1,000 Journalists Laid Off In Mainstream Media


““This is going to be a tough week,” Ben Smith, the editor in chief of BuzzFeed News, wrote in an email to his staff on Wednesday. On Friday, the newsroom learned just how tough, when the company laid off 43 of the roughly 250 journalists who worked in that division, according to a BuzzFeed spokesman.

The cut was the start of a planned 15 percent reduction of the overall work force at BuzzFeed, a company perhaps best known for producing content meant to be shared on social media. The layoffs, which the staff learned about from an email sent by the BuzzFeed founder Jonah Peretti, are expected to continue into next week and affect around 200 employees.

The staff reduction at BuzzFeed News included the seven members of the national desk, the six-person national security team and the two journalists covering health, according to the spokesman. All but two members of the entertainment team were laid off and all but one on the L.B.G.T. desk. There were no cuts to the technology, politics or investigations teams.

“The national desk at @BuzzFeedNews was killed off today,” Tina Susman, the national editor, wrote on Twitter. “This was my first full-time editing gig, and I nearly didn’t take the job, but despite tday’s gloominess i’m glad I did. It’s been great, and I’m proud to ride out the front door with my team.”

Jessica Testa, a national reporter who was laid off after about seven years at BuzzFeed News, said she felt blindsided. “Our work has always, always been celebrated, internally and by readers,” Ms. Testa said in an email interview. “We’ve changed laws, we’ve won awards, we have great traffic.”

The cuts are meant to lower costs and maintain growth as the company aims to hit profitability this year. BuzzFeed, which employs more than 1,300 people, generated more than $300 million in revenue in 2018, a 15 percent increase from the previous year. …”

Blake Montgomery was laid off at BuzzFeed:

He was in Charlottesville. It was Blake Montgomery who recorded DeAndre Harris assaulting Harold Crews with a mag lite on the BuzzFeed livestream. He interviewed me once.

Huffington Post:

“The Huffington Post cut down its commentary and healthcare teams Thursday.

“As of this morning, HuffPost’s opinion section is no more. I and the rest of the team have been let go,” the former head of the opinion section at Huffington Post, Bryan Maygers, tweeted. …”

Apparently, Jessica Schulberg who wrote that ridiculous story trying to connect me to the Pittsburgh shooter Robert Bowers survived the layoffs, as did Christopher Mathias.

Here is the most honest comment from a “journalist” about the layoffs:

This laid off “journalist” misses thought policing and intimidating ordinary people. It illustrates how “journalists” have become nothing more than commissars.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. How are we meant to keep informed now that these fair and balanced, fine, principled specimens are gone?? These activists-ooops-‘journalists’ pretend to be giving a report when really, they’re just giving you their leftard opinions. Boo hoo…..who needs ’em?
    On the Australian ABC, you’ll get one of these activists interviewing anyone slightly more rightwing than Milo Yianopalas (and I’ve likely spelt that horribly wrong), and they cut them off, never allow them to complete a sentence or finish their answers for them. But if an African dictator or trannie activist is interviewed……they’re the best thing since sliced bread.
    I no longer watch the news-my intelligence will not be insulted any further.

  2. Good riddance, now the ivory tower liberals can view the world from ground level, like the rest of us. Zoglings falling are a good thing.

  3. “The Huffington Post cut down its commentary and healthcare teams Thursday.”
    So HuffPo needed not just one person to moderate (mass-delete) its comments, but rather a whole “team.” How surprising. And how inspiring that someone named Schulberg survived the layoffs, right before International Holocaust Remembrance Day!

  4. Q) What do you call 1000 anti-White propagandists and White Genocide cheer leaders losing their jobs?
    A) A good start.

  5. 1000? Is that all? 100,000 layoffs would be a good start.

    I honestly don’t understand how people getting similar views on Twitter and Youtube don’t get paid a dime. Yet these blogs for the establishment can afford to employ thousands of the dregs of the middle classes, to write articles that no one wants to read.

  6. there is no such thing as “journalism” anymore…they are all communist jews who run the political parties on both sides.

  7. Two observations. One, they only had 1,300 employees and made $300 million? Either there is some gross mismanagement or they are doing something very big.

    Two, the L.G.B.T. room kept one person. I bet that person was all four letters wrapped up into one with a few racial cards in their back pocket too!

  8. If those pukes don’t want to #learntocode, they can always try coal mining. The mines here in WV have been hiring like crazy since the Zero left office.

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