There are countless comments on Reddit and Twitter by liberals and progressives who don’t understand why the Alt-Right is so fascinated with Andrew Yang:
Alt-right podcasts where they grudgingly give it to Andrew Yang are fascinatingly weird.
— Allen, big rocket man (@BlackSundaysSF) March 17, 2019
Andrew Yang has split libertarians, has split white nationalists, has split the alt right. This is fucking huge. https://t.co/PmQ0dAMwsR
— Kevin Holbrook (@liteofevolution) March 17, 2019
When I said that UBI is the most multi-partisan issue of all time – I wasn't fucking joking. The Green Party and the Alt Right agree on something profound. Let's get Yang in office right fucking now. https://t.co/MaSIOvRWx9
— Kevin Holbrook (@liteofevolution) March 17, 2019
Andrew Yang openly strongly opposes the Alt-Right, yet the anti-Trump contingent of the Alt-Right still supports him. https://t.co/Kr7zMidY3c
— Krishan Patel (@IAmKrishanPatel) March 17, 2019
I'm really confused, is the Yang supporting ironic or have many in the alt-right actually moved to supporting a far-left candidate?
I genuinely don't understand
— turder (@CMURDER26) March 16, 2019
Here is a map of the “Far Right” or “Alt-Right” on the political spectrum:
Do you understand it now?
The “Far Right” isn’t way over there in lolbertarian and conservative land. It is a block of swing voters in the middle of the electorate who don’t fit in easily with either party.
2020 Democrat Party Diversity:
Privileged pic.twitter.com/xhwA6dHyAf— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) March 17, 2019
Does anyone else find it amusing that the Democrats' great hope for 2020 is two old white guys? Creepy Uncle and Mr. Magoo giving away candy out of the back of their windowless van? https://t.co/JjmmuyVoeS
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) March 17, 2019
In case anyone missed it, the two front-runners for the 2020 Democrat Nomination are two OLD WHITE GUYS who have made a living on #WhitePrivilege their entire lives.
I find that hilarious.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) March 17, 2019
Yeah, we’re not with Bill Mitchell.
It’s time to retire conservatism once and for all.
Money doesn’t fix everything. But it helps.
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYangVFA) March 17, 2019
Perhaps math will unite the tribes.
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYangVFA) March 16, 2019
If you think things are going great I may not be your guy. If you think we need significant changes to build an economy that works for people and families I might be just what you are looking for.
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYangVFA) March 17, 2019
— EMPEROR 'KINGFISH' WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) March 16, 2019
— Kegs4Kavanaugh (@JasonFashruhe) March 17, 2019
— EMPEROR 'KINGFISH' WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) March 17, 2019
how related it is to my meme and foundation for why I joined #YANGGANG. not to mention it's chinese roots. so essentially, after i took the blackpill(Yin) the world gave me a whitepill(Yang). beautiful. just an other example of meme-synchronization taking shape in the real world pic.twitter.com/UfCggxe23f
— GVBRIEL de la #YANGGANG (@YangGangGabu) March 17, 2019
This is why the same group of voters can get excited by a 30 foot Mexican border wall or Universal Basic Income. Yang understands this and you don’t. “Journalists” don’t know shit about anything. Do you remember what all the mainstream pundits said in 2016?
I’m looking forward to this match up in the debates!
>>The Green Party and the Alt Right agree on something profound.
The Alt-Right is really not very “Right”. I could call myself a leftist socialist and argue the same points effectively I think.
In that swath of voters above, you have Tucker Carlson fans, White Nationalists, Nazbols, fascists, Neo-Nazis, moderate civic nationalists, ironybros. It’s all an expression of the same thing which is people who lean authoritarian, social conservative, economically populist. Populism is malleable and can put on any number of hats.
In one cycle, it can be Trump selling populist voters on Boomer nostalgia of going back to the 1950s and 1980s by building the wall and bringing all the jobs back. It can just as easily mutate into Yang telling people that we’re going to enslave robots and redistribute wealth from the tech lords to White America. Whereas Trump appealed to identity and nostalgia and our dislike of the political correctness of the SJW left, Yang appeals to the wallet.
Yang also has a better chance of detoxifying our politics and marginalizing the SJW left than Trump ever did. Trump has energized them, but has delivered Charlie Kirk’s agenda.
Heck, apart from some questions about the veracity of global warming (and, if it is true, what can realistically be done about it that doesn’t involve shitcanning our economy and becoming de-facto vassals to those who won’t) I suspect that most nationalists are at least as environmentally-conscious as most liberals. A big part of us not wanting people from shit-hole countries coming to this one is because they fuck up nature there about as badly as they do here.
Have you ever read the Monkey Wrench Gang? Edward Abbey would get a cap busted in his cracker ass if he showed up at any modern DNC event.
Molyneux is a frustrating figure. He understands the profound differences between the races in terms of IQ and such, and explicitly prefers western euro-descended civilizations…yet refuses to come out in support of white racial interests and decries racism any chance he gets. It can’t be due to stupidity so I reckon it’s an issue of cowardice for him.
Beat me to it. He appears to have the eyes of a career liar to me. I unsubbed about two years ago.
He’s smart and honest enough to notice facts that don’t fit into his mental model of the world. But I think he’s far to old and set in his ways to completely change his world view. Remember a few years ago he was a RADICAL anti-hereditarian. He believed EVERYTHING was determined by your environment and your parents choices. It’s amazing how far he’s come.
I for one await the impending hyperinflation that Yang-Gang might produce.
Next stop Natsoc-Gang.
I don’t know the source of those star-charts, but it seems like they just have a bunch of arbitrary red and blue dots, placed conveniently for the message of the chart-maker. And even if they have a think veneer of authority, being based on a “poll”, polls, as we all ought to know, are little more than pliable justifications for some policy decision or other. Poll results can be anything the pollster wants. Consequently, I’m not impressed by them.
Despite the fervor of a handful of soulless, government-schooled neo-darwinists, the “masses” retain strong connections to the mytho-poetic that solidifies their identity. In this case, Trump appealed to the “mytho-poetic” of American conservatives. Yang’s “appeal to the wallet” is, in contrast, a mere gimmick aimed at inspiring the very class of people who don’t vote (in mass) to begin with.
…it’s the left-wing version of Neal Boortz’ “flat tax” ideas. It may fascinate a few marginalists, and incite fervor in a few true-believers, but it doesn’t tug at the heart-strings of the mytho-poetic of any major voting block.
We have to choose between beer-chugging, patriots who are perpetually running through the frontier wilderness with their muskets and coon-skin-caps, fighting off tyrannical red-coats in the name of freedom – or the marijuana-smoking atheists who are trying to move humanity forwards in our evolution to a transhumanist utopia.
Best, instead, to give up the professional-wressling-show of American politics in favor of micro-secessions and poetic evangelism.
I don’t know the source of those star-charts, but it seems like they just have a bunch of arbitrary red and blue dots, placed conveniently for the message of the chart-maker. And even if they have a thin veneer of authority, being based on a “poll”, polls, as we all ought to know, are little more than pliable justifications for some policy decision or other. Poll results can be anything the pollster wants. Consequently, I’m not impressed by them.
Despite the fervor of a handful of soulless, government-schooled neo-darwinists, the “masses” retain strong connections to the mytho-poetic that solidifies their identity. In this case, Trump appealed to the “mytho-poetic” of American conservatives. Yang’s “appeal to the wallet” is, in contrast, a mere gimmick aimed at inspiring the very class of people who don’t vote (in mass) to begin with.
…it’s the left-wing version of Neal Boortz’ “flat tax” ideas. It may fascinate a few marginalists, and incite fervor in a few true-believers, but it doesn’t tug at the heart-strings of the mytho-poetic of any major voting block.
We have to choose between beer-chugging, patriots who are perpetually running through the frontier wilderness with their muskets and coon-skin-caps, fighting off tyrannical red-coats in the name of freedom – or the marijuana-smoking atheists who are trying to move humanity forwards in our evolution to a transhumanist utopia.
Best, instead, to give up the professional-wressling-show of American politics in favor of micro-secessions and poetic evangelism.
Yang actually speaks to the very large percentage of millennials (the majority) who are facing hopeless futures and lifetimes of poverty.
Did God reveal that to you in a dream or do you have some stat-study to support your findings?
Pretty much any study in millennials will show this. Look up any economic data for millennials at all. Low income due to globalization, no chance of upward mobility, marriage rate and home ownership lowest ever, 1.5 trillion dollars of student debt, etc. And gen Z has even worse prospects.
Yang will most likely not win the Democratic nomination. However, even if he could make it to the White House, it will be impossible for him to give everyone the $1,000 per month. Who would be the ones paying for this program? It’s not logistically possible.
As for me, I would only vote for a white candidate. I still want us white folks to be able to control our destiny, and Yang has made it clear that he doesn’t like people like me who are concerned about the destruction of white people of European descent.
Stefania … which white candidate are you going to vote for then? Please identify the living breathing presidential candidate that you think is the next great white hope.
“>>The Green Party and the Alt Right agree on something profound.”
Not a surprise if anyone knows the history of the first Green Party.
It was started by August Haussleiter in Germany specifically to carry on the environmental policies of the 3rd Reich created by Richard Walther Darre.
Haussleiter himself was a very early National Socialist!
In this first Green Party Haussleiter was accompanied by Rudolph Bahro who specifically called for a new Fuhrerpenzip to be headed by a Green Adolf to save the environment.
Overall, we have a much better understanding of the left than they have of us. They don’t understand why we would support Yang because they do not comprehend our worldviews and motivations.
The major issue I find myself asking is, if (((Congress))) was able to block (((Trump))) on building the wall, what is to say (((Congress))) wouldn’t try and block the Yang bucks?
It seems apparent there would be bipartisan cooperation in blocking UBI. Think of all the recruits the Military would lose. With $1,000/month minimum, young people wouldn’t have to rely on Military as their ace in the hole to avoid homelessness.
There seems to be a number of reasons why (((they))) would block UBI, the Military angle just being one aspect.
t. F*c u boomers, gibbee da Yang bucks