We’re not concerned with these people.
There is no point in fighting with them. We’re supporting Yang because he is a centrist who appeals to populists. The Bernie Bros are supporting Sanders because he is a socialist.
There are no Trump-Sanders voters in 2020.
I haven’t seen a single person flip from Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders. As of March 2019, Brad Griffin, Andrew Anglin, Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer, Matt Parrott, Baked Alaska, Nick Fuentes, Mike Enoch and others have flipped from Donald Trump to Andrew Yang. Presumably, the rest of the electorate is significantly less committed to “racism” and “white supremacy.”
If Yang can win 4chan and pull all these voters away from MAGA, then he can play and win over people all over the center of the electorate and shakeup the electoral college. It goes without saying that a 77-year-old Boomer socialist who has been in politics since 1981 is the perfect match up that Blompf wants in 2020. Yang has a clean slate and none of the political correctness baggage.
Most people don’t want a “socialism vs. capitalism” race in 2020. The typical American supports humane capitalism. When young people say they support “socialism,” they are really just griping about the distribution of wealth under free-market capitalism. There is a large contingent of nerds who support actual socialism but most people would settle for a reformed welfare state.
Yang Gang doesn’t want socialism. It wants capitalism that doesn’t start at zero. It wants an end to debt peonage and indentured servitude to banks. It wants a better health care system. It wants investment channeled through individualism. It doesn’t want government making all the choices for us. It doesn’t want to seize the means of production. It doesn’t want to seize anyone’s private property and recreate the Soviet Union or Cuba. That’s antiquated 20th century Marxism.
Chairman Yang has promised to enslave the robots, abolish wage slavery with UBI, bailout the Millennials, redistribute wealth more equitably and lead all the Pepes to Caprica.
Note: I firmly believe that Yang could outright win Florida, North Carolina and Georgia. He would compete all over the South and Midwest with Trump in the same way Trump pulled these MARs voters to win unlikely states like Michigan and Pennsylvania. Imagine Missouri, Arkansas and Kentucky being called for Yang on election night.
That’s impossible. I’m telling you it is a very realistic possibility. I also understood the tectonic shift that was going on in 2016 far better than mainstream pundits which gave Hillary a 95% chance of victory. The people at the extremes of American politics had no clue.
Maybe this is all tongue-in-cheek, but there are some who would take such an announcement seriously.
Personally, I have no doubt that many will find whichever clown in the two parties that tickles your ears will be your new Savior. Ya’ll can’t help yourself. (((They))) have you so tied up and in check that it is a laugh that you even list those people as some sort of gauge we all should use.
Not a single one in your list was able to see the obvious nature of Trump in the beginning. Zero Discernment. ALL OF THEM.
I hope its tongue in cheek, but somehow I know it will happen anyway.
It’s like the first stage of setting up your very own slightly dysfunctional boy band… or rap group… or a good ol’ fashioned gay orgy gang bang.
Seriously, which one of these guys represents the average American who actually works a regular job?
You thought Trump wanted to hang the moon for you, until you found out what he really wanted was to put a noose around your neck and hang you from that moon. Just a slight semantical deviation of the plan, that’s all. Nothing to be worried about. I mean if someone like Anglin is all in for a Yang GangBang, what could possibly go wrong? That guy just exudes success and shrewd character assessment and decision-making skills.
Really, Yang is the only candidate Dems could ever go for thanks to their platform of exterminating Whites. He’s not White like Biden or Pocahontas. He’s able to string two words together unlike Kamala. He doesn’t look White to the Jew-clueless like Bernie does.
As for those people saying they knew about Trump from day one… You do realize we can go back to those articles and read your posts about how Trump was the god emperor and such, don’t you?
I knew that Trump had struck a nerve.
I expected him to fail to live up to expectations in office. I didn’t expect him to fail so utterly while selling out to mainstream conservatism. That was a genuine surprise because it is so contrary to his interest in getting reelected
not at all. Trump has calculated that, for every White MAGA that comes to their senses and stays home, he will more than make up for it via returning neo-conz, ZOGsters, other Jews, cucks, never-Trumpers and the like.
and he may be right.
one thing for sure: wasting time and energy on ANOTHER FAKE POPULIST (Yang) is plain stupid, when you could be doing something useful like
studying bicycle repair,
sharpening your weapons skills, or
learning how to identify edible mushrooms.
It needs to be said loud and often. Yang is an enemy. If you support him, you are supporting anti-White, anti-self defense rights, and pro-third world immigration stances. I’m appalled at the list of otherwise decent pro-Whites that support this clown.
$1,000 a month is today’s 30 pieces of silver.
Is that you have set your price at?
Have fun with Blompf and MIGA.
The lesser of two evils? I don’t think so. The Republican Party does not give a shit about the White race. It is not “pro-White” in any sense of the word. It is pro-Israel. It’s economic policies have hurt the White majority which is now dying out in absolute numbers because of a raging suicide and opioid epidemic. The border is also worse now than it has been in a decade.
I’m pro-gun, but honestly, I am SICK AND TIRED of hearing about your stupid guns. What about health care? What about student loans? What about millions of Millennials being crushed under a mountain of debt? What about an economy that has grown for fifty years while wages have stagnated and all the money has flown to the top and into the pockets of the Koch Brothers?
I’m so done with pretending the GOP cares about my “identity” or “values.” They don’t give a shit about either. It is plain and clear to almost everyone now that they are only stoking and capitalizing on resentment to further their own ends. We know what those ends are too after two years of Donald Trump in office.
You don’t seem to recognize the simple fact that Yang for all of his trump-like bluster and promises of 30 pieces of silver is STILL attached to the Democrat party. Pardon me for not wanting to place a member of the current bat-s–t crazy, cultural Marxist Democrat part in power. I especially do not wish to place one in power when it is highly likely that both houses of congress will likewise be filled by racist, anti-White Dems frothing at the mouth to get revenge on White America for four years of Trump. Do you have any clue how much damage 2-8 years of Democrat control could do to the freedoms and people you say you care about? Do you have any idea, given how seldom things are rolled back when passed at the Federal level, how long lasting such damage could be?
No. No way. I’m not selling my soul to some of the most evil people in the US for $1,000 a month.
>”Have fun with Blompf and MIGA”
Classy. Name calling is what leftist children do. He’s still the president and still a legitimate authority figure. So I at least call the man by his correct name and/or title. And yes, as much as I despised Obama, I never violated that ethic in his case either.
But please, don’t pretend that I support or am defending Trump. He’s failed us. But to throw support behind a known enemy just to spite him…and for 3- pieces of silver…is simply wrong. It’s reckless and foolish as well.
>”The lesser of two evils? I don’t think so”
In the real world that is how it often works.
I wish we had real pro-White candidates to vote for…perhaps one day we will. But until then, voting at the Federal level is damage control. I don’t see how anyone who thinks it through clearly can get the idea that putting the Dems in power is less likely to cause damage than the barely right of center, lukewarm neo-cons that make up today’s Republican party. Yes, it’s an awful option, but the alternative is far, far worse.
>I’m pro-gun, but honestly, I am SICK AND TIRED of hearing about your stupid guns.”
No you’re not.
Self-defense is a human right.
Full stop.
Anything that harms that right is something to be opposed to the end. And why on earth do you think sacrificing gun rights will magically solve those (legitimate) issues you bring up above? (and yes they are all legitimate concerns with the exception of the “Opioid Epidemic”. I could care less about anyone of any race who’s little hobby gets them killed…especially when that hobby requires one to literally commit a felony every time one indulges in it)
>”I’m so done with pretending the GOP cares about my “identity” or “values.” ”
Believe me, I’m not under that false impression. I stopped identifying as a Republican when G.W. Bush pushed for illegal alien amnesty last decade. But I am awake enough to recognize that while the Republicans are purely motivated by a misguided affection for Israel and pure cooperate greed, the only other alternative is pure anti-White evil.
Wallace, you are too smart for this. But hey…What do I know?
$1,000 a month is today’s 30 pieces of silver.
Yeah, I do.
Life was much better when Obama was president. There was even less immigration.
That’s what is being offered, right?
Blompf 2020 is offering more of the MIGA agenda. No thanks.
Let see.
I’m pro-gun … but it is not even in my top 5 list of issues. I ALREADY OWN guns. If you are afraid the Democrats are going to take your guns, wrap yourself in a blanket and keep them under your bed at night. I’m not voting for the GOP because “guns.” I have never voted for the GOP on that basis either. I’m not a conservative Republican voter.
White people are dying out and offing themselves in record numbers and your response to that is, meh, muh guns. It seems warped to me to care more about muh guns than the actual lives of our people.
Yang doesn’t really strike me as “pure anti-White evil.” The Republicans have made it emphatically clear over the past two years that they DO NOT CARE about White people. So, if that is the case, screw ’em.
>”I’m pro-gun … but it is not even in my top 5 list of issues. I ALREADY OWN guns”
do you have any clue how selfish and short sighted that sounds? I already have all the guns I want so the hell with other Whites and to hell with protecting the rights we do have. Do you REALLY think that? If so, then you are categorically NOT a pro-gun rights advocate.
That line of thinking reminds me of the allegedly pro-gun types (I’ve heard them referred to as “fudds”) who say things like “You don’t need an AR-15 to hunt with, and I don’t care for non-sporting guns. So go ahead and ban them”. It’s breathtakingly short sighted.
By the By, I’m not a single issue voter by any means. So please do not try to paint me as such.
>”White people are dying out and offing themselves in record numbers and your response to that is, meh, muh guns. It seems warped to me to care more about muh guns than the actual lives of our people”
I’m not going to apologize for not caring about the lives of felons. I care about those who get hooked on legal pain killers and the like. Those people are unfortunate victims. But those who commit a felony every time they engage in their little hobby are beneath my contempt. Folks like that should not be in our gene pool.
>”Yang doesn’t really strike me as “pure anti-White evil.” ”
Sure. I agree he’s less venomous than most. But how about the rest of his party? He’s still attached to them. He’s still beholden to the party leadership. Do you for a second he’ll go against his party and veto an amnesty, slavery reparations, or other anti-White legislation? Be honest now…
I am deeply disappointed in Trump as well. But I feel that throwing in with the party that actively wants me dead is an awful way to “stick it to Trump”. Or do you just want that mythical $1,000 a month.?
Again, you are much smarter than this, Wallace.
I really can’t tell if you’re serious.
You sound like the result of training predictive-text on 4chan’s \pol\ and smashing enter with your face.
Read ‘The War on Normal People’ and don’t get back to me.
I really can’t tell if you’re serious.
You sound like the result of training predictive-text on 4chan’s \pol\ and smashing enter with your face.
anti-white = not a white nationalist and white supremacist
anti-self defense rights = not a crazy gun nut who wants wild west
pro-third world immigration = not a bigot racist xenophobic scumbag
30 pieces of silver ? Alt-right filth fascists fake Christians HATE everything about Jesus, he was a poor, homeless, non-violent, unemployed, a liberal socialist, non-white and Jewish.
No one in politics is to be trusted. FDR ran as a conservative the first time. LBJ was a Dixiecrat who gave us civil rights. The constitution is dead; and it was an elite push to gain control over the unruly masses set free by the articles of confederation, anyway. The point is, our only hope for living as we want is to neutralize centralized power. Whether we get that through UBI, joining the demonrats, or supporting a recuck that adopts the right policies, I don’t care. People pursuing power tend to be unprincipled, no matter how noble they may seem. Let’s start using them for our own ends. That would make a nice change.
It’s a modern day Diogenes. He believed people were dictated to by rules and taboos and therefore no one was really truthful. As a Cynic, he therefore believed there was no such thing as an honest person.
“Andrew Anglin, Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer, Matt Parrott, Baked Alaska, Nick Fuentes, Mike Enoch”.
A person that condones rape, a homosexual, wife beater, cuck, weirdo, Mexican and a guy that is married to a Jew.
Those are associations I wouldn’t be proud of, Hunter.
I’m just observing that it isn’t only me who sees some potential in Yang. It doesn’t mean, for example, that I agree with the above on everything. You can read through the archive to see our differences.
First thing, Bernie Sanders was born prior to WW2, so he is NOT a Boomer..