Why bother?
What is the point of the Beta O’Dork candidacy? Is he going to give anyone $1,000 a month like Chairman Yang? Is he going to accomplish anything in this polarized country? No.
This grinning loser couldn’t even beat Ted Cruz. It’s $1,000 a month and Drumpf: Season 2 cancelled, OR, another privileged White guy. Choose wisely, Democrats!
The Real Racists
Note: In Joe Biden’s case, it is another elderly privileged White guy and the Boomer Bowl.
I am running to serve you as the next president. The challenges we face are the greatest in living memory. No one person can meet them on their own. Only this country can do that, and only if we build a movement that includes all of us. Say you're in: https://t.co/EKLdkVET2u pic.twitter.com/lainXyvG2n
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) March 14, 2019
For those of you who miss the donation counter and the mini-Andrew he’s back on the website! https://t.co/2aZgJKTx0h Our new goal is 200,000 donors by the June debates. ????
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYangVFA) March 14, 2019
Loser gen xer pretending to be a POC is gonna get meme’d on bruh lmao pic.twitter.com/XY4GgaZDMA
— Sweetly Dreaming Titus (@mirthismight) March 14, 2019
There is cancer on progressivism with some people that call themselves social justice warriors. #SJW #TriggerWarning w/@NoahCRothman pic.twitter.com/OzmyONI9oW
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) March 13, 2019
This doofus’ real name is Robert O’Rourke. And he’s an IRISHMAN.
The only challenges we face are eroding trust in Law Enforcement and Education. We must have more faith in these pillars of our communities. They are the examples for the next generation of leaders!
The Race Traitor Cuck is the captive house pet of a Judess. He’s also owned my Soros. They don’t give up…..
Yup, I actually looked it up since I double-check everything and you are right, she is a jewess.
Leaving all else aside, just think of the mental difference between someone like James Madison or even Thomas Jefferson and the morons we now have sitting in the White House in control of a nation. Obama,Trump, Dubya, Clinton, the Peanut Farmer, Ronald Reagan. Christ Almighty, how the mighty have fallen!
Carter was a Nukular engineer of some sort on a U-boat. He was a delusional christian but actually somewhat skilled and unusually honest for a politician. On his second day in office, Carter pardoned all the Vietnam War draft evaders. He certainly didn’t do much good but I find it hard to hate him like I do the others you mentioned.
as the old guard crumble (Biden, Pelosi, Warren etc) the banking mafia are trying to replace them with safe looking young soydems like Yang and Beta to keep wypipo sedated – the alt-right should be trying to derail this process.
if Biden puts Beto in as VP,
he wins the ‘lection by carrying Tejas.
Florida (demographic shift) and Penn (Phila. vote harvest)
are already a cinch for the dems,
so that’d kill Drumpf in the EC.
(NB, FBI: “kill”, as in “defeat”)