BREAKING: AOC, Bernie and Alt-Radical Left Introduce Usury Cap

Washington Examiner:

“Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will introduce legislation to create a national cap on interest rates for credit cards.

The Sanders-Ocasio-Cortez legislation would limit credit card annual percentage rates to 15%. Current credit card annual percentage interest rates typically range from the mid-teens to high 20s, depending on a person’s credit score.

“Every major religion on Earth … has condemned usury because it is really disgusting,” said Sanders, a Vermont independent senator who is also a leading candidate in the Democratic presidential primary. “What Alexandria and I are proposing in this legislation is not complicated … Bringing back the concept of usury laws, where banks cannot try to get blood out of a stone.”

Sanders does not sit on a committee with jurisdiction over banking laws, though Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., the Democratic sponsor of the interest rate cap bill in the House of Representatives, sits on the Financial Services Committee.

“What happens when everyday banks start to charge higher and higher interest rates? Essentially your credit card becomes a payday loan,” said Ocasio-Cortez. …”


AOC and Bernie want to put a cap on usury? Why should the bloodsucking credit card merchant be deprived of the fruits of his labor? This contradicts the principles of free-market capitalism.

About Hunter Wallace 12410 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bernie is looking way better than Yang. Of course he’s still a Communist, but he’s saying things that matter.
    1. He said we need immigration control at the border
    2. We need an economy that works for everybody not just the top 10%
    3. College loan scams people

    Now this….hmmm

    • 1. No UBI. He is way behind on automation.
      2. He’s pretty old.
      3. Jew.

      That being said, he is better on immigration and gun rights than Yang.

      • @Nikandros

        UBI doesn’t get back what you’ve lost to the Oligarchs, it affirms their status over you. Bernie wants retribution, if you’re into that sort of thing.

      • How is he “better on immigration”, or gun rights, for that matter? What do you have to go by? He’s a candidate spouting BS to reel in as many supporters as possible.

  2. Yes, I could go for this. The financial world will scream, heh. He’s right though, NONE of the world’s great religions support usery

    • Here’s another shocker I just read. Basically, the article says, “Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa effectively saved the half of Europe from Communist Hegemony, that WASN’T taken over.”

      Another WHOA!

      “Therefore, if any of us is free to write, publish, and read this today, it follows that in some not inconsequential part our gratitude for this must go to Hitler. And if someone wants to arrest me for saying what I have just said, I make no secret of where I live.”

      • Hitler didn’t save shit in the end. The West got Cultural Marxism, which is clearly even worse than economic Communism. The East is now starting to somewhat recover from its economic Communism. The West is in a death spiral.

  3. Oy vey! These Commies and their anti-Semitism! They are almost as bad as Corbyn, Maduro and the rest of the anti-Semites who don’t respect the right of the Rothschilds to fleece the goyim! This is the slippery slope toward red terror squads publically executing Wall Street bankers in what Abe Foxman has described as “an attempt on the life of G-d’s people and therefore, on G-d himself.” Oy gevalt!

  4. I read yangs big synopsis at his election web site about what he thinks the future economy will be like for society when automation takes jobs away from millions of workers in the future.Wow! I don’t think I ever read a more educated, smart, and we’ll thought through political dissertations. Not a word about race, not a word how evil whites are. Not a blame game at all. Just a reconizing this is just how things are going to play out, and we should work to make things less difficult for people. no SJW talk, neocon blather about who’s our enemy. No feminist nonsense, etc, just practical how do we fix this discussion. I’m impressed.

  5. A few years ago if you had good credit, you could get a 5% credit card. Even now if you have good credit, you can get a card for 9%-9 1/2%.

    15% is no big deal.

    My car loan is a 2.34%.

  6. 15% interest is still an outrageous rate. Why can’t we charge banks 15% interest when they hold our money?

  7. Who cares?
    It’s just talk.
    These prostitutes will shamelessly dangle any piece of emotional pornography before the goyim to lubricate their disgusting lizard-like selves into office.
    But as Trump so vividly demonstrates, nothing will change.
    You will never vote your way out of the Sanhedrin.
    We can quit credit cards, quit consumption, be more “green” and tech savvy. But ultimately the jew is the real habit we’ve got to quit.

  8. They should tie credit card rates to saving account interest rates. Say limiting the max. credit card rate to 2% or so above whatever their saving account interest rate is.

    The screaming from Usury Inc. would be endless.

  9. Usury is immoral, end of story.
    Damn boomers can’t give up the free shit economy they were promised though.

    My dad has a 90k/yr state pension with medical, and complains about socialism….

    Realistically no one should ever pay interest on a CC ever, that’s just pissing money away.

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