Protestantism and Work

Did the Protestant work ethic cause the rise of modern capitalism?

Not exactly, but the following video is a good breakdown of the subject. Basically, the Medieval Catholic liturgical calendar was packed full of holidays and other rest days from work. Western Europeans worked significantly fewer hours than they do today. By glorifying labor, condemning idleness and eliminating the Catholic calendar, Protestants in Northern Europe worked more and accumulated more capital, especially the English and Dutch who became involved in long distance trade with Asia.

Note: In case you are wondering, I have been intensely researching the late Reformation/early Enlightenment period of European history as part of an ongoing project of examining the ideological headwaters and spread of liberalism.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Yes five weeks a year to pay off your taxes versus five months has been great for our people.

      The fount of Protestantism is selfishness. Spiritual and material.

      Absolutely disgusting.

      Hunter you better read Libido Dominandi and The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit to complete your studies.

      Thank you.

  1. I don’t know, Vienna is/was an awefully nice place and was Catholic. Maybe it was the presence of Jewish fiat capital to some extent.

  2. Excellent work, I too am very interested in late feudalism and the Enlightenment as well. It’ll be interesting to read your upcoming musings on both of those. I ge the feeling that late feudalism was nowhere near as bad as is commonly believed.

  3. I think Reeves completely misinterprets Aristotle’s “Active and Contemplative”. As an engineer I often think for hours about a something that ultimately takes just a few minutes of soldering or machining. I am either “Contemplative”(most of my time) or “Active” which is the execution of my “Contemplation”. Pretty sure on this.

  4. Reality is somewhat the reverse – NW Europe was entrepreneurial, productive, hard-working, independent-minded, long before Protestantism, part of why it rebelled against Rome – see Hajnal line / HBD studies on Unz. West of Hajnal line (roughly, Trieste to St Petersburg), mediaevals were often not total serfs like in East, but in a ‘bi-partite’ system where they could profit from small plots given to them if they were judged intelligent & avoided cousin marriage. Roots of democracy, civic society, middle class, capitalism, 1000 years ago, long before Luther-Zwingli-Calvin etc.

    Some good things in Protestantism, but it was also a Jewish-led plan late 1400s to derail the sensual, culturally-rich, pro-paganism of the Renaissance, getting the Vatican itself to help publish the previously-banned Talmud. Young Martin Luther got hooked on Jewish-promoted Kabbalah studies, fictions about ‘Hebrew bible’, when actually oldest bible text is Greek septuagint from Alexandria, 3rd cent BCE, it seems totally fabricating the Hebrew links to ancient Egypt which, despite massive records, has no documents of ‘slave Jews’ or their ‘exodus’.

    Luther had a few pagan-simple-germanic ideas, and eventually became quite anti-Jewish, but his bible holy book obsession was talmudic torah-ism, the Jewish plan working well thru him.

    Protestantism re-judaised Western culture against the pagan & stoic revival, with a lot of bad consequences – witch-burnings, obsession with alleged Hebraic ‘Word of God’, lots of legalism, calvinistic puritanism & prohibitions, Christian Zionism, Europeans killing each other over nonsense, etc

    Bible has too much horror – genital mutilation of baby boys at its centre (!), ‘God-ordered’ genocides of non-Jewish races including women & children, torture, barbaric ‘eternal hell’ terrorism, ‘my way the only way’ – ‘God said this!’ falsehood & tyranny. Egypt’s Ashraf Ezzat notes how all 3 Abrahamic religions, created within a few hundred kilometres of each other, are based in the same desert culture of belligerence, extremist fanaticism, and lack of high culture.

    We need spirituality, but the Hebraic Judaised offerings are not the route to ‘paradise’. We need a Western version of the sensual side of ancient India in its best aspects – no animal sacrifice or child-mutilation barbarity, no ‘holy book’ you must follow, and a rich ‘yogic’ tradition of euphoric god-connecting mind focus etc … and respect for the warriors who fight for their people.

    • When the British arrived in India, they were disgusted by the Indian practice of Sati in which widows would burn themselves on the funeral pyres of their dead husbands. Indians also mutilated themselves in far more extreme ways than Westerners.

      The only equivalent of that in the West would be the asceticism of the monastic life, which was itself a product of pagan influences in Late Antiquity, which was abolished in Protestant Northern Europe. Celibate priests, monks and nuns were replaced by married pastors who were encouraged to have large families and become models for their communities. High IQ Europeans who had previously gone into the clergy and monastic orders where they failed to reproduce and chanted prayers to release souls from Purgatory instead increasingly went into business and science in England and the Netherlands.

      If anything, Christianity ameliorated the brutality of the pagan world. The Roman economy was based on slavery which died out in the Medieval West. The Romans massacred the inhabitants of entire cities and razed them to the ground. People were tortured for fun in spectacles for the Roman mob. By the time of the Reformation, serfdom was on the way out in Protestant Europe. It intensified in Eastern Europe because the grain trade across the Baltic fed the emerging market economies of Western Europe.

      The Hajnal Line groups Northwestern Europe with Italy, France and most of Spain. It groups most of Catholic Europe with Protestant Europe. England and the Netherlands were entrepreneurial. Spain and Portugal were famously not. The Spanish disdained accumulating wealth based on trade and Spain declined and became deindustrialized in the 17th century.

      By the “pagan revival,” I suppose you mean the materialistic Renaissance popes with all their bastards and mistresses running around funding their lavish lifestyles and palaces. Before the Reformation, Northern Europe was the epicenter of the indulgence system and the chantries, which is why Protestantism connected with a preexisting grievance of so much much money “flying over the Alps.” The laity didn’t read the Bible. Protestantism encouraged them to do so and one of the biggest side effects of that was an explosion of literacy in Northern Europe. Eliminating the Catholic liturgical calendar and discouraging idleness changed attitudes toward work. The English worked more than the French, Italians and Spanish in the Middle Ages, but this gap dramatically widened in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

      Protestant Northern Europe became more literate, more productive, wealthier and more involved in international trade and science than Catholic Southern Europe. It had not always been that way either. Europe’s economic center of gravity shifted from northern Italy/southern Germany to Northwestern Europe after the Reformation.

      • “The only equivalent of that in the West would be the asceticism of the monastic life, which was itself a product of pagan influences in Late Antiquity, which was abolished in Protestant Northern Europe. Celibate priests, monks and nuns were replaced by married pastors who were encouraged to have large families and become models for their communities.”

        Jesus never married supposedly, so they confused sterility with holyness. Sterility = purity is just another form of White self hatred.

        “High IQ Europeans who had previously gone into the clergy and monastic orders where they failed to reproduce and chanted prayers to release souls from Purgatory instead increasingly went into business and science in England and the Netherlands.”

        Preventing high IQ Whites from having children would remove their intelligence from the gene pool forever, and lower the IQ of the general population.

        Lets not forget USA, Canada, Australia were all White Protestant creations. South America, a brown hell hole from top to bottom, is a Catholic creation. No Catholic country ever founded a White country. Catholic higher ups prefer their charges to be dumb, obedient, and brown.

        • “Preventing high IQ Whites from having children would remove their intelligence from the gene pool forever, and lower the IQ of the general population.”

          Total lack of proof for this statement and it is probably nonsense. Catholic Europe developed high culture and maintained ethnic integrity under the cultural umbrella of (Catholic) Christiandom over 1500 years.

          High intelligence in Europe was not affected detrimentally by the monastic system one iota. Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1452, one hundred years before the Reformation. There are others I could quote.

          Some people make the mistake of noting the acceleration in scientific discovery in the last 500 years with Protestantism. But those discoveries were built on an ancient and medieval foundation.

          Catholic Europe lasted over 1500 years. How long will the Judaised Europe and and America last now?

          • Germanic tradition never fully syncretized into Roman Catholicism, instead maintaining secular aspects of government and authority into the 30 Years War. It was often these secular and non-romanized leaders the (primarily) Jesuits focused on to repress Reformation revolts.

            There just is no solid evidence of this ‘Catholic Europe for 1500 years.’ There was a (belated) gradual assimilation of Roman Catholicism that never took total hold until its partial yoke was finally thrown off by the scandinavians, ultimately, who rallied to save their struggling germanic brothers.

            So the magnificence of ‘Catholic Europe’ never existed.

            As an admitted RC hater, even I’ll acknowledge that neither tradition accounts for the full glory of Europe. Mainland Medieval Europe’s accomplishments were at the end of the day an expression of something new and different, neither Roman Catholic nor Germanic Celtic Indigene aka Protestantism.

            Why do so few around here think outside the boxes built for us by our occupiers?

      • I don’t think this got through, so repost:

        “The only equivalent of that in the West would be the asceticism of the monastic life, which was itself a product of pagan influences in Late Antiquity, which was abolished in Protestant Northern Europe. Celibate priests, monks and nuns were replaced by married pastors who were encouraged to have large families and become models for their communities.”

        Jesus never married supposedly, so they confused sterility with holyness. Sterility = purity is just another form of White self hatred.

        “High IQ Europeans who had previously gone into the clergy and monastic orders where they failed to reproduce and chanted prayers to release souls from Purgatory instead increasingly went into business and science in England and the Netherlands.”

        Preventing high IQ Whites from having children would remove their intelligence from the gene pool forever, and lower the IQ of the general population.

        Lets not forget USA, Canada, Australia were all White Protestant creations. South America, a brown hell hole from top to bottom, is a Catholic creation. No Catholic country ever founded a White country. Catholic higher ups prefer their charges to be dumb, obedient, and brown.

      • @ Brad

        “The only equivalent of that in the West would be the asceticism of the monastic life, which was itself a product of pagan influences in Late Antiquity, which was abolished in Protestant Northern Europe. Celibate priests, monks and nuns were replaced by married pastors who were encouraged to have large families and become models for their communities. High IQ Europeans who had previously gone into the clergy and monastic orders where they failed to reproduce and chanted prayers to release souls from Purgatory instead increasingly went into business and science in England and the Netherlands.”

        How do you connect ‘the asceticism of monastic life’ to ‘pagan influence in Late Antiquity?’ Or ever? Wouldn’t Late Antiquity have been very decadent, dissolute and debauched?

        There seems no direct connection between these phenomena.

        Southerners have this bizarre way of totally ignoring or degrading native mainland european culture while both lionizing and stigmatizing Roman and Greek colonialism.

        Germanics and celts weren’t disgusting brutes like the Indians with their Sati. The Romans and Greeks hated women. We civilized the invading mediterraneans way more than they improved us. I wonder whether the Roman Kingdom period was less decadent sometimes, but by the time of Empire roman influence was certainly only a superficial contribution to civilization.

        History is written by the victors; for awhile Romans and their functionaries were the main recorders of Europe’s. Roman Catholic scribes in Ireland maintained literacy and canon in the Middle Ages but they took the word of their conquerors too seriously.

        One thing you learn in NJ living around jews and italians is just how much both peoples lie. Greasy is a northern expression associated with guineas and mafia for a reason. Jews weren’t ancillary to the Roman Empire; they were equal orchestrators of it.

        Behold Michael Cohen and Trump’s coterie in NYC. These are not the pillars of any decent society. Yet they represent the heart of italian and jewish America.

        How southerners glorify such filth confounds me.

    • No Sir. The only reason we have got this far is because of Catholicism. Since the mid-1500’s we have been progressing by momentum created by Catholic Europe.

      Protestants let the Jews “back in” (William of Orange, Bank of England, fiat currency) and now we are well and truly screwed.

      Your American Protestant Democracy then let them swarm in by their millions. Protestantism is the father of Christian Zionism and now you have Pence #2 in the country carrying on your tradition if war mongering (as per Protestant England).

      Except now, the stakes are much higher. Nuclear war on the horizon. Well done Protestantism and its bastard child Christian Zionism.

      You love the South? Well so do I, from afar, but you just can’t see the wood for the trees.

    • “A lot of blather. The Roman Catholic Church had been a brake on human progress for a 1000 years.”

      Really? Have you seen the cathedrals in Europe a thousand years old, more beautiful than any structure that has been raised in modern times?

      Did you know that the Church invented the first hospitals and they were run by nuns as the first nurses, and endowed by wealthy Catholic benefactors? And that they served the poor more than anyone else free of cost?

      Have you seen Catholic art, especially centred on the images of Christ, that can literally take your breath away, if you have a soul?

      Did you know that the Catholic Vasgo de Gama was the first European to round the southern tip of Africa to open up India, South East Asia, the Pacific and beyond to begin the Age of Exploration?

      Was it not Catholics who chose what books would be compiled in to the Bible 1700 years ago?

      Did you know that it was the Church that stood as our defence time and time again against (((those))) who would destroy us?

      Sir, all we have now is a the secular law to defend us, and that has been neutered.
      Liberalism, the bastard child of Protestantism now reigns supreme, and one day you will see how the whole sorry mess will end

  5. IDIOT! The most industrialized regions are Southern Germany and Northern Italy. Full Catholics.
    You don’t have a clue about the Roman Empire also.
    Just unbelievable naiveté. It’s no wonder Jews rule over these fools so easily.

      • Catholics used to say that hell was a place that was always busy. If Catholics were so lazy, how did they manage to build up Europe to be the cultural centerpiece of the world. Did protestants build all those beautiful cathedrals and castles? And by the way, protestants have always been hand-in-glove with the jews.

  6. Before the Protestant Reformation you have pagan tribalism in north western Europe. Protestantism is definitely the dividing line. Up to that point, as Hunter points out it was Catholic church corcorruption and dogma or if the occasional Monarch that created a more reasonable system (Charlemagne is coming to mind).

  7. Also, the Bruegel painting at the start of Reeves video is deceptive I think. The farmer/peasant is trying to stretch out his back after long hours of harvesting and the women are making porridge from the newly harvested wheat to feed the workers. Complete societal harmony.

  8. No discussion of Protestant work ethic is complete without attention given to the radical communes of the Anabaptists, Hutterites, etc., which sought to abolish private property and forcibly redistribute wealth from the aristocracy and clergy to the ‘elect’ (the Anabaptists themselves of course).

    The apocalyptic and millenarian anabaptists unleashed slaughters on both Catholic and mainline Protestants in their attempt to immanetize the eschaton and establish radical communist theocracies.

    The best example of this is the Munster rebellion, which ended in a two day massacre by the anabaptists of the residents of the city.

    There are numerous other examples of radical Protestant attempts to establish apocalyptic communes that can be drawn from the History of the Anabaptist, Mennonite, Amish and of course the heretics are still at it to this day.

    Some information about the Munster rebellion:

  9. Hunter (and Blue Checkmark Stasi, Krafty Wurker, anyone else?) … if Protestantism is good and Catholicism bad, what is your take on Orthodoxy?
    Also, would you agree or disagree that Protestantism has had a Judaizing (love of money, “chosen-ness”, obsession with the OT and neglect of the NT, etc.) affect on Anglo-American society, or not?

    • @WP

      The traditional Protestant take on Orthodoxy is that they have accepted a bad interpretation of scriptures regarding icons and the veneration of saints. Other than that many Protestant sects would agree on the value of the sacriments, but not the salvation by the sacriments.

      On the Judaizing love of money. I would disagree that Protestantism did this and argue that just plain human nature to sin filled in here. The scriptures say the love of money is the root of all evil. Jews or not, sinners will sin around this point for sure.

  10. It wasn’t Protestantism that led to the success of northern Europeans, it was the northern Europeans who were responsible for that. Protestantism is merely the sober northern European version of superstitious Levantine Catholicism.

    • @Spahn

      “It wasn’t Protestantism that led to success of northern Europeans, it was the northern Europeans who were responsible for that”

      And how can you justify this claim when Europeans all across Europe, of different subsets and tribes, looked very similar and contrast that with the very stark direction shift of northern Europe/southern Europe at the Reformation(north)/Renaissance(South)?

      I direct you to Francis Schaefer “How Shall We then Live?” in book or YouTube format. While I disagree with his views on America he does note the changes in European culture.

      I am not bashing pre-Christian Europeans, they were hardy, courageous, vigilant, and tribal (in a good and bad way). But if you honestly look at them pre-Protestantism, there is nothing exceptional about north Western Europeans. After centuries of strong huegenot, anabaptist, Puritan, and Anglican awakening you have the emergence of first-world civilization that other parts of Europe (with good people of good stock) only could try to replicate.

      • Are we in disagreement on something? I don’t believe so. I admire the achievements and contributions of all European peoples but over the last 500 years the northern Europeans have pulled ahead of their southern counterparts. I think that happened as a consequence of southern European blood becoming partially mixed with Moors, Turks and Arabs, something which eroded the early lead they had on the Germans, Celts and Scandinavians.

        • Interesting it could include the race mixing, however when I consider how well they have hung onto their traditional cultural heritage (better than north Europeans) I have to question that being the reason. Consider east Europeans who held Orthodox views and ended up in similar outcome as southern Europeans.

  11. Hunter, you are right. Protestant did accelerate Capitalism to create the modern industrialized countries of Europe and Amerika, but the cost was high, and came with the seeds of our self-destruction.

    Like a child who has to take a spoonful of jam with the bitter pill we swallowed the lot gleefully.

    But the pill was not medicine, it was poison, and even the jam had its problems. Overwork, exploitation, materialism, environmental degradation, health problems to name a few. We would have still progressed without Protestantism, but more slowly, and we would not have had to sacrifice our own souls in the process.

    The Church tried to warn us about the Jews via the Church fathers. The same people today who would condemn the Inquisition for executing a few heretics, now kill foreigners in the Middle East by the millions, and are the biggest advocates of nucleat Armageddon to hasten the coming of Christ.

    • @Jake

      Great explanation! Protestantism comes with much personal liberty and a lot of work, but if you lose your devotion/faith in God as a people you end up as individualist slaves. John Adams said this government was created for a moral and righteous people and is inadequate for any other!

  12. hey Mr. Wallace and any other, a couple of examples to ponder,,,
    Austria Catholic, Switzerland largely Catholic, Southern Germany Catholic, France Catholic, Northern Italy Catholic, what about that?
    Also interesting is that most of the Nazi elite was Alpine (not Nordic) and with Catholic roots, including Adolf. What that means?
    Protestant Sweden was poorer than even Portugal til the last half of the 19th century, what about that?
    Eastern Europe is underdeveloped until this day, because they are Orthodox?
    But you have Poland for instance that is full Catholic, so Poland should have been wealthy like Catholic Bavaria?
    Southern Italy has pretty much the same economic level comparing with Greece. But one is Catholic other is Orthodox. So?

    Maybe economic development has much more to do with race/ethnicity and historical reasons than about what branch of Christianity you belong to?

    About the Netherlands, and some time later England, that experienced their economic boom coinciding with the arrival of Jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula? What about that?
    Good questions I think.

    • I don’t think so.

      During the Renaissance, the economic and demographic center of gravity of Western Europe was in northern Italy and southern Germany. By the French Revolution, the economic and demographic center of gravity had shifted to northwestern Europe. Spain, Portugal, Italy and southern Germany had become a relative backwater.

      There are many good reasons for this and none of them have anything to do with sub-race:

      – First, England and the Netherlands developed commercial economies based on long distance trade with Asia and the Americas while trade across the Ottoman-controlled eastern Mediterranean became less important.

      – Second, England and France in particular developed lucrative plantation colonies in the Caribbean and North America while the Dutch concentrated on the East Indies. England also took control of India in the 18th century.

      – Third, the Thirty Years’ War devastated Central Europe and northern Italy was plagued by warfare between France and the Habsburgs. The plague was also much more devastating outside of England and the Netherlands in this period.

      – Fourth, England and the Netherlands developed modern agriculture, transportation and communication networks faster than other countries in Western Europe. Both countries also urbanized and developed a middle class faster than elsewhere in Europe.

      – Fifth, England and the Netherlands and Germany increased literacy much faster than elsewhere in Western Europe. They also developed stock exchanges and other features of modernity like newspapers.

      As for the difference between Sweden and Britain and the Netherlands, the answer is simply that Britain and the Netherlands were commercially oriented, trading nations with economies based on Atlantic commerce whereas Sweden was a land power than spent the 18th century losing its Baltic Empire in the Great Northern War with Russia. The Scandinavian countries and Germany eventually caught up with Britain and the Netherlands in their social and economic development.

      • You’re describing situations that have little or nothing to do with “due to the ‘Protestant work ethic’ some nations gave rise to modern capitalism or became more prosperous.”
        That’s exactly the point.
        When I was kid they taught us that the reason why North America countries, US and Canada, are successful and Latin American countries aren’t was precisely because of “protestant work ethic,” wich to me was total nonsense.
        It has to do more with the ethnic differences between the original colonizers of North America and Latin America. Some European ethnicities are good in engineering for example others don’t.
        Germans are superb engineers, and Portuguese or Greeks for instance aren’t for some reason. And engineering capacity became crucial in the economic development of a nation especially after the 18th century. That’s my understanding.

        • @Nemo

          And who were the colonizers?
          Jan Company (South Africa), Hudson Bay Company (America and Canada), Compagnie de la Nouvelle France (Canada), East India trading Company (China, India), the Virginia Company (US), etc. Our Protestant work ethic built this infrastructure.

          Above you mentioned a lot of successful Catholic strongholds, remember that we are predominantly discussing 1500-1790. These Catholic strongholds later adopted values found in northwestern Europe, however, even today they still have never achieved the manufacturing/industrialist status that has existed in England, France, northern Germany, the Netherlands, etc.

          You also mentioned how the NAZIs and Adolf had Catholic roots. This is correct but remember Adolf in Mein Kampf talks about, with a little contempt, the northern German cities producing almost all manufacturing for all of Germany, and that all German products were essentially produced by a few economic centers. He could see the problems with this model BECAUSE he came from a traditionalist/Catholic background. This is why our business oligarchs in America will always sponsor Lawfare against competition and kill small business and the middle class.

          On the Jews being expelled from countries and creating economic boom I will simply say that the temporary and immediate effects of enslavement creates all the ingredients for temporary prosperity. Enslavement of our people created a need to work more for the same money, which produces greater quantity of cheap products coupled with money in workers pockets. But you can see that cheaper and greater quantity of cheap products starts down the inflation road that leads us to our current situation.

  13. “Protestantism is merely the sober northern European version of superstitious Levantine Catholicism.”

    I don’t think so.
    Catholicism is not Levantine. Many people do not understand that European thought from as early as the ancient Greeks, has shaped Catholic Christianity’s theology and ethics, via the the Church fathers and Doctors, to become a purely European religion FOR Europeans.

    All the forms of Protestantism are entirely different religions from Catholicism. In essence, Catholics believe we have a Will and are responsible for our actions.

    Protestants believe God created even our Will, so some will be saved and some NOT. Out of that comes the heresy of Predestination.

  14. Try studying the history being recovered (if it’s still out there) on the internet amidst our circles regarding Christianity’s takeover of Europe. Much of it emanates from renegade women who I guess around here don’t qualify as ‘scholars’ even though their writings incorporate evidence from established sources whose nuances get missed by the mainstream.

    I’ve done this and collated it with other aspects of Medieval Studies. Everything supports the seemingly obvious contention that Roman Catholicism never fully took hold in Germany, and only gradually did so in other areas of northwest Europe (I don’t study the eastern section much).

    I don’t worship official narratives because they’ve always been written by victors and vicars, and because I value life experience equally with book learning.

    My german catholic grandma came from the heartland, of the US and before that, of Germany. She was a devout catholic through and through, but explained to my now elderly mother as a child that a ‘D & C’ would perform the function of what would also be called an abortion during the first trimester. It was a medical practice performed by the catholics as well as protestants in at least Germany (and by the anglos and protestants in Europe and America) since science could swing it.

    My point here is that she was as catholic as it came for the mainland ‘pure’ germanic stock, devout all her life and loyal to her Church. But she was as german as it came too. Her people never forfeited their pragmatism, their scientism or their nativism to the Roman Catholic Church.

    This is just one example of how her ‘Catholicism’ varied in many ways from my grandpa’s Irish/English version. But he, mostly irish catholic, was a brilliant scientist laureled by the very top math and science academies in the US, so what do we make of such a happy lifelong union, which theirs was?

    That these peoples could never be truly divided. And if we batter each other down to such a state of unholy communion we’ll be communist in no time. I’m giving up my virulent anti-RC’ism officially here on OD. I won’t stop telling the truth, which is that the Church isn’t our native religion or polity, and that we as mainland europeans aren’t romans. But an entente with an old ‘friend’ from a snooty Jesuit college, a southeast mediterranean, who’s been gargling Diversity Kool Aid for the last 5-10 years taught me a lesson. She’s counting down the days till red hair disappears, more or less. Tears spring to my eyes. A day battling arrogant low IQ AOC-wannabe’s sealed the deal.

    United we stand, divided we die.


  15. The people today who say rural whites and southerners were lazy and Mexicans work hard are the ideological descendants of the people who said that Catholics are lazy and accounted for the decline of Catholic Europe on that basis.

    Look, the Catholics lost the Wars of Religion. They survived but they lost, and with it they lost any chance to avoid economic domination by the Protestant sea powers to the North. Scandinavia was poor until the 20th Century. Europe as a whole never experienced the widespread distribution of wealth that typified the lat 19th Century American North and West until the post-WWII.

  16. Lying abortion loving rat pretending to have a Catholic ancestor. ADL or SPLC kike, more like it. “Catholicism never fully took hold in Germany.” You are a fucking moron.

  17. I can understand the massacre of St. Bartholomew’s much better, as a desperate, exasperated gasp of a group recognizing their survival was under the gravest imaginable threat from the judaizing Protestant heretics. Because there really is a straight line from Protestantism to Yankee Judea. I mean I don’t blame all American Protestants for our current situation, but there is something about these Planned Parenthood Protestant Bush Clan types that activates the Catholic immune system like nothing else.

  18. Protestantism is, essentially, a “rump Christianity.” This is the reason why the modernist Catholic hierarchy of today laud and praise Luther. Because it’s about dumping inconvenient teachings from Christianity. After all, what is left of Christianity today in the Protestant mega-church that looks like a cross between a convention center and an office building? In reality, nothing is left. “Christianity” becomes just a networking business. It is Christianity with all belief and meaning removed except 21st Century American bourgeois pretense of religiosity.

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