House Passes Criminal Justice Reform

Criminal justice reform is a done deal.

It now goes to President Trump for his signature. He was boasting about it this morning.

“Congress approved a sweeping bipartisan criminal justice reform bill on Thursday, handing President Trump a major legislative victory on an issue championed by his White House.

The House approved the bill 358-36, sending it to Trump’s desk for his signature. The legislation was approved earlier this week by the Senate, 87-12. The passage marks a win for Trump as well as his senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, who advocated for the bill in the face of conservative resistance.

The First Step Act would give federal judges more leeway when sentencing some drug offenders and boost prisoner rehabilitation efforts. It also would reduce life sentences for some drug offenders with three convictions, or “three strikes,” to 25 years. Another provision would allow about 2,600 federal prisoners sentenced for crack cocaine offenses before August 2010 the opportunity to petition for a reduced penalty. …”

This was the worst news of the day.

It has been a big news day. I would even say it has been Trump’s best day in a long time. We have a lot of ground to cover.

Note: Sorry about not approving the comments faster. I’ve been sick for the past few days.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. MAGAtarded loons are demanding that Trump veto the criminal justice reform bill that Trump himself championed.

    These people won’t hold him responsible for anything.

  2. It will be interesting to see what happens to the crime statistics after the passage of this bill.

    According to the U.S. Justice Department in 2005 over 34,460 White women were sexually assaulted or raped by Black males. The number of Black female rapes by White men is statistically 0 because they have fewer than 10 cases nationally.

  3. For anyone following my line of reporting on this issue, here’s a follow-up to the Sandra Bland Act and the Reagan Tokes Act:,-prison-abolition-and-the-refusal-of-state/10630778

    The term will be ‘Covenant Justice’ based on you know what. ‘Coffee talk,’ a yiddishy Brooklyn expression, will replace empiricism and universalism in the administration of justice. The article even disses ‘codified Protestant law.’

    This relates to the link I posted about UVA’s Karsh Center for Law and Democracy The jews have gone from rigging the interpretation of the law to totally supplanting it with their talmudic jesuitry.

    Speaking of interpretation, all sorts of outlets feel on my salvos, at times to my chagrin or even despair. Yet no one on here bothers to engage the issues here.


    • From JF’s twitter feed, interesting article on the crisis of girl runaways from some government halfway house becoming teen prostitutes in Westchester County, NY:

      What strikes me is its potential connection to the Sandra Bland Act, and the state’s supposed unwillingness to lock minors down in the state-run campus. The idea that teens under 18 aren’t already physically prevented from leaving such a place seems absurd.

      (((They))) are lobbying for something(s) beyond what’s obvious here. Right off the bat it’s suspicious staff abuses are not acknowledged as a factor in motivations for the girls to escape. Article says around 80% of victims are black or non-white. At the least it’s an attempt to extort more money from whitey’s tax base, since Andrew Cuomo’s budget is cited.

      Imagine the fate of any white girl placed in such a ‘home.’ A friend in the midwest became guardian of his friend’s 11 year old blonde daughter unexpectedly, and allowed the state to make her its ward. She didn’t last a year.

      This home for girls and women is less than an hour from Newtown, Connecticut, where known child sex abuse rings operate in houses owned by the government.

      The latest bulletin from Vanity Fair on Kavanaugh and Roman Catholic Georgetown elides the reality of guy-on-girl sexual assault, instead focusing on priest-on-boy abuses. It also tries to locate graver anti-female violence problems at St. Alban’s, the ‘WASP’-founded prep school and traditional competitor of Georgetown Prep – an obscene lie. Major media steps are being taken to minimize and whitewash violence against girls and women in society in general as black females are increasingly portrayed as main targets in a system where white supremacy gets cast as their victimizer.

      And, Christine Blasey Ford recently awarded Rachel Denhollander some medal for Sports Illustrated for her role in exposing Nassar, the US gymnastics serial rapist. Rachel is an ex-gymnast attorney and conservative and has written over the fall about how lonely it is to be a survivors’ advocate in a sea of anti-feminist republicans. It’s a cynical move designed to seduce white women like her into the Democrat fold.

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