UPDATE: Kevin Levin and Atlanta Antifa are having a debate about whether or not I am mad that Silent Sam is coming back to the UNC campus and getting his own penthouse.
Hey folks, don't allow yourselves to be gaslighted by Brad Griffin (a.k.a. Hunter Wallace) and the League of the South over Silent Sam. They are not happy about UNC's decision. #CivilWarMemory #SilentSam pic.twitter.com/7ROYFRKYzf
— Kevin M. Levin (@KevinLevin) December 4, 2018
Spend some time reading the blog.
— Kevin M. Levin (@KevinLevin) December 4, 2018
We do.
Griffin is clearly a propagandist & he is playing things up somewhat.
However the article comments allign with Griffin's general message: they hope the statue goes back up and are generally positive (if skeptical) about UNC proposal. pic.twitter.com/30uCbY5sZO
— Atlanta Antifascists (@afainatl) December 4, 2018
I don't see anything significant about these comments.
— Kevin M. Levin (@KevinLevin) December 4, 2018
Well you'd think there would be more dissent – such as people saying "No, this is a betrayal" – if Griffin was just trying to con people with his post.
— Atlanta Antifascists (@afainatl) December 4, 2018
The guy has a long history of manipulating people. He's an opportunist.
— Kevin M. Levin (@KevinLevin) December 4, 2018
Right, but he also hates academics and probably knows that Silent Sam's future home will be nothing like what it was out on the quad free of interpretation.
— Kevin M. Levin (@KevinLevin) December 4, 2018
Yes, he may well fume about the interpretation – if it is as extensive as you expect – at some other point.
— Atlanta Antifascists (@afainatl) December 4, 2018
But that does not contradict Griffin having a generally positive attitude toward Silent Sam returning to UNC, which underneath some of his characteristic exaggeration seems to be the core of the commentary.
Anyway, cheers for discussing.
— Atlanta Antifascists (@afainatl) December 4, 2018
LOL no.
Spread the word: spend $5.3 million on disabled students, students of color, and grad students. Stop making this university inaccessible. #TheFutureIsAccessible #silentsam #unc #racism #ableism #incomeinequality
— Erika Bogárká (@StardustEtoile) December 4, 2018
Exactly. Ludicrous. #SilentSam https://t.co/glXucjoopg
— Lisa Jackson (@AnyaLogan) December 4, 2018
F**kin’ based
This cop was violent with this woman, reaching across the barricade and shaking her while screaming "Bitch!" at her. https://t.co/FKItZvGSDI pic.twitter.com/6KIFDGLmYN
— Daniel Hosterman (@dhosterman) December 4, 2018
Why would I be mad?
This is a better pedestal than the one he was on before tbh. There is nothing sacred about that location. If anything, this will protect Silent Sam from weather damage and eliminate the threat posed by Antifa vandalism, and he gets upgraded with his own $5.3 million dollar crib. Is your house worth $5.3 million? Silent Sam is a good boy who dindu nuffin. I’m happy for him.
Silent Sam has been through a lot over these past few months. He deserves his own place where can just chill. The best part is that civil rights was cut to pay for his security.
Happening now.
Antifa are having a tantrum at UNC over Silent Sam. When he comes back, Silent Sam will be upgraded. He will have his own throne room now. It will be like the Lincoln Memorial.
Students now marching to base where #SilentSam once stood. pic.twitter.com/7hdSikBIJ9
— Candace Sweat (@WRALCandace) December 4, 2018
After grouping at former site of Silent Sam, protestors head to South Building. Reading of poem. “We have nothing to lose but out chains.” pic.twitter.com/a8zzPbsPjq
— Sam B.D. (@SamBDawes) December 4, 2018
silent Sam protest outside south building pic.twitter.com/R8zpnS8NyS
— shea (@sheabutter33) December 4, 2018
“#SilentSam does not speak for me” pic.twitter.com/OQtGMYd9tJ
— Jonathan Michels (@JSMichels84) December 4, 2018
If they don’t like it, they can go back to Minnesota, Ohio and New York, where most of them are from, anyway.
Nobody but a Yankee or a Jew would go to somebody else’s country and demand that they rearrange their culture, history and society to suit them.
I second that, Jimmie!
Watching our people march in unison to their own demise is becoming redundant. This is the manifestation of lazy parenting and Jewish manipulation. Make no mistake about it goy, the parents could have prevented this by implementing white culture hour after school instead of relying on the (((system))) to mold them into self-loathing retards. If we don’t teach our offspring the glory of their peoples who will?
The revolution begins at home
They should all be expelled.
Silent Sam speaks for all of us here at Occidental Dissent…
“Fuck Your Racist Statue”
This is just a bewildering sentiment. Silent Sam quite obviously fought for States’ Rights.
Welcome to your new home, buddy.
HW, I had no idea you were an opportunist who hates academics and enjoys manipulating people. Do you have any redeeming qualities at all?
Commander Wallace has many
Silent Sam is 1000 times better than Uncle Saul/Sam.
BTW, I’m a Northener but not a yankee.
(((kevin levine)))
Yes, but as you can see he has a lot of company.
@November Man
(((kevin levine)))
I’ve started to notice that’s is Jews, pseudo academics and urban Leftists© that are trying to keep up the animosity between North and South. Not ordinary people.
Most people are just too busy trying to earn a living. Which is why their enemies keep putting one over on them.
Uncle Sam was/is a New England Oligarch/Capitalist figure.
@ James Owen,
The New England oligarch/capitalist figure of uncle sam was and continues to be used as a zog military meme in the jewnited states. And IMO, that’s enough reason to smite him/it.
‘Jew England Yankee United States’, Dear Mr. November.
Ah man, my first white pill in a while. Quit manipulating me, Hunter! Hahaha!
These people are absolutists — but also hypocrites — UNC Chapel Hill is being sued over its affirmative action admission policies (search it) — so speaking of the UNC students, they are surrounded by NAM students whose presence in the vast majority of cases without question represents a kind of racism that disadvantages Whites and Asians — but they could not care less about that.
UNC-CH is gonna pay for its cuckoldry when the Alumni donations dry up, the niggraball revenues shrink and hopefully when the General Assembly imposes some Macron style austerity on it.
It wouldn’t hurt much FHS. Keep in mind that their richest donor is Michael Jordan… He’ll just make his donation that much bigger, and write it off on his taxes