GOP Messaging On “Socialism” Flops Spectacularly


“ALAMOSA, Colo. (AP) — In this scruffy, high-desert town encircled by prairies and potato farms, Sen. Cory Gardner drew shouts of approval last week for his message that Democrats are shoving the country toward socialism.

“That’s not what government is or what it should be,” he told about 200 Alamosa County Republicans at a barbecue fundraiser in a National Guard armory. “We have to stand up and fight. Are you going to join me in this fight?”

For Gardner and other Republicans making the same pitch , including President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the key question is whether it will attract moderate voters, not just their conservative stalwarts. Based on interviews with over three dozen Coloradans last week from Denver’s suburbs south to this town in the flat San Luis Valley, the argument has yet to take root, though the GOP has 18 months to sell it before Election Day 2020. …”

The GOP is going to save us from “socialism.”

If we have affordable health care, investment in infrastructure and student loan debt relief for Millennials, we will become Venezeula instead of more like all other Western countries.

The Hill:

“A significant majority of Americans would favor a wealth tax on the nation’s 75,000 richest families to pay for a new higher education initiative put forward by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) that would make state and community colleges tuition-free and pay off most existing student loan debts, according to poll released Monday.

In the latest Hill-HarrisX survey, 64 percent of registered voters said that they would support such a plan.

(The poll did not attach Warren’s name to the proposal, and instead summarized its provisions.)

The Massachusetts senator has been making new policy provisions the cornerstone of her campaign to become the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nominee. …”


The only people who oppose this are conservatives. The rest of the country supports tax hikes on multinational corporations and student loan debt relief by an overwhelming margin. The GOP can only forestall this from happening by running on fake “social issues” and then duping their voters into believing every four years that they really gave it their best shot but the Democrats stopped them.

The Hill:

“Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said over the weekend that Congress will not approve the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) unless President Trump lifts tariffs on steel and aluminum, paving the way for the two other countries to nix their retaliatory tariffs. “If these tariffs aren’t lifted, USMCA is dead. There is no appetite in Congress to debate USMCA with these tariffs in place,” Grassley wrote Sunday in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece

Trump, who campaigned heavily on renegotiating trade deals, is pushing for Congress to approve the USMCA, an updated version of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). …”

The moral of the story: the GOP establishment couldn’t accept Blompf’s victory in the 2016 election. Blompf sold out to the GOP donor class in exchange for protection from the Russia conspiracy hoax, shelved the MAGA agenda that got him elected and chose instead to push the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson agenda of tax cuts and Israel’s wish list.

The GOP Congress blocked the MAGA agenda and used Blompf for two years to pass their own wildly unpopular agenda while encouraging him to run in 2020 against “socialism.” Having played with fire, they are now about to reap the whirlwind as the “conservative-populist coalition” crumbles.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If Americans are so pro-free market, why did even the Tea Party want Social Security and Medicare protected? Most people favor safety nets, which is de facto socialism. What most of us want, I would bet, are guaranteed freedoms AND safety nets.

  2. Could this be the GOP’s “Whig moment”?

    They were already facing demographic headwinds with the massive influx of immigrants.
    Boomers are dying off.
    And the young nationalists are totally disillusioned with the GOP.

    #MuhSocialism? Bring it on, old man. Better than whatever crap you’re peddling.

    GOP’s goin’ down:

  3. “A significant majority of Americans would favor a wealth tax on the nation’s 75,000 richest families to pay for a new higher education initiative put forward by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) that would make state and community colleges tuition-free and pay off most existing student loan debts, according to poll released Monday.”

    Yeah, I think Americans have had quite enough indocrination in the Marxist training camps that are mistakenly called “universities”. I would rather see people be allowed to discharge their debt on a terrible investment like a humanities degree, and get a $1000 a month to do with what they wish.

  4. I think it’s about time populists and white nationalists start endorsing the heavy taxing of the 1%. Since they are not our friends – nor benign toward us – we need to treat them like the enemy they are.

    If you think they are paying the tax rate stated on the federal schedule, you’re out of your mind. At this point, even I want to see Trump’s tax returns.

    And, by the way, the Democrats’ goal is communism.

  5. I, like most white Americans, do believe in a safety net. I’ve talked to formerly middle class people who were living in homeless shelters. They lost everything—their homes, savings, household goods—because something unexpected happened, mainly illness or accident.

    I also believe that many working and middle class folks work very hard and are tired of hearing that they just have to work hard and they can have the American dream. No one really knows what the American dream means anymore, but if it means having to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet, who can blame people for wanting a different type of economic system?

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