Trump Vetoes National Emergency Rebuke

Moving on from Yangmentum:

“(CNN)Deeming congressional rejection of his border national emergency “reckless” and “dangerous”, President Donald Trump issued the first veto of his presidency Friday, insisting the situation on the southern frontier amounted to a threat to Americans’ safety.

“Congress has the freedom to pass this resolution and I have the duty to veto it,” Trump said from the Oval Office before officially sending the measure back to Congress without his approval.

It is the first time in his two years in office that Trump has used his presidential veto power to block legislation and comes after a dozen Senate Republicans joined Democrats to rebuke Trump’s use of his national emergency power to bypass Congress and fund construction of a border wall.

Trump said the resolution, which would have reversed the national emergency, “put countless Americans in danger.”

“There haven’t been too many that are bigger emergency than what we have” at our border, he said. …”

I suppose this is a good thing.

It seems like it is playing out like we figured it would. Now, the issue will get mired in the federals courts before eventually the True Conservatives on the Supreme Court declare it an “unconstitutional” assertion of executive authority at the expense of Congress. In the long run, the conservative Congress and Supreme Court will reject the idea of building the border wall.

Of course, I am always happy to be proven wrong. I just don’t believe True Conservatives have it in them to win on any social issue while in power.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hard to really care. Nothing is going to happen. Even if the wall was build legal immigration will still swamp us.

  2. Impossible. Preparation for wall is 2 years. Trump is out in 2 years. Outcome of court case is irrelevant.

  3. Federal courts throw it out, administration appeals to Supreme Court, they side with lower courts. So back to square one and Trump loses in 2020. And America does not live to see its Tricentennial. All roads lead to the Ethno-State or they lead no where but extinction!

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