three.
There’s an invasion on our southern border NOW. The controllers of media don’t want us noticing it, so they “act as if,” it’s just another news story, and bombard us with the usual non news bs. What’s sadly interesting is, ALL independent media is so easily brainwashed that they quickly follow suit, as though the distraction talking points were issued to them as well !!!
This brings us to a point where it’s now not even worth so much as checking headlines on ANY news sites each day ! All that can save our hypnotized chem trailed gmo’d brainwashed selves would be a group of southern white Christian patriots with means, to create our version of a 4th Reich … which would be The 2nd Confederacy.
If no group with means begins this … it’s over. Posting, commenting, e-mailing, etc., is all a huge waste of time.
I really can’t emphasize enough that, as an outsider, it is obvious to me that American society is in an incredibly unhealthy place. The tension in the air is obvious and this situation can’t last forever. It will come to some resolution eventually
If I were to lay out a few predictions they would be:
1. If there is an open rebellion over the bump stock law it will be in one of the Western states. I have visited Montana and most of the locals (outside the ski resorts) despise the federal government.
2. I do not expect there to be any major rebellion while Trump is the president of the US. He is too popular with middle aged White men and Breitbart still has too strong of a spell over them. Things will begin to devolve rapidly though once a Democrat is elected. The angry SJW lefties will want ‘revenge’ for Trump’s election, the Jews will stoke the flames as they always do, and millions of White men will feel alienated.
3. If / When a state does try to secede then expect America’s highly interconnected internal trade network (the US is not nearly as reliant on external trade as most nations) then expect the American economy to undergo a gigantic logistical meltdown. Tacticians talk about battles, strategists think about logistics.