Where Is The Center?

For some reason, I can’t stop looking at this map of the 2016 electorate:

That’s because I am here:

My values are social cohesion and economic fairness. This is why I identify as an authoritarian nationalist and a populist and don’t see myself as a True Conservative.

The True Conservatives are the opposite of my values. These are the people who staff all the institutions of Conservatism, Inc. They are libertarians who value social liberty and economic freedom. That’s why people like Rick Wilson are so politically hostile to people like me.

The American electorate is polarized between the other two electoral combinations: progressives who value social liberty and economic fairness and the “conservative base” who are less libertarian oriented and value social cohesion and economic freedom.

The partisan breakdown of the electorate is very interesting: Democrats are concentrated in the Left-Libertarian quadrant, but a minority of Democrats are in the Left-Authoritarian quadrant. Republicans are split between the Right-Authoritarian and Left-Authoritarian quadrants. The Republican establishment is concentrated in the Right-Libertarian quadrant with no one else.

Who is located in the Left-Authoritarian quadrant? I’m there.

The partisan divide runs through the Left-Authoritarian quadrant which is the real center of the American electorate. There are Democrats and Republicans here whose values of social cohesion and economic fairness align, but for some reason are polarized and divided between the two parties.

Is there anyone on the national stage in American politics who can break the polarization and cut a path to the White House through the disaffected middle of the electorate?

What’s going on here? Who are the red dots in the Left-Authoritarian quadrant? Who are the blue dots? What is it that is dividing these voters? Why don’t they agree?

In order to figure it out, we got to think about who are the socially conservative, authoritarian moderates in the Democratic Party, and who are the socially liberal, libertarian extremists in the Democratic Party? The answer is that the Democratic Party is controlled by the Jews who are at one end of the spectrum while the Asians and Muslims are at the other pole.

The Ilhan Omar controversy was highly clarifying.

Just look at Ilhan Omar. While it is true she is constantly bashing White people on Twitter, Ilhan Omar is obviously a social conservative who clashes with Jews. Similarly, there are White Nationalists who are authoritarian social conservatives, but who bash Muslims. The paradox is that socially conservative Christians and Muslims are largely aligned in their values.

If you look at it this way, you can see that what is polarizing and dividing these voters is largely identity politics and the toxic climate of political correctness. Ilhan Omar is a Muslim identitarian. David Duke is a White identitarian. There isn’t much difference between the two. They are both equally identitarian and equally skeptical of Jewish power and influence in Congress. Both Omar and Duke also believe in economic fairness and are in the same quadrant of American politics.

Politically speaking, Asian voters and disaffected White populist and nationalist voters are natural political allies. Hence, the strange rallying of the “far-right” behind Yang.

Note: If you can forget about identity politics for a minute, you would realize our cultural and political views are quite similar. That’s why we admire East Asian countries like Japan which are homogeneous and orderly and more interested in getting rich than political correctness. It is also why we went to bat for Assad and dislike all the neocon warmongering in the Middle East.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Just look at Ilhan Omar. While it is true she is constantly bashing White people on Twitter, Ilhan Omar is obviously a social conservative who clashes with Jews. Similarly, there are White Nationalists who are authoritarian social conservatives, but who bash Muslims. The paradox is that socially conservative Christians and Muslims are largely aligned in their values.”

    Exactly! Ilhan Omar is unironically my favorite person in Congress. How can any true pro-life person hate her while siding with the Christian Zionists who think that Israel is doing God’s work when they carpet bomb Palestinian babies and start another wars all over the Middle East?

    The good news is that the leading funders of Zionism are about to make a disappearing act on us. *Cough* Sheldon Adelson *cough*

    • She hates whites. It’s the only reason Muslims are Democrats along with the homosexuals. The Democratic Party is united by a hatred of whites. Whites who get into this game of, “We should side with the Jews against Muslims!” or “We should side with the Muslims against Jews!” are retarded. Jews are the conniving, anti-white manipulators who prefer to work behind the scenes, while Muslims are just savages, blatantly hostile to Western Civilization.

    • Sure there is.

      The political center is Left-Authoritarian. It is the space between the two poles which are Right-Authoritarian and Left-Libertarian. It is the swing region between the two parties.

      • no, Yang is occupying a vacuum.

        even Mayor Buttfiegal is outpolling him.

        I’m going with Beto who, though

        a complete communist moron with a Jew wife,

        might well flip Tejas and finally finish off the evil Republiscam party.

    • Niko- Puh-leez. There are NO MORE COMMUNISTS. That’s so 1990!

      Loved the MAGA vs. MIGA video – “Then there are boomers, bless their hearts.” the dismissiveness!
      I about died laughing. Southern double entendres are lost sometimes iff’n y’all don’t live here.

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