John Kelly’s rumored replacement is a thirty something Pence orbiter:
“WASHINGTON — John F. Kelly, the retired Marine general tapped as chief of staff by President Trump last year to bring order to his chaotic White House, will leave the job by the end of the year, the latest departure from the president’s inner circle after a bruising midterm election for his party.
Mr. Trump, who made the announcement to reporters on the White House lawn before departing for the Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia on Saturday, said that he would name a replacement for Mr. Kelly, perhaps on an interim basis, in the next day or two.
“John Kelly will be leaving — I don’t know if I can say ‘retiring,’” the president said. …”
There seems to be no end to this revolving door of mediocrity. Nearly all of the original cabinet picks have been replaced and there doesn’t appear to be any sign of progress.
*gigantic eye roll*
President Trump: "We're talking about a wall for $20 billion, $15 billion – I could even do it cheaper if I have to. And it'll be better than anybody's ever seen a wall." https://t.co/SOfv56ylbb pic.twitter.com/kCQ4wmuYkN
— The Hill (@thehill) December 8, 2018
Jarvanka played a key role in John Kelly’s demise:
Jared & Ivanka were critical to pushing John Kelly out. Kelly said the two were “playing government” and didn’t want to follow the rules and should not have been in the White House. They’ll stay. He leaves. https://t.co/wt46oGhxzk
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) December 8, 2018
Anyone still taking the line that the problem is Pence or Trump or Kelly or any of that?
The problem is America itself.
Exactly. Just compare America to Hungary:
– Hungary is composed of 90% + ethnic Hungarians (most of the rest are closely related Europeans).
– The Hungarian people have lived through anarchy, tribalism, monarchy, communism, democracy, Fascism, etc. They are a nation in the true sense of the word and their identity is not dependent on any particular ideology (unlike Americans, who are basically ‘people who agree with certain ideas and have the right papers’).
– The Hungarians don’t have a long history of mass immigration.
Because of those differences, I can’t see America ever being salvaged. It’d be best to peacefully balkanize it along preexisting cultural fault lines.
“their identity is not dependent on any particular ideology (unlike Americans, who are basically ‘people who agree with certain ideas and have the right papers’). ”
The US Constitution was dedicated by its White founders to “Ourselves and OUR POSTERITY” and no one else. The first laws these founders passed regarding immigration said ONLY Whites could be citizens.
“people who agree with certain ideas”
The correct name for these people is Wordists. Wordists occupy the halls of power, education, mass media, and judiciary in all White countries. Their sole economic output is words, so naturally they think countries are made of paper.
“It’d be best to peacefully balkanize it along preexisting cultural fault lines.”
The next civil war will began just as the last one did. A party will make a reasonable stand and those who cannot bear it will secede. The rioting minorities will turn OUR reasonable stance into a revolution.
But first we have to make a clear stand.
White Genocide
The Problem is the JEW. Period. The End. The JEW. The problem with America is that THE JEW is here at all.
Jews are problem #2, Dear Miss Denise – Gentile Whites problem #1, for Jews, in and of themselves, do not make Whites so incredibly vapid, self-destructive, degenerate, unreproductive, lazy, ungodly, and whatever else you can think of.
Moreover, this is a bad time in the history of The West. because we are overly specialized and more people no longer know much about real life.
In the great history if Gentile European Whites, this is the worst time, and it is not even close.
Jews have always been the same – what has changed are Gentile Whites.
I agree, Afterthought – the American Experiment is ending a failure.
Don’t care. To hell with all of them.
In my honest opinion, re-electing President Javanka in 2020 would be a YUGE mistake.
The Donald would retreat to his ritzy Mar-A-Largo club to spend his days golfing while Javanka runs the show and implements a progressive agenda.
I’ll vote for a Democrat like Joe Biden or Sherrod Brown any day over Javanka.
Behind the scenes, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have been mingling with Tech CEOs like Tim Cook in order to get people like Brad Griffin A.K.A. Hunter Wallace de-platformed from social media etc.
Javanka whole heartedly believes in right-wing censorship.
Bottom line – #Cult45 is being a conned by a family of grifters.
Mikhail Gorbachev was great hope, then great disappointment , then great nothing burger but in the very end he refused to use violence and that was all what mattered.
We here in the Eastern Europe did not voted us out of communism and I am afraid that people West can not do it ether. So the only thing really matter at the very end, is the elected official somewhat normal or rabid liberal ready to use deadly force.
Trump is like Gorbachev. Despite good intention, He is still product of the system and believes that there is some way to reform communism or like people in the West say, liberal democracy. Of course, this is impossible , tensions rising and at some point things go black and white.
And then it is really important, who sits in office. Office holder may be cucked beyond repair but until he is afraid to give order to shoot at people, he is okay.
Greatest economy crisis is coming and then normie can not ignore politics anymore. There is mess in France not because of pro white whatever but because average Joe can not feed his family anymore.
This is a sign that the Trump administration is incredibly weak and, by extension, the Republican Party itself is weak. Go for the jugular and end the two party system by fracturing Conservatism Inc.
The biggest problem with nepotism is that no matter how bad they fuck up they always get to stay because they are family. The only ones who will still be there in 2020 are Jarvanka. Everyone other cabinet pick will have been replaced ten times over.
Not that it matters anyway, Trump can’t seem to pick anyone unless they are some establishment insider or kiss ass for them.
The more it changes the more it stays the same.
I think Kelly is just plain old tired of Kushner overruling him.
At this point Trump is just making shit up to string his half-witted supporters along – if he could not get The Wall built while controlling both Houses of Congress he sure as hell won’t get the money now.
It’s all one to me, whoever is put in will be another Deep State clown, so it’s kind of moot in a way. They all blur together after a while. Which in itself is a sad commentary.
kelly was a terrible pick who hurt america a lot in 2 years. super glad to see him go. he worked hard to make sure the border stayed wide open and undefended. a useless sack of crap. somehow, his ‘protege’ stays on as secretary of homeland insecurity.
not sure how hard he fought to stay in afghanistan, syria, and keep tensions high with russia and iran, but he probably did his part. not sure if he fought to keep transexuals in the military the way mattis did, but i wouldn’t be surprised. just terrible, all around.
but yeah, jarvanka is a whole other issue. so bad, so tacky. classic trump, unfortunately.