Here are the latest new details in the Jussie Smollett case:
“Jussie Smollett rehearsed the “attack” against him days before the incident and it was all staged for the camera, this according to what the 2 brothers told cops.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Abel and Ola Osundairo told cops they got in a car with Jussie and scouted a location, settling on the one right outside the actor’s apartment. The brothers said Jussie chose the spot because he believed a camera would have captured the action.
Our sources say the brothers told police Jussie said he wanted to make it a “physical thing,” but not to the point he’d be seriously injured.
On the night Jussie says he was attacked, the brothers claim they showed up at the scene but were extremely nervous because, just as they played out the scene, a car drove by and they were worried they’d be ID’d.
Our sources say the brothers performed per the rehearsal — they screamed out they recognized Jussie from “Empire” and then hurled the racist n-word and the homophobic f-word. …
Smollett’s first race hoax was a dud:
“(CBS) –“Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, upset after a racist letter sent to the show’s studio didn’t get a “bigger reaction,” is suspected of paying two men to attack him a week later, according to multiple sources with direct knowledge of the investigation.
“When the letter didn’t get enough attention, he concocted the staged attack,” a source told CBS 2 Investigator Brad Edwards. Other sources corroborated that information. …
Smollett received a letter containing a white powder Jan. 22. The letter was mailed to Chicago’s Cinespace Studios, where the show “Empire” is filmed. The letter prompted a HAZMAT response. CPD says the “white substance” was later determined to be aspirin.
The note was crafted with letters apparently cut out from magazines to form words. The pieced-together message contained racial and homophobic threats directed at Smollett. A magazine is one of the pieces of evidence retrieved from the brother’s home last week during a search conducted by CPD. Investigators also recovered a book of stamps.
When asked about the letter in a televised interview last week, Smollett said, “On the letter, it had a stick figure hanging from a tree with a gun pointing toward it.” It also had “MAGA” — reference to President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan Make America Great Again – written as the return address. …”
So, when Jussie Smollett’s first race hoax didn’t generate enough attention and sympathy from the media, he decided that he would plot an even bigger one.
Check out the epidemic of hate crimes:
Right after Donald Trump’s election, the SPLC really stoked panic. A pro-gay Episcopal church in Indiana was vandalized w/“Heil Trump,” a swastika, & an anti-gay slur. Turns out it was the gay organ player who did it. He was only charged w/a misdemeanor. https://t.co/QxeOoBHohC
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
Days after the Pittsburgh massacre, Trump supporters were blamed for Nazi vandalism at a Brooklyn synagogue & fires in a Jewish community. Turns out the perpetrator was a gay black man who had worked with city council on an initiative to fight hate crimes. https://t.co/6y8UvHVA90
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
One week before the presidential election, a black church in Mississippi was burned in an arson attack. “Vote Trump” was written on the building. After much panic, an investigation revealed that the man responsible was a church member. Andrew McClinton: https://t.co/MYci3gQGJ3 pic.twitter.com/zceiCwG3Bf
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
In Nov 2016 a Muslim student at the University of Louisiana said two white racist Trump supporters brutally assaulted her, ripped off her hijab, & robbed her. The story went viral.
It was a lie. Media never identified her by name after hoax was revealed. https://t.co/l3AcfROnMe
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
I remember that Trump & his supporters were blamed for a spate of anti-Semitic, KKK & Nazi graffiti on the campus of Nassau Community College in Long Island in late 2016. The student responsible was Jasskirat Saini: https://t.co/874KEtymSV pic.twitter.com/tYtT90ufMV
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
In Dec 2016 a Muslim woman said she was attacked by 3 white Trump supporters in NYC on the subway. She said they tried to rip off her hijab.
Yasmin Seweid lied. CAIR said Muslims are under tremendous “stress & pressure” resulting in incidents like this. https://t.co/gNRM58Qhai
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
In Dec 2016 a Muslim woman said she was attacked by 3 white Trump supporters in NYC on the subway. She said they tried to rip off her hijab.
Yasmin Seweid lied. CAIR said Muslims are under tremendous “stress & pressure” resulting in incidents like this. https://t.co/gNRM58Qhai
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
In Sep. 2018 a black woman in Long Island said Trump supporters confronted her & told her “she didn’t belong here.” Her car tire was slashed the next day & a hateful note was left behind saying “go home.”
Adwoa Lewis made up the whole story. https://t.co/njVBvdjpoM pic.twitter.com/XEJh6NYxut
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
In Nov 2018 students at Goucher College demanded social justice training & safe spaces after racist, Nazi, & KKK graffiti was found on campus. Someone even wrote the names of black students. Trump was blamed.
Fynn Arthur, a black student, was responsible. https://t.co/iErOd2M21e
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
In 2017 @StOlaf College was roiled by mass protests in response to anti-black notes found across campus. Class was cancelled & admin caved to demands. An investigation found that Samantha Wells, a black victim of one of the notes, fabricated the incident. https://t.co/PAzVMUQtLi pic.twitter.com/KGRFXd55P0
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
In Nov 2016 a Philadelphia neighborhood was rattled when property was vandalized with pro-Trump and anti-black messages. William Tucker was identified as the vandal through CCTV footage. https://t.co/g0fcGJFtJN pic.twitter.com/Rz4QTNp6K4
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
In Nov 2016 a black female student at @VillanovaU in PA said a group of white men yelling "Trump!" knocked her to the ground on campus. However a police & university investigation was halted because the student didn't want to pursue the matter. https://t.co/KpFmoFHwH3
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 17, 2019
In Nov 2017 near @KState University, a black man's car was vandalized with racist messages. Class was cancelled & students held demonstrations. Dauntarius Williams later admitted to police that he did it himself. Police did not charge him. https://t.co/TJIh3JBrcj
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
In Nov 2017 near @KState University, a black man's car was vandalized with racist messages. Class was cancelled & students held demonstrations. Dauntarius Williams later admitted to police that he did it himself. Police did not charge him. https://t.co/TJIh3JBrcj
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
In autumn 2018 at @KState U, a note was left on an apartment that read "Beware n***ers live here! Knock at your own risk." The "victim" admitted to police that s/he did it himself. This was the 2nd time s/he had fabricated a hate incident in 2 years. https://t.co/mUexZjjQ5F pic.twitter.com/3qavmjXDge
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
.@UMich student Halley Bass told police a Trump supporter attacked her by scratching her face in Nov 2016. She said she was targeted for wearing a pin in support of UK Remain. As her story fell apart, she admitted to scratching herself. https://t.co/le9KEHF7s3
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
Who remembers when Trump was blamed for the spate of death threats to Jewish community centers across the US? Juan Thompson, a reporter who worked for @theintercept, was convicted for the hoax threats + other offenses. https://t.co/kHuZ5jMYYk #HateHoax pic.twitter.com/3DzsLSlbXg
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
2016: Muslim student at @UMich claimed she was attacked by a white man who threatened to burn her hijab. It never happened. CAIR said the attack is “just the latest anti-Muslim incident reported since the election of Donald Trump as president.” https://t.co/w57Xwsz0Tf #HateHoax
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
One day after 2016 election, Eleesha Long, a student at @bgsu in Ohio said that white males wearing Trump shirts threw rocks at her & hurled racial slurs. Alleged incident sparked rage on campus, & uni hosted a "town hall." Long made it all up. https://t.co/AO1heX9adp #HateHoax pic.twitter.com/oMPjb5Otof
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
On election night, Canadian Chris Ball said he was beaten by anti-gay Trump supporters in Santa Monica. His friend shared a photo on social media (notice the immaculate watch). Police said he never filed report & he didn't go to any hospitals in the area. https://t.co/Yud66ORMt4 pic.twitter.com/bTExPTHuFC
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
Charlotte: April 2017 Curtis Flournoy set an immigrant business on fire & left note saying “Trump is our nation builder for White America." When CCTV showed that perpetrator was black, some sites said it was a white Trump supporter in disguise. #HateHoax https://t.co/w2qSl5AikW pic.twitter.com/rAVwGcqkH4
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
Nov 2016: Students at @WilliamsCollege dumped fake blood on campus & wrote “AM KKK KILL." Campus police notified FBI & state police. Investigation found that perpetrators did it “to bring attention to the effects of the presidential election." https://t.co/n96EQ1VwnW #HateHoax
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
Nov 2016 Chicago: Taylor Volk, a bisexual student at @NPU said she received hateful pro-Trump, anti-gay messages. "This is a countrywide epidemic all of a sudden,” she said at the time. The investigation found that she fabricated the story. https://t.co/EldYBPtfGH #HateHoax pic.twitter.com/h3o4YlMxov
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
2016: A message was written at @elonuniversity that read “Bye bye Latinos hasta la vista.” Students raged, saying the campus was unsafe & racist. Admin panicked. Investigation found that a Latino student wrote it as “commentary” on the election. https://t.co/UZ3Nv2CpEO #HateHoax pic.twitter.com/6UR743IgoO
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
2 students at @babson drove thru campus waving flag to celebrate election. Peers said they spat on someone, yelled racist & anti-gay slurs. This was a lie, but everyone believed it. They were kicked out fraternity. Investigation cleared them of wrongdoing. https://t.co/UKNalrMEVc
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
Nov 2016 DE: Ashley Boyer, who is black, said 4 white racist males threatened her. She said charges were filed. When social media post went viral, Smyrna Police announced that the incident was never reported. Boyer didn’t respond to journalists. https://t.co/cBGSrm4FRX #HateHoax pic.twitter.com/TH96q7Engc
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
After the election, a banner in the east Bay area sparked fury. It read: "You can hang a n—r from a tree, equal rights he'll never see." People feared this was now #TrumpsAmerica. The man who put up the sign is black & did it to protest court system. https://t.co/WmpM7Cp5gg
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
After election, Kathy Tu, student at @UMNews said she was attacked by racist white male in viral FB post. She said she fought back & was handcuffed by police. Students demanded campus suspend racists. Campus police said they never interacted w/Tu https://t.co/t3LSMk54P8 #HateHoax pic.twitter.com/wOgTaWVs3j
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
In Nov. 2016, a man in Malden, MA told police he was confronted by two racist white males who made a reference to lynching & said it is “Trump country now.” He fabricated the whole story.
Sound familiar? https://t.co/a7Vu27TgwS #HateHoax
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2019
In June 2018, Michael Kadar, a Jewish Israeli-American, was convicted for making HUNDREDS of violent threats to US Jewish orgs, schools, & community centers. Trump was blamed for the culture of anti-Semitism. https://t.co/FT70XWpavs #HateHoax
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 19, 2019
Anti-Muslim graffiti saying things like Trump’s “#MuslimBan” was found on @Beloit_College in 2017. College increased security. Investigation found that Michael Kee, a Muslim student, did it himself for attention. https://t.co/PHhdCQkfo2 #HateHoax
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 19, 2019
It strikes me as something that is occasionally economical with the truth. Its sounds like its a pretty good actor as well.
This proves yet again that the different races just don’t belong together. Every day another drama.
Damn, Andy Ngo is one ‘NGO’ that I can get behind, lol! Excellent work Mr. Ngo!
As for this (previously unknown to me) Smollett character, well, this just keeps getting funnier and funnier. And to think, our ridiculous country is going to fix Venezuela.
What he was essentially trying to do was start a race riot. But I’m certain in the end this incident will actually help his career, he has proven that he is willing to outright lie for the cause.
Aww c’mon. Da brothas didintdunuffin.
Haven’t y’all got the memo yet? POCs aren’t always right, but they can never be wrong.
niggers do stupid evil anti-White stuff
because smart evil Jews reward them for it
If he wasn’t running on colored people’s time he could have gotten clean away with it under an Obama Administration. And, if he wasn’t operating with a Jewish accountant’s stingy compensation calculation he would have paid those Nigerians a decent wage just for the risk involved.
A whole lot more than a dollar short and a day late.
Trump never ever ever ever EVER defends the White People that put him in office. Not. Ever.
His most ardent supporters, hardly “Nazis”, are threatened and physically attacked by “Antifa” screamers and thugs and he does nothing but tweet indignation. Apparently that’s enough to keep stringing them along.
It’s interesting that this case is worse than I initially suspected.
When I first heard about it, I was pretty sure it was a hoax. The extreme over the top nature of the accusation and the lack off cooperation of the “victim” pretty much sealed it for me. My initial suspicion was that this guy was out either buying drugs or “cruising” for homosexual sex and got robbed for his troubles. After that he told the “Maga Country” fairy tale in order to cover for his morally bankrupt and/or illegal actions. But it looks as if I were wrong in my initial impression.
It now looks as if this were a pre-planned (albeit poorly thought ought…in keeping with his low IQ status) hate crime hoax on the heels of a similar one he previously attempted. So it was much more sinister in nature than I suspected.
By all rights this clown should be in jail for this. This is especially the case in regards to the faked terrorist attack. That’s a very serious charge indeed. But I doubt he will get more than a slap on the wrist…certainly he’ll do no serious prison time. He has triple victim status (homosexual, negro, and Jew) in the left’s zoo of client groups. So he will not be permitted to pay for his actions.